Let’s find some reasons to become proud of,
1. You have been through tough times, things got derailed yet you managed to come this far.
2. You are a winner.
You have not kept quiet and sat silently. You tried your best.
3. Your circumstances were not favorable.
You had thought that you wouldn’t make it. Still you managed to fight all odds. You did it. Congrats!
4. You have silenced your inner critic.

Not many people are like you. It’s your accomplishment.
5. You dreamt while many didn’t even in spite of hard circumstances. You are a true hero.
6. You are working on improving yourself.
You try very hard to outperform yourself. This is a sign of successful people.
7. You have endured the pain and negative opinions of your friends and family members. It was not easy yet you did it.
Congrats! you are on your way to attain your dreams. You should be proud of yourself!

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