Be strong but how?

Let me share my experience

Are you lacking strength?

Probably there are some reasons

Negative information intake

Lack of vision

Bad childhood

Wrong mindset

Irresponsible parents

Lack of guide

Wrong family members

Let me tell you how I received my courage

Reading good books

Finding right mentors

Seeking a nice counselor

Writing down journal


Reading Bible

Becoming an authentic person

I hope you have gained knowledge from the article.

God bless.

Yours friend

© TV

How I Found Strength in the Most Unexpected Way

Experience the awe-inspiring moment when I discovered strength in an unforeseen way.

This captivating narrative will ignite your own journey of self-discovery and empower you to overcome life’s obstacles.

My journey through adversity was painful and disorienting. I struggled to confront my challenges head-on.

Life has a knack for throwing curveballs when we least expect them. I vividly recall a time when I felt utterly overwhelmed by my problems.

It seemed as if my world was crumbling, and I had no idea how to piece it back together.
The weight of my struggles was crushing, and I often found myself lying awake at night, wondering how I’d make it through another day.

Even in my darkest moments, a tiny spark of hope flickered within me.
Years ago, I had made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t let depression consume me for long.

This decision became my anchor, reminding me that no matter how dire the situation, I had the power to change it.

Initially, I clung to the hope that someone would notice my pain and come to my rescue.
I waited for friends, family, or even a kind stranger to swoop in and make everything better.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but no superhero appeared at my doorstep.
It was a harsh realization, but a crucial one: my well-being was my responsibility.

The world doesn’t stop spinning because we’re having a tough time.
People are often caught up in their own lives and problems. This doesn’t mean they don’t care, but it taught me an invaluable lesson.

The decision to change my situation had to come from within. It wasn’t easy, and there were days when I wanted to give up, but I knew that if I wanted things to improve, I had to take the first step.

Building strength isn’t an overnight process. Each challenge I faced, no matter how small, was an opportunity to grow stronger.
Sometimes, it was as simple as getting out of bed when I felt like the world was ending.

Other times, it meant facing my fears head-on.
Asking for help doesn’t make you weak; it makes you human. I reached out to a therapist, joined support groups, and confided in trusted friends.
These connections became my support system, offering guidance and encouragement when I needed it most.

I learned that strength isn’t a fixed state. There were days when I felt invincible, and others when I felt like I was back at square one.
But each trial I faced and overcame added to my resilience, making me better equipped to handle future challenges.

Life has a way of testing us. Just when I thought I had conquered one obstacle, another would appear.
It was frustrating at first, but I began to see these challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks.

Personal growth isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Every day presents new chances to learn, adapt, and become a better version of ourselves.
Embracing this mindset helped me see challenges as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.

Looking back, I can see how much I’ve grown. The person I am today is more resilient, more compassionate, and more capable than I ever thought possible.
The trials I faced, though painful at the time, shaped me into someone I’m proud to be.

For a long time, I believed that external factors like education or financial success would make me strong.
While these things can provide security, true strength comes from within. It’s about how we face our challenges and learn from our experiences.

There’s no shortcut to becoming stronger. It’s through facing our fears, overcoming obstacles, and learning from our mistakes that we truly grow.
The path isn’t always easy, but it’s the journey that makes us who we are.

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” – Unknown

© Tv24

What Education Experts Won’t Tell You About Child Development

Discover what the specialists aren’t telling you about child development, through a deep dive into innovative, powerful insights that can transform your perspective about parenting.


Sometimes, despite longing for genuine relationships and connections, we find ourselves in seclusion, not out of dislike for others but perhaps due to the nuances of our own personalities.

Surprisingly, many of these traits take root in our early childhood but are rarely addressed in educational settings, which predominantly focus on academic and athletic achievements.

So, why don’t we teach children about personalities? Let’s explore this often overlooked but crucial aspect of our education system.

Understanding Personalities from Childhood

Personal Struggles with Personality Awareness

Right from childhood, we often categorize our experiences as ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal,’ which heavily influences our self-esteem and social interactions.

Take, for instance, my own journey.

At the tender age of seven, I found solace in writing—a passion that even led to my story being published in a newspaper.

However, despite this early success, I often felt isolated at school, misunderstood and alone even in crowded rooms.

The Quest for Answers in Books

As I grew, the struggle did not ease. My academic life was average, and socially, I was on the backfoot, having very few friends.

This isolation became a painful norm, and no amount of books or stories could teach me how to navigate the complexities of my temperament.

It became increasingly clear that despite a wealth of information, there was a distinct lack of guidance on understanding and accepting diverse personality types.

The Silence in Our Education System

Throughout my schooling, not once was the topic of personality differences formally introduced or discussed.

This silence in the curriculum on such a vital aspect of human interaction left me and many others considering ourselves as outliers, thus exacerbating feelings of loneliness and despair.

The Impact of Awareness about Personalities

Realization in Adulthood

It was not until adulthood that I realized being different in social preferences or interactions wasn’t an abnormality.

This epiphany was liberating yet tinged with regret—a regret stemming from the wish that I had understood these nuances much earlier in life.

Influence on Social Skills and Relationships

Had there been formal education about different types of personalities, perhaps the fear of social gatherings and the resulting anxiety could have been mitigated.

Understanding that the spectrum of normalcy is broad and inclusive could potentially have spared me and countless others from years of self-doubt and unwarranted self-criticism.

Why Teaching About Personalities in Schools is Crucial

Educational institutions are the best platforms to introduce concepts of personality differences, as they are places where children first learn to socialize and form their understanding of ‘self’ and ‘others.’

Schools have the unique opportunity to cultivate an environment of acceptance and understanding from an early age.

Benefits of Teaching Personalities

Fostering Empathy:

By understanding that each individual reacts and interacts differently, children can cultivate empathy, seeing their peers through a lens of understanding rather than judgment.

Reducing Bullying:

Awareness and acceptance of different personalities can help reduce instances of bullying, as students learn that being different is not only normal but valuable.

Enhanced Self-esteem:

When children recognize that their unique traits are normal and appreciated, it fostere a healthy self-image.

Implementation Strategies

Introducing modules on personality types, integrating interactive sessions where children can explore different personalities, and encouraging discussions around feelings and behaviors can greatly enhance this learning.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Just as we diversify education with various subjects to broaden knowledge, so too should we broaden our understanding of human personalities to enrich our interactions and personal growth.

It’s high time schools worldwide adopt personality education into their curricula to nurture more rounded, empathetic, and socially adept individuals.

Let’s not wait any longer to make this crucial change in our educational approach.

© Tv24

Miracle Method Guarantees to Unfuck Your Life in 24 Hours!

Miracle Method Guarantees to Unfuck Your Life in 24 Hours!

Discover the revolutionary Miracle Method that promises to turn your life around in just 24 hours.

Learn how to overcome obstacles, boost confidence, and achieve your goals with this proven technique.

Don’t wait – start unfucking your life today!
Ultimate Teacher
Life is truly a remarkable journey filled with lessons at every turn.

As we navigate through our days, we encounter countless experiences that shape us and help us grow.

These experiences are unique and personal, making them incredibly valuable teachers.

Learning from Our Experiences

Every situation we face, whether good or bad, offers us a chance to learn something new.

Think about a time when you made a mistake – it probably taught you what not to do in the future.

Or remember a moment of success – it likely showed you what works well.

These real-life lessons stick with us far longer than anything we might read in a book or hear from someone else.

The Role of Religion in Life’s Journey

As we go through life, many of us come across religion.

It often presents itself as a guide, offering answers and solutions to life’s big questions and problems.

Religion’s Approach to Teaching and Fixing
Religious institutions and leaders often focus on teaching people how to live, correcting what they see as wrong behaviors, and trying to fix what they believe is broken in society or individuals.

This approach can be comforting for some, as it provides a clear set of rules and expectations.

The Reality for Those Struggling

“But for the lonely, broken and sad, religion is just another utopia.”
For people who are going through tough times – feeling alone, hurt, or sad – religion might seem like a perfect solution at first.

It promises a sense of community, healing, and hope. However, the reality can be quite different.

The Illusion of Safety

While religion often gives a feeling of safety and security, it’s important to remember that this feeling isn’t always based on reality.

Just like any human institution, religious organizations have their flaws and limitations.

The Dark Side of Religious People

Resistance to Correction
It’s a sad truth that some of the most religious people can also be the most difficult to deal with.

They often believe that their understanding of God or their faith gives them special authority.

This can make them resistant to accepting advice or correction from others, even when it’s well-intentioned.

Self-Appointed Responsibility

Many religious individuals feel that God has given them the job of guiding or correcting others.

While this might come from a good place, it can lead to pushy or judgmental behavior.

Disconnect from Real Needs
“They act as if but in reality they are of no use in one’s needs.”

Despite their claims or intentions, religious people or institutions might not always be helpful when you’re in real trouble.

They might offer prayers or spiritual advice when what you really need is practical help or professional support.

A Word of Caution

Be careful about how much you trust religious individuals or institutions. While many are genuinely kind and helpful, others might not have your best interests at heart.

It’s always good to keep a healthy level of caution and to trust your own judgment.

The Key to Moving Forward
Standing on Your Own Feet
The most important thing to remember is that you need to learn to rely on yourself.

This doesn’t mean you should never ask for help, but rather that you should develop the strength and skills to face life’s challenges head-on.

Facing Life Yourself

Learning to deal with life’s ups and downs on your own is crucial.

It’s okay to seek support and guidance from others, but ultimately, you’re the one who has to live your life.

Developing resilience and problem-solving skills will serve you well throughout your journey.

“Remember: Unless you learn to face life yourself, you will die.”

This might sound harsh, but it’s a reminder of how important it is to develop your own strength and independence.

Life is full of challenges, and while support from others is valuable, your own inner strength is what will carry you through the toughest times.

Have you been belittling yourself?

Find out is it useful to belittling yourself.

It’s normal to question ourselves sometimes.

It’s bad to constantly belittling yourself.

Instead make a resolution that you won’t repeat that action again.

Note down what went well and what went wrong.

You can’t succeed unless you encourage yourself. Find your purpose and be strong.

Being strong is very important. Get to know your weaknesses but never put down yourself.

Fight for your dreams.

Breaking Free: A Jaw-dropping Tale of Abuse and Triumph

Discover the hidden truths behind my harrowing experience with an abusive woman. Learn valuable lessons that can help you recognize, overcome, and heal from toxic relationships. This raw, honest account will empower you to break free from abuse.

Verbal Mistreatment: A Silent Form of Harm

Unkindness has no place in our lives, particularly in close relationships. While physical violence is often the first thing that comes to mind when we think of abuse, harsh words can be equally damaging. Verbal mistreatment is a genuine form of harm that can cause lasting emotional wounds.

The Overlooked Problem: Women Mistreating Men

Many partnerships are struggling due to verbal mistreatment from women towards men
This issue is frequently ignored or not taken seriously
It’s important to address the plight of men in relationships who face mistreatment.

Trust and Affection: The Core of Relationships

Healthy bonds are built on trust and affection. When either partner uses hurtful language or threats, it erodes this foundation. It’s crucial to remember that mistreatment, regardless of who’s responsible, is never acceptable.

Shared Responsibility in Partnerships
Both men and women must treat their partners respectfully
Women cannot use their gender to excuse harmful behaviour
Maintaining a relationship with a hurtful partner is difficult, regardless of their gender
The Me Too Movement: A One-Sided View?
The Me Too movement has done much good by highlighting sexual harassment and abuse. However, it appears to focus mainly on men mistreating women. This leaves out an important aspect of the conversation:
Why does the movement not address women mistreating men?
This oversight could be seen as a limitation of the movement
A more balanced approach could foster healthier relationships for all
The Effect on Children and Families
When mistreatment exists in a relationship, it affects more than just the couple. Children growing up in these environments may experience:
Lack of peace
This negative impact on children is a compelling reason to address all forms of mistreatment in relationships.
A Personal Account of Feeling Trapped
“I always dreamed of a perfect relationship and family. But now I am heartbroken as she doesn’t love me at all. She mistreats me.”
This quote reflects the pain of someone stuck in a harmful relationship. It’s a reminder that mistreatment can happen to anyone, regardless of gender.
The Difficulties of Seeking Help
Family members may not always be supportive
Society often doesn’t take mistreatment against men seriously
This lack of support can leave men feeling isolated and helpless
Emotional Manipulation and Threats
Harmful partners may use emotional manipulation or threats to maintain control. This can include threats of legal action, which can be particularly frightening. It’s important to remember that these tactics are not acceptable and violate human rights.
The Need for a Balanced Approach
To truly address the issue of mistreatment in relationships, we need:
Recognition that harm can come from any gender
Support systems that help all victims of mistreatment
A society that takes all forms of harm seriously
Moving Ahead
Creating healthy relationships requires effort from everyone. It’s about mutual respect, open communication, and treating each other with kindness. By addressing all forms of mistreatment, we can work towards creating happier, healthier families and a more balanced society.

13 Jaw-Dropping Facts About Men and Romance – #10 Will Change Everything!

Prepare to be amazed by 13 little-known facts about men and romance. Delve into the male psyche and discover surprising truths that will revolutionize your approach to love. Fact #10 is absolutely life-changing!

Critical Attitude to the Extreme Level
Hey there! Let’s chat about something that can really put a damper on relationships. We’ve all been there – when criticism goes from constructive to constant. It’s like a dripping tap that just won’t stop, you know?
When we’re always pointing out what’s wrong, it can make our partner feel like they can’t do anything right. This constant criticism can chip away at their self-esteem and the love they have for us. Remember, nobody’s perfect, and that includes us!
Ignoring the Good Things, Including Efforts
It’s easy to focus on what’s not working, but what about all the good stuff? When we overlook the positive things our partner does, especially when they’re really trying, it’s like we’re telling them their efforts don’t matter.
Think about it – if you worked hard on something and nobody noticed, how would you feel? The same goes for relationships. Noticing and appreciating the little things can go a long way in keeping the love alive.
Not Appreciating Overall Faithfulness
Loyalty is a big deal, right? When we take our partner’s faithfulness for granted, we’re missing out on appreciating one of the most important aspects of a relationship. It’s not just about avoiding cheating – it’s about being there through thick and thin.
Showing gratitude for your partner’s commitment can really strengthen your bond. It’s like watering a plant – the more you nurture it, the more it grows.
Comparison with Other Men, Especially on a Regular Basis
Oh boy, this is a tricky one. Constantly comparing your partner to other men is like telling them they’re not good enough. It can really hurt their feelings and damage their self-esteem.
Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Instead of looking at what others have, try focusing on what makes your partner special. Trust me, it’ll make both of you happier in the long run.
Being a Loudspeaker
We all have moments when we want to shout from the rooftops, but when it comes to relationship issues, it’s best to keep things between you two. Sharing private matters with others or airing your dirty laundry in public can really damage the trust in your relationship.
Remember, your partner trusts you with their vulnerabilities. Respecting that trust is crucial for maintaining a loving relationship.
Not Accepting Forgiveness
We all make mistakes, right? But when your partner is trying to forgive and move on, not accepting that forgiveness can keep you both stuck in the past. It’s like refusing to let a wound heal.
Accepting forgiveness isn’t always easy, especially if we feel really guilty. But it’s an important step in moving forward and rebuilding trust and love in your relationship.
Crossing the Limit of Bad Beautiful: Becoming a Spy Agent
Trust is the foundation of any good relationship. When we start snooping around, checking phones, or following our partner, we’re crossing a line. It’s like we’re saying, “I don’t trust you,” even if that’s not what we mean.
If you’re feeling insecure, it’s better to talk it out with your partner. Open communication beats playing detective any day!
Foul Language
Words have power, and using harsh or disrespectful language can really hurt. It’s not just about swear words – it’s about how we speak to each other in general.
When we use kind and respectful words, even during disagreements, it shows that we value and respect our partner. This helps keep the love strong, even when times get tough.
Unforgiving Behavior
Holding grudges is like carrying around a heavy backpack all the time – it weighs you down and makes everything harder. When we can’t forgive, it creates a wall between us and our partner.
Learning to forgive doesn’t mean forgetting or saying that what happened was okay. It’s about choosing to let go of anger and hurt for the sake of your relationship and your own peace of mind.
Attacking the Personality
Last but not least, attacking your partner’s personality is a big no-no. We all have quirks and flaws, but when we start targeting who our partner is at their core, it can cause deep and lasting hurt.
Instead of trying to change who they are, try to appreciate their unique qualities. After all, those are probably some of the things that made you fall in love with them in the first place!
Remember, love is about acceptance, understanding, and growth. By avoiding these pitfalls, we can nurture our relationships and keep the love strong.

You Won’t Believe What I Told My Terrified Self!

You Won’t Believe What I Told My Terrified Self!
Embark on a journey of self-transformation as I reveal the shocking truths I told my scared self.

Learn how to harness your inner strength and conquer fear. Get ready to embrace a braver, bolder you!


Hi there, younger me. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I hope you’re doing okay.

I’ve been thinking about you lately, and I wanted to check in.
How are you?
I know things might be tough right now. Life can be a rollercoaster sometimes, with its ups and downs.

But remember, you’re stronger than you think.
I saw you crying.
Oh, sweetheart. I noticed those tears. It breaks my heart to see you so upset. Let it out, though.

Crying isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that you’re human and that you feel deeply.
What happened, my darling?

Do you want to talk about it? Whatever it is, I’m here to listen. Sometimes, just speaking about our problems can make them feel a little lighter.

Are you afraid?
It’s okay to be scared. Fear is a natural part of life. But don’t let it paralyze you. Use it as a motivation to grow and become stronger.
Who told you that you’re not qualified?

Listen, I need you to know something important. You are more than qualified. You have unique talents and abilities that make you special.

Never believe any human
People will always have opinions, but they don’t define you. Your worth isn’t determined by what others think of you. It comes from within.

You are a star but star dust
You’re made of the same stuff as stars.

That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? You have unlimited potential within you. Don’t forget that.

You must not accept any excuse
Don’t let excuses hold you back. You’re capable of so much more than you realize. Push yourself, challenge yourself, and watch yourself grow.

Never give your life to someone who will kill it ultimately
Be careful with your heart and your dreams. Don’t let anyone dim your light or crush your spirit. You deserve people who lift you up, not bring you down.

They are the ones who suck out blood out of you
Some people can drain your energy and enthusiasm. It’s okay to distance yourself from those who don’t support your growth and happiness.

Keep going

No matter how tough things get, keep moving forward. Every step, no matter how small, is progress. You’ve got this!
Keep the fire burning
That passion inside you? Don’t let it die out. Feed it, nurture it. It’s what makes you uniquely you.
I love you
Remember, you are loved. I love you, and there are so many others who do too. You’re worthy of love and respect, especially from yourself.
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

The Jaw-Dropping Truth About Success That Will Leave You Stunned

Unlock the secrets of extraordinary success with our jaw-dropping insights. Learn why conventional wisdom falls short and discover the surprising factors that truly drive achievement. Prepare for a transformative journey!

Nurturing Life’s Potential
Have you considered how to create a truly satisfying life? This question has often crossed my mind, and I’m eager to share my thoughts with you.

Shall we examine this concept together?

The Power of Perspective
Our outlook shapes our experiences and actions.
I’ve realized that our thoughts play a crucial role in our achievements.
Let’s explore this idea further.
What’s your current perspective? Is it focused on yourself or considerate of others?
I once thought success was solely about personal gain. I was incorrect.
When I began prioritizing others’ needs, remarkable changes occurred.
It’s quite fascinating – generosity often leads to unexpected rewards.
A pessimistic attitude rarely yields favorable outcomes.
This statement holds true. I remember being caught in a cycle of pessimism where progress seemed impossible.
However, when I changed my viewpoint, new possibilities emerged.
Redirect your attention from your limitations to your exceptional abilities.
Everyone has areas for improvement, and that’s perfectly acceptable.
Instead of fixating on these aspects, why not concentrate on your strengths?
You likely possess untapped talents. Let’s appreciate those!

The Importance of Dedication
We often abandon our goals prematurely when we deem them unattainable. I’ve experienced this, and perhaps you have too.
Here’s an insight: valuable achievements require effort. Persist, even when faced with difficulties. You might achieve more than you expect!

Recognizing Personal Biases
We all have preconceptions, whether we’re aware of them or not. Acknowledging my own biases has contributed to my personal growth.
While it can be uncomfortable, it’s incredibly valuable. What preconceptions might be hindering your progress?

Embracing Setbacks
Encountering failures is inevitable. Although this may sound discouraging, consider this perspective: each setback has provided me with valuable lessons.
It’s as though every mistake paves the way for future success. So, don’t shy away from failures – they indicate progress!

Final Thoughts
Keep in mind that success isn’t a linear path. It’s a journey filled with various experiences.
However, with the right mindset, dedication, and willingness to learn from mistakes, you can cultivate a life that flourishes in unexpected ways.
What will be your initial step?

The 7 Most Overlooked Blessings in Your Life – #2 Is a Game-Changer!

Uncover the 7 most overlooked blessings in your life and prepare to be amazed! Our expert guide reveals these hidden gems, with #2 guaranteed to be a game-changer. Don’t miss out on the joy and gratitude waiting to transform your perspective!

Your Health is a Gift from God to You. Did You Thank Today?
Our health is something we often take for granted until it’s compromised. Each day we wake up feeling good is a blessing. Remember the last time you had a cold or felt under the weather? It’s in those moments we truly appreciate being healthy.
Take a moment right now to feel your heartbeat, take a deep breath, and wiggle your toes. Isn’t it amazing how our bodies work? Whether you’re religious or not, good health is indeed a precious gift. Why not start each day with a simple “thank you” for your health?
Your Talents
We all have unique abilities that make us special. Maybe you’re great at cooking, have a knack for numbers, or can make people laugh effortlessly. These talents, big or small, add color to our lives and the lives of those around us.
I remember when I first realized I had a talent for writing. It wasn’t anything grand – just a compliment from my high school teacher. But it made me feel special and gave me confidence. What talents do you have that you might be overlooking?
Your Parents
Our parents, whether biological or adoptive, play a crucial role in shaping who we are. They’ve been there from the beginning, guiding us, supporting us, and loving us unconditionally.
Think about all the sacrifices your parents have made for you. The sleepless nights when you were a baby, the worrying when you were sick, the pride they felt at your achievements. Even if your relationship isn’t perfect (whose is?), there’s always something to be thankful for.
Your Siblings
Brothers and sisters can be our first friends, our biggest rivals, and our lifelong companions. They share our childhood memories and understand our family dynamics like no one else can.
I used to fight with my sister all the time when we were kids. Now, she’s one of my best friends and biggest supporters. If you have siblings, take a moment to appreciate the unique bond you share.
Your House
Having a place to call home is a blessing many of us might not think about often enough. Your house is more than just walls and a roof – it’s a sanctuary where you can relax, be yourself, and make memories.
Remember the excitement of moving into your first home or apartment? That feeling of independence and possibility? Even if your current living situation isn’t perfect, there’s likely something about it to be grateful for – maybe it’s the cozy corner where you read, or the kitchen where you cook your favorite meals.
Your Car
If you own a car, you have a level of freedom and convenience that many people around the world don’t have. Your car takes you to work, helps you run errands, and enables you to visit friends and family.
Think about all the road trips you’ve taken, the sing-alongs you’ve had while stuck in traffic, or even just the convenience of not having to walk in the rain. Your car might sometimes be a source of stress (like when it needs repairs), but overall, it’s a valuable asset to be thankful for.
Your Job
In today’s uncertain economic times, having a job is something to be truly grateful for. Your job not only provides financial stability but also gives you a sense of purpose and achievement.
Even if you’re not in your dream job right now, there are likely aspects of it to appreciate. Maybe it’s the friends you’ve made at work, the skills you’re learning, or simply the fact that it allows you to support yourself and your loved ones.
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous
Remember, being thankful isn’t about having everything perfect in your life. It’s about recognizing and appreciating the good things we do have, no matter how small they might seem. Why not take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for? You might be surprised at how it changes your outlook on life!

The Loneliness Cure That’s Too Good to Be True (But It Is)!

Tired of feeling alone? Our game-changing loneliness cure offers a fresh perspective on building relationships. Learn how this powerful technique is transforming lives and bringing joy to thousands. Your new life awaits!

My Experience with Loneliness

Loneliness has been a constant companion in my life for the past two decades. It’s not just a fleeting emotion; it’s a dangerous state of being that can consume your entire existence.

I’ve learned the hard way that loneliness is far more than just a feeling – it’s a serious issue that shouldn’t be brushed aside or considered normal.

The Hidden Danger

> Loneliness is at the center of humanity’s enemies, quietly destroying lives from the inside out.

When you’re truly lonely, you’re almost at the point of giving up. The desperation can drive you to do things you never thought you would. It’s like a disease that eats away at your soul, pushing you closer to the edge with each passing day.

The Silent Killer

Loneliness doesn’t discriminate. I’ve seen educated, qualified individuals lose their battle against it. It’s a leading cause of suicide, silently claiming lives while the world remains unaware.

My Personal Struggle

The Depths of Despair

There were times when I questioned my own normalcy. Dark thoughts crept in, whispering that maybe I didn’t deserve to live. Depression set in, and the worst part was that my family couldn’t understand what I was going through.

Family Misunderstandings

My family, though well-meaning, often did things that hurt me more than helped. I felt like a victim, misunderstood and alone in my struggles.

Lost and Friendless

I found myself adrift, with no friends to turn to. The isolation was overwhelming, and I couldn’t see a way out.

The Path to Recovery

Seeking Knowledge

In my darkest hours, I turned to books. I delved into psychology and philosophy, searching for answers and understanding.

Overcoming Obstacles

Slowly but surely, I began to overcome the obstacles in my path. It wasn’t easy, but each small victory gave me the strength to keep going.

The Power of Unconditional Support

> Do you know something important about saving someone from suicide? It’s your unconditional encouragement and surplus love in action.

I owe my survival to my mother and brother. Their unwavering support and unconditional love were my lifelines. They stood by me when I couldn’t stand on my own, and for that, I will be forever grateful.

A Message of Hope

It’s Okay to Be Lonely

If you’re feeling lonely right now, know that it’s okay. You’re not alone in feeling this way, and it doesn’t make you weak or broken.

Changing Perspective

Never see yourself as a victim. Instead, view your loneliness as a challenge to overcome. Face it head-on, with courage and determination.

Reaching Out

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or professional, there are people who want to support you.

This Too Shall Pass

Remember, loneliness is not a permanent state. It will pass, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

A Final Word

To anyone out there feeling lonely: You are seen, you are heard, and you matter.

Your story isn’t over yet. Keep fighting, keep reaching out, and keep believing that better days are ahead. Together, we can overcome loneliness and build a more connected world.

Unlock the Ultimate Survival Guide to Life’s Battles – I Did and It’s Insane!

Unlock the Ultimate Survival Guide to Life’s Battles – I Did and It’s Insane!
Struggling with life’s challenges? Unlock the ultimate survival guide that changed everything for me. Discover powerful techniques, insider tips, and life-changing strategies. Your path to success starts here!

Life is full of challenges, and sometimes it feels like we’re constantly falling down. I’ve been there, trying to achieve things that seem impossible. It’s tough, but I’ve learned that giving up isn’t the answer.

Many Times I Fall Down as I Attempt the Seemingly Impossible

I’ve faced my fair share of obstacles. Whether it’s learning a new skill, starting a business, or even just trying to improve myself, there are moments when I stumble and fall. It’s frustrating, but I’ve come to realize that these falls are part of the journey.

My Own Thoughts Are My Greatest Critic

> “The mind is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us.”

Often, the harshest words come from within. I catch myself thinking, “You’re not good enough” or “You’ll never make it.” These thoughts can be paralyzing.

I Just Can’t Move

There are days when the weight of my doubts feels too heavy. I feel stuck, unable to take even a small step forward. It’s like my feet are glued to the ground, and my mind is clouded with uncertainty.

My Own Past Failures Make Me Doubtful

Past mistakes and failures have a way of haunting us. I remember times when I’ve tried and failed, and those memories make me hesitant to try again. It’s easy to let these experiences hold me back.

Yet with the Help of God I Again Fight My Own Demons

Despite the challenges, I find strength in my faith. It reminds me that I’m not alone in this struggle. With this support, I gather the courage to face my fears and doubts once more.

It’s So Hard But Then I Fight Again and Again

Pushing through isn’t easy. There are days when I want to throw in the towel. But something inside me keeps pushing, urging me to try one more time. It’s exhausting, but also rewarding.

Life Is Really Very Hard

Let’s be honest – life isn’t a walk in the park. We all face difficulties, setbacks, and moments of despair. It’s important to acknowledge this truth while not letting it defeat us.

Our Past Failures Very Often Stand in Our Way

It’s natural to let past failures influence our present actions. I’ve found myself hesitating, remembering times when things didn’t work out. But I’m learning that past failures don’t define future success.

We Must Not Affirm What Our Failures Scream

Our failures often tell us we’re not capable or worthy. It’s crucial to recognize these negative messages and actively choose not to believe them.

We Must Affirm a New Set of Beliefs

Instead of listening to the voice of failure, I’m working on creating new, positive affirmations. Things like “I am capable of growth” and “My efforts matter” help reshape my mindset.

No One Can Do It for You

While support from others is valuable, the real change has to come from within. I’ve realized that I’m the one who needs to take that first step, make that decision, or try again.

If You Are Afraid, Then Do It Afraid

Fear doesn’t have to stop us. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be scared and still move forward. Sometimes, the bravest thing we can do is to act despite our fears.

You Will Run and Achieve Again

With persistence, success becomes possible. I remind myself that setbacks are temporary, and with continued effort, I can reach my goals.

We Must Rise Up Even a Hundred Times

Resilience is key. It’s not about how many times we fall, but how many times we get back up. I’ve fallen countless times, but each time I rise, I grow stronger.

This Is the Secret of My Existence

My ability to keep going, despite the challenges, has become the core of who I am. It’s not always easy, but it’s what defines me.

If I Had Given Up I Would Have Died

* Not physically, but spiritually and emotionally
* Giving up would have meant losing a part of myself
* The act of continuing gives life to my dreams and aspirations

In the end, fighting on isn’t just about achieving goals. It’s about staying true to myself and my potential. It’s hard, it’s scary, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. So I keep fighting, day after day, because that’s what makes life worth living.

I Was Ready to Give Up, Then This One Thing Changed Everything!

When all hope seemed lost, one revelation changed everything. Follow my journey from rock bottom to remarkable success, and uncover the surprising secret that turned my life around. Find out how this simple shift in perspective can transform your own life.

When all hope seemed lost, one revelation changed everything. Follow my journey from rock bottom to remarkable success, and uncover the surprising secret that turned my life around. Find out how this simple shift in perspective can transform your own life.

Life is not black or white

Life is a complex tapestry of experiences, both good and bad. It’s rarely as simple as we’d like it to be.

We often find ourselves in situations that aren’t clearly right or wrong, happy or sad.

This complexity can be overwhelming, but it’s also what makes life rich and meaningful.

You have a choice

Even when faced with difficult circumstances, we have the power to choose how we respond.

This doesn’t mean our choices are always easy, but recognizing that we have options can be empowering.

It’s about taking control of our narrative, even when we can’t control the events around us.

My personal journey after the sudden demise of my daddy

I lost my dad many years ago. The pain was intense, and the void he left seemed impossible to fill.

I found myself spiraling into bitterness, feeling lost and depressed.
It felt like the world had turned gray, and I couldn’t see a way forward.

Waiting for a savior

In my grief, I hoped for someone to come and make everything better. I waited for a hero, a savior who would swoop in and fix my broken world.
But that savior never came. Instead, I found support in unexpected places.

The support that mattered

My dear mother and brother stood by me through it all.

Their unwavering support, while not solving all my problems, provided a foundation for me to begin healing.

It taught me that sometimes, the most valuable support comes from those closest to us.

The long road to healing

Healing wasn’t a quick or easy process. It took many years, filled with ups and downs, progress and setbacks.

I learned that healing isn’t linear; it’s a journey with many twists and turns.

The myth of the savior

While stories often feature heroes who save the day, real life is different.
We have to find the strength within ourselves to rise up.

It’s not always easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s a journey we must embark on ourselves.

The value of support

If you’re fortunate, you might have family or friends to assist you on your journey.
Their support can make a world of difference, providing comfort, encouragement, and a listening ear when you need it most.

Finding strength in faith

> “Even though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.”

This powerful quote from the Bible speaks of incredible strength and faith. But how can we cultivate such unwavering belief?

The challenge of faith

It’s an enormous task, larger than life itself.
No human, with all our vulnerabilities and fears, can honestly say they fear nothing.
Yet, the Bible suggests there is a way to find this strength.

Our anchor: The Heavenly Father

The Bible points to our Heavenly Father as our anchor. This is not an earthly approach, but a heavenly one.
It’s about finding strength and comfort in something greater than ourselves.

What is a heavenly approach?

A heavenly approach is rooted in the belief that we are not alone. Even in our darkest moments, there’s a guiding light.
This belief can bring about a paradigm shift in how we view our challenges.

The power of belief

Believing that we’re not alone, even when things seem bleakest, can provide comfort and strength.
It’s about having faith in something beyond our immediate circumstances.

My experience with traditional help

I visited many psychiatrists in my journey towards healing.
While they provided valuable help, I found that something was still missing.
Their support was important, but it didn’t provide the complete solution I was looking for.

A new approach

What if we change our approach today? What if we combine professional help with a spiritual perspective?
This combination can provide us with a robust anchor during times of suffering and pain.

The benefits of a new perspective

By adopting this new approach, we open ourselves to additional sources of strength and comfort.

It doesn’t negate the value of professional help, but rather complements it with a spiritual dimension.


Life’s challenges can seem overwhelming, but we have the power to face them.
Whether through professional help, the support of loved ones, or faith in something greater than ourselves,
we can find the strength to persevere. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey.
There’s always hope, even in the darkest of times.

Are You Raising Your Daughter Wrong? Find Out Here!

Are You Raising Your Daughter Wrong? Find Out Here!
Unlock the secrets of effective parenting for your daughter. Our expert guide reveals common mistakes and offers actionable advice. Learn how to raise a confident, successful young woman. Don’t miss out – read now!

Education Matters, but Determination and Practical Skills are Key

Dear parents,

While schooling is valuable for your daughter’s growth, it’s not the only factor.

Teaching her to persist and grasp basic life lessons is just as important.

Take my friend Sarah, who despite excellent grades, struggled in her job because she gave up when things got hard. In contrast, my cousin Emily, an average student, built a thriving business through sheer willpower.

Here are some life lessons more valuable than book knowledge:

* Bouncing back from difficulties
* Recognizing the value of hard work
* Learning to talk effectively with others
* Developing ways to solve problems

> “Learning is important, but the ability to keep going when things get tough is invaluable.”

Humility: More Than Being Quiet

Humility isn’t about staying silent. It’s understanding that everyone has something to teach us. Show your daughters it’s okay not to know everything and that asking for help is good.

I once thought I knew it all until my first job. My coworker John, with less formal education, taught me useful work skills. This experience changed how I saw things.

Encourage your daughters to:

* Listen more than talk
* Own up to their mistakes
* See the good in others
* Be open to feedback

Family Comes First

While fighting for fairness is important, remind your daughters that life isn’t always about gender differences. Family, relationships, and personal happiness should come first.

My sister and her husband have a great relationship. They work together as a team, supporting each other’s dreams and taking care of their family.

Teach your daughters to:

* Value relationships over winning arguments
* Understand the importance of give and take
* Focus on creating a supportive home
* See that both men and women are important in family life

Finding Balance in Work and Life

Success isn’t just about work achievements. A happy personal life is just as important. Help your daughters understand that balance is key.

I knew a woman who ran a big company. Even though she did well at work, her marriage was failing because she didn’t spend time with her family. This taught me that true success includes being happy in your personal life.

Encourage your daughters to:

* Make time for both work and personal life
* Put effort into personal relationships
* Talk openly with their partners
* Understand that work and personal life can both be good

Good Marriages Need Effort

Long-lasting relationships need work from both partners. Teach your daughters that keeping a marriage strong takes effort, compromise, and always trying to be better.

My parents, married for 40 years, always try to be better for each other. When they argue, they focus on fixing the problem, not winning the fight.

Important lessons for a good marriage:

* Be willing to say sorry when you’re wrong
* Keep growing as individuals and as a couple
* Be patient and understanding
* Make time for each other, even when life is busy

Support Fairness for Everyone

In real life, focusing on treating everyone fairly is better than thinking about gender differences. Teach your daughters that everyone deserves respect, no matter who they are.

Growing up, my dad treated my brother and me the same. He taught us both how to fix a car and how to cook, showing that skills aren’t just for boys or girls.

Help your daughters understand:

* Every person has their own strengths and weaknesses
* Working together leads to better results than competing
* Respect should be earned through actions, not given based on gender
* True fairness means treating everyone well, not favoring one group over another

Remember, parents, your guidance shapes your daughter’s future. Let’s raise girls who are strong, humble, and understand what true fairness means.

Ready for inner peace? Explore 5 astonishing ways to achieve Nirvana-like calm.

Ready for inner peace? Explore 5 astonishing ways to achieve Nirvana-like calm. These little-known techniques will revolutionize your approach to tranquility. Discover the secrets to lasting serenity and transform your life now!

Life Lessons I’ve Learned

Money Isn’t Everything

I used to think having lots of money would make me happy. But I was wrong. What really matters are the people in our lives.

Think about when a friend helps you when you’re sick or sad. Those moments are worth more than money.

Good Relationships Take Time

Building strong friendships is like growing a plant. It takes time and care. Small things like texting a friend or listening to them can help friendships grow stronger.

Being Patient Helps You Succeed

We often want things to happen quickly. But real success takes time. It’s like baking a cake – you can’t rush it if you want it to turn out well. Keep working hard and be patient.

Try Spiritual Things

Exploring your spiritual side can be really good for you. It doesn’t mean you have to become super religious. It could be as simple as meditating or spending time in nature. It can help you feel calmer and more connected.

Stress Can Hurt Relationships

When we’re stressed, we might be mean to people we care about. It’s important to manage stress to keep our relationships healthy. Take time for yourself and learn to say no when you need to.

Love Yourself First

To be able to love others, you need to love yourself first. It’s not selfish – it’s necessary. Be kind to yourself and forgive your mistakes. When you love yourself, you have more love to give to others.

Self-Love is More Important Than Others’ Approval

While relationships are important, don’t depend on others for your happiness.

Learn to appreciate yourself and be your own cheerleader.

Remember, you’re worthy of love just because you exist.

Don’t wait for others to show you that – show it to yourself every day.

Boost Your Energy and Focus: 3 Surprising Tips

Want to improve your focus and impress your colleagues? Try these 3 effective methods to increase your concentration and work better. Learn how to enhance your focus and stand out at work!ain your energy and hurt your focus.

1.Ditch news.

Nothing good out of this

They often focus on negative stories that can affect your mood. Instead:

* Pick trusted online sources for important news
* Limit your time reading news
* Focus on news that matters to your life and goals

> It’s not about being uninformed, but protecting your mind.

2. Look for the good in life

Try to see the bright side of things. It can really help keep your energy up.

Becoming great ful.

Try these:

* Think of three things you’re thankful for each morning.
* When you face a problem, ask, “What can I learn from this?”
* Be happy about small successes – they add up!

3. Listen to music

Music can really help your mood and focus. It’s amazing how the right song can change your day.

Here are some ideas:

* Make different playlists for different tasks or moods
* Try instrumental music for work or study
* Use upbeat music when you need more energy

> Music can be like a friend cheering you on, keeping you motivated and focused.

4. Write down things you’re proud of

Sometimes we forget all the good things in our lives. Writing down what makes you proud can really help.

Try this:

* Don’t think too hard – if it makes you proud, write it down
* Include personal wins, relationships, and things you own
* Keep this list nearby and read it when you need a boost

5. Be thankful things aren’t worse

This might sound strange, but thinking about how things could be worse can help us appreciate what we have.

Give this a try:

* When something bad happens, imagine how it could have been worse and be thankful it wasn’t
* Say “thank you” more often, even for small things
* Think about past problems you’ve solved and be grateful for how strong they’ve made you

Remember, saving your energy and staying focused isn’t about big changes. It’s about small, everyday choices that add up. Try these tips and see how they work for you. You can do it!© Tv24

5 Mind-Blowing Reasons You’re Unhappy (Number 3 Will Stun You!)

5 Mind-Blowing Reasons You’re Unhappy (Number 3 Will Stun You!)

Feeling down? Discover the 5 surprising reasons behind your unhappiness. Our in-depth exploration will open your eyes to hidden factors affecting your mood. Brace yourself for #3 – it’s a revelation that could change everything!

Thinking Positively About Our Issues
Life throws challenges at us every day. It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts, but it’s important to remember that we have the power to change our perspective. When we face problems, try to look at them as opportunities for growth. This doesn’t mean ignoring the difficulty, but rather finding a way to learn from it.
For example, if you’re stuck in traffic, instead of getting frustrated, use that time to listen to a podcast or audiobook. This simple shift in thinking can turn a potentially stressful situation into a chance for personal development.
Don’t Be a Spectator to Negative Thinking
It’s common for negative thoughts to pop into our heads, but we don’t have to let them take over. Imagine your mind as a stage where thoughts perform. You’re not just watching from the audience – you’re the director! You have the power to decide which thoughts get the spotlight and which ones need to exit stage left.
When you notice a negative thought creeping in, try this:
Acknowledge the thought
Question its validity
Replace it with a more positive or realistic one
This takes practice, but over time, it becomes more natural.
Being Proactive: The Key to Satisfaction
A satisfied life doesn’t just happen by chance. It’s the result of conscious choices and actions. Being proactive means taking charge of your life instead of waiting for things to happen to you.
Here are some ways to be more proactive:
Set goals and work towards them
Make decisions based on your values
Take responsibility for your actions and their outcomes
Remember, being proactive isn’t about controlling everything – it’s about controlling your response to what happens.
A Satisfied Life is an Active Life
Dreaming about a better life is nice, but it’s not enough. True satisfaction comes from actively pursuing your goals and dreams. It’s about getting up and doing something, even when it’s challenging.
“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.” – Unknown
This doesn’t mean you need to be busy all the time. It’s about making purposeful choices and taking meaningful actions.
Letting Go of Past Critics
We all have voices from our past that criticize us – maybe it’s a harsh teacher, a disapproving parent, or a mean-spirited friend. It’s time to recognize that these voices no longer have power over us unless we give it to them.
Try this exercise: Write down some of the critical things you often hear in your head. Then, for each one, write a kind and supportive response. This can help you replace those old, unhelpful voices with more positive ones.
Taking Responsibility for Your Satisfaction
It’s tempting to blame others or circumstances for our dissatisfaction. But the truth is, we are responsible for our own happiness and satisfaction. This might sound daunting, but it’s actually empowering. It means we have the ability to change our situation.
For instance, if you’re unhappy in your job, you have options. You could:
Talk to your boss about your concerns
Learn new skills to make your work more interesting
Look for a new job that aligns better with your interests
The key is recognizing that you have choices, even if they’re not always easy ones.
The Importance of Discipline and Control
Discipline isn’t about punishing yourself or being overly strict. It’s about creating habits and routines that support your well-being and goals. This includes managing your thoughts.
Here are some ways to practice mental discipline:
Start a daily meditation practice
Keep a gratitude journal
Set aside time each day for positive self-talk
Remember, you’re the boss of your mind, not the other way around. With practice, you can learn to guide your thoughts in a more positive direction.
Be the Master of Your Mind
Becoming the master of your mind doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey that requires patience and persistence. But with each small step, you’re moving towards a more satisfied life.
Here’s a final thought to consider: Your mind is like a garden. The thoughts you nurture are the ones that will grow. So, choose carefully what you plant and tend to in your mental garden. With time and care, you can create a beautiful, satisfying inner landscape.

New Couples Who Do This One Thing Are 89% More Likely to Stay Together!

New Couples Who Do This One Thing Are 89% More Likely to Stay Together!

Tired of short-lived romances? Discover the surprising habit that keeps new couples together. This scientifically-proven technique boosts relationship longevity by 89%. Learn how to make your love last!

Why Relationships Matter
Relationships are essential to our lives.

They affect who we are, how we decide things, and our overall happiness.

We start having relationships as soon as we’re born – first with our parents, then with teachers, friends, and later with romantic partners.

How Relationships Affect Us
Relationships can make us happy or sad
They create our experiences and memories
They impact how we feel emotionally and mentally

Personal Story: Living with a Difficult Partner

I know how hard relationships can be. My partner is self-centered, which makes our life together very tough.

No matter what I do, it seems I can never make them happy.

Problems I Face
My partner doesn’t understand my feelings.
They always criticize me and say mean things.
I feel like I’m living with someone who doesn’t care
“Even animals don’t hurt each other as much.

The mean words really hurt me deeply.”
Staying Together for the Kids
Even though it’s hard, I’m still in this relationship because of our children.

I worry about how splitting up might affect them.

Advice for Couples Just Starting Out

Warning Signs to Look For
Don’t just focus on looks or nice words
Be careful of partners who seem too perfect.

Things to Do Before Committing.
Think about all parts of the relationship.
Ask older people for advice.

Talk to a relationship counselor.

Important Questions to Ask,

“Can you live with me in any situation?”
“What are you good at and not so good at?”
“How do you handle arguments?”

Talking is Very Important
Be honest about who you are
Talk about what you’re good at and not so good at.

Ask your partner to do the same.
Being a Good Match is Important.
If you’re a good match, that’s a good sign.

If you’re very different, it might be a problem
Last Thoughts
Remember, you’re not starting a relationship for just a short time – it could be for your whole life.

Take time to really know your partner and make sure you’re a good match before making a long-term promise.

“If you’re a good match, that’s a good sign. If you’re very different, it might be a problem. It’s better to avoid that situation.”

5 Shocking Ways to Turn Your Pain into Power – Number 3 Will Leave You Speechless!

The Controversial Self-Help Technique That’s Taking the Internet by Storm

Discover the controversial self-help technique that’s revolutionizing personal growth. Learn why it’s causing a stir, how it works, and whether it’s right for you. Unlock your potential with this game-changing approach.

Silencing the Inner Critic

Let’s be honest, we’re often our own worst critics. I’ve found that no one is harder on me than myself. Do you feel the same way? When pain and fears creep in, that inner voice can become overwhelmingly negative. But here’s the thing – we don’t have to listen to it.

Breaking the Critical Thinking Loop

Stopping that cycle of negative thoughts isn’t easy, but it’s so important. Here are some ways I try to quiet my inner critic:

* Listen to music
* Read a good book
* Call a friend
* Do some laundry
* Tidy up my room

Sometimes, I even reach out to friends for guidance. It’s amazing how a different perspective can help shift our thinking.

Finding Strength in Faith

When things get really tough, I turn to prayer. There’s something powerful about connecting with God and asking for strength to face my challenging thoughts. Often, I find answers come quickly, but I always make sure to look for additional signs to confirm what I’m feeling.

Expressing Emotions

Depression can be a heavyweight, but I’ve found some ways to lighten the load:

* Journaling: Writing down my thoughts helps me process them
* Poetry: Sometimes my feelings come out best in verse
* Watching uplifting movies: A good story can be a great distraction

The key is to find ways to express those bare, open thoughts. It’s like cleaning out a cluttered drawer – once everything’s out in the open, it’s easier to sort through and make sense of it all.

Regaining Perspective

When we’re caught up in our fears and pain, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Here’s how I try to regain my perspective:

* Distract myself: Doing something else can work wonders
* Make a plan for tomorrow: Giving my mind a task helps redirect negative thoughts
* Shut out the ‘barking dogs’: I imagine my fears as noisy dogs and practice not opening the door to let them in

Moving Forward

Remember, it’s crucial to do something – anything – to stop those negative thoughts from taking over. By distracting yourself and refocusing your mind, you can make a real difference in your mood and performance.

> The most important step is the first one – choosing to act rather than letting your fears control you.

So next time you’re facing pain or fear, try some of these strategies. You might be surprised at how much power you have to change your outlook and face your challenges head-on.

Why Are Fathers Left Out? Scandalous Truth Exposed!

Stunning Facts About the Vanishing Fathers of Our Times!
Explore the often overlooked yet crucial role fathers play in shaping dynamic and resilient family structures with profound impacts.”

A Society Founded on Equality

In a society that boasts of its commitment to equality and fairness, we often echo the sentiment: “We treat everyone equally.”

This phrase fits well with our ethical beliefs and seems universally correct.

Yet, a deep dive during a chat with a close friend—my own mind—helped me uncover a subtle disparity.

As someone deeply connected to language and its narratives, I found myself pondering over the somewhat diminished acknowledgment of fathers’ roles.

An Inquiry Initiated by Reflection

Thoughtfulness is a constant ally of a writer. In the pursuit of dissecting various narratives and realities, an important question surfaced:

When championing equality, do we truly consider all its dimensions?

Are the roles of mothers and fathers equally perceived?

This inquiry reaches beyond simple theoretical equality and touches upon numerous instances, whether recognized or not, where fathers are the quiet heroes.

Critical Perception of Fathers

The depiction of fathers in common discourse often skews more towards criticism than recognition.

Could their reserved nature, emotional strength, or traditional role as providers cause us to overlook their gentle gestures?

Subtle Contributions:

Fathers quietly contribute in ways that go unnoticed—be it mending a broken toy or managing finances to ensure their family’s welfare.

Challenging Moments:

Visualize a father standing tensely outside a delivery room while his partner is in labor.

His silent concern and subsequent relief are deeply impactful.

Fathers’ Acts of Affection

We often hear stories about fathers who buy ice cream to celebrate their child’s small achievements or who adjust their schedules to attend a school event.

Such acts are frequent yet rarely praised.

Fathers, much like mothers, commit immense emotional and physical energies to their families.

Acknowledging these efforts is vital for cultivating a supportive family atmosphere.

The Underappreciated Contributor

Why is the affection shown by fathers less frequently discussed?

Might it be because societal standards view them as robust, unwavering figures who are presumed not to need commendation?

More Than Financial Providers:

A father’s role extends beyond economic support; it includes hugs, bedtime stories, and morning school runs.

Emotional Support:

Fathers offer emotional nurturing as deeply as mothers do, soothing tears, alleviating fears, and providing wise counsel.

Mutual Dependence in Parental Roles

No single parent can single-handedly shape a child’s future. Parenting is a mutual journey where both mother and father bring their distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Unique Contributions:

Each parent uniquely aids in nurturing well-rounded individuals.

This process is collaborative, not competitive.

Combined Parenting Efforts:

The harmony between a mother’s and a father’s parenting approaches often results in a richer experience for the child, merging discipline with enjoyment and offering varied perspectives on life’s hurdles.

In Praise of the Unseen Navigator

Often the primary navigator of the familial vessel, the father guides his family towards serene waters with his enduring dedication and love.

This critical support, although not always prominent, is essential.

Guiding the Family Vessel:

As a ship needs a strong engine to traverse seas, a family depends on a father’s strength and direction to navigate life.

A Call for Equal Recognition

Overlooking the substantial role of fathers is similar to ignoring half of a profound story.

Openly valuing fathers not only brings them joy and respect but also reinforces family ties, promotes happier children, and fosters a more affectionate, united home environment.

Let us honor both parents equally, recognizing each parent’s indispensable contribution to the family.

Let’s engage in discussions about fathers more frequently, not just on Father’s Day, but every day.

Shocking Reasons You Need to Dump Your Emotional Trash Now!

Learn why ditching emotional baggage isn’t just good—it’s urgent! Experience a renewed sense of energy and purpose. Start today.


We’ve all been there—fe suddenly snappy or unusually irritable over the smallest things. It’s as if our emotional resilience has reached its limits, and even the tiniest annoyances make us erupt like a shaken soda can. This reaction can surprise us, leaving us to wonder, “Why am I acting this way?” The answer often lies in the metaphorical clutter filling our emotional waste bin.

Emotional Build-up: Recognizing the Signs

It’s normal to feel forgiving, yet there are indeed times when irritation comes more easily than others. For many, this sudden shift in mood could be surprising:

Quick to Irritate:

Sometimes, without any apparent reason, we find ourselves snapping at people who don’t deserve it.

Surprise at Our Own Meanness:

It’s unsettling when we find ourselves being mean, especially when it’s out of character.

This emotional response is typically a sign of accumulated stress, unresolved issues, or unexpressed feelings. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards managing them effectively.

When Close Relationships Trigger Us

More often than not, those closest to us—friends and family—have the uncanny ability to push our buttons.

This isn’t because they necessarily intend to upset us, but because:

High Expectations:

We often have higher expectations of those close to us.

Familiarity Breeds Contempt:

Familiarity can sometimes lead to less patience with those we love.

Understanding that these reactions are more about our own emotional state than the intentions of our loved ones can help in managing our responses better.

Learning to Say “No”

In a world where saying “yes” is often seen as a virtue, learning to say “no” can feel counterintuitive.

But why is this simple word so powerful in maintaining emotional hygiene?

Boundaries are Healthy:

Saying no helps in setting clear boundaries, essential for emotional health.

Prevents Resentment: Continuously agreeing to things against our will can build resentment.

Adopting this practice doesn’t come easy and it might feel unnatural at first, but it’s crucial for our emotional well-being.

Implementing the Change: Saying No

Implementing the habit of saying no can be challenging. It requires constant practice and mindfulness:

Practice Makes Perfect:

Start with small refusals and gradually build your way up.

Seek Support:

Discussing your feelings with a trusted friend or a counselor can make the transition smoother.

It’s normal to feel guilty or uncomfortable initially, but these feelings will lessen as you grow accustomed to setting boundaries for a healthier emotional state.

The Ripple Effect: From Parents to Children

Parents, first get healed yourself or you will ruin your own children.

This powerful advice I came across emphasizes the profound impact our emotional health has on our children.

A parent who is emotionally balanced provides a stable environment for their children, fostering healthy emotional development.

Model Healthy Emotional Practices:

Children learn by example. Showing them how to manage emotions and stress effectively teaches them to do the same.

Create a Loving Environment:

When children feel secure, they thrive. Ensuring that our emotional responses are healthy helps maintain this environment.


Cleaning out your emotional waste bin isn’t just about improving your day-to-day interactions.

It’s about ensuring long-term emotional health and fostering better relationships.

By acknowledging the buildup, learning to say no, and healing ourselves first, we pave the way for healthier interactions and a more positive living environment.

Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your emotional health—everyone around you benefits when you do.

3 Personal Secrets to Overcoming Fear

It can revolutionize your paradigm.

Life often throws us unannounced challenges, thrusting us into the whirls of fear and anxiety.

About a decade ago, I found myself grappling with these very monsters.

The journey I embarked on and the truths I unearthed during this phase helped me escape the shackles I had imagined around me.

Here’s how I responded to the loneliness and stress and eventually found my feet.

My experience my findings

My Answer to the Loneliness and Stress

I had always felt fear nibbling at my edges, subtly yet constantly. I tried several remedies—meditation, seeking therapy, and even medication. Despite these efforts, relief felt like a distant dream. Reading was my escape; the more I read, the more I searched for a key to rid myself of this paralyzing fear.

The Turning Point

It was during an unexpected journey into the wilderness that a profound realization dawned upon me. There, amidst the uncaged wild, surrounded by different species of powerful yet restrained animals, a striking thought hit me: Was I also caged?

This thought was pivotal. I looked at these majestic beings, confined and powerless solely because of their cages. The parallel to my own life was uncanny—I was restrained not by a physical cage, but by the invisible bars I had allowed fear to erect around me.

Three Insights from My Wild Encounter

Reflecting on this experience, I gleaned three main insights which have significantly helped me overcome my fears:

1. You Are What You Choose and That’s Who You Become

The idea that we fabricate our own psychological limitations became glaringly clear. By choosing to believe that I wasn’t confined, I began to reshape my identity. Freedom became a choice, not a condition.

2. Believe That You Are in Control and Behave as If It’s True

The power of belief is immense. By consciously choosing to believe that I was in command of my fears, and not the other way around, my actions began to align with this belief. This shift in mindset was transformative and catalyzed my personal growth.

3. Destiny Is Being Smart: Using Your Mind, Brain, and Heart

Realizing that destiny isn’t a predefined path but a creation of smart choices involving thoughtful decisions, emotional intelligence, and mental resilience, opened new roads to my reformation. It’s about harmonizing the mind’s logic with the heart’s wisdom to craft the life you desire.

Let Me Hear From You

This journey was mine, but the insights are universal. Have you experienced similar moments of epiphany? How have you tackled the fears holding you back? I’d love to hear your stories and strategies.

Love You All

Every step forward in overcoming our fears strengthens not only us but also inspires those around us. Let’s continue to support each other in our journeys towards personal liberation from fear.


What Can We Do About Breakdowns in Marriages?

How to Stop a Marriage Meltdown Before It Starts!What Can We Do About Breakdowns in Marriages?

The bond of marriage is sacred but not immune to challenges and strains that may lead to a breakdown.

Yet, what can we do when the signs of a broken marriage start to appear, especially when it involves aspects as serious as violence?
Let’s explore actionable steps to potentially salvage these unions, understanding the deeply rooted societal issues like gender inequality that contribute to marital discord, and recognize the indelible impact on the younger generation.

What Can You Do for a Broken Marriage? Please Do That Quickly.

When you notice the signs of distress in a marriage, whether it’s yours or someone you know, timely action is crucial. Here are a few steps you can take:

Communicate effectively:

Sometimes, opening up a dialogue can help clear misunderstandings and mend the feelings of alienation.

Seek professional help: Consulting a marriage counselor can provide a neutral ground for airing grievances and beginning the healing process.

Engage in couple activities:

Rediscover each other through activities that both parties enjoy, which can reignite the spark that initially brought them together.

Think About Violence. Take Some Action Against Violence.

Violence should never be tolerated. If there’s an occurrence of violence within a marriage:

Ensure safety:

The priority is to ensure that the victim is safe. This may mean finding a safe house or seeking assistance from family or friends.

Legal action:

Depending on the severity, it might be necessary to involve the police or legal counsel to protect the aggrieved party.

Support systems:

Leverage local support groups for emotional and practical support during such trying times.

Look at the Divorce Rates.

The rising divorce rates are alarming and reflect underlying issues such as economic pressures, infidelity, and communication breakdowns.

Educate on commitment and communication:
Marriage education programs could help couples develop stronger communication and conflict resolution skills.

Promote economic stability:
Financial stress can greatly strain a marriage. Community programs that support economic stability could indirectly reduce divorce rates.

Why Can’t We Equalize Men and Women?

Gender inequality can contribute greatly to marital breakdowns. It’s essential to foster an environment of equality within the home:

Shared responsibilities: Encourage sharing household responsibilities and parenting duties equally among spouses.

Empowerment programs: Support initiatives that advocate for equal opportunities in education and employment for all genders.

It Impacts on Young Children.

When children witness the breakdown of their parents’ marriage, it can have long-term impacts:

Prioritize children’s well-being:

Ensuring that children have access to counseling and support can mitigate the negative impacts of their parents’ marital conflicts.
* Healthy co-parenting: Even in cases of separation, effective co-parenting strategies that foster a sense of normalcy and security are crucial.


Remember, you aren’t the wrong person to help mend a broken marriage – often, you might be just the right one.

Whether it’s supporting a friend, intervening in your marriage, or advocating for societal changes that support marital stability, your action can make a difference.

The goal isn’t just to save a marriage but to foster a healthy environment where all individuals within the family can thrive. Let’s not pass by; let’s act now for the sake of our future generations.

Modern Love: More Fragile Than You Think?

Dive into the dynamics of modern relationships. Is love now more vulnerable? Explore empowering perspectives and insights that challenge common beliefs.


In our culture, much emphasis is placed on relationships, marriages, and romance, often portraying them as life’s ultimate milestones.
Everywhere we look, from movies and advertisements to social media, the narrative seems consistent: finding “the one” equates to finding eternal happiness.
But is that really the case? Let’s dive into why society puts love on a pedestal and whether it aligns with reality.

The Media’s Rose-Colored Glasses

Love and relationships are often shown as the ultimate remedy to life’s woes. Films, TV shows, and commercials play a significant part in this, depicting that being single somehow means being incomplete.

The Film Industry’s Portrayal of Love

Movies typically end with the couple uniting after overcoming great odds, implicitly suggesting that life thereafter is smooth sailing. These stories have shaped our expectations, making us believe that once we find love, our happiness and life’s purpose are secured.

Advertising and Unrealistic Expectations

Advertisements too play their part by often associating products with romantic success or desirability.
The message seems to be that love not only brings joy but also enhances one’s status and happiness.

However, these portrayals are far from the complex realities many experience in their personal relationships.

The Reality Behind Closed Doors

Behind the scenes, relationships are not always the fairy tale they’re made out to be.

They require effort, compromise, and can often be quite challenging.

Personal Experience and the Battlefields of Love

From my personal journey of nearly 15 years, I’ve witnessed that relationships can resemble battlefields more than serene sanctuaries.

The constant negotiation and compromise can feel less like cooperation and more like a war zone where open communication often feels barred.

The Myth of Perpetual Happiness

Contrary to what’s often portrayed, entering a relationship or getting married does not automatically guarantee perpetual happiness. It brings significant changes, responsibilities, and occasionally conflicts that one might not feel prepared for.

Societal Pressure and Misconceptions

Being single is frequently looked upon with pity or concern, leaving many to feel pressured to enter relationships just to fit societal norms.

The Stigma Around Singlehood

There’s an overarching societal belief that being single equates to being lonely or unfulfilled.

This stigma pushes many into relationships they are not ready for or truly desirous of, all in the pursuit of social acceptance.

The Impact on Personal Identity

In relationships, individuals often find themselves conforming to new roles and expectations that may not align with their true selves.

This loss of individuality can feel suffocating and is rarely addressed in the romantic narratives we consume.

Concluding Thoughts

Though relationships can offer beautiful experiences and growth, it’s crucial to enter them with realistic expectations and a clear sense of self.

Society should strive to balance its portrayal of relationships with more realistic narratives that acknowledge the good, the bad, and the mundane.

Let’s stop glorifying relationships as the only path to happiness and start appreciating the diverse experiences of human connections in all their forms.

Why I Said Goodbye to Parties: What Really Happened!

Get an exclusive peek into what really happened behind my party-going scenes—why I decided it’s no longer for me. Understand the profound impact.


Have you ever returned from a bustling party feeling drained, questioning why you went in the first place? If so, you’re not alone. 

Over time, I’ve realized that skipping parties doesn’t make me a hermit; it just aligns with my temperament and personal growth. 

Here are six heartfelt reasons that reshaped my social habits and why this might be more normal than you think.

My Temperament Is Not Out of This World

We all have unique personalities, and mine just doesn’t sync with the party scene.

 I’ve always felt a bit out of place amid loud music and superficial small talk. 

After consulting numerous books on psychology, it dawned on me—my introverted nature isn’t bizarre; it’s just me.

Understanding Myself

Self-awareness has been key. Recognizing that my need for quiet and meaningful conversation over noisy gatherings is okay has been liberating. 

Many people share this temperament, and embracing it has led to a happier, more authentic life.

The Ever-Changing Demands of People

Parties often serve as a showcase for shifting social expectations. 

One day, it’s about who has the trendiest outfits; the next, it’s about who’s got the most interesting stories. Keeping up can be exhausting.

The Social Merry-Go-Round

I noticed that I was molding myself to fit in, which felt disingenuous. When I stopped attending parties,

 I stopped feeling the pressure to perpetually update my wardrobe or persona, which was incredibly freeing.

I Am an Okay Person and You

The realization that you’re “enough” is powerful. 

Despite opting out of parties, I stand firm in my belief that I’m just fine the way I am. 

There’s no need to seek validation in noisy, crowded environments.


Embracing my quirks and quiet nature has not only boosted my confidence but also deepened my relationships with others who appreciate the real me.

 This affirmation is something party environments rarely fostered.

It’s from Birth

The inclination to seek solitude isn’t a personal flaw but a trait—hardwired from birth.

 As studies suggest, our genetics heavily influence our personalities, including our social preferences.

The Biological Blueprint

Understanding the genetic component has helped me accept that my party-going friends and I are simply wired differently. 

This realization encourages respect for all temperaments, including my own.

Now I Value Peace, Truth, and Dependability

Frequent partying often contradicts my core values.

 I crave environments where peace reigns, truth prevails, and commitments are honored—qualities seldom found in typical party settings.

Aligning Values with Lifestyle

Choosing activities that reflect my values, like quiet gatherings or deep-dive book clubs, has proven far more fulfilling. 

This alignment supports my mental health and overall life satisfaction.

Vast Opportunities Elsewhere

Life offers numerous paths, and parties are just one option.

 I’ve discovered abundant opportunities that align better with my personality—opportunities to engage deeply, contribute meaningfully, and grow personally.

Exploring Alternative Social Settings

Volunteering, joining hobby-based clubs, and attending seminars are venues where I thrive.

 These settings allow for connections that are more in tune with my pace and style.

Confidence in My Normalcy

Extensive reading in science and psychology underscores that desiring alone time—or preferring small groups—is perfectly normal. 

It’s reassuring to know that my social preferences are just another aspect of human diversity.

Embracing My Social Needs

Acknowledging and acting upon my need for more intimate, less stimulating environments has been validating. 

I’m not alone, and neither are you.


If you often find yourself dreading the next social gathering, remember that it’s okay to step back and find environments that better suit your temperament.

 Parties are just one way to socialize, and they’re not for everyone. Embrace what truly resonates with your personality and values.

 Here’s to finding joy in what truly matters to us! ©tv2024

Is Religion Useless When It Comes to Transforming Hearts? Find Out!

Is religion genuinely transformative or just a myth? Get inside the most remarkable and provocative findings on how faith can actually impact the human heart.

Noteworthy journey


Religion has long been a cornerstone of human society, shaping cultures and guiding personal journeys.
Yet, a recurring question persists: Why does religion often fail to bring a profound effect in a person’s heart?

By examining the roles of relationship, love, and life lessons, we can uncover why religion sometimes falls short in fostering genuine transformation.

Understanding the Disconnect Between Religion and Personal Change:

The Role of Relationship in Religion

One critical aspect often overlooked in religious practice is the importance of personal relationships.

Having a support system within a religious community can strengthen one’s faith and commitment.

However, merely participating in religious rituals without forming deep, meaningful relationships can render such practices hollow.

True change often comes from engaging with others who inspire and challenge us, revealing the essence of religious teachings through lived experience.

The Power of Love in Spiritual Growth

Love is a fundamental tenet in many religions, yet its transformative power is sometimes underutilized.
Religious institutions may emphasize doctrine over the compassionate love that fosters genuine connection and personal growth.
When love is at the forefront of religious practice, it can lead to profound changes in the heart.

Instead of focusing solely on rules and rituals, approaching religion with love allows individuals to experience empathy, forgiveness, and a deeper understanding of human connectedness.

Life Lessons and Their Impact on Faith

Religion often serves as a guide through life’s trials, offering lessons that shape our worldview.

However, the mere act of learning these lessons is not enough; internalizing and applying them in daily life is crucial.

Many people attend religious services without actively applying the life lessons taught within their faith.

This disconnection between knowledge and action can hinder personal growth.

To experience true transformation, individuals must actively integrate these teachings into their lives, allowing each lesson to refine their character and worldview.

Barriers to Heartfelt Transformation:

Ritual Without Reflection

One major impediment to genuine change is performing religious rituals without introspection.

Rituals can become rote obligations rather than meaningful practices.

To break free from this cycle,
individuals must reflect on the purpose and significance of their actions, aligning them with their personal spiritual journey.

External Versus Internal Practice

Religion often emphasizes outward compliance rather than inward transformation.

While attending services, following dietary laws, and observing holidays are important, they should not overshadow the need for internal growth.

True change comes from aligning one’s inner values with their religious beliefs, cultivating a sincere and personal spirituality.

Embracing a Holistic Approach:

Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit

For religion to truly transform the heart, it must address the holistic nature of human existence. This involves nurturing the mind, body, and spirit in harmony.
Practices such as meditation, prayer, and community service can help individuals cultivate a balanced and fulfilling spiritual life.

Building a Strong Relationship with the Divine

At the core of many religions is the relationship between the individual and the divine. Strengthening this relationship can lead to profound personal change.

Through regular prayer, meditation, and contemplation, individuals can deepen their connection with the divine, finding direction and purpose in their spiritual journey.


Religion holds the potential to bring about meaningful change in a person’s heart, but this requires more than mere observance of rituals and doctrines.

By emphasizing personal relationships, the power of love, and the application of life lessons, individuals can bridge the gap between religious practice and personal transformation.

By fostering a holistic approach that integrates mind, body, and spirit, and by building a strong, personal relationship with the divine, individuals can unlock the full potential of their faith, leading to genuine and

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© Titus vargis

Is Your Relationship a Circus? These 5 Tips Will Help You Stay Sane!

Is your relationship driving you crazy? You’re not alone! Explore these 5 remarkable tips to keep your love life balanced and joyful. Don’t let the chaos win!

Relationships can be tricky. They can bring immense joy but also lead to distress when they become overwhelming. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to stay grounded and take care of your mental health. Here are five practical ways you can stay sane in an insane relationship.

Speak Up for Yourself

One of the toughest but most crucial aspects of remaining sane in an overwhelming relationship is learning to speak up for yourself.

Express Your Needs: If something is bothering you, voice it out. Bottled-up feelings often lead to resentment.

Practice Assertiveness:State your thoughts clearly and respectfully. Remember, assertiveness is not aggression; it’s about respecting both your partner’s needs and your own.

Set Boundaries:Knowing and communicating your boundaries is vital. It’s perfectly okay to say ‘no’ when needed.

> “The art of self-care starts with the ability to voice your feelings without fear.”

Bury Not Your True Emotions

Hiding your true emotions to keep the peace can backfire spectacularly. Be transparent and share your genuine feelings.

Avoid Emotional Suppression: Suppressing emotions can lead to anxiety and depression.

Journal Your Thoughts:

Sometimes, writing down what you feel can help you understand and articulate your emotions better.

 Seek Honest Conversations:

 Engage in candid discussions with your partner. Honest communication fosters deeper connections and understanding.

> “Authentic relationships thrive when both partners are honest about their feelings.”

Kill Those Negative Narratives Which Demean Your Feelings

Negative narratives can eat away at your self-esteem and hurt your mental well-being. It’s essential to challenge and destroy these harmful thoughts.

Identify Negative Self-Talk: Be aware of when you start to blame yourself unnecessarily or think the worst about your situation.

Replace Negative Thoughts:

Counter every negative thought with a positive one. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” try “I’m doing my best, and that’s enough.”

Reframe Your Perspective:

 Look at the bigger picture. Sometimes, what seems catastrophic may just be a small bump in the road.

> “Changing the narrative in your head is a powerful step towards maintaining your sanity.”

Share Your Feelings at the Right Time

Timing is key when it comes to sharing your feelings. Making sure the setting is right can make a huge difference.

Pick a Calm Moment:

Avoid bringing up sensitive topics during heated moments. Choose a time when both of you are calm.

Be Mindful of Context:

Consider where you are and what’s going on around you. Ensure your partner is in a receptive state.

Use ‘I’ Statements:

 Instead of saying “You always…,” say “I feel…” This reduces defensiveness and opens the door for constructive conversation.

> “Choosing the right moment to share your feelings can make the conversation more effective and less confrontational.”

Find Someone Outside Your Relationship

Sometimes, having support outside the relationship can work wonders for your mental health.

Lean on Friends and Family:

 Don’t hesitate to share what you are going through with trusted friends or family members. Their outside perspective can provide comfort and guidance.

Seek Professional Help:

 If things get too overwhelming, talking to a therapist can provide you with strategies to cope better.

Join Support Groups:

being a part of a support group where others are going through similar experiences can make you feel less isolated.

> “Having a support system outside your relationship provides a healthy balance and a different perspective.”

Staying sane in an overwhelming relationship requires a blend of self-care, open communication, and external support. By taking these steps, you can reclaim your mental peace and foster a healthier relationship dynamic. 

Lessons of life about narcissism and ways to overcome it.

1. Life is good but not some people. We experience that not all that glitters is gold. We don’t get what we got earlier. Why? because not all are normal humans but with handicapped personalities.

2. Life is fair but not everyone. There are no rules for everyone. Might is bigger than humility or good moral lessons. It’s the biggest lie we keep on teaching. Don’t remain as if God would tear heavens and save you from these pits.

3. Don’t try to keep silent when you are mistreated. Unless you speak who will? Take this unwritten guide. Stand for your rights. Safeguard your freedom as if you are important.

4. Narcissism is a terrific poison. No one speaks and you just wait for mighty men to rescue you. Learn to respect but not at the cost of your respect. No one cares about you.

5. I think a narcissistic person is much more criminal than any murderer. It’s a living hell. It’s much more than cruel behavior but terrorism of emotional nature.Finding ways to protect yourself is not a selfish thing. It’s basic to safeguard your existence.

6.You have to find your own life goals and bring magic to your life. No one else will. There are no saviours but only your responsibility.

10 Things Men Crave from Their Partners – #7 Will Shock You!

Uncover the ultimate guide to understanding what a man desires most. Gain valuable insights into fostering a feeling of togetherness that leads to a happy and fulfilling relationship. Proven strategies for creating stronger, lasting bonds.


In the complex dynamics of relationships, one might often ponder, “What does a man need desperately?” The answer lies in a profound sense of feeling togetherness. It’s this togetherness that imbues life with meaning, allowing a man to feel significant and fulfilled. Without this essential emotional connection, life can indeed feel incomplete.

The Essence of Feeling Togetherness

The primary ingredient that forms the foundation of any successful relationship is the sense of feeling togetherness. This isn’t just about physical proximity, but emotional intimacy. It’s the deep-seated feeling that you are part of a unit, a team, moving forward together through life’s trials and tribulations.

* Importance: Fosters emotional security
* Benefits: Creates a nurturing environment

The Power of Feeling Significant

Feeling significant means that a man perceives himself as valuable in the eyes of his partner. This is crucial for his self-esteem and overall happiness.

*Signs of significance: Regular affirmations, recognizing efforts
*Ways to enhance: Celebrate small achievements, express genuine admiration

Sense of Care and Concern

A common yet powerful need is a sense of care and concern from a partner. This goes beyond mere words; it involves actions that show that you are genuinely interested in your partner’s well-being.

*Examples: Small acts of kindness, thoughtful gestures
*Impact: Boosts emotional security and trust

Importance of Fairness in Complaints

Fairness when dealing with complaints is vital. A relationship should be a safe space where issues can be aired and resolved without resulting in power imbalances.

*Essentials: Listening actively, avoiding blame games
*Benefits: Promotes healthier conflict resolution

Controlled Use of Speech

Words carry immense weight in a relationship. Controlled use of tongue—speaking mostly in a loving and constructive manner—helps in maintaining harmony.

*Dos and Don’ts: Avoid harsh criticisms, use encouraging words
*Why it matters: Prevents emotional scars, fosters a loving atmosphere

Love Manifested through Eyes

There’s something profoundly impactful about seeing love in your partner’s eyes. This non-verbal communication strengthens the bond between partners.

*How to apply: Maintain eye contact, express emotions through looks
*Effect: Deepens emotional connection

Equality in the Relationship

Equality in a relationship is about balance—not narcissism, not constant power play. True equality means both partners have an equal say and respect each other’s opinions and contributions.

Characteristics: Mutual respect, shared responsibilities
Challenges: Addressing ingrained gender roles, overcoming societal expectations

Support during Failure

Life is not always rosy; during times of failure or bad events, emotional support from a partner becomes essential.

Ways to provide support: Offering comfort, being a pillar of strength
Benefits: Builds resilience, deepens trust

Gratefulness and Appreciation

A sense of gratefulness from a partner for all his efforts can light up any man’s life. It is these small yet meaningful acknowledgments that make a big difference.

*Methods: Regular thank-yous, recognizing efforts publicly
*Why it matters: Increases motivation, enhances relationship satisfaction


In essence, understanding what a man needs desperately can pave the way for a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.
Stay blessed.

Discover the Jaw-Dropping Impact of Words with These 15 Lessons!

Feel the heartfelt power of words with these 15 jaw-dropping lessons. Explore the remarkable ways words shape our world and how you can harness this impact to succeed. Join us on a journey into compelling communication.

Your Words Are Very Powerful

Words have a unique ability to inspire, encourage, and uplift. When used wisely, words can create a positive ripple effect that impacts not only the speaker but everyone who hears them.

Consider This: There is Life and Death in Your Words

Words are not just sounds; they carry weight and power. Choosing your words carefully is akin to choosing your fate and the fate of those around you.

This is a Universal Principle

The power of words transcends cultures, religions, and geographies. Whether you’re conversing in English, Spanish, or Mandarin, the impact of your words remains significant.

Just a Small Spark Can Ignite a Whole Forest

Even the smallest compliment or word of encouragement can create a ripple effect, sparking positive changes that could be far-reaching. On the flip side, a hurtful comment can cause lasting damage.

When You Choose Life-Giving Words, You Will Produce a Harvest of Blessings

Words that promote love and positivity have the power to enrich your life immensely. Positive affirmations and words of kindness can bring abundance and joy into your life.

The Bible Tells Us the Power of Our Words: Life and Death Are in Our Tongues

From a biblical perspective, words have the divine ability to create and destroy. Proverbs 18:21 highlights this by stating that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” This ancient wisdom still rings true today.

Words That Are Life-Giving Bring Abundance in Your Life

Words of hope and encouragement aren’t just fluff; they create a sense of well-being and even contribute to your success. Positive words can uplift spirits, motivate action, and encourage perseverance.

Speak Hopeful Words Over Yourself

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, but speaking words of hope and encouragement to yourself can create a significant positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Fill Your Mind with Life-Giving Words

Surround yourself with positive influences—books, podcasts, and people that uplift and inspire you. When your mind is filled with life-giving words, you’re more likely to speak and act positively.

Whatever Comes Out of Your Mouth is the Result of Whatever is in Your Heart

Your words are a mirror of your inner state. A heart filled with love, peace, and kindness will naturally produce words that reflect those qualities.

Guard Your Heart and Mind

To ensure that your words have a positive impact, it’s crucial to protect your heart and mind from negative influences. Be mindful of what you let in.

Be Vigilant About What You Allow in Your Mind

Just like you wouldn’t allow junk into your body, avoid letting negative or toxic thoughts into your mind. Protect your mental space from negativity.

Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

A grateful heart naturally produces positive words. By focusing on the good in your life, you’re more likely to speak blessings and encouragement into the lives of others.

Speak Blessings Over Your Children

Children absorb the words spoken to them like sponges. By speaking blessings over them, you instill confidence, self-worth, and a positive outlook on life.

Speak Blessings Over Yourself

Self-talk is incredibly powerful. By speaking blessings over yourself, you actually program your mind for success, happiness, and well-being.

Renew Your Mind Daily by Reading the Word of God. Let It Clean Unwanted Thoughts

For those who follow biblical teachings, immersing yourself in scripture can help rid your mind of negative thoughts. This daily practice can guide you toward making better choices in your speech and actions.

Words have power. They can create, they can destroy, but they always leave an impact.

When we understand this, we can begin to harness the power of words to build, uplift, and create positive change in the world around us.

The ONE Parenting Trick to Transform Your Relationship with Your Teen!                                            
Discover the ONE remarkable parenting trick that will transform your relationship with your teen. Make your bond stronger and communication smoother with this expert advice. Learn how this method works and start seeing positive changes immediately!

Straight Talk on Teenagers

When it comes to dealing with teenagers, it’s essential to understand that they are going through a transformative phase. Hormones, identity crises, and peer pressure can make this period particularly challenging for both parents and teens.

  “Parents, remain calm. Your anxiety won’t solve the issues; understanding and patience will.”

Parents, Just Be Calm. Why Are You Anxious?

Raising teenagers can be an emotional rollercoaster, but maintaining a calm demeanor is crucial. Anxiety and overreacting can lead to unnecessary conflicts.

Why Staying Calm Matters:

Reduces Stress: Both for you and your teen.
Encourages Open Dialogue: When you’re calm, your teens are more likely to come to you with their problems.
Teaches Emotional Regulation: When you model calmness, your teens learn how to manage their own emotions better.

Your Teens Will Learn What They Need To

Believe in the learning process of your teens. They are more capable than you might think. Often, the genuine concern you show is more impactful than constant supervision.

What Your Genuine Concern Means:

Support System: Being genuinely concerned provides them with a sense of security.

Motivation: Genuine concern can motivate them to put in their best efforts.

Growth: Your trust allows them to grow at their own pace.

Think About Your Own Teenage Years

Remember your own teenage years and how far you’ve come. Despite the challenges, you turned out just fine.


Pride in Growth: Think about the achievements you’ve made since then.

Empathy: It helps you empathize with your teen’s experiences.

Adaptability: You adapted despite any parental shortcomings; your teen will too.

Trust Your Teens

Your trust is vital for their emotional and psychological development. Hand-holding doesn’t help them grow, but trust does.

Ways to Show Trust:

Encourage Independence: Let them make choices and face the consequences.

Offer Support, Not Commands: Be available for advice, but let them navigate their own paths.

Praise Their Efforts: Recognize their efforts and achievements; it enhances self-esteem.

Be a Guide, But Not the Captain

Parents should serve as guides, not captains. Your role is to provide direction without steering the ship for them.

How to Guide:

Impart Wisdom: Share important life lessons.

Be Available: Always be there to help them when they need it.

Respect Their Choices: Trust their judgment and give them the freedom to choose.

Teach Them Important Rules of Life

Setting foundational rules is key, but how you teach these rules can make all the difference.

Important Life Rules to Share:

Integrity: Always emphasize the importance of honesty and integrity.

Respect for Others: Teach them to respect everyone, regardless of differences.

Financial Literacy: Basic lessons in managing money and responsibilities.

Healthy Habits: Encourage physical and mental health practices.

Share About Your Own Failures and How You Overcame Them

Opening up about your failures shows that making mistakes is a part of life and learning.

Why It Matters:

Reduces Pressure: They understand that they don’t need to be perfect.

Builds Resilience: Shows them that failures are stepping stones.

Authenticity: It makes you more relatable and easier to approach.

Correct Them if They are Going Astray

Guiding your teen back on track should be done with care and understanding, not anger and reprimand.

How to Correct:

Be Gentle but Firm: Approach the subject calmly but seriously.

Explain the Consequences: Help them understand the consequences of their actions.

Encourage Positive Change: Offer solutions and alternatives.

Give Respect as You Would Want From Them

Mutual respect is the foundation of a strong parent-teen relationship.

How to Show Respect:

Active Listening: Genuinely listen to what they have to say.

Value Their Opinions: Even if you disagree, value their perspective.

Treat Them Fairly: Ensure your actions and words reflect fairness.

Treat Them as Growing Up Kids; They Deserve Freedom

Finally, remember that they are growing individuals who need freedom to explore and find themselves.

Ways to Offer Freedom:

Reasonable Boundaries: Set boundaries, but don’t micromanage.

Encourage Exploration: Support their interests and hobbies.

Trust Building: Give them responsibilities to show you trust their judgment.

“Your teens are on a journey to find themselves. Trust, respect, and gentle guidance will help them more than anxious control ever could.”

By embracing these strategies, you’ll find that dealing with teenagers doesn’t have to be a fraught experience. Instead, it can be a journey of mutual growth and understanding.

Experts Finally Agree on the True Meaning of Life!

Prepare to be amazed! Experts have finally revealed the true meaning of life, and this profound revelation will leave you questioning everything.

What’s the meaning of life? Is it about having fun and living selfishly? Is it accidental?
Are we just animals acting on instinct? What is our sole purpose? Why were we created?
Have you thought about the purpose of life? What is the point of existence?

Should we amass wealth to isolate ourselves? Why are we here? Why endure suffering?

We were created for the highest purposes. Our existence is not random. We were made by a higher power, one greater than our parents.

We were made to live for each other, extending beyond our families. We were created in the image of God. What does that mean?

We were meant to embody God’s characteristics. God is love, but love is not God.

God is compassionate—are we? God helps and forgives—do we?

We were meant to emerge from our comfort zones.

What are our comfort zones?

* Culture
* Society
* Religion
* Family
* Selfishness
* Differences
* Educational qualifications

My dear friend, we were made to care for one another—not just our children, spouses, or families, nor just our culture or society. Consider Abraham Lincoln, who fought against slavery.

Think about Nelson Mandela, who fought against the oppressors of his own country. They were ordinary men like us but took time to reflect on the purpose of their lives.

They overcame their comfortable existences.

Arise. Awake. Make a commitment. Rise above narrow-mindedness. Think about those who are suffering nearby. What can you do for them?

Just do it!


© TV/May 24

Amazing Discoveries I Made This Year!

Discover the remarkable secrets this year has taught me about life, personal growth, and happiness. Uncover invaluable lessons that can help you navigate through challenging times and emerge stronger.”

You see,life is a journey. We are on the move.

The importance of journeys is that we need to learn constantly.

Well,over the years I learnt some great lessons in life.

You are not a superman. Don’t accept the lies of the Society.

Read something and learn. Learning makes us wiser. It really is helpful as we are on the journey.

Practice empathy. Learn if you don’t know. Show compassion. Mediate between some persons so that they get united.

Trust in God. God is all knowing,all powerful, Omnipresent. God is available to help you.

Embrace fully not half especially your spouse. In spite of that annoying weakness. They deserve it.

Work more yourself. Stop watching others but work on yourself. It will give you invaluable success. People are not that important.

©TVmay 2024

Love love everywhere but where?

The epidemic of our civilization

We live in a culture of romance ,making relationships , quick fix type of.
Love is everywhere. In our shopping malls most of the Billboards show a quick fix kind of message. Buy this, eat that, wear this, not that,that’s outdated, this is the fashion etc.

It’s worthless to maintain fairness,charity, togetherness. It’s not just appreciated. Why?
Do we appreciate any entrepreneur,a college student,below the poverty line person who is fighting against his traditions?
Love is portrayed in every advertisement. Be it gift shops, Jewellery, diamonds clothing,shoes,other items.

Still when we interact do we get it? Is our society biased towards money and power?
Do we love genuinely? Or are we just selfish? Are we a good mother,father,son, daughter? Are we behaving as if we are civilized? Or are we really expressing pure love?

Do unto others, give unto others,forgive more.

Knowledge is different than wisdom. A religion that underscores love is not spiritual indeed.

If money is the ultimate thing then we would cease to become human but machines.

Love is fairness. Love is committed. Love is becoming unselfish. Non interested in physical wealth gathering.
It’s beyond words. Love is a mother. Love is a father.

© TV 24.

Why You’re Never Happy With What You Have – Psychology Unveiled!

Get professional insight into the horrific reality of greener grass. Understand the hidden drawbacks and challenges that come with the seemingly perfect lawns.

Hey my dear,

This is a reminder. I know you are fighting well.
You are a warrior.

Yes,you have reached this far.
Welcome,my dear.
You might have questions,this is the reason for my letter.
It’s about universal sickness called,’what if’.

If you didn’t know let me tell you.
It’s the sickness that has killed many great men and women.

This is about the grass on the other side. What if I had a different parent?
What if I had been more white?
What if my spouse were different?
What if I had a different career?
What if I was more eloquent?..
The grass on the other side looks GREENER. Yes,it happens with everyone.

Believe me. This is the universal sickness that has destroyed very many good families and excellent personalities.
What if is a supposition.
It is never ending. It’s that endless possibilities we think that could have happened to us.

My experience says it’s deception. In fact the supermom of endless drifting.
It’s like today I am here and tomorrow there.
What’s the outcome? You still are going round and round.
You still are not satisfied.

You find better pastures on the other side.
My beloved,to cut short, don’t do that. It’s a slippery place that leads to nowhere.
Many have changed their spouses only to find the other one is much more brilliant,much more beautiful.

Many have shifted their careers only to find that it still doesn’t suit them.
Be strong in your values.
Give up plan B or C or D.
Focus on this and period.
Everyone is struggling 

Every family has its own darkness. Every life has its own sorrows.
Why don’t you just plant your own garden. Why don’t you plant your own flowers?

Stop comparing. It’s an ultimate deception.
Trust me,you will find your magic on the way.
Keep on moving with strong convictions.

God bless.


Are Angels Real? My Mind-Boggling Experience!

Discover the truth about celestial beings in this gripping post that explores a personal witness of an angel. Are they real? Find out here!

We encounter miracles daily and meet people ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary. Occasionally, we come face to face with angels beings who appear just when we think there are no solutions at hand. Do they exist? Indeed, they do, and often they arrive precisely when we need assistance.

How did I realize I was in the presence of an angel? During a particularly challenging time when I had no expectations of receiving help, one individual halted the construction work on our building.

It was unexpected; we hadn’t anticipated any assistance, yet suddenly, there was someone capable of helping.

Recently returned to our city for a brief visit, this person had relocated due to starting a business elsewhere.

Although we were not close friends, we had shared a bond in the past. After discussing our predicament, he promptly contacted friends in the city who could assist us.

Within the same day, all obstacles regarding our new building were resolved, and construction resumed—a tremendous relief.

Reflecting on this experience, I realized that angels are among us, though often unrecognized until after their intervention.

It prompts me to wonder whether I have been an angel to others. This is a question I now pose to you: given the opportunity, would you become someone else’s angel?

Yours friend,tv2024©

Quick tips to improve your relationship NOW.See the impact within 15 minutes!

One cannot deny the impact of relationships in overall life satisfaction.

Self denial in place of selfishness. Relationships are not a reason for the need of the self.

Might is unnecessary in a good fact it’s the most unnecessary factor.

Good looks and smartness are good for the beginning but not in the long run. Beautiful faces won’t make your journey worth taking.

Having a highly self centeredness is rather a stumbling block for any relationship.

Degrees or education is good for the sustainability of the relationship but not the crucial factor of any successful relationship.

A critical attitude is the assured killer of any successful relationship.

Unforgiveness is the surest way to break any good relationship.beware of your stubbornness or lack of forgiving heart.

It is important to have a sympathetic approach towards the other.

© Titus vargis

What’s more powerful than nuclear power on this planet?

You Won’t Believe What’s More Powerful Than Nuclear Weapons! When you think of power, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Majestic nuclear explosions and their terrifying force?

Indeed, nuclear weapons symbolize immense power, capable of altering the shape of wars and geopolitics.

However, there’s something else that surpasses these man-made giants in terms of real, transformative power.

It’s not hidden in silos or showcased in military parades. It exists in every day interactions, within the words we speak and the respect we share.

Join me as we explore these subtle yet potent forces that trump even the mightiest of arsenals.

Golden Words: The Unsuspected Strength of Timing and Truth

Words can build nations or tear them down. They can start wars or usher in decades of peace. They are, without doubt, powerful.

However, the power of words isn’t simply in what is said; it lies in when and how they are spoken. A well-timed apology can salvage a relationship, just as an untimely truth can sever it.

Think of historical speeches that have stirred nations toward better futures—Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” or Winston Churchill’s rousing wartime speeches.

In our everyday lives, the timely and sincere compliment you give a colleague, or the honest but gentle critique to a friend, holds immeasurable power. It’s about hitting the right note at the perfect moment.

Understanding the Value of Every Human Being

Every person, irrespective of their economic status, education, or background, inherently possesses value. We’re more than figures or statistics. Each of us—a combination of thoughts, emotions, and potential—is unique.

A society that recognizes and respects this inherent worth can transform in ways that transcend material gains.

Recognizing everyone’s contributions, from the cleaning crew to the CEO, strengthens communal bonds and enhances mutual respect.

Imagine a world where everyone truly understands and believes in the value of their fellow human; isn’t that a cornerstone of the most powerful societal structures?

Respect: The Most Authentic Form of Love

Respect is not just politeness. It’s the very expression of love that accepts and appreciates people for who they are. It recognizes their right to exist and voice their opinions freely.

Real respect involves listening—even when you disagree—and addressing each other’s concerns and boundaries.
This mutual respect fosters an environment where individuals feel safe and valued, not because of what they bring to the table, but simply because they are human.

It’s a powerful component of successful relationships at all levels—from personal friendships to international diplomacy.

The Divine Power of Standing Up for a failed person

There’s something almost sacred about the ability to stand up after a fall—be it personal, economic, or social.

Each time someone chooses to try again after a failure, it’s a powerful reaffirmation of human resilience and hope.
Consider a small business owner who, despite numerous setbacks, chooses to open their doors each morning; or someone battling illness, who puts on a brave face each day.

These acts of persistence are powerful not only in their personal spheres but resonate through communities, inspiring collective strength and courage.
Encouraging and supporting each other to stand up, to try just once more, is perhaps one of the strongest things we can do.


Next time you think about power, think beyond the physical and the visible. Real power—the kind that shapes futures and molds societies—is often less tangible.

It’s found in the words we choose, the respect we give, and our resilience in face of odds.

These forces are truly more powerful than any weapon. Let’s choose to wield them well, with wisdom and compassion, to create a world that thrives on mutual understanding and respect. What step will you take today to harness this authentic power?

This One Trick Helped Me Conquer My Anxiety!

Discover the single most powerful method that transformed my life by conquering anxiety. This easy trick can bring surprising freedom to your routine.

This One Trick Helped Me Conquer My Anxiety!

Anxiety always held me back. Whether it was speaking at a family gathering or selecting my meal in a bustling restaurant, the grip of fear seemed relentless and unyielding.

But that all changed when I discovered a simple yet profound technique, one that anyone can apply to gradually dismantle the fortress of fear.

I am no longer afraid. I have learned that nothing is powerful unless one gives.

The real breakthrough came when I embedded this empowering belief deep within myself. Growing up, the thought of stepping outside my comfort zone was paralyzing.

But understanding that fear grows only when you feed it with your attention was the first step toward reclaiming my life.

But let me share a bit about my past – I was the eldest son in my family, often anxious and afraid, unlike my younger brother.

My younger brother seemed to glide through social situations with ease, while I lingered on the sidelines, envying his natural confidence.

This disparity only deepened my anxiety—until I embraced the journey of self-discovery and change.

Family Dynamics:

As the older brother, the unspoken pressures to set an example were immense.

Social Anxieties:

Avoiding interactions was my safe zone.

Social interaction made me anxious, keeping me inside my house most of the time, aside from going to school.

My refuge was my room, where books and computers offered a sanctuary from the unpredictable world of human interaction.

High school and college were particularly challenging. Group projects and public speaking were nightmares that I lived over and over.

My parents did not realize the need for improvement in this situation.

It was a different time, with less emphasis and understanding of mental health and anxiety.

My parents believed I would ‘grow out of it,’ a sentiment that only heightened my sense of isolation and misunderstanding.

Thus, my school and college years were unconventional.

Avoiding activities:

Clubs and parties were no-go zones.

Minimal interactions:

I stuck to what and who I knew.
I tried my best to overcome this, but nothing seemed to change my behavior or temperament.

Books and articles promised quick fixes, but their effects were fleeting. The change, as I later learned, had to come from a deeper understanding and acceptance of myself.

I eventually understood that my temperament was the root of my behavior.

Being naturally introspective and sensitive, I realized these traits are not weaknesses but rather unexplored strengths.

This internal shift was crucial to the broader transformation.

How did I change my default behavior of fear and anxious thoughts?

First, I accepted my temperament.

I embraced my intrinsic nature instead of fighting it. This acceptance was liberating.

It helped me understand my interactions with the world around me better and adjust accordingly without self-judgment.

I then learned to accept myself just as I am, cultivating self-love and dispelling the notion of insanity.

Self-love exercises:

Treating myself as I would a dear friend.

Daily affirmations:

Reinforcing my worth and normalcy every day.

By observing those different from me, mimicking their body language and attitude, and repeatedly affirming my normalcy, I gradually overcame my anxiety.

I watched, I learned, and I applied. Slowly, the social cues and interactions that once baffled me began to make sense.

Fear and anxiety can be endured through courage, which entails acting despite fear’s presence.

Understanding courage:

It’s not the absence of fear but the decision to move forward despite it.

Practical application:

Choosing to engage in small but challenging interactions every day.

Believe me, we are all afraid. Courage does not mean being unafraid; it means acting despite fear.

Every person has fears; every person has anxiety about something. But those who choose to act, even in the face of those fears, are the ones who find true freedom.

Give it a try and witness a transformation within 15 days. Do not be disheartened by occasional setbacks; personal growth is a commitment.

Embracing this journey is not about immediate perfection but continual progression.

Each step, no matter how small, is a victory against anxiety. Each day is a new opportunity to live more freely than the last.

Keep moving forward, keep exploring yourself, and soon, you’ll find that the clutches of anxiety no longer hold the power they once did.

The Surprising Truth About Choosing the Road Less Traveled

Dive deep into why the road less traveled could lead to extraordinary opportunities and unexpected delights. Unlock your adventure spirit now!

Facing a world of preachers and warring nations like Israel and Russia is a tad bit chaotic.

Every time you flick on the news, there’s something brewing around the corner—be it in the dusty streets of the Middle East or the vast expanses of Eastern Europe.

Conflict seems like the order of the day, and yet here we are, trying to navigate through it all.

Explaining ‘proper living’ to young children can feel like tiptoeing through a field of landmines. It’s tricky, but not impossible.

In a way, we are the most selfish generations to have lived so far. We are highly educated and informed. We’ve got all the information in the world right at our fingertips. Googling has become a verb, and ignorance is less excusable.

Does that make us a bit self-centered? Maybe. We process loads of information daily, focusing more on our lives and less on the broader impacts.

We are aware of what’s happening in the corners of our world right now. But the question is, what are we doing? Are we just scrolling? Liking? Sharing? Often, it feels like our actions don’t extend beyond the digital realm.

Compared to earlier generations, we are smarter and highly practical. We’ve evolved to prioritize efficiency, creating solutions for virtually everything. Our lives revolve around convenience, crafted smartly to fit our fast-paced lifestyle.

Have we lost touch with the fabric that binds us—community and connection amidst the first-class cities and extraordinary facilities with nuclear families?

Each bomb, each bullet whispers a tale of loss—not just of lives but of potential peace.

Perhaps it’s easier to play the fool. Facing reality requires courage and work—traits that demand nurturing.

Despite recyclable cups and solar panels, are we truly making a positive impact on the climate and future generations?

It seems our tolerance and moral compass were misplaced in our quest for more—more money, more success, more everything.

Living sensibly requires a sense of morality and genuine love for others.

It’s not just climate change; it’s a change in the human climate—cold and indifferent.

Not just profits, but gains in kindness, understanding, and sustainability. Treasures that truly count.

Make the first move. Invite, share, understand.

Like an unspoken pact, to handle with care this world and its inhabitants.

Because at the end of the day, the circle completes with us—not beside us, not behind us, but together, hand in hand.

Together, let’s redefine what it means to live properly—not just for our sake, but for the sake of those who will inherit this earth. A commitment, a pact, a lifestyle. For the future is ours to shape.


This Open Letter to the Broken-Hearted is a Must-Read!

“If you’re dealing with heartache, this open letter is a must-read! It’s packed with startling truths and emotional depth. Don’t miss out!”

Hello, my dear friend.

Are you feeling broken? I would like to talk with you.

This is a safe space where you’re seen and heard, a corner where we can share heart-to-heart.

Life can be grueling, and people can be harsh, but remember, you’re not alone in your struggles. Let’s journey through understanding, resilience, and joy together.

You Are Not Your Behavior

Let’s get one thing straight: your worth isn’t defined by your behaviors, mistakes, or the judgments from those around you. Often, people who keep score of your flaws are wrestling with their own imperfections. So, what should you do?

* Ignore those scorekeepers; they’re no better themselves.
* Recognize your strengths and embrace your weaknesses—they make you uniquely you.

In this noisy world, everyone has an opinion about how you should exist. It’s vital to remind yourself: You are not defined by an isolated moment of your life.

Find Your Tribe

The people who try to belittle you are often battling feelings of inferiority. They may not even realize how their insecurities are affecting you.

* Surround yourself with individuals who uplift you.
* Reevaluate relationships that drain your spirit.

Nothing hurts more than being put down by someone you admire. I’ve felt this pain firsthand, and it’s tough but remember, happiness is your inherent right, not a privilege.

Claiming Your Happiness

Happiness isn’t a luxury item—it’s your right. Take it, own it, live it.

* You don’t need permission to seek joy.
* Break free from those who shatter your peace.

Personal story time—there were moments when I thought my happiness was dependent on approval from others. It took many tears and tough days to realize that the only approval I need is my own.

Walking Away Isn’t Weakness

Sometimes, the healthiest thing you can do is to distance yourself from toxic people.

* Limit interactions that harm more than they heal.
* Loving yourself might mean leaving certain people behind.

If someone shows you that they don’t value your peace or presence, believe them the first time. It’s not about them; it’s about respecting yourself enough to walk away.

Talk It Out

Feeling overwhelmed? Talk to someone who genuinely cares.

* Find a compassionate ear among friends or family.
* Consider professional help—there are many wonderful counselors ready to support you.

And if you’re up for it, why not treat yourself? Grab that ice cream you love, dive into your favorite movie—it’s small acts like these that nestle joy back into your life.

Embrace Self-Care

Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary.

* Make time for hobbies and passions outside your daily routines.
* Invest in activities that bring you happiness, be it sports, cooking, or movies.

Remember, laughing and enjoying life aren’t signs of not taking life seriously—they’re signs of embracing the array of human emotions.

You Are Special

I want to leave you with this thought: You are special, loved, and worthy of love.

* Never let anyone’s negativity dictate how you see yourself.
* Protect your peace and prioritize your happiness.

Remember, the greatest duty in life is to love yourself first. When you do, loving others and accepting love becomes a beautiful, natural extension.

Stay blessed, dear friend. Always choose love, choose joy, and most importantly, choose yourself.


I hope this post resonates with you and instills a bit of strength and hope. If you know someone who might benefit from these words, please feel free to share. Let’s spread kindness and understanding together.

Yours friend

©Titus vargis.

11 rules for starting the day like a king

You find cherry by going to the cherry.

Hey,my friend. Hope you are doing great.

Here I will be sharing a quick way to begin the new day like a king! These are followed by great men and women who have achieved greatness in different spheres of life.

What ways do great men have achieved their greatness? It’s their perspective on time and discipline. They didn’t complain about the lack of time. Rather they went headstrong with seizing the day!

1. Planning a day before for the day.

2. Doing things first what they love.

3. Leaving all other things for the later part of the day.

4. Having a plan for their life and thereby for each day.

5. They know the power of focus. They just never undertake tens of tasks at a time.

6. They save their energy by staying away from unnecessary tasks or people.

7. They start the day with a power breakfast.

8. They believe they are not ruled by luck or the universe.

9. They divide the whole tasks into little chunks so that they can plan better and achieve greatly.

10. They know what their vision is. They are moved by them.

11. They affirm themselves. They believe in self motivation.

These are but few of the rules great men have achieved greatness in their life. Life is hard and we can’t make excuses.

No one is stopping anyone from achieving great things in life. Why are you waiting?!

Yours well wisher.

An Open Letter to My Life Partner: Celebrating Our Shared Moments

Sharing Gratitude for Our Relationship

Our journey together has been amazing. From our first laugh to the deep conversations under the stars, each moment deepens my affection for you. Our love is a beautiful chapter in my life, and I’m constantly surprised by how well we fit together, like a perfectly crafted puzzle.

I often pause to think about how lucky I am to have you in my life. I feel like fate chose you for me, and having you by my side to share my dreams is a blessing that I cherish.

Do you remember who I was when we met? Because of you, I’ve changed in ways I never thought possible. You’ve inspired me to pursue my passions and appreciate the little joys in life, transforming me in ways I never expected.

I can’t imagine going on adventures or enjoying a quiet morning coffee with anyone but you. You’re my constant companion through the highs and lows, and I hope our companionship always remains.

Whenever we’re apart, it feels like a piece of me is missing. Even if it’s just a day at work or a week away due to travel, the distance between us feels insurmountable at times. I find myself eagerly counting down the moments until we’re together again.

Men often struggle to express their emotions and rely on the strong women in their lives—like you. Your grace and understanding in accepting me, flaws and all, are qualities I admire greatly. Your emotional generosity is something I’m learning from you every day.

You believe in me when I doubt myself and push me towards my potential, yet you’re also my safe harbor when I falter. I’m deeply grateful for the delicate balance you strike between supporting and challenging me.

Our anniversary may be far off, but I couldn’t wait to express my gratitude. Every day with you is worth celebrating, far beyond once a year.

Your support during my moments of doubt has not only helped me persevere but has also built my resilience. You’re truly my teammate in every sense of the word.

Forgiveness wasn’t easy for me, but you’ve shown me its healing power. Your ability to forgive, even in difficult times, has turned our home into a place of peace and understanding.

For being there every time I stumble, for your understanding and acceptance—I am thankful. You’ve taught me what unconditional love truly means.

When the world feels overwhelming and I need to retreat, your respect for my space is a gift I treasure. It showcases your profound understanding of who I am.

No matter what happens, you will always be my priority. You are the heart of my world, always pulling me into your orbit.

While I rely on you, I also want you to prioritize your well-being. Your happiness is just as important to me as my own.

Whether it’s later today or tomorrow, I eagerly await our next meeting. Every goodbye is temporary because it leads to another hello.

Forever yours.

What are you selling my darling!

The day you

were born

the day

you will die.

what is

the meaning

of life or


what do you

want from me?

I could count stars,

tell me

what does it

take to win

your love for me?

I don’t need

your life support.

I am what

I don’t need

your exposition,

elaborated details

of what you

see in me.

I need to hear

from you,

what ways can

you love me.?

Have seen

enough of saviours

have tried

all of them.

Tell me what

you want from me.

You said you

love me,what do

you see in me?

What are you looking for

in me?

Darling,what are you


© Titus vargis

What really matters

What matters
Well,my child
You might
have decided

this media
you call
you are
might have
guessed it

No,no no
My child,
Let me say
kindness matters
our survival
is based
on the meek,
not on the

turning the
other cheek
quite often

this has
kept us all
alive and
this planet.

Stop carrying this burden my dear soul

Unwind yourself now

Stop  this

hey, it’s  okay

to  cry.

You  are  a
man, so  what!?
stop  being
find  someone
some  solace.

You  are
You  are  a
warrior  and
a  human.
Share  your
pour  out
your  heart
you  need

We  all
are  little  less
stop  carrying
all  by
So  what?
You  are
a  man,
and  a  human
It’s  okay
to  not  be

© Titus vargis

Experts Reveal Uncommon Strategies for a Joyful Life!

Finding happiness by choice

Looking for a fresh perspective on happiness? This post explores inventive and unorthodox ways to achieve and sustain true joyfulness.

Happy are those who speak ‘No’ at the right time without hesitation.

Don’t follow a false religion.

Treat a hobby like a devotion.

Read books as much as possible.

Prioritize themselves.

Indulge in their favorite ice cream.

Engage with children.

Overcome shame and guilt.

Take unique paths.

Challenge the rules of a seemingly rational society that often favors the wealthy.

Rest whenever mundane activities become monotonous.

Avoid adhering to any man-made recipe for success.

Abandon all conventional life formulas.

Focus on self-approval rather than seeking validation from others.

Shower their children with unconditional love.

Embrace failure and explore new possibilities.

Cultivate self-love to be able to love others effectively afterwards.

Happy are those who,
Speak ‘No’ at the right time without thinking about it.
don’t follow a fake religion.
Treat a hobby like a prayer.
Read books as much as possible.
Think about themselves first.
Buy the favorite ice cream of their choice.
Play with the children.
Ditch shame and guilt.
Take uncommon pathways.
Break the rules of so called sane society which only help the rich and affluent.
Sleep a lot when others bore you.
don’t follow any man made success mantra.
Ditch all so called formulas for life.
Don’t impress anyone but themselves.
Give their unconditional love to their children.
Give up easily and try different things.
Love themselves so that they can love others later.

Hello my friend,we are together as a rainbow.

Think about this.

Hello my friend!

how are you?

Why should

I stay loud?

I am not


my DNA is


so yours.

The Sun is,and

the stars and


who said

I am quiet?

Stop being


It’s irritating.

can’t you be

more accommodating?


we are together

in the rainbow.

Listen, you are loud.

I am not loud.

© Titus vargis

Experts Agree: Discover the Eleven Life Lessons That Can Boost Your Happiness!

Explore the wisdom shared by experts and embrace the surprising life lessons that are absolutely essential for growth, happiness, and success.

Life is a journey that constantly teaches us new lessons. Sometimes, these lessons come from experiences, good or bad, and sometimes we learn them by observing others or through personal reflection.

Today, I want to share with you 11 life lessons that have truly made a difference in how I view the world and myself. These aren’t just any lessons; they’re the kind of insights I wish someone had shared with me earlier.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in together into this pool of wisdom collected over the years.

Relationships Don’t Fulfill You

You might think finding the one person who makes your heart skip a beat will solve all your problems and fill that emptiness inside you.

But the truth is, no one can fill that void except you. Relationships are wonderful, enriching aspects of our lives, but they’re not the solution to personal fulfillment. Fulfillment comes from inside, from knowing yourself and loving yourself.

Only You Can Bring Significance to Your Life

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that our worth is tied to our achievements, job title, or social status.

However, the only person who can genuinely bring meaning to your life is you. Your passions, your kindness, your dreams, and how you touch the lives of others—these are what make your life significant.

Work Hard but Don’t Forget to Act Smart

There’s no denying the importance of hard work. Dedication and perseverance are key to achieving goals.

But it’s also crucial to work smart. Efficiency isn’t just about putting in the hours; it’s about finding better, more effective ways to accomplish tasks.

This could mean automating repetitive tasks, delegating, or simply knowing when to take a break to recharge your batteries.

Take Time for Yourself

In this fast-paced world, taking time for oneself is often seen as a luxury or even selfishness.

But it’s anything but. Taking time off to just be can greatly improve your mental health and productivity.

Whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk in nature, or simply doing nothing, time for yourself is essential for a balanced life.

Find a Purpose in Life Apart from Your Routine Job

Many of us fall into the routine of daily jobs and responsibilities, often losing sight of what makes us truly excited about life.

Finding a purpose outside of work can add a new layer of meaning to your life. This could be a hobby, volunteer work, or anything that makes you feel alive and contributes to the greater good.

The Purpose Gives You Significance

Having discussed finding a purpose, it’s worth noting that this purpose is what imbues your life with real significance.

It’s the thing that gets you up in the morning with excitement and keeps you going even when the going gets tough. A life with a purpose is a life of fulfillment.

Think Out of the Box

Creativity isn’t just for artists; it’s a necessary skill for overcoming the challenges life throws at us.

Thinking outside the box, trying new things, and looking at situations from different perspectives can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Encourage yourself to break the mold once in a while, and you might be surprised where it leads you.

Life Is an Adventure

Life isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey. Treating life as an adventure helps us see the beauty in the everyday and makes us more open to new experiences.

Embrace the unknown with open arms, and don’t be afraid to take risks – this is what makes life thrilling.

Ask Directions if You Feel You Got Lost

There’s no shame in asking for help or direction. We all get lost sometimes, whether it’s in our career paths, personal life, or even literally.

Seeking advice or guidance from others can provide valuable insights and prevent us from wandering aimlessly.

Try Supernatural

This point might raise a few eyebrows, but hear me out. The supernatural doesn’t necessarily mean magic spells or sorcery; it’s about believing in something beyond our understanding.

Whether it’s faith, karma, or cosmic energy, sometimes, embracing the idea that there’s more to life than what meets the eye can help us cope with life’s frustrations.

Never Give Up Your Confidence

Confidence is not about always being right or not having doubts; it’s about trusting your abilities and worth even when things don’t go your way.

Never let failures or setbacks diminish your self-belief. Remember, confidence is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Say ‘Yes’ Only When You Really Want To

We live in a culture that glorifies busyness and overcommitment.

But there’s incredible power in saying no and choosing what truly resonates with you.

Say yes to experiences, opportunities, and connections that align with your values and joy, and don’t feel pressured to agree to everything else.

In sum, these lessons, drawn from personal experiences and reflections, offer a blueprint for living a life that is rich, fulfilling, and true to oneself.

Remember, life is a beautiful, messy, and unpredictable journey, but it’s our journey to embrace, explore, and enjoy.

So, here’s to making the most of it, learning as we go, and remembering that in the end, it’s the lessons we learn that make us who we are.

Experts Reveal Why Your Identity Is a Complete Illusion!

Dive deep into the mind-blowing reality that your identity might just be an illusion. Experts share powerful insights on why and how – a must-read journey to the truth.”

Sometimes, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of self-perception and societal expectation, pondering deeply, “Who am I? I really don’t know.”

It’s a question that echoes through the chambers of our minds, particularly during moments of solitude or frustration.

The journey to self-discovery is intricate, often marred by the external pressures to conform and the internal desire to be authentic.

This blog post delves into this complex interplay, exploring why we sometimes lose sight of who we are and how we can navigate back to our true selves.

Should I Believe in Myself or Others? I Am Confused

There comes a time in nearly everyone’s life when the reflection staring back from the mirror seems unfamiliar.

It’s not the physical appearance that feels foreign but the realization that the person you’ve become might be a collage of external expectations rather than your authentic self.

The paradox of belief—heavily influenced by others yet inherently personal—leaves us in a state of confusion.

The Frustration of Constant Agreement

It’s astonishing how subtly it begins. Agreeing with a partner on a trivial matter, or altering behavior slightly to avoid disappointing parents or friends.

Slowly, these concessions accumulate, eclipsing our true nature.

The frustration bubbles beneath the surface when we realize that our actions and decisions are no longer our own but a performance scripted by societal norms.

Conforming to Avoid Offense

Our world is painted in shades of politeness and diplomacy, where offending others is often seen as the cardinal sin.

This societal dictum shapes our behavior meticulously, compelling us to adjust our true selves for fear of rebuke. But at what cost? The price, it turns out, is the essence of who we are.

Society Dictates, But At What Expense?

The societal cookie-cutter approach to individuality is perplexing. From our earliest days, any deviation from the norm is discouraged, children being the prime victims of this conformity crusade.

But why do we prioritize fitting in over being genuine?

Suppressing Our True Selves

The suppression begins innocuously enough, with reprimands for not adhering to expected behaviors, and subtly transitions into a more profound loss of identity.

As we mature, the societal leash tightens, often disguised as well-meaning advice or the path to success.

However, this suppression of individuality bears long-term consequences, eroding the authenticity that makes each of us unique.

The Fault in Our Systems

Our education system, albeit a cornerstone of societal progress, sometimes perpetuates this culture of conformity. Creativity and originality often take a backseat to memorization and regurgitation of accepted norms.

This not only stifles personal growth but also molds individuals into personas that resonate with societal expectations rather than their true selves.

Embracing Authenticity for a Rich Tapestry of Individuality

Recently, an epiphany struck me. In my relentless pursuit of pleasing others, I had lost touch with who I really am. This realization was both liberating and daunting.

It’s time to peel off the layers of imposed identities and rediscover the core of our being.

Respect Diversity, Foster Individuality

Just as we cannot expect a singer to excel in accounting without a passion for numbers, or an athlete to dance without rhythm, we cannot force individuals into preconceived molds.

It is essential to acknowledge and respect the diversity of talents, passions, and personalities that make up the human tapestry.

Promoting a one-size-fits-all mentality does a disservice to the richness of human potential.

Conclusion: The Authentic Self is the Happiest Self

In this journey of self-discovery, let us embrace our quirks, our idiosyncrasies, and our unique perspectives.

Encourage others to shine in their authentic light, unburdened by the weight of conformity.

Remember, the freedom to be ourselves is not just a path to happiness but a celebration of the vibrant diversity that makes humanity so intriguing and wonderful.

Let’s not just ask, “Who am I?” but answer with confidence, “I am uniquely me.” And that’s not just okay; it’s beautiful.

Ready to Quit? This Message Will Give You the Strength to Carry On!

Ever felt like giving up? This message will light a fire within you, revealing exclusive insights on cultivating grit and resilience. Discover the secrets to a stronger, more determined you.

You have come so far. Don’t you think it is true?
You have overcome millions of seas. You outsmarted many.

Life gives you so many lessons,won’t you fight this time?
Millions have gone during the pandemic. You have SURVIVED.
Take time to look back. You are a survivor.

Many look to you as a role model. Would you give up and shatter their hope?
Think about millions of children who are sleeping without bread? Are you not better than them?

You never gave up, earlier. Now life has brought you in a state of suffering. You must fight.
I tell you, you are not defeated unless you give up.

Take a break. It’s a need to show compassion to yourself. You need care.

Hey,why are you so loud? It’s disgusting.

No one is the center of the universe

Hey,you are so so loud. This is killing me.

I am not your kind of. I am not like you.

Remember this,your loudness is disgusting.

Don’t think otherwise. I don’t hate you. I love you.

I know you are so genuine.
My experience tells me that you are naturally loud.

But I can’t just accommodate you in that.
Sometimes I just want to say it out loud. But I am not that kind of person.
I know you need to be silent sometimes,but I don’t say it. I might hurt you.

Why do you think you have to be loud?

Can’t you be calm sometimes?!

It’s not good. Not everyone is like you.
You need to respect others.

You need to understand that often your loudness makes me frustrated.

I am a silent person. I like to talk in a way that looks like the opposite of loudness.

This doesn’t mean that I am not social.
In Fact I like to be around people like you.
Don’t be rude.
I hate being told you are not talking. I hate being told that I am silent. No I like to talk.
I love to talk beyond the surface. I like to talk about everything but you don’t want only care about yourself.
I like to share my real issues, not only how you are etc.
Please respect my friend. Don’t be so rude.
Your perspective is as important as mine.
My issues are as important too. If you care to listen,I will talk.
If you keep on talking,I won’t respond.
We are meant to be different. When we truly care,we respect others. We listen to others.
I hope you understand.

“Why are you downcast, my soul? Hope in the Lord.”

My dear soul, Why are you worried? This is not the time to be cast down. I see you as an overcome. Why consider their point of view? It’s significant. Instead, hold fast to your faith. Why ignore all your achievements? You have come so far! Why not make a list of them? Keep focusing … Read more

Your Inspiration is Dying! Find Out Why and How to Revive It?

“Feel like your inspiration is on its last breath? Uncover unusual yet effective tips to re-energise your spirit and get back on the creative path. Start your resurgence journey now.”

Inspiration is the fuel that powers the engine of creativity, driving us to explore, innovate, and achieve remarkable things.

However, even the brightest flame of inspiration can be snuffed out by seemingly innocent habits and choices.

Let’s delve into what can unknowingly kill your inspiration, offering insights and tips on how to keep that creative spark alive.

Keep on Talking About the Past

Reflecting on the past isn’t inherently bad; it’s our personal library of experiences and lessons.

But dwelling on it, especially on failures or missed opportunities, can be like walking with your eyes fixed behind you—you’re bound to stumble on what’s ahead.

Dwelling in the past can prevent you from seeing current opportunities and can drain your inspiration.

*Tip:Acknowledge your past but live in the present. Let the lessons learned inform your decisions without letting past failures define your future endeavours.

Keep on Discussing Your Dreams with Dream Killers

Sharing your dreams and aspirations is natural, seeking support and advice.

However, consistently discussing them with individuals who dismiss, belittle, or discourage you can quench your drive. These ‘dream killers’ may not always mean harm; sometimes, they project their own fears and limitations onto you.

*Tip:Surround yourself with supporters who believe in the beauty of your dreams and encourage you to pursue them, even when the path gets tough.

Speaking Bad About Yourself to Self or Others

The words we speak about ourselves, both internally and externally, have immense power.

Constantly downplaying your abilities, doubting your potential, or berating yourself for failures can erode your self-esteem and kill your inspiration.

*Tip: Practise self-compassion and positive self-talk. Celebrate your small victories and learn from mistakes without self-judgement.

Keeping Mind Closed

A closed mind is a blockade on the road to inspiration.

Rejecting new ideas, perspectives, or experiences out of hand stifles creativity and prevents the discovery of new inspirations.

*Tip: Cultivate curiosity. Stay open to new experiences and viewpoints. You never know what might spark your next big idea.

Thinking in a Box

Creativity thrives on freedom, yet many of us confine our thinking to the familiar comfort of ‘the box.’

This limitation can stifle innovation and kill inspiration by rendering us unable to see beyond our self-imposed boundaries.

*Tip: Challenge yourself to think differently. Approaching problems from unusual angles and questioning standard methods can unleash new and inspiring ideas.

Staying in a Bad Company of Friends Who Lack Vision or Dreams

The people you surround yourself with can significantly influence your mindset and aspirations.

Spending too much time with friends who lack their own vision or dreams can subtly discourage your pursuits, making it tough to maintain inspiration.

*Tip:Seek out and spend time with people who inspire you, those who have dreams of their own and encourage you to reach for yours.

Not Taking Time on Yourself

Neglecting self-care and personal development can deplete your energy and dull your creative spark.

Inspiration flourishes when you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally well-tended.

*Tip: Make time for yourself. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit and stimulate your mind.

Lack of Recreation

All work and no play isn’t just dull; it’s a recipe for burnout and a surefire inspiration killer.

Recreation and leisure activities are not just fun—they’re necessary for refreshing your perspective and recharging your creative energy.

*Tip: Incorporate leisure and hobbies into your routine. Doing things just for the joy of it can reignite your inspiration.

Not Attempting New Endeavours

Sticking to what you know and never venturing beyond can lead you into an inspirational rut. The challenge and excitement of new endeavours stimulate creativity and can be a powerful source of inspiration.

* Tip:Dare to try new things, whether it’s learning a skill, exploring a new hobby, or taking on a challenging project.

Not Reading Books

Books are windows to new worlds, ideas, and insights. Opting out of reading is like shutting those windows and denying yourself the breeze of inspiration they bring.

*Tip: Make reading a regular part of your life. Books in your area of interest can be incredibly inspiring, but don’t be afraid to explore outside your comfort zone too.


Inspiration is a delicate flame that needs nurturing.

By being mindful of the factors that can extinguish it and taking proactive steps to foster a supportive, open, and stimulating environment, we can keep our inspirational fires burning brightly.

Let’s commit to being architects of our own inspiration, building and reinforcing the conditions that allow it to thrive.

what does it take to intervene?

Does one need gold treasure to help

What does
it take to
a helping hand?

What does
it take
to ask
a lonely
What has happened?

take up cross
for a while
while someone is
bearing it!?

Does it take
a big heart
gold treasure?
large assets?

Or someone
a human
from the
who call
so called
homo sapiens?

How are you? (poem)

Do  you  care?

would  you  mind

showing  your


We don’t say

things we should.

I  am  here 

for  you

Let’s  be  honest

no  boundaries.

did  you  cry?

No  one  came?!

Would  you

come  another 


I am insane

bit killed

by gods and


right  now

he  is  broken

shattered  by

of   life.

bring   your


next   time.

already enough

questions here.

This  is  how

I  am!

my  reply 

‘How  are  you?’

©Titus vargis

The Ultimate Guide to Loving Life, No Matter How Rough It Gets!

“Discover jaw-dropping reasons to adore life in each moment. This guide empowers you to energize your existence with love and excitement.”

It’s my family,my friends,my insecurity,my lack of confidence,my neighbor,my local government – everyone is damn dirty. Except me?

No. I know I am not qualified indeed to live,to face people who are weird,my challenges I meet each day.
So I don’t want to live! Yes you heard it right.

Why did I have to be born? I often ask myself. Of Course you don’t ask this to your parents.
Why didn’t I die on the day I was born?

What’s the point of all networks, education, marriage or children? What does it benefit? You are still never get away with wickedness rampant.

I hate hypocrisy.I see it everywhere. In my family,my friends,my church.
Don’t we see people who act as saints but are real jokers inside. Wicked inside. What is the point of living among such a crowd?

What’s the point in earning hard with sweat and blood only to see later your money is of no use.

People use you and throw you away. As a lemon squeezed and thrown away.

Don’t we see it in our own lives?
This frustrates me. I hate seeing this again and again.

Even the so-called religion and the church people,are they any different!?
No. They deceive you.They frustrate you quite often.

Our lives are meaningless.
It’s not rational at all.
This was my view up to now.
I didn’t realize until recently a different truth.
One sentence from a good book. It was transforming. It liberated me.
I changed my perspective on living.
What was that?!

Life is not rational so don’t rationalize. Life is hard but good things do come out of hard things.
Planting a tree is hard.
Watering it for many many days is damn hard.

It consumes time. It consumes our patience.
It is doing again and again and again but with no results.
Yet we find life happens this way.
One day the tree comes up. Fruits come. You enjoy the fruits. You realize it was worth it.

Now you smile.
You receive the prize for all your hard work! At last.
Life is not magic. It takes our efforts. It takes time. You get results.
You sow the seeds,you water them again and again. You keep your look for the day when it will blossom and give you fruits.
You look at that day. You keep on trusting.

You even deny your own feelings of meaningless efforts.
This is the right way.
This is life’s way.
This is the way to gain anything in life.
The other way is futile.
I discussed that in the beginning.
Let’s have the adventure of life.
Let’s keep going.
Let’s keep on believing.
Let’s live, not die.

© Titus vargis

Breaking Free from Depression: The Ultimate Comeback Story!

Happiness awaits just around the corner. Learn how to escape the grip of depression and find the joy and fulfillment you deserve in your life.

Navigating the treacherous waters of life, we occasionally find ourselves in the midst of a storm, where the waves of betrayal, loneliness, and despair threaten to sink our ship of sanity.

It’s a place I found myself not too long ago – drowning in the chaos of depression, ensnared by the chains of isolation.

Yet, here I am today, sharing my journey from the brink of absolute insanity to a place of renewed hope and serenity.

It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of understanding, patience, and self-care.

How I Keep Myself Sane in Insanity

My path to reclaiming my sanity was far from straightforward. It was a journey marked by trials that tested every fiber of my being. Yet, these hardships presented an opportunity for profound personal growth.

When The World Turned Its Back

My descent into darkness began with personal betrayals—friends who vanished when shadows loomed, a spouse overwhelmed by the specter of my mental illness, and siblings whose trust seemed like a foreign concept.

The pain of these betrayals was magnified by a crippling financial instability. It felt as though I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of despair, with no one to turn to for support.

Finding Solace in Solitude

In the depths of my isolation, I discovered the healing power of solitude. It was in these moments of alone, untethered from the expectations and judgments of those around me, that I began to see glimmers of light piercing through the darkness.

Meditation became a sanctuary, a realm where I could seek peace amidst the turmoil. Though my initial attempts felt fruitless, persistence revealed the transformative potential of mindfulness and self-reflection.

Books: The Beacons of Hope

Turning to literature, I searched for wisdom in the experiences of others. While each page didn’t hold a miraculous cure, the collective insights offered a lantern to guide me through my darkest days.

It was a reminder that I wasn’t alone in my struggles, that others too had navigated the treacherous paths of mental illness and emerged stronger on the other side.

How Can Anyone Do It?

My story, though unique in its details, shares universal themes with the experiences of countless others.

Here, I offer suggestions drawn from my journey, hoping they might light the way for someone else enduring the storm.

Embrace The Journey

Recovery is not a destination but a journey. It requires patience, forgiveness (both of yourself and others), and an unwavering commitment to self-discovery. Understand that setbacks are not failures but stepping stones towards healing.

Cultivate Meaningful Connections

Though my path was often solitary, the moments I cherished the most were those shared with individuals who genuinely cared.

Opening your heart to trusted friends, family members, or professionals can provide the strength needed to persevere. Remember, vulnerability is not a weakness but a courageous step towards recovery.

Seek Professional Help

There’s a profound strength in acknowledging the need for help beyond our personal networks.

Mental health professionals offer invaluable guidance, helping us to navigate our emotions and challenges in a structured, supportive environment.

Rediscover Your Passions

In the throes of my depression, life’s colors had faded to grey.

Yet, as I reconnected with forgotten hobbies and interests, I found myself imbued with a renewed sense of purpose and joy. Allow yourself the freedom to explore new activities or rekindle old passions.


The road from the depths of despair to the peaks of emotional wellness is long, winding, and uniquely personal. Yet, it’s a journey worth embarking on.

My experiences, though fraught with pain and loneliness, ultimately led me to a place of greater understanding, empathy, and resilience.

To anyone walking this path, know that you are not alone, and that with time, support, and self-care, it is possible to reclaim your sanity and rediscover the beauty of life.

Let us be kind to ourselves and one another, for in kindness, we find our shared humanity and the strength to overcome even the most daunting of challenges.

The Ultimate No-No’s: 10 Ways Women Accidentally Kill the Romance

Ever wonder why the flame fades? Uncover the top 10 mistakes women unwittingly make that can extinguish romance. Transform your love life with these powerful insights.

Has the spark in your relationship fizzled out, leaving you wondering where things went wrong?
At the heart of a dwindling romance, understanding the ‘why’ can be more complex than it appears.
While both partners hold the paintbrush that colors the canvas of their relationship, certain patterns of behavior, specifically from women, have been known to push men away.

Before you jump to conclusions, it’s essential to remember that a relationship is a dance of two.

However, understanding these dynamics can offer fresh perspectives and avenues for growth.

Let’s unfold the seven mistakes every woman makes in a relationship that can push their man away.

1. Expecting Your Man to Be More Like Another Woman Just Like You

Remember, expecting your partner to mirror your emotions or ways of expression can set you both up for disappointment.
Men and women often differ in their communication styles and emotional processing.
Respecting and appreciating these differences instead of expecting mirroring can turn those differences into strengths within your relationship.

2.Keeping Social Friends Especially Men and Hiding Them From Him

Friendships outside the relationship are healthy and recommended.
However, being secretive or dishonest about them, especially friends of the opposite gender, can lead to trust issues.
Open communication and transparency about these friendships can foster trust and respect between you and your partner.

3.Keeping a Record of All the Wrongs and Playing Them Each Day

Holding onto past mistakes and bringing them up frequently can poison the present.
It’s vital to address issues and hurt as they happen and work together towards resolution.
Letting go and choosing forgiveness can set the stage for a healthier, happier relationship.

4.Playing Games as a Narcissist

Taking advantage of your partner’s feelings or manipulating situations for personal gain are signs of narcissistic tendencies.
These actions erode trust and respect, which are the foundations of a strong relationship.
Strive for a partnership where both feel valued and understood.

5.Keeping Relationships on a Threat

Threatening to leave or end the relationship during every argument creates an environment of insecurity and fear.
Effective communication and working through problems together build a more stable and secure relationship where both partners feel safe.

6.Not Giving Respect as a Human Being

Respect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship.
It involves acknowledging your partner’s feelings, thoughts, and needs.
Little acts of kindness and understanding can go a long way in nurturing love and respect.

7.Not Showing Gratefulness

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going wrong and overlook the good in our partner.
Showing appreciation for the little things they do can make a world of difference.
Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

8.Ignoring Democratic Values and Absence of Responsibility

A relationship thrives on equal partnership and shared responsibilities.
Ignoring these values can make your partner feel undervalued and overburdened.
Sharing duties and decisions fosters a sense of teamwork and unity.

9. Letting Sickness Be an Excuse for Lack of Care

When your partner is sick, it’s an opportunity to show up and care for them.
Neglect during these times can feel like abandonment.
Providing care and understanding during illness strengthens bonds and deepens love.

10.Making Undue Fun of Him in Public

Public embarrassment can be deeply hurtful.
Jokes at your partner’s expense, especially in public, can damage their self-esteem and your relationship.

Celebrating your partner’s qualities in public, instead, builds them up.


In navigating the complexities of relationships, understanding and empathy go a long way.

Recognizing our own actions and their impacts can pave the way for stronger, more loving connections.

Remember, it’s not about playing the blame game but about finding a middle ground where love and respect flourish.

So, let’s strive to be better partners, appreciating the uniqueness each brings to the table, and nurturing the love that binds us together.
Yours friend,
© Titus vargis

Finally! An Open Letter That Offers a Real Solution to Loneliness!

No one to lean on by Titus vargis

Dear Reader,

I have something important to share with you – a personal struggle that many may relate to. This isn’t your average social media post; it’s raw and emotional. I want you to understand that despite appearances, my life isn’t perfect. I may write inspirational posts and showcase a seemingly ideal existence, but behind the scenes, I battle with my own demons. Loneliness is my constant companion, despite having a loving family and engaging in community service. The lack of empathy from those closest to me leaves me feeling isolated. I do my best to help others, but often feel used and discarded in return. This constant cycle of selfishness is disheartening.

## The Unseen Battle

My open life by Titus vargis

I am not the life of the party; I prefer solitude. My quiet demeanor shouldn’t be mistaken for misanthropy – I simply find solace in my own company. It’s disconcerting that society often favors extroverts over introverts like myself. I gravitate towards individuals who exhibit empathy and open-mindedness, as self-absorption is a trait that I struggle to tolerate. Finding balance in a world that values social prowess can be challenging, causing me to question my self-worth. My perfectionist tendencies only exacerbate my internal conflicts.

In my darker moments, when the world feels overwhelming, I retreat into my fortress of solitude. It’s there, in the silence, that I confront the heart of my loneliness. It’s not the absence of people that haunts me but the absence of meaningful connections. Despite being surrounded by a crowd, the void within grows, feeding on fleeting interactions and superficial exchanges.

My chaos by Titus vargis.

## Finding Respite

To combat my feelings of isolation, I engage in various therapeutic activities. Music has a profound effect on my well-being, providing a sense of solace when words fail me. Journaling serves as an outlet for my unfiltered thoughts, allowing me to untangle the complexities of my emotions. Immersing myself in nature, reading books, and practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation also offer respite from the chaos of everyday life.

These actions are my lifelines, pulling me back from the edge of despair. They allow me to breathe, to find peace in the storm. But they are not cure-alls. My journey towards healing is ongoing, marked by small victories and inevitable setbacks.

## A Shared Struggle

If my words resonate with you, know that you are not alone in your struggles. There are countless individuals grappling with similar challenges, searching for a path towards healing. By sharing my story, I hope to offer solace to those who feel lost in their own battles. Let me know how my open letter has touched you, as your feedback is invaluable in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

No more by Titus vargis.

Remember, strength lies in resilience. Do not allow yourself to remain stagnant in despair. Seek out genuine connections and surround yourself with like-minded souls who uplift and support you. Together, we can navigate the treacherous terrain of loneliness and emerge stronger on the other side.

With resilience and hope,
Titus Vargis

Surviving the Unthinkable: My Advice on Fighting Suicidal Thoughts

Surviving the storm by Titus vargis

Life, in its intricacy, presents us with a multitude of experiences—some bitter, some sweet, and many that linger somewhere in-between.

In moments of profound despair or overwhelming challenges, the idea of just letting go and succumbing to the darkness might fleetingly cross our minds.

My experience with suicidal thoughts

Yet, here I am, choosing to embrace the light, the pain, the fear, and every hue of life in between. Let’s delve into the whys and wherefores.

Embracing Life Over Fear and Pain

Life hasn’t always been kind. Like many, I’ve faced my share of moments when everything seemed insurmountable.

But choosing life over the temptation of giving up has been my silent rebellion against the odds.

Life Purpose

I believe we’re all here for a reason. For me, realizing that I have unfulfilled purposes acts as a beacon in my darkest hours.’s not just about big achievements but about small, everyday victories and the joy brought.

A Legacy for My Children

My children are my heart walking outside my body.

The thought of leaving them prematurely, of not being there to see them grow, learn, and face life’s myriad challenges and joys, weighs heavily on me.

They are a significant part of why I choose to weather life’s storms.

Beyond Self

It’s easy to become ensnared in our web of miseries, to dwell on what ails us. Yet, life isn’t just about me.

It extends to the people I love and care about—their needs, their hopes, and their well-being. Shifting the focus from myself to them often sheds light on the bigger picture.

The Privilege of Life

Choosing to live, especially in the thick of turmoil, is no small feat. It is a declaration that despite life’s lows, its highs are worth striving for.

Life Is a Fortune

Waking up each day is a privilege denied to many. This realization pushes me to see beyond my current suffering, to value life’s gift, and make the most out of it, no matter the obstacles.

Lessons from the Past

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize the strength I’ve garnered from overcoming past adversities.

Giving up now would disregard the resilience I’ve built up. It would mean letting a few challenging experiences overshadow numerous good ones.

The Courage to Face Challenges

Life demands courage and tenacity. It’s about standing up after every fall, ready to face the world anew.

My resolve to live is also a commitment to not succumb to fear, to not let challenges define my existence.

Family Ties

The family is an anchor during stormy times. Their unconditional love and support stand as pillars, compelling me to forge ahead.

Obligation to My Parents

Watching my parents age has reinforced my resolve to live fully. They’ve sacrificed much for my well-being; now, as they tread into their twilight years, my presence, love, and support are ways to repay their boundless love.

Creating Memories

Life is fleeting, and each moment is a memory in the making.

Choosing to live is choosing to create memories—joyous ones that define and enrich the tapestry of our shared existence.

Choosing life, in essence, is a testament to the undying hope that whispers softly, urging us to give life another chance, to see beyond the pain and the fears, and to treasure the myriad moments that make life worth embracing.

It is a conscious decision to acknowledge life’s shadows but to revel in its light, to seek purpose, to cherish loved ones, and to embrace the privilege of existence wholeheartedly.

Let’s choose to live, not just exist. Because every breath is a story waiting to be told, and I’ve got chapters yet unwritten.

© Titus vargis

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

Divorce is a complex and multifaceted issue that touches the lives of many.

While external factors often contribute to the dissolution of marriage, there’s a deeper, more introspective cause that goes largely unspoken.

This article delves into the internal battles we face — the wars within that shape our relationships far more than we might realize.

The Silent Battles We Fight

Every individual carries within them a series of internal conflicts stemming from past experiences, unresolved issues, and personal perceptions.

These silent battles can deeply influence how we interact with our partners, often in ways we don’t fully comprehend.

– Personal unresolved issues affect our reactions and behaviors towards our partners, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
– Our perceptions and attitudes, shaped by past experiences, can create a predisposition to doubt, hurt, and unfairly treat our significant others.

Our Responses to Internal Conflicts

Our manner of dealing with these internal battles plays a significant role in the health of our relationships. Unfortunately, more often than not, our reactions are not conducive to harmony and understanding.

Quick to Annoyance:

Minor irritations escalate into significant arguments as our tolerance levels are diminished by our inner turmoil.


Emotional baggage leads to disproportionate responses to relatively minor issues.

Increased Conflict:

The frequency and intensity of arguments are amplified by unresolved internal issues.

Unfair Blame:

A tendency to place responsibility on our partner for our feelings and reactions, ignoring the influence of our internal struggles.

The Impact on Relationships

The cumulative effect of these responses to our internal conflicts can be devastating on relationships, eroding trust, communication, and mutual respect — the very foundations upon which partnerships are built.


A failure to recognize and address our inner wars leads to repeated misinterpretations of each other’s actions and intentions.

Chronic Hurt:

The cycle of hurt-begetting-hurt, driven by unhealed wounds, poisons intimacy.


Past injustices we’ve suffered bleed into current interactions, fostering an environment of unfairness and imbalance.

The Path to Healing

Recognizing the pervasive impact of our inner conflicts on our relationships is the first step towards healing.

Addressing these issues requires a commitment to self-reflection, self-improvement, and, oftentimes, professional help.


Acknowledge the existence of these inner battles and their influence on your relationship dynamics.

Seek Professional Help:

A therapist or counselor can offer valuable insights and tools for navigating and resolving these internal conflicts.

Commit to Healing:

True relationship success is predicated on individual healing. Prioritize resolving your inner conflicts as part of your commitment to your relationship.

Until we heal the wounds within, we cannot fully trust, love, or engage authentically in our relationships. The journey towards healing is not just a personal triumph but a gift to our partnerships.”


Divorces often occur not because of one or two isolated incidents but as a result of a prolonged neglect of our internal struggles.

The wars we wage within can devastate our relationships if left unchecked. It’s crucial for each individual to embark on a journey of self-reflection and healing to foster healthier, more fulfilling partnerships.

Recognizing and addressing our inner conflicts is not an admission of weakness but a brave step towards stronger, more resilient relationships.

©Titus Vargis

The Smart Parenting Method That’s Changing Families Worldwide!

Parenting is an ever-evolving journey that requires a unique blend of love, discipline, and education.

No parent is born with all the answers, and the path to becoming a wise and effective parent involves continuous learning and adaptation.

With three kids of my own, each presenting their own set of beautiful challenges, I have navigated the complex world of parenting one step at a time.

My experience has taught me that mastering small, yet significant details can profoundly impact your parenting approach.

This guide aims to share those lessons, offering a comprehensive look into the strategies and mindsets that foster wholesome child development.

Parenting Advice

Here, we delve into essential parenting advice, covering emotional control, the pursuit of knowledge, fair treatment, shared responsibilities, and the celebration of each child’s unique abilities.

These pillars of smart parenting not only encourage a nurturing home environment but also support each child’s growth into a well-rounded adult.

Control Your Emotions

The ability to maintain emotional stability is a cornerstone of effective parenting. Children are highly perceptive and can easily pick up on their parents’ emotional states.

It’s crucial, therefore, to manage your reactions and display calm and composed behavior.

This doesn’t mean suppressing emotions; instead, it involves acknowledging them and finding constructive outlets.

For instance, when a situation becomes overwhelming, taking a moment to breathe deeply can provide the necessary pause before addressing the issue at hand.

Calm Your Mood

Similarly, managing your mood is vital. A negative or agitated mood can inadvertently influence your parenting style and interactions with your children.

Embracing strategies like mindfulness or engaging in activities that boost your mood can have a positive impact on the entire family dynamic.

Remember, a happy parent is more likely to raise happy children.

Seek Knowledge

Assuming you know everything about parenting can be a pitfall.

The willingness to learn from others, whether through books, parental courses, or discussions with fellow parents, can enlighten you to new perspectives and strategies.

Each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Staying open to learning helps you adapt your parenting style to meet each child’s needs effectively.

Fair Treatment

Avoiding judgment and offering unbiased support is essential in parenting.

Each child has their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to embrace these differences without comparison.

Fair treatment builds a strong foundation of trust and respect, ensuring that each child feels valued for who they are.

Shared Responsibility

Parenting should not be a solo mission.

Discussing and dividing responsibilities with your partner or family members can alleviate stress and prevent burnout.

It’s beneficial for children to see their parents working together as a team, reinforcing notions of cooperation and mutual support.

Rotate Responsibilities

To further emphasize shared duties, rotating responsibilities among family members can be incredibly effective.

This approach not only diversifies the experiences and skills each member brings to parenting but also keeps routines fresh and engaging.

Celebrate Abilities

Every child possesses unique talents and abilities. Recognizing and celebrating these strengths fosters self-esteem and encourages further development.

Whether it’s academic achievements, artistic skills, or simple acts of kindness, acknowledging these accomplishments motivates children to continue exploring their potential.

Respect Each Child

Offering respect to your children is paramount for their emotional and moral development.

Demonstrating respectful behavior teaches them how to interact with others and builds their self-respect. This includes listening attentively, validating their feelings, and involving them in decision-making processes.

Share Stories

Sharing your childhood experiences, both the successes and failures, can be incredibly reassuring for children.

It helps normalize setbacks and emphasizes that growth often comes from overcoming challenges.

These stories can serve as powerful lessons and deepen the bond between you and your children.

Show Appreciation

Lastly, showing appreciation for both big and small achievements plays a crucial role in positive reinforcement.

Celebrating efforts, as well as outcomes, instills a sense of pride and encourages children to continue striving towards their goals.

Every child is a world of possibilities waiting to be nurtured. As parents, our role is to guide them with respect, understanding, and patience.

By embracing these principles of smart parenting, we can provide our children with a solid foundation for becoming responsible, compassionate, and confident adults.

“Parenting is not about being perfect. It’s about being present, learning, and growing together.”

In the journey of parenting, the lessons are continual, and the rewards, though sometimes delayed, are immeasurable.

By striving for emotional control, seeking knowledge, promoting fairness, and celebrating the unique traits of each child, we pave the way for their success and happiness.

Let us embrace smart parenting with an open heart and a willing mind, ever ready to learn and adapt for the well-being of our beloved children.

©Titus vargis

Hey Warriors, arise you once more

Hey my

dear friend,

my broken hearted

how long

will you cry

destiny beckons


Hey Warriors

stop this


this death trail

won’t you

try again once


arise arise

look, the blood

they have spilled

the broken dreams

of your fellow


Won’t you rise

you are inches


Look around

you are almost there

hey warriors,

History awaits

for you

Destiny makers


Stop being

so silent.

Come let’s do it.

©Titus Vargis

The lunatic the angel

The black and the white inside

The devil

the crimes you
the labels we
neat and clean.

I wish you
we’re right.
Well, to put
it another way,
there is no
white or black
in this cursed

we are.

there are angels
crooked snake
can you mark
this or that?

inside me
lives a moron
inside us
lives both
saint and
poisonous reptile.

Today you are
this, next
moment that.

Who knows what!?

©Titus Vargis.

Don’t Marry Until You Read About These 10 Marriage Decision Mistakes!

Understanding the chemistry of your relationship is crucial.

Often, we select our partners based on our emotions or their physical attractiveness.

This is fine, but for a union that lasts a lifetime, deeper consideration is necessary.

You cannot expect a relationship to last only a few days or a month.

Committing to someone is a serious decision. Making this choice cannot solely be based on how you feel at the moment.

1. Your feelings about who could be your future spouse are not always reliable.

2. Movies and their portrayal of romance aren’t realistic. They are merely fictional tales, not the truth about love.

3. Sweet words can be deceiving. It’s common for people to pretend just to win you over.

4. Making a decision about your life partner shouldn’t be based solely on romantic gestures. It’s important to learn more about them first.

5. Don’t rush into a lifelong commitment because you feel time is running out, no matter your age.

6. Being oblivious to a potential partner’s views on being in a relationship is unwise.

7. Relying on gut feelings alone to enter a relationship is not enough. Engage in conversations and ask questions to truly understand them.

8. In a lifelong partnership, it’s crucial that the other person is someone you find it easy to coexist with. Without asking them specific questions, you can’t be sure.

9. A person’s educational background shouldn’t be the sole criterion for choosing them as your future spouse. Education often doesn’t reflect their true nature and compatibility as a life partner.

10. Romantic speeches and letters might not be genuine. Many discover too late that such expressions were insincere.

11. Choose to marry someone who shows genuine humility. Appearance and intelligence mean little if they are coupled with selfishness or egotism, making them difficult partners.

©Titus Vargis

My Fears, My Fight: An Incredible Journey of Overcoming

Navigating through life, we often find ourselves trapped in a web of fears that seem to hold us back from truly growing and achieving our full potential.

These fears, deeply rooted in our past actions and the perceptions of others, can sometimes lead to a vicious cycle of regret, loneliness, and social struggle.

Despite these challenges, it’s the constant effort to move beyond them that truly defines our journey.

In this blog post, I aim to share a personal narrative of my fears and the relentless pursuit of overcoming them, hoping it resonates with those facing similar battles.

📌 I Am Self-Conscious About Other People’s Opinions of Me

Living in a world that often feels judgmental can be daunting.

The fear of being judged by others for my actions, decisions, and even my existence, is a heavyweight to carry.

It’s like walking on eggshells, constantly trying to tailor myself to fit into a mold that society deems acceptable.

The perpetual worry about what others think has, more times than I care to admit, prevented me from voicing my opinions and chasing after my dreams.

📌 I Feel Regretful About Past Mistakes, Particularly Hurting My Family and Friends

We are all, in one way or another, prisoners of our past mistakes.

My heart carries the burden of occasions where my words or actions have inadvertently hurt those I hold dear.

The pang of these memories often replays in my mind, leaving me feeling regretful and yearning for a way to turn back time and make amends for the pain caused.

📌 Despite Apologizing, My Family and Friends Still Avoid Me

Admitting to our mistakes and seeking forgiveness is a step towards healing, yet it doesn’t always result in the outcome we hope for.

Despite my efforts to apologize and mend the broken bridges, the chasm between me and those I’ve hurt remains, their avoidance is a constant reminder of the repercussions of my actions.

This estrangement feeds into my fears of perpetual loneliness and the struggle to rebuild lost relationships.

📌 I Struggle Socially and Feel Inadequate Despite My Efforts to Improve

Regardless of how much effort I put into enhancing my social skills, the feeling of inadequacy looms large.

Social interactions often feel like a battlefield, where I’m unarmed and vulnerable, constantly battling my awkward temperament and the fear of saying or doing something that might alienate others further.

📌 Loneliness Sometimes Creeps in Despite My Busy Schedule

In an attempt to drown out the inner turmoil and the loudness of my fears, I often immerse myself in a deluge of activities.

Yet, loneliness has a cunning way of creeping in, finding me in my busiest moments and reminding me of the void that lacks genuine human connections.

📌 My Awkward Temperament Adds to My Fears and Nervousness in Building Relationships

My naturally awkward temperament serves as both a shield and a prison.

It protects me from potential hurt but also confines me in a bubble of isolation.

The anxiety of not being able to foster meaningful relationships because of it adds another layer of fear to my life, making social interactions even more challenging.

📌 Interacting with Friends and Family Becomes Challenging as a Result

The culmination of my fears and personal struggles manifests most significantly in my interactions with friends and family.

What should be my sanctuary often feels like navigating a minefield, where every step must be calculated to avoid further distancing or disappointment.


Facing one’s fears is a journey filled with challenges and setbacks.

For me, the fears of judgment, regret, loneliness, and inadequacy form a daunting barrier that I tirelessly work to overcome.

Despite the setbacks and the cold shoulders from those I’ve tried to reconcile with, the struggle to improve, to be better, and to find peace within myself continues.

My story is one of many, a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and the relentless pursuit of growth amidst fear.

Remember, it’s not the absence of fear that defines us, but rather how we confront and move forward in spite of it.

#fears #regret #socialstruggles #lonelinesscreepsin #awkwardtemperament

I Was Down and Out Until I Heard This Life-Changing Advice!

Don’t give up Now.

As a highly sensitive person, I get easily hurt. My spouse, on the other hand, expresses herself candidly without filters, leading to disappointment and frustration.

At times, her use of harsh words causes me pain. A recent blog post has significantly altered my outlook on life.

The key takeaway: don’t rely on others for encouragement; empower yourself.

This shift in perspective has transformed the way I think. Instead of waiting for my spouse to seek forgiveness, I now understand that self-encouragement is crucial.

It’s essential to take ownership of our emotions and actions, recognizing that everyone is facing their battles.

A transformative step is liberating oneself from the expectation of external salvation.

I implement positive affirmations through wall stickers, acknowledging the effort required for personal growth and well-being.

I urge readers not to give up prematurely and to consider revisiting old hobbies and incorporating activities like playing with pets, engaging with children in games, and participating in soul-enriching endeavors.

Reading, shopping, spending time with friends, and prayer are meaningful practices that should not be underestimated.

By persisting through stress and disappointment, one can progress in life and relationships.

The onus lies on oneself to seek encouragement, as it is intrinsic to personal development.

By embracing this responsibility, individuals can move forward and achieve remarkable feats.

Remember, happiness is within reach. Embrace your journey with determination and positivity.

Trust in your capacity and resilience, and remarkable accomplishments await you.

Warm regards,

Titus Vargis

Love and Marriage Coach

See How These People are Single-Handedly Keeping Humanity Alive!

Why shouldn’t you give up?! Let’s look into it.

Recently I happened to visit an ice cream shop. It was a small vehicle shop. I happened to talk to the man who owns the shop.

Normally I don’t eat ice cream at the shop but at home.
As I was having my ice cream, I decided to talk to the man.

He was saying recently in his village for a small piece of land, a man killed his own brother.

Life lessons by tv.

He was saying, human beings have drastically changed. Even a small piece of land is more important than one’s own brother!

Another incident he told that once a customer had forgotten his Apple iPhone at his shop. Later, he returned the phone to the owner. He could have owned it but he didn’t.

What have these two incidents taught me? So much.
One incident reveals the absolute cruelty of our times.

We value a smaller piece of land than our own brother!
This speaks louder about the state of human beings of our times.

We are morally bankrupt. We value more things than relationships.
No matter where you go or live, you can find such incidents.

How cruel we have become!? We have lost our humanity!!

Think about our own personal stories. Are we the same? Do we value relationships more than anything else!? Let’s change this.

But wait for a minute, let me say something else. This is the surprising truth I would like to share with you.
Consider the second incident.

Humanity and truth still exists. Period. Consider this also. On one side we see, as a humanity we have lost our direction. We have missed the moral compass. Yet, humanity still exists. Yes, this is the good news.

There are still people who have not missed their moral compass.
Never say that everyone is lost. No. Not everyone.
Still humanity exists. Might be less compared to the others but it still exists!

These are the ones who are the gems of our communities or the Society.

Not everything is lost. Not everyone is going wrong. Not everyone is a liar or getting wicked.
Humanity still exists. The world is still a beautiful place to live in.

Love still exists. Truth still exists.
Next time, before making any statement negatively, think again.

We still have good people surrounding us. This is the good news.
Best wishes,
Love you.
©Titus Vargis.

Transform Your Tears Into Cheers: 6 Unbelievable Reasons to Thank Your Lucky Stars!

You are much more than your failures

Hey my friend, are you in tears? Think about your life and how it brought you immense value.

We always take for granted the good things that happen to us. Things could have been worse. Yes, indeed.

Here i was too recently frustrated about my own failures and defeats.

Life taught me that not all failures are negative. Some really are crucial for our value and maturity.

Here I would be sharing a few such things that I found to be crucial in my development as a mature adult. What are they?

Your persistence has brought you this far, a truly heroic deed. You could have given up halfway, but you didn’t.

Your life experiences have shaped you into a more mature individual. Congratulations are in order.

Adversity has played a significant role in your growth. While it may seem surprising, you have learned valuable lessons from tough times that deserve gratitude.

Pain has enriched your life, despite its discomfort. It has contributed to your personal growth and maturity.

Your family, even if just one person, has supported you through your lowest moments.

You have been guided by a higher power, whether it be God or someone you trust. Reflect on the times when you felt rescued and express your gratitude.


Betrayal, Hypocrisy, and Church: My True Story

My confession and lessons

Lessons by tv.

My father was an active member of the church. He was enthusiastic.

I watched him doing his best. He thought it was a duty to serve and he did out of compassion.

He was a full-time teacher. He used to teach in a college. There too he was excited to share about Jesus.

He did his job faithfully. He had a sense that God is interested in our whole being. There is no dichotomy. You are everywhere the same. Either in the job or in the church.

To cut everything short, he was a sincere father, husband, and a faithful disciple.

We never saw him enjoying life as he was constantly on the move.

My experience by tv.

If he is not in the job he will be doing service. He never spent a holiday at home or other entertainment.

He was sick in the later years of his life. He was getting very weak.

He couldn’t move or drive by himself. He had to take medicine. He had severe kidney disease.

We had no money to treat. We children were still in our schools.

It was getting harder for my father to go to work. He was on medicines. He showed little strength to do both job and service.

Later he resigned from the job. His condition deteriorated.

The main thing I want to share is this, when my father became sick no one including his brother bothered to help him.

We were expecting his family would come and help.

Even though all throughout his life he served the church yet the church didn’t look after our father.

You might say, well, what can the church do? I say everything!

We didn’t have anyone to support us. No one was there to guide us. He was lonely. He was exhausted. He too was surprised that no one from his own family had come.

Here lies my question. What is the responsibility of a church? Is it wrong to expect some help from the church?

Is it right to give up on someone who all throughout his life served for the church?

I was still in school. Later my father passed away due to the situation getting serious.

We were orphans by then . Still then the church didn’t come and had sympathy towards us.

My mother was devastated. She had great hopes that believers would stand with her.

We were wrong. Our hopes were wrong. Nothing happened. No one cared.

This affected me and my family so much.

Christ who had died on the Cross didn’t die for some but for all. Why does the church who speaks about love very often don’t show love to someone like us?
If you profess to be the ambassadors of Christ, the Saviour, then what about love?!

Unless you show love then what’s the point of your message of love?

I was deeply hurt after my father’s death. I became depressed. I started taking medicines.

My mother took a small job to bear our expenses.

To this day, I don’t understand how you can claim to be the disciples if you never show compassion?!


Astonishing! Uncover the True Face of Loneliness in Today’s World!

Authentic love is not about me.

The loneliness by tv.

Did you know that “More women may be psychopaths than previously thought”, says an expert.

Dr Clive Boddy says assessment skews towards obvious male traits but female psychopathy is more subtle.

“When it comes to a typical psychopath, the suited and booted Patrick Bateman from the novel American Psycho might spring to mind, but, according to one expert, the number of women with the neuropsychiatric disorder could be far greater than previously thought.

Another way to kill by tv.

Psychopaths are generally considered to lack empathy and guilt, exhibit antisocial behavior, lie frequently and be ruthless, narcissistic and manipulative.” (Nicola Davis Science correspondent @NicolaKSDavis)

Relationships are not for children.Period.This is the most overlooked truth in life and relationships.

If only everyone accepted it, relationships would be literal heaven.

It’s easier said than done!

It’s for mature adults. Lots of people don’t understand that love is not only romance but much more.

Love includes sacrifice, commitment, transparency, mutual understanding, respect and forgiveness.

My struggle by tv.

If one is not giving authentic love that relationship is doomed to wade away no matter what.

Let’s understand that we are dealing here with life and not just part.

If one is thinking that eventually everything will be alright, sorry it won’t.

One needs to look inside himself and look for cracks. To be honest it’s not easy but I can tell you it’s worthwhile for your relationship.

At times, love serves as the foundation for companionship.

However, repeated infidelity by a partner can lead to feelings of solitude.

As adults, we understand the importance of not causing harm to others. Yet, actions that cause pain from one partner can inflict deep wounds, resulting in a sense of loneliness.

Men often view their wives as delicate, but unexpectedly, harsh words from the woman can make her spouse feel isolated without intending to.

Seeking assistance from relatives and acquaintances is crucial.

Nonetheless, society’s habit of blaming men for issues in the relationship can be extremely disheartening. Moreover, when a wife’s severity exacerbates the situation, it becomes even more painful.

The puzzle called love by tv.

When a woman uses verbal abuse towards her partner, it’s harmful to him emotionally.

The knowledge that such negative behavior often goes unpunished compounds the feeling of being alone.

Societal tendencies to overlook the struggles of men, favoring women instead, are common.

A woman may easily escape the repercussions of her actions, leaving men to apologize for their trespasses, which amplifies their sense of isolation.

Relationships are meant to foster support, aid, and mutual connections between individuals.

Truth bites by tv.

Neglecting the needs of one’s partner can unleash an emotional upheaval. Ignoring a partner’s unique contributions and abilities may lead to profound emotional pain.

Immaturity is a recipe for disaster in any relationship. Imposing excessive demands, particularly from one side, can disrupt the equilibrium of a partnership.

The financial situation of a man can significantly impact his relationship.

While financial stability can nurture love, financial difficulties often cause love to diminish, leading to emotional despair.

For a relationship to thrive, a mutual commitment during both prosperous and challenging times is necessary.

The want for consistent support during difficult periods is expected, so its absence can drain an individual’s strength.

What will you do?

Will you act out of love?

©Titus Vargis.

Revealed: The 9 Most Powerful Way to Elevate Someone’s Self-Worth!

How do you deal with Loneliness?

Loneliness is the most cruel enemy by Titus Vargis.

I was sick last night. Everyone was asleep. I was shivering. I couldn’t manage with a little medicine.

I realized I needed to take someone’s help. I couldn’t handle the shivering. Still then I changed my mind. I didn’t wake up others. As they all were in deep sleep.

I am like that. I manage most of the time.
This time it was going out of control. I know it’s getting harder.

We all need someone by Titus Vargis.

That day I learnt the important lessons of life and relationships.
Quickly, I found a notebook and wrote this. Later the next day.

The main thing is this: What do we really really need, deep down? Especially in times of struggling and sickness.

What does it take to help someone else who is also traveling on this great journey of life?

Put in place of someone who is lonely, sick, tired, poor, fighting for survival, relationship battles, intense pain.

What will bring solace? Peace? Connection? Significance? Meaning?

One step at a time by Titus Vargis.

Let me share a few things,

1. Being there with the person.

2. Smiling and letting them know he is not alone.

3. Looking at him. Looking into his eyes closely.

4. Showing him that at this time he is the most important person on this planet earth.

5. Less words but more affection and sympathy.

6. Putting your legs in his shoes. Empathy.

7. Reading between the lines.

8. Holding his hands and making him feel special. Touching signifies value.

Touch him by Titus Vargis.

9. Spend at least 40 minutes with him. Just be there. Your presence is healing to him.

Is it too much?! No. You will be remembered forever. Try it.

Once you are in pain, struggling you will need someone else.

Meanwhile, why can’t you be a light to the ones who are in darkness.

Loneliness can be dealt with by Titus Vargis.

Who knows, you might be the only one who lights up his darkness. Is this silly?!
No!! 10000 times, no.

©Titus vargis.

7 Shocking Confessions from Men in Therapy: Number 4 Will Astonish You!

Authentic love requires total understanding

Loving totally by tv.

Do you know what man feels when a woman does inappropriate things in a relationship?

Let me share a few of the things that I hate in my relationship?

1. Using hurtful words to express intense emotions is hurtful. I can’t stand hearing words that feel like a knife, especially when they come from my spouse. It’s frustrating to hear such mean language from someone I love.

2. Expressing feelings at the wrong times is also a challenge. While I appreciate my spouse’s openness, there are times when it’s important to choose the right moment for sharing those emotions. It’s hard when she just blurts them out without consideration.

3. Bringing up past issues that have been resolved is another source of pain for me. I dislike it when my partner revisits old problems that we have already addressed and moved on from. It’s unsettling to have them constantly rehashed when I thought we had put them to rest.

4. A lack of respect in behavior is particularly hurtful. When my partner uses words that show a lack of regard for me, it’s hard to feel appreciated. I’m bothered when she treats me disrespectfully and fails to acknowledge my feelings.

5. Disregarding my efforts and failing to appreciate my contributions is also difficult to handle. It’s disheartening when she seems to downplay the things I do for her, making me question the value of my actions. I wish she would show more gratitude and recognition for my efforts.

6. Constant criticism is draining and demoralizing. Having someone constantly point out my flaws and shortcomings takes a toll on my morale. It’s hard to stay positive when faced with a never-ending stream of criticism from my partner.

7. Relying heavily on emotions creates uncertainty. Dealing with someone whose moods fluctuate wildly can be unsettling. It’s challenging to predict how she’ll react in different situations when her feelings and behavior seem to change so rapidly. It leaves me feeling uneasy and unsure.

Inside the man’s heart by tv.


7 Pioneering Strategies to Start Your Day with Energy!

Good morning routine by tv.


Have you observed that the initial moments after waking up often dictate the mood for the whole day?

This isn’t merely a chance occurrence. Science backs this up, and gaining insight into this can significantly change your mornings from sluggish to sensational.

We’re about to explore 7 ground-breaking methods that do more than just get you out of bed—they get you jumping out, full of energy and prepared to take on whatever the day throws at you.

No matter if you’re a morning enthusiast or not, these strategies are your gateway to revitalizing your morning routines.

1. The Supreme Strategy for Waking Up

Preparing the Night Before

Organizing your next morning in advance eliminates morning indecisiveness and lays a concrete foundation for a fruitful day.

Great day secrets by tv.

Adhering to solid sleep habits, like avoiding electronic devices before sleeping and ensuring your sleeping area is cool and comfortable, makes waking up rejuvenated the standard, rather than an anomaly.

Choosing an appropriate alarm sound and its placement can greatly change how you wake up—from feeling agitated to waking up smoothly.

Occasionally, positioning your alarm far from your bed may also break the habit of hitting snooze!

The Wonders of Wake-Up Light

– Our bodies naturally stop producing melatonin, the sleep hormone, when exposed to natural light.

So, draw back those curtains or use a wake-up light that simulates the sunrise for a soft start to your day.

– In the absence of natural light, consider using alarms that mimic morning light. It’s all about fooling your body into believing it’s time to get up with the sun!

– Light not only aids in waking up but also regulates your internal clock for the day, enhancing sleep quality at night.

A brand new day by tv

Hydration is Key

After 7-8 hours without water, beginning your day with a glass or two of water rehydrates your system, kick-starts your metabolism, and can heighten alertness.

– Making it a routine might be as straightforward as keeping a water bottle next to your bed.

– Not keen on plain water first thing in the morning? Add a dash of lemon for some flavor and a vitamin C boost.

2. Moments of Mindfulness

Kicking off with Meditation

– Meditation has proven to decrease stress and boost focus, setting a positive precedent for the day.

– If meditation is new to you, starting with a brief, guided session can help ease you into it.
– Incorporating meditation into your morning can be as easy as dedicating five minutes after waking—perfect for those constantly on the move.

Practicing Gratitude

– Pausing every morning to write down things you’re thankful for can transform your mindset to one of optimism and plenty.

– A simple notebook suffices for a gratitude journal. Begin by listing three things you’re grateful for each day.
– Morning gratitude can be acknowledging a restful sleep, enjoying a hot cup of coffee, or the melody of birds singing.

Visualization Techniques

– Picturing your day can guide you to approach it purposefully and positively. Envision executing tasks effortlessly and achieving your objectives.

– Successful visualization involves all senses: imagine the taste of your morning coffee, the sound of your preferred motivational tune, and the satisfaction of completing tasks.
– This mental prep can be just the push you need towards accomplishing daily victories.

3. Nutritious Energy Boosts

Breakfast of Victors

– The saying about breakfast being the most crucial meal of the day holds true. It activates your metabolism and supplies your body with the necessary energy to face the day.

– Keep breakfast simple yet nutritious. Opt for whole grains, fruits, and eggs are always a wise choice.

– While coffee is a favorite, green tea can be a softer alternative for caffeine and hydration.

The Significance of Protein and Fiber

– Protein and fiber are crucial for a fulfilling and energetic start to the day.

– Eggs, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, and chia seeds are excellent breakfast additions.
– Incorporating these nutrients is not only for staving off hunger but for sustaining energy levels.

Continual Hydration

– Water’s importance extends beyond morning. Staying hydrated through the day bolsters overall energy and wards off the afternoon energy dip.

Hydration matters by tv.

– Flavor your water with fruits or try sparkling water for variety.
– Hydration also comes from fruits and vegetables. Consider adding cucumber to your water or munching on watermelon.

4. Active Movement

Stretching for Positivity

– Morning stretches awaken your muscles and facilitate blood flow.

– No need for a yoga expert—anyone can perform basic, full-body stretches, regardless of fitness.
– Stretching affects both body and mindset, preparing you for a productive day.

Exercise Routines for the Morning

– Exercise releases endorphins, natural mood and energy enhancers. A morning exercise session can improve both mood and vigor.

– Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or dancing to your favorite music, find an activity you enjoy that fits into your schedule.
– Exercise doesn’t have to be lengthy; even 10 minutes can have a noticeable impact.

The Freshness of Outdoor Activity

– Whenever possible, exercise outdoors. Fresh air and nature can significantly uplift mood and energy.

– A quick morning walk or outdoor stretch can effectively integrate nature into your routine.
– The benefits of fresh air range from clearer thought processes to increased vitality throughout the day.

5. Reduction of Digital Engagement

The Value of Unplugging

– Limiting screen time, especially early in the day, can prevent the stress that often accompanies constant information overload.

– The first hour after waking should focus on grounding in the real world, not the digital one.
– Strategies might include not checking your phone until after you’ve had breakfast, or using a traditional alarm clock instead of your phone.

Conscious Use of Technology

– When used intentionally, technology can be a source of positivity. Consider apps for meditation or tracking your hydration.

– Establishing limits, such as no emails before breakfast, can help ensure technology serves you well.
– Balance is crucial. Allow technology to enhance your morning without dominating it.

Cultivating Real-Life Connections

– Begin your day with a positive interaction, like a hug from a loved one or a brief call to a friend.
– A human touch in the morning can set a tone of kindness and empathy for the day.

– These interactions, however brief, can uplift our spirits and remind us of what’s truly significant.

6. Creative Pursuits

Journaling for Clarity

– Morning pages involve writing down three pages of spontaneous thoughts just after waking up.
– This activity is about clearing your mind, not writing flawlessly. It can boost creativity, lessen anxiety, and enhance day-long decision-making.

– Engaging in this practice can spark creativity, lessen worry, and improve decision-making skills throughout the day.

Immersing in Music and Art

– Artistry isn’t limited to drawing or painting—it can also include listening to music or making a morning playlist that lifts your spirits.

– Incorporating artistic elements into your morning can energize your soul and inspire you for the day alongside.
– You don’t need to be traditionally artistic to benefit. Even a few minutes of coloring can offer a meditative and creative start to your day.

Embracing New Knowledge

– The morning is an excellent time for learning new things, whether it’s tuning into a podcast, reading an article, or picking up a few words in another language.

– Brief, informative activities can excite your mind and ready it for a day of productivity and problem-solving.
– The key is picking activities that excite you, making learning an enjoyable, not daunting, task.

7. Optimizing Your Surroundings

Creating a Peaceful Environment

– The ambiance around you greatly influences your feelings. A messy space can lead to a cluttered mind.
– Tips for a peaceful area include keeping your morning spot clean, ensuring plenty of natural sunlight, and making it as cozy as possible.

– Comfort doesn’t need to compromise energy. Customize your surroundings to what makes you feel both relaxed and animated.

Incorporating Natural Elements and Aromas

– Adding natural touches, whether with indoor plants or natural fragrances, can greatly uplift your mood and energy.
– Essential oils such as lavender for relaxation or citrus for an energy boost can be subtle but powerful mood enhancers.

– Natural light not only aids in waking up but also promotes overall well-being.

Ambient Sounds and Quietude

– The sounds you wake up to can deeply influence your mood. Opt for natural sounds or soft music as an alternative to harsh alarms.
– Seeking moments of quiet in the morning can be as revitalizing as listening to music. It’s about offering your mind a calm start.

– Finding a balance is key. Experiment with what sounds or silences make you feel most comfortable yet motivated.


Transforming your mornings need not be overwhelming. With these 7 essential strategies, your mornings can become a period of energy, positivity, and efficiency.

Remember, perfection isn’t the goal; progress is.

Starting with minor, consistent steps and choosing what aligns with you best will pave the way to success each morning.

Cheers to awakening and conquering, day by day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why does a morning routine matter?

A sturdy morning routine establishes a positive outlook for the day, enhances efficiency, and can better mental health.

2. When can I start seeing benefits from a new morning regime?

While immediate effects are possible, enduring change typically needs steady application over a few weeks.

3. Can I tailor these suggestions to fit a hectic schedule?

Certainly! Even a few small adjustments can significantly improve your day.

4. What if mornings aren’t my thing? Can I still see benefits?

Yes! These strategies aim to improve everyone’s morning, regardless of initial feelings at the sound of the alarm.

5. How do these practices influence my overall health and productivity in the long run?

Adopting a positive morning routine can elevate your lifestyle, leading to enhanced health, greater productivity, and a more upbeat perspective on life.


You Won’t Believe How My Life Changed When I Stopped Trying to Impress Everyone!

Embark upon the robust vigor of fearless existences and the merriment of your true, genuine self. Drop the show and start to, like, live honestly.

The freedom by tv.

Presently in our communities, we seemingly recognize people who tend to be way more aggressive as being you know, intelligent or popular.

We are mostly residing in, like, what you might call an extroverted social structure.

Generally, we tend to gravitate toward folks who are bold and expressive. Those who don’t express their desires quite so much? Not our jam.

The ramifications of choosing non-aggression over aggression, well, they’re deeply profound. Such folks often get passed over for the spotlight, sadly making them even less popular.

The way to significance by tv.

For your consideration, I shall discuss a few reasons why, see, I don’t give a hoot about popularity anymore,

1. Those who are deemed less popular based on, I don’t know, people’s subjective views are not unintelligent by any means.

In actuality, they quite possibly are the most intellectually adept artists within our neighborhoods.

2. Seeking validation or worth from others, well, that’s a sign of unhealthy vulnerability.

Unless you have a certain level of fortitude, you will solicit the opinions of others regarding your self-image.

3. Perfection? There’s no single soul in this world who embodies it. Indeed, we all come with our own unique set of strengths and shortcomings!

4. Attention seekers, as we like to tag them, often chase validation from others – a fundamentally flawed approach to forming a genuine identity.

5. I desisted from attempts to overly influence folks when I realized that people keep raising their bar of significance.

You ain’t gonna meet their whimsical success criteria. What needs to be done is set personal benchmarks for achievement.

6. Back in the days, unknown to the wisdom of pages, I used to give a lot of weight to people’s thoughts.

But, it soon dawned that impressing folks is a tall order. They are, like, you know, haughty.

They think that they are the only capable ones! This is not a right approach at all you know, to create impact or gain prominence!

7. I found through my tryst with psychology literature, that we are all born with unique temperaments.

None of us is complete in ourselves.. We all house a spark of brilliance within us, but its realms differ from one person to the other.

Each must identify their strength and play their life accordingly. It seems absurd, like trying to impress anyone!

8. Once you attain confidence in your special abilities; success in your area of expertise is given!

At this stage, you will naturally draw people to yourself–chasing people for acceptance? Now that’s so yesterday!”

Finding significance by tv.


7 Essential Strategies to Cultivate Happiness: A Guide to Thriving Through Life’s Ups and Downs

Against all odds by tv.

7 Essential Strategies to Cultivate Happiness: A Guide to Thriving Through Life’s Ups and Downs


In our fast-paced world, seeking happiness can often feel like a roller coaster ride, filled with ups and downs.

Understanding the true essence of happiness and how to maintain it amid life’s inevitable challenges is increasingly important.

But, how can we stay afloat in these turbulent times? This guide presents seven evidence-based strategies to help you cultivate happiness.

Embark on this journey with us to embrace life’s changes with a positive outlook.

1. Embracing Positive Relationships

Building Your Support Network

As naturally social creatures, the relationships we form are key to our happiness. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive individuals can lift you up and help you navigate through tough times. Think of your social connections as a garden that flourishes with regular nurturing.

Fostering Healthy Connections

Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, understanding, and support. It’s essential to actively listen, express gratitude, and be there for each other. The depth, not the number, of your connections truly matters.

The Importance of Forgiveness

Holding onto resentment is like carrying a backpack full of rocks on a hike; it only weighs you down. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning hurtful actions. It’s about releasing yourself from resentment’s hold, making room for peace and happiness.

2.Developing a Growth Mindset

Learning from Setbacks

Every mistake is an opportunity for success. Adopting a growth mindset means viewing setbacks as opportunities to improve and learn. This involves shifting your mindset from “I can’t do this” to “I can’t do this yet.”

The Significance of “Yet”

“Yet” is a potent word. It signifies possibility and hope. Incorporating “yet” into your mindset transforms challenges into opportunities, making your goals feel more within reach and less intimidating.


Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial for steering your life toward happiness. Breaking larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks can provide a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated.

3.Mindfulness and Living in the Now

Mindfulness Techniques

Practicing mindfulness through meditation, yoga, or simple breathing exercises can significantly enhance your well-being. These practices help anchor you in the present, reducing stress and increasing happiness.

The Advantages of Present Living

We often dwell on past regrets or future anxieties, missing the present moment’s beauty. Embracing the now allows you to savor life’s small joys, greatly improving your overall happiness.

Overcoming Mindfulness Hurdles

Our constantly active minds are the biggest barriers to mindfulness. Noticing when your thoughts drift and gently bringing them back to the present can help you overcome this hurdle.

4.Discovering Purpose and Meaning

Identifying Personal Principles

Understanding your core values is a step towards a life filled with purpose. These principles guide your decisions and actions, offering clarity and fulfillment.

Engaging in Passions

Participating in activities that resonate with your values and interests can be very rewarding. Whether it’s volunteering, learning something new, or pursuing a personal project, find what ignites your passion.

Giving Back

Helping the community not only improves the lives of others but also enriches your own, fostering a sense of community and leading to a happier, more meaningful life.

5. Cultivating Gratitude

Starting a Gratitude Journal

Taking a few moments each day to write down what you’re thankful for shifts your focus from what’s missing to what’s abundant. This simple practice can significantly uplift your mood and outlook.

The Benefits of Being Thankful

Research shows that gratitude can boost happiness, health, and relationships. It’s a powerful way to transform our everyday experiences.

Daily Gratitude Practices

Incorporate gratitude into your daily life by expressing thanks to others, enjoying positive experiences, and finding value in difficulties.

6. Taking Care of Your Physical Health

The Link Between Physical and Mental Health

There’s a deep connection between our physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet are foundational to a happy life.

Exercise and Well-Being

Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, natural mood boosters. Find a form of exercise you enjoy and make it a staple of your routine.

Nutrition and Emotional Health

Just like vehicles need proper fuel to run smoothly, our bodies need the right nutrition for optimal function. Eating healthily can improve your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

7. Learning to Let Go

Managing Loss and Change

Life is full of changes, often accompanied by loss. Embracing these changes and learning to let go of things beyond our control can open the way for growth and happiness.

Detaching from Outcomes

Focusing too much on outcomes can cause unnecessary stress. Focus on your efforts and let go of the need for specific results.

The Art of Surrender

Sometimes, the most powerful action is to simply let go. Trusting in the journey and accepting what we cannot change brings peace and satisfaction.

My resolution by tv.


The journey to happiness involves a variety of strategies, each contributing uniquely to a life filled with joy. By incorporating these strategies into daily life, you can build resilience, find fulfillment, and gracefully handle life’s ups and downs. The quest for happiness is a continuous process, but with each step, it becomes an integral part of who we are.

“7 Things I Hate in My Spouse and How We’re Fixing Them Together”

From Discord to Accord: Navigating Our Marriage’s 7 Hurdles

The most common by tv.


The journey of marriage, while fulfilling, brings its unique sets of trials.

In this share, we dive into the difficulties we’ve crossed and how these hurdles, rather than being obstacles, became chances for us to mature together.

Facing our problems directly and letting our guards down, we found unexpected strengths.

This is our story through the seven hurdles of our marriage and our path from discord to accord.

1. Communication Barriers

Silence’s Roots

Initially, our lack of communication was a vast gap, originating from a fear of judgment, fear of conflict, and the fear of showing our authentic selves.

Melting the Ice

We found that initiating communication could start with something as straightforward as a text, a note, or simply asking about each other’s day.
These actions helped break the ice.

Keeping Communication Alive

Now, open and consistent dialogue is a staple in our routine. We ensure to touch base daily, keeping our conversation flowing without interruption.

God help! By tv.

2. Different Financial Vision

Understanding Our Finances

It was crucial to be completely open about our financial situations, to understand our individual positions, and to plan our joint financial future effectively.

Aligning Our Dreams

Through continuous, candid conversations, we identified areas where our financial dreams overlapped and could be aligned with some adjustments.

Executing Our Plan

We began by setting up a joint budget and defining shared financial objectives, taking steps together towards achieving our common dreams one at a time.

3. Varying Parenting Styles

No problem! By tv.

Recognizing the Contrast

Accepting that our parenting styles were at odds was challenging, as it often felt like our methods conflicted rather than complement each other.

Consulting an Expert

Seeking advice from a parenting professional proved invaluable, offering us unbiased guidance on harmonizing our parenting strategies.

Presenting a United Stand

We learned the significance of standing united in front of our children, supporting each other’s decisions to maintain consistency.

4. Household Responsibilities Dispute

The Battle of Chores

The division of household chores was a frequent source of contention, as negotiations over who should do what and when often resulted in disagreements.

Finding Middle Ground Through Discussion

We discovered that dialogue and willing compromises play vital roles.
A chore schedule that fairly allocates tasks, considering our personal likes and time limitations, was created.

Keeping the Balance

Maintaining this harmony requires tools like shared calendars and reminders.
It’s about working together, continually adapting and learning.

5. Disagreement on Leisure Time

Balancing Individual and Shared Interests

Finding the right balance between personal interests and time spent together has been delicate.

Recognizing the importance of both has been key to our harmony.

Exploring Common Interests

Engaging in activities we both enjoy has enriched our relationship.

Whether it’s cycling together or cooking, it’s about creating happy memories together.

Honoring Individual Time

Establishing boundaries for personal time has helped us engage in our interests without feeling guilty, understanding that time apart is healthy and contributes to our relationship’s growth.

6. The Intimacy Aspect

Addressing the Unspoken

Discussing our intimate life required openness and vulnerability, a journey that wasn’t straightforward but necessary.

Reigniting the Connection

We’ve ventured into new territories to connect on deeper levels, both emotionally and physically, which has brought about discovery, laughter, and sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zones.

Making Us a Priority

Elevating our intimate relationship has surprisingly enriched our bond, demonstrating the power of connecting deeply, consistently, and with love.

7. Managing External Influences

Making a way by tv.

Friends and Family Dynamics

The balance between our marriage and our relations with friends and in-laws has required careful navigation.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Creating boundaries has been essential in protecting our relationship while still preserving meaningful relationships with those close to us.

Cultivating Mutual Respect

Working on mutual respect for each other’s external relationships has been about understanding, respecting, and supporting each other’s need for these connections.


Our expedition showed us that tackling marital challenges isn’t about confrontation but about uniting to find solutions.
Seeking professional guidance offered us invaluable tools and insights.
At its core, teamwork, fueled by love, respect, and a readiness to evolve, has been vital in turning our frustrations into harmony.


Initiating Discussions on Dislikes

Approach with love and respect, targeting behaviors rather than character traits, and articulate your feelings with “I feel” statements.

Finding Middle Ground on Issues

Seeking professional advice can provide fresh viewpoints and strategies for reconciliation, proving sometimes an external view is what’s needed.

The Role of Professional Assistance

It’s incredibly beneficial, offering practical tools and advice to navigate challenges more effectively.

Can Minor Changes Significantly Benefit a Marriage?

Indeed. Small acts of kindness, appreciation, and understanding can significantly strengthen the relationship.

Ensuring Lasting Changes

Commitment, ongoing effort, and open communication are crucial. Regular discussions on progress can help sustain these adjustments.

An open letter to God about my war inside

The war inside by tv.

Dear God, my mind says as well as my heart. What should I do?

God, you created our minds and hearts. You have created everything we can see or cannot. But the most frustrating thing is my mind and my heart saying two different things about the same thing.

This is real hell. This is the cause of so many divorces. Breaking up. Killings. Violence. Murders. Insanity. Etc.

God, if you knew beforehand that a human being will face such a huge crisis then why did you do it?

My battles by tv.

My mind hates some but my heart says don’t hate. My mind calculates everything logically and I think it’s right.

But then my heart screams inside. It says my logic is not right. I should not. I must not.

This lands me into confusion. I keep processing. Both sides. But I am not successful in deciding which one is the best guide?

Sometimes, my heart says go for it. Forgive one more time. Love one more time. Give help once more.

But my mind says different. It says don’t believe that person again. Don’t forgive. Act wisely.

God, you made the heavens and the Earth. The stars and the galaxies. Sea and all the creatures.

This is so vast and wonderful. Sometimes, I hate this confusion. The war inside of me.

I am torn between. No one seems to understand this. Rather no one can rescue.

I know I won’t get rid of this. I must learn to dance in spite of this.

This is very hard. Real hell. Would you help me?

No one escapes by tv.

Understanding how male and female communicate?

Unpacking How Guys and Gals Talk Differently Getting to the Core of Gender-specific Chatting A. Understanding the Idea Interactions between people are held together by communication, deeply woven into who we are, including the gender we identify with. Gender communication looks at the unique ways guys and gals express themselves, decode messages, and interact within … Read more

A Complete Manual for an Exceptional New Year Experience

Crafting Enduring Moments: A Complete Manual for an Exceptional New Year Experience Introduction Anticipation, joy, hope, and introspection often characterize New Year festivities. This powerful blend offers an opportunity to create remarkable experiences and lasting memories. As we leave one year behind and approach the next, we hope for a fresh start filled with chances … Read more

11 Commandments of Lasting relationships.

Let me quickly share some crucial elements of lasting relationships. Listen to this, whether we are smart or not, beautiful or not, lucky or not we are capable of achieving a lasting relationship. No one is responsible. No one must be judged. You are the hero of your life or journey. Do you want miracles … Read more

Everything crucial things about narcissism in women

Unveiling the Narcissistic: Understanding the Inner Work Introduction Narcissism is a complex personality trait that can manifest differently in men and women. By going deeper into the inner space of narcissistic women, we can gain insights into manipulative behaviors, grandiose self-image, of empathy, fragile self, and the impact on relationships. In the article, we will … Read more

An open letter to those who are thinking of giving up

Life is grey my friend. Hey my friend, I know you are strong but now you are weak. Do you know this: Life is not white or black, but grey. Life is both this and that. Why are you down, my friend? You have endured before and you shall overcome this too. You know, as … Read more

12 golden words that are more precious than Diamond in any relationship.

Golden words that are more precious than Diamond You know, as we think about our lives and relationships and what makes them or breaks them, we realise that it’s not bigger things that have a huge impact. Let me clarify, we often think that it’s our sweet talks, romance, expensive gifts that attract or maintain … Read more

Life is good

Giving up is easy but never give up

Life is good Inspite of heartbreakingFriends leavingSorrows unending. Life is meaningfulOf course it’s Meaningless sometimesAlien to the senses. Life gets better As the days passesUnending roadsRewards awaitingWon’t you just go for it? As you will look backWill realize it was for goodIt was worth taking journeyFor sure, Life is good my friend.

The number one reason we keep failing in our life and relationship no one talks about.

Why I say that conquering this one thing is most crucial in life and relationships. Here I would like to share one thing that shapes a happy life and relationship. What hinders us even after so much carefully sought life or relationship. Is it beauty? Education, class, or anything? I have been trying very hard … Read more

6 tactics to survive the messy life and relationship

I am hopeful in spite of my frustrating situations and behavior of people around. It sucks. Blood. Yes, to say the least. Sometimes it kills literally. Relationship is a dirty business. You look at the surface but later you realize as if your calculations were erroneous. How do I manage myself, in the middle of … Read more

What does the perfect marriage look like? 4 essential qualities of the perfect marriage.

These are the signs of a perfect marriage, When both partners 1. Encourage healthy self-acceptance. One of the key signs of a good marriage is cultivating healthy self- acceptance The first step towards being a good husband or wife is to accept yourself. You need to have a good relationship with yourself, before you can … Read more

Effective Bible verses for not giving up in life

Life can be extremely challenging. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Jesus clearly stated that in this life we would have tribulation and trouble and pain and distress but that we should also be courageous, confident, and joyful because He … Read more

Does God want me to love myself?

The question is this, is it okay to love myself? It’s an important question. But where can we get the right answers? Moreover, it looks like there is some debate on this,when all that is spoken of is Cross and self-death. According to Jesus, “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) means that we must … Read more

The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Embracing Mistakes and Rebuilding Relationships

The ultimate guide for quick fix relationship Introduction Understanding Our Shared Imperfections Mistakes are a natural part of being human, from small slip-ups to significant blunders that shape our lives. It’s crucial to realize that making errors doesn’t reflect incompetence; instead, it highlights our common imperfections. This article explores the profound impact of forgiveness, bridging … Read more

Do you know The Fundamental Purposes of Human Existence?

What is the main reason for our existence In the vast tapestry of existence, humans find themselves weaving a complex narrative of purpose and meaning. Beyond the daily hustle and bustle, there lies a profound quest to understand why we are here and what roles we play on this beautiful planet we call home. Embracing … Read more

The strong, the weak and being alive. How can we differentiate?

The wars inside no one cares. Life is not hard but impossible. We say we are developed but look around, how stupid nations are. How is the state of sanity? Think about Israel, Gaza or Ukraine. How cruel mankind is! We have sophisticated weapons, machines,excellent killing weapons but for what? To kill. Who can say, … Read more

10 Big turn offs for men

What is a Turn off? A turn-off is any habit you find unappealing, embarrassing, or disgusting. Seeing this habit regularly is enough to make you lose interest in someone, especially someone you are already developing feelings for. Turn-offs in a relationship are habits your partner displays that make you angry, jealous, or sad. Naturally, your … Read more

12 Reasons Why It’s Hard for Men to love a woman?

The dilemma of understanding a woman Introduction A. Understanding the complexities of love between men and womenB. Recognizing the unique difficulties and hurdles faced by men in relationships Emotional Understanding A. Navigating the emotional complexities of women 1. Decoding mixed signals and subtle cues 2. Dealing with shifting emotions and unpredictability 3. Understanding the importance … Read more

Unleashing the Power Self-Care: A Guide for Men.

How can men do effective self care? # Unleashing the Power Self-Care: A Guide for Men ## I. Introduction – Understanding importance of self-care– Breaking the stigma: Men deserve self-care ## II. What is Self-Care? Self-care is the practice of actively taking care of oneself in order to enhance overall well-being. It involves making deliberate … Read more

“Unveiling the Path to Enduring Joy: Learning to Over Depression and Embrace Every Moment”

happy relationships
The puzzle of life by Titus Vargis

I. Introduction
A. Understanding the significance of joy in life
B. The prevalence and impact of depression

II. Defining Joy and Depression
A. Exploring the concept of joy and its dimensions
B. Recognizing depression as a mental health condition

III. The Science of Joy and Depression
A. Uncovering the neurological processes behind joy
B. Investigating the neurochemistry of depression

IV. Cultivating Mindfulness and Gratitude
A. Embracing mindfulness for greater presence and appreciation
B. Practicing gratitude to reframe perspectives

V. Finding Meaning and Purpose
A. Discovering personal values and passions
B. Harnessing purpose as a driving force for joy

VI. Nurturing Positive Relationships
A. Building a support network for emotional well-being
B. Fostering healthy connections to combat feelings of isolation

VII. Harnessing the Power of Self-Compassion
A. Developing self-compassion as a countermeasure to depression
B. Embracing self-care practices for holistic well-being

VIII. Engaging in Physical Exercise and Well-being Activities
A. Exploring the role of physical activity in uplifting mood
B. Integrating well-being practices to enhance joy

IX. Embracing Mindset Shifts for Resilience
A. Challenging negative thought patterns
B. Fostering resilience to navigate through difficult times

X. Unleashing the Healing Power of Creativity
A. Exploring creative outlets as modes of self-expression
B. Utilizing creativity to reframe experiences and emotions

XI. Seeking Professional Help
A. Recognizing the importance of seeking professional support
B. Understanding therapy and other treatment options

XII. Reconnecting with Nature
A. Discovering the therapeutic benefits of nature
B. Engaging in ecotherapy for enhanced well-being

XIII. Balancing Work and Leisure
A. Establishing healthy work-life boundaries
B. Incorporating leisure activities to restore joy

XIV. The Role of Nutrition in Mental Well-being
A. Examining the link between diet and mood
B. Incorporating nourishing foods for mental health

XV. Overcoming Stigmas surrounding Depression
A. Challenging societal misconceptions and prejudices
B. Creating awareness and fostering empathy

XVI. Coping Strategies during Challenging Times
A. Developing effective coping mechanisms
B. Enhancing resilience through self-care routines

XVII. Maintaining Progress and Celebrating Milestones
A. Monitoring progress and acknowledging achievements
B. Sustaining joy by celebrating personal milestones

XVIII. Summary: Embracing Enduring Joy and Overcoming Depression
A. Recap of strategies to find joy in every moment
B. Importance of persistence in overcoming depression

A. How can I differentiate between sadness and depression?
B. Is joy attainable even in the most challenging circumstances?
C. What are some self-help techniques to alleviate depression symptoms?
D. When should I consider seeking professional help for depression?

Concluding Remarks:
Offering a beacon of hope, the journey towards embracing joy in every moment while overcoming depression is challenging but attainable. By integrating the outlined strategies, individuals can embark on a transformative path towards lasting contentment and well-being.

How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle of life.

love and marriage coach
The most crucial question by Titus Vargis

How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle.

Life is meaningful only when you have a purpose.

Let me ask you,do you know the life purpose?

If not then follow me through.

I would like to help you find out the purpose of your life.

Consider these important questions. Don’t just read but take a note book and write the answers sincerely.

By doing so you will find you are desperately looking for.

1. What are your passions?
2. What are your values?
3. What are your strengths?
4. What are your weaknesses?
5. What have been your most significant life experiences?
6. What would you do if you had unlimited resources?
7. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
8. What would make you feel like you’re not wasting your time?
9. What makes you feel most alive?
10. What would you do if you only had a year left to live?

Now What?!

Now what by Titus Vargis

Go through your answers and find what’s common in your answers.

Contemplating the following questions can give you some insights on your life purpose.

If you’d like to explore these questions further and gain personalized guidance on your journey of self-discovery, book a call with me today.

Let’s work together to unlock your true potential and create a life that aligns with your authentic purpose.

One of the keys to uncovering your life purpose is to identify what you’re passionate about.

What activities do you enjoy doing?
What gets you excited and energized?

Which are the topics that you enjoy learning about?
When do you feel like you are in your zone, your flow, what are you doing?

happy relationships
Your best life ahead by Titus Vargis

Your values are the principles and beliefs that guide your life. They’re the things that you hold most dear and that you’re willing to fight for.

Your values are extremely important if you want to live a joyful life aligned with who you really are.

The problem is that most often we take them for granted and we don’t even think about our values when making life choices.
Take some time to reflect on what’s most important to you.

What do you believe in?
What causes or issues matter to you?

Which are the most important values that you hold dear?
Here’s a list values to help you get started:


Your life purpose is likely to align with your values.

Our life choices need to be in line with our values. Otherwise, we would be making it impossible for ourselves to live a joyful life with a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Our life choices need to be in line wit

The power of unconditional love and some examples of unconditional love quotes.

Giving up is easy but never give up
Unconditional love

Love has to be authentic.
Love needs to be unconditional.

To talk about it, it’s very easy. To find such love is really very rare.

It’s quite natural to have some misunderstandings between couples, but it will not break their affection no matter what happens.

To love or to be loved unconditionally is the most precious thing a person can give or can receive from someone.

Select some quotes from below that reflect your feelings and say I love you unconditionally and my love for you is unconditional.

“Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally.”

“If someone wants to be with you, nothing will stop them from doing so. Love doesn’t create excuses.”

“Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion. Emotions and feelings change, sometimes daily. But true unconditional love is everlasting.”

“Unconditional love is loving someone beyond their limits and yours.”

“It is hard to compete with unconditional love.”

“Unconditional love is when someone hurts you, but because you care about that person so much you choose not to hurt them in return.”

“When you start loving unconditionally, you stop judging people soon.”

Think about how your love is. First we need to give unconditional love then only we can expect it from others.

An open letter to the United Nations and an appeal on behalf of Ukraine.

sorry is not enough by Titus vargis


The United Nations and all countries,

With due respect I want to share some- thing very urgent. As you might know what’s happening in Ukraine.

So you say you are awesome and a peacemaker.

But what you have done speaks louder than your claims.

Look,Ukraine is destroyed and it will soon happen to exist no more.

Look,how you kept on looking at the war and amused yourself.

You thought that it’s not a big deal. You are useless,to speak frankly.

Hey,you could have saved thousands of precious cities and people including children.

Of course you are safe.

You are invincible as you often say.

But I think that’s much exaggeration!!

Hey, you are a coward hiding behind your peace talks and all gimmicks.

When will you awake?

How can we as a hu- man being ignore the war and its impact?

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long now.

Mankind is under attack.

What could the United States and other nations do to stop this war?

At Least for the sake of those pre- cious children and future generations something must be done.

Hey,think like a good human being.

Think not how you can be safe.

Let the peace prevail.

Let the peace prevail. Russia is wicked and it is getting dirtier as time goes by.

Let’s hope for the best,

A citizen of the free

No sorry is enough by Titus Vargis

My experiments with depression and my conclusions: People have stupid reaction towards depression.

What’s more disturb- ing than depression is people’s attitude towards it.

My experiments by Titus Vargis

Over the years I had been through many ups and downs.

One of the most horrific experience was my struggle with depression.

The thing that hurt me most was people’s utter stupid attitude towards me.

It was as if my life was in jeopardy.

My story has a strong message for those in our society.

Unless we treat this stupid- ity patients with mental illness and issues will not recover fast.

My own first hand experience has taught me what books could never teach me about depression.

Let me briefly share few of the utter stupid attitude of people towards me while I was in depression,

1. That I am abnormal.

2. That I am faking it.

3. I am Lazy.

4. That I am stupid.

5. That I am beyond hope.

6. That I am not worthy of respect.

7. That I am the only per- son on earth to behave like this.

8. That by willpower & efforts I can overcome it.

9. That this is not a big deal. I am the cause of this.

10. That this is not a sickness that needs treatment but a state of mind.

My story by Titus Vargis.

How do you come out of that wrecked life of darkness?
Let me tell you the secret: just once is enough to begin with.

Coming out is really hard by Titus Vargis

Many times I felt as if I just can’t break the mess I am in.

I was vulnerable. I went through depression for so long.

That was real darkness. Even that word ‘darkness’ is still not enough.

What can one do if he or she is bound? May be by depression, fear or any relationship issues that are there for so long.

I used to read many books on how to get rid of my depression.

There were several factors that brought me out of that cage.

One of them is doctors and another is insights from people who went through depression.

One thing I learnt was in order to break free one needs to take the risk.

One needs to take that first step that seems so impossible.

Just take that step. Focus not on the complete journey of recovery. When we focus on just one thing it gets easy.

Focus on that first step you need to take in order to come out of your darkness.

Often we calculate about the whole journey and it looks so huge that we never take any action.

How did I come out of my depression? It took me one step at a time. The whole journey was thousands of those small steps.

When you take one step towards your recovery journey you feel you can take that next step and then the next step.

Many times we don’t take the journey of recovery because the journey itself feels overwhelming.

You can do it.
You can make it.
No matter how long you were in your darkness.
Still you can break that evil pattern.

It takes one step at a time.

Stop feeling vulnerable.

Unless you move towards that recovery road you will keep crying.

Do it.
Just do it.
I believe you.
You are awesome!

© Titus Vargis

A letter to the broken soul.

Why are you cast down?

Why are you cast down? Titus Vargis

How are you?
This is just a quick reminder. Life is beautiful my dear Soul.
You are an overcomer!!
I know you will overcome this problem too.
Never doubt yourself. You have done it in the past several times.
Do you know, you are my role model? Yes.
It’s true you get discouraged sometimes,tell me who does not?
We are winners.
Tell me more about your victories,I know you have many of them.
Beneath the surface,you are a superhero.
Trust me,I love you.
You are extraordinary. You are awesome.
This too shall pass.
Hey,rise up. You have a long way to go. I am looking forward to hear from you.
Stay strong.
Yours always,
A fellow traveler.

Stop blaming everything in 2023 but make a brutal resolution about your life but how?

Life is an adventure but I don’t know how can I save my life?

love and marriage coach
Life is the real gold by Titus Vargis

Relevant information about getting the dream life you wish for:

1. Luck is non existent

2. Belief is the most crucial currency of a blessed life.

3. There are different perspectives about everything in life. Choose the best one.

4. Think about your biases. On which bias are you looking on?

5. We get angry when we are not at peace with our Past.

6. Asking forgiveness makes you divine.

7. It takes fear and love both to get moving in any relationship. Fear has it’s purpose.

8. No one can make you angry without your consent.

9. No one can make you happy without your permission.

©Titus Vargis,

what to do when your relationship is at breaking point?

When life throws a lemon,don’t get bitter but act smart for your own sake.

Life cycle by Titus Vargis.

There are times in our life and relationship that wreck us to the core. What we do about it decides where we end up?

My own life experiences has wrecked me many times. I was almost broke to the point of giving up my life.

No one in my life took interest in my life but escalated my pain.

I had to take decision. I was determined not to give up any more.

Life became my teacher. I tried all my resources and friends to find out what must be done to get out of this narrow place.

Here are few crucial steps that we can take when our relationship is at the breaking point.

Let me start,

1. Take full responsibility if you’re at fault

One important thing is to not act like children. You must be authentic. You need to take full responsibility if you know you are at fault.

2. Extend compassion and care to the person you hurt

Be human. Be compassionate. Learn to extend compassion. You get what you give.

3. Give your partner the opportunity to win your trust back

4. Practice radical transparency

Be absolutely transparent. Don’t play games. Be serious enough. You can’t destroy what you built for many years.

5. Consult with a professional

6. Don’t let your world revolve around your partner

7. Learn to compromise

Life is not always mathematics. Life requires compromises. You can’t be a god on earth. You need to accommodate the other.

8. Spend time with friends outside of your relationship.

Don’t put all eggs in one basket.

9. Engage in affectionate physical contact

10. Use skilled communication

Be careful how you communicate. You might be hurting the other person by the way you talk.

11. Speak from your heart

Listen to your heart. Speak from your heart.

12. Actively listen

Practice listening. Relationships require active listening. Unless we listen,we do a one man show.

13. Healthy conflict resolution strategies

You must find conflict resolution strategies. For that you must learn from the experts. You must do it.

14. Get to the root cause

Find out the root causes of your chaos.

15. Follow your gut feelings

Your gut knows what is best for you.

Dear traveler on the journey called life, let me share something.

love and marriage coach

You are not your thoughts tell you.

love and marriage coach
Hey warrior by Titus Vargis.

Dear traveler,

I am glad to meet you and say something to you.

I believe we all have different names to comment on our struggles on this journey. But I think that we all have the same struggles.

We might be poor or rich. We might be less confident or more.

We might be from countries that are called developed or not so.

We might be thinking we are alone. We think we are here but no one knows us.

Yet,we can’t blame anyone. We are still warriors. We need someone like a mirror that says so. This is the thing we lack. We have many doomsayers. We have many who discourage us.

Yet we are conquerors. We are not aware. The main secret is this: we must not quit.

Sooner or later,we win. We get to the destination. We are really not alone. It’s our mind that tells us that we are alone. Like our mind being programmed .

Share with someone what you go through. Find someone. No one is perfect. We are still traveling.

It’s our ego that stops us from association. It’s our prejudices. It’s our culture. You know what? If we overcome these,we will win together.

Why not? Ask yourself. Ask the universe. Ask the roads. Here,we are not losers.

Stand up. Walk again. Move a bit if you can’t run.

Don’t stop. Let’s start again. Together. Give me your hand. Hold me and let’s run.

I believe in you. Our destiny calls us. Thank you.

Yours brother,
A traveler.

What God really really wants?

Giving up is easy but never give up
The monumental question of our existence by Titus Vargis.

The monumental question mankind has been struggling with.

The most crucial question in the World is this: what God wants?

The strength of the question is not in the ‘what’ but in GOD.

Humankind has been asking this question from ages.

The man in his search for meaning and significance realised that no one can give him meaning and significance on this planet but GOD.

The question implies that there is a GOD. Our existence demands our significance.

We as a human being are looking for the reasons behind our existence.

The GOD factor helps us to face the uncertainties of this planet.

Gods and the question by Titus Vargis.

We don’t find our meaning and significance in our money or people. People are not the ones we are looking for our monumental question.

We look to GOD for our monumental question. We know that the one who brought us into this planet is GOD himself.

For centuries mankind has founded religions and practices that try to give his soul the answers.

What God wants? How can we answer this question?

We must go through the oceans of the Holy Books and the story tellers.

We have found that God wants our heart,body,money,soul and so on.

But does this confirm our answers?

Are we sure about this?

If God wants bla bla bla bla bla….then why God is still God sitting somewhere and doing nothing…?

The truth that we search for is this,





once you look onto this truth, you are changed forever. God is not looking for something. God cares nothing about what you give to Him.

It’s the so called religion and priests that demand everything in the name of God. So that they get everything in the name of God.

The Power behind the religion is putting up lots of requirements to the people. Unless you put impossible requirements people won’t come to you for help.

The monumental answer by Titus Vargis.Photo by Adnan Khan on Unsplash

This creates a cycle of exploitation. This way people can be effectively exploited. We see for centuries mankind has been duped.

Even the so called good religions are exploiting in the name of their gods.

Let’s examine these answers. Let’s find the exploitation and demand answers from the so called keepers of gods.

© Titus Vargis

7 things I hate in my relationship and they frustrate me : what women should not do in a relationship?

Life gets more better as one puts more love.

Giving up is easy but never give up
Not giving up by any means

There are many reasons for my frustrations in life.

They really are numerous but some of them are more recurring.

Let me share a few of them.

I believe these things will help women to realize what frustrates a man in a relationship.

1. Feelings overtaking the sensibility.

2. Inability to understand what makes me angry.

3. Always expecting me to understand her but not taking efforts to understand me.

4. Lack of gratitude

5. Complaining always.

6. Criticizing my character when it should have been my wrong behavior.

7.Childish behavior.

Love and Relationship by Titus Vargis.

Giving up is Okay and 10 other uncommon perspectives on living your life.

Life is an adventure.

Life is an adventure by Titus Vargis

1. People are everywhere.You need to learn to interact with them.

2. Problems are part of association. As long as we are here on this planet,we will get hurt some way or the other. Accept this.

3. Learn to deal with the weirdness of the masses.

4. Family is the only shelter available here on this Earth. Treat them with utmost importance.

5. No matter what, learn to ask forgiveness from your family. Accept that you made the mistake if you have made it.

6. Loneliness is the most cruel reality of our life on the planet. Learn to embrace it.

7. Develop some habits. It can be anything that you find joy. Immerse yourself into it. It heals your body and soul.

8. You are a soul with a body. Looking after your soul is more important than your body. Learn to feed your soul.

9. Associate with some humans. Find someone who can accompany you. Find your partner.

10.Giving up is okay. Find something new. Keep seeking. No one can tell you what you must do.

11. Life is an adventure. Learn more and more. Unlearn something that you have learnt in the past which serves nothing.

©Titus Vargis


Relationship are awesome


Hey my friend,giving up is easy. But I don’t want you to give up.
Well,here are few Bible verses about not giving up.

  • 2 Chronicles 15:7 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. I Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain

Never give up
I will not give up

  • “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:8-9 (NIV)
  • “Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.” – Psalm 37:24 (NIV)
  • “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
  • “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:29-31 (NIV)
  • “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Giving up is easy but never give up

Not giving up by any means

  • “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:8-9 (NIV)
  • The Lord Holds Us in His Hands

“Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.” – Psalm 37:24 (NIV)

  • There’s a Harvest for Those Who Don’t Give Up

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

  • “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:29-31 (NIV)
  • God Is With You

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

This verse reminds us that ultimately God’s plans for us are good, no matter what emotions they make us feel in the moment.

  • His Grace Is Sufficient

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV)


Here I will show you how can I save my relationship in 30 seconds.

How can I save my relationship in 30 seconds
Saving relationship

Well its very easy. I will give you exact steps to follow so that you can achieve your goal.

Let me share steps to achieve youe goal,

1.Communicate effectively

communication is essential to achieve success in relationship. one must learn to express oneself in a relationship. it takes efforts to communicate effectively. do your best to communicate with your partner.


learning to be effective in relationship requires commitment. you must put all your efforts into your relationship. it should not be half hearted efforts.

3.Show appreciation

appreciation is the oxygen for any good relationship. when you see your partner doing some things effectively and sincerely then dont forget to tell them words of appreciation.

4.Show affection

showing affection is key to achieve success in relationship. express love with your partner, this will improve your relationship.

5.Follow forgiveness

love without forgiveness is fake. when you truly love somebody you are going to see them make mistakes. thats part of life. forgiveness plays an important role in any good relationship. when we forgive someone then we get value from that person. we show them that they are valuable to us.

6.Take responsibility

relationship is based on taking our responsibility. when we are committed to taking responsibility our relationship gets better.


Empathy is essential part of any good relationship.

8.Time for each other

Taking time for each other is very much important.


Let not impatience destroy your relationship.

How to increase love in a relationship?

There are different ways to increase love in a relationship. some of them are as follows,

  1. Commitment

In any relationship,commitment is very important. one must be committed to the relationship.without commitment its impossible to move forward.

02. Transparency

this is also must be transparent enough. without it no lasting relationship can take place.
sincerity this gives strength to the relationship.

03. Maturity

This is very important. One must be willing to act as a mature adult. this means willing to act as a grown up.

04. Forgiving

This is important. Forgiveness is the glue of relationship. This is the divine element of a relationship.

05. Communication

This enhances love in a relationship. This makes the relationships alive. Without this relationship is dead.

What does it take to win your love for me?

What does it take to win your love for me? Asking the most crucial question of our relationship.

The main thing is this
The essential things in a relationship

Did you know what breaks relationships very often?

Let me tell you. It is not incompatibility. It’s not behavior. It’s not looks. Not perfection.

It’s simply this: asking your partner each day what does it take to win your love for me today?

Unfortunately,this crucial question is usually asked at the beginning of our relationship.

Later,unknowingly we overlook it. This is the biggest mistake we all make.We begin to undermine the person’s changing nature.

You see,we are evolving with time. Each of us are changing.The person I was ten days or ten years ago is not the same.Even after 10 days I will not remain the same.

We are constantly changing.
It’s said that you can’t step into a river twice.What does that imply?

It implies that our needs keep on changing as time passes by.Today we need something different from yesterday.

What we need today is not what we needed earlier.

Each day we need to ask our partners what their present needs or expectations are.

Once we know that we are better at providing the partner what he or she needs.

Unless we ask this on a regular basis we will be assuming the needs of our partners.Thereby we won’t receive the appreciation that we are looking for.

Moreover we won’t be satisfying our partners by providing that they don’t really need at this moment.

There are different ways to ask this question,like

what is it that you are expecting from me today?

Or what is it that you want me to do for you today?

What necessary things I need to do for you that will meet your needs today?

There is power in this approach.

Let me tell you briefly why asking this question matters,

First of all it gives your partner a sense of significance.

Second, it implies that you are genuinely interested in helping the partner.

Thirdly,it makes it easier for you to find out what can be done now that can improve the life of your partner without hurting him or her.

We are meant to satisfy the person we are interacting with. The more we make others happy the more our relationships get better.

But how can we make others happy unless we ask them what they need?

It’s also significant to note that here your attitude matters most. Words must correlate with genuine attitude.

Once we are getting used to asking this question we will find that we are better at providing what our partner is expecting from us.

It’s not through assumptions that we get success in life or relationships.

But through deliberate efforts and sincerity.
Best wishes,
©Titus Vargis

5 important things as a man I wish I got from my relationship!!

Understanding the heart of a man is essential to meet his real needs.

The essential expectations by Titus Vargis.

Understanding the basics of any good relationship is not easy.

You have to let go of your own idea and ask the other person.

It is the foundation on which any great relationship is being built.

Let me share a few significant needs as a man in my relationship,

01. First Love

This is the thing that moves us. As men we look for that. We want our partners to have that same old spark. We can sense it. We yearn for that. Too often,it is missing.

02. A sense of wonder

As men,we look for a sense of wonder. We want to see that we are still heroes as we were at first sight. How often,we don’t get that. We love to see that we are still the number one in our relationships.

03. Not taken for granted

As men we don’t look for many bigger things. Basically we look for our worth. Are we still worthy or are we taken for granted? Well,we can sense it very easily that we are valued or taken for granted. We love to outperform ourselves but first we want to know that we are valued in our relationships.

04. A sense of gratitude

We look for gratitude. Gratitude in the sense of behavior or attitude. When men are given sufficient gratitude we would like to outperform ourselves. It’s the magic that propels us.

05. Understanding our silence

As men we are not always like women. We go into solitude. We go there to think and plan our lives. We don’t want to be misunderstood. When women respect our solitude we usually are ready to give what we are expected to.

©Titus Vargis

On 5 reasons why I like my relationship in spite of 100 reasons to quit!

There ain’t no heaven on earth frankly speaking.

On why I choose to not quit by Titus Vargis

Well the title itself says it all. We are all sum total of our imperfections and strengths. No one is from above.
We can do two things,either we can look at good things or imperfections in our lives and relationships.

Both views have an immense impact on the quality of our lives and relationships.

Either we will look to good things and focus only on it. Thereby lead a great life. The other option is looking for imperfections and getting doomed.

We actually have no real choice here on earth. We have to embrace the imperfections no matter what.

Well,the choice is up to you and me.
Let me share my five reasons on why I appreciate my relationship,

01. Life is short to keep on looking for perfect relationships. Really you and I can’t keep on moving from one relationship to another. Each of us have immense imperfections. It’s wise to stick to the one who shares your life values and loves you.

02. Loneliness is the most common sickness that leads to death. I don’t want to live alone and get lost in life. I choose to stay in my relationship.

03. We both have different strengths and we both meet the needs of each other. That’s why I stay in my relationship.

04. My relationship gives me a sense of significance. I stay in my relationship because it gives me a meaning in life.

05. I have seen many relationships getting broken around. I don’t want to lose my opportunities in life. I stay and know that life is an adventure filled with lots of happiness and surprises.

©Titus Vargis, PhD

Most crucial facts about your life and relationship

There are no shortcuts to fulfilling life.

We are a postmodern generation. We have all the comforts which the previous generation did not have.

The basics of life by Titus Vargis

We are a generation of no scarcity. 

Everything is available for us at the time we want it. The downside of this abundance is our lack of thinking about others. We seldom think about giving,but getting.

Times we live in by Titus Vargis

As a matter of fact we are the most selfish generation of all time.

It’s difficult for us to understand that giving is the only way for getting things in life.

What are the implementations of this? Let me share some important aspects which will bring drastic transformation in our relationships,

01. We get what we give. Let’s get it right.We get respect by first giving respect. Respect is not demanded. We must learn to give respect to our partner no matter what.

Heavenly relationships by Titus Vargis

02. Love is not a product that we can get by money,or power. Love is not dependent on our education or status. We must first give love in order to get it.

03. Just as accidents on roads are part of driving on the road, mistakes are part of being human It’s hard to expect perfection from a being that is bound to make mistakes because we are not robots. Accept mistakes as mistakes. Treat it like an accident. No one drives just to get into any accident. It happens. Unless we treat weakness as an integral part of our existence we would kill each other and harbor grudges.

04. In life 5 plus 5 is not always 10. What I mean is that you cannot expect people to act logically each time. We are also emotional beings. We do things sometimes out of our feelings of fear or anger. We may go wrong sometimes. It happens. Understand that life is not predictable. Things go wrong in spite of our careful calculations.

The game of life by Titus Vargis

05. Every day is a golden opportunity to do something different. No one is chained to act as if life is meaningless. Why not try a different approach? Why not try talking in a fair way? Why not make some other plans if plan A has gone wrong? Life is an adventure. Why don’t we change the patterns that make our relationship dull or boring? 

©Titus Vargis.

51 Power words for raising smart kids.

It takes something more to raise a smart child,what are they?

Power words to use by Titus Vargis.

Kids are spontaneous and they find real happiness in the simple pleasures of life.

They get thrilled and enjoy little things like when they see a small bird, jump over dirty puddles, and even when they get to have their favorite ice creams.

They also like us go through the occasional blues,feel sad and be depressed too.

Power words can instill smart skills in kids to face life smartly.

These power words for kids are a great addition to a child’s vocabulary. These vocabulary words for kids really help them learn how to be encouraging, kind and nurturing.

It creates an encouraging and nurturing environment, which is helpful for their well-being and growth.

Here is a list of Power words for kids to help them build a strong and encouraging vocabulary.


Raising a smart child by Titus Vargis.

© Titus Vargis

A story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium

Read this story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium:

Our pleasure to help you by Titus Vargis.

You are not alone. We are here to help you as you go through rough times in your life and relationship.

Come and see what great things can happen when you believe.

We are here to make you succeed.

Yes,you can find joy again.

© Titus Vargis.

7 things my relationship breakdown taught me that no coach can teach.

What Life teaches you no one can teach on this planet.

Life as an ultimate relationship coach by Titus Vargis

Over the course of my relationship I had to learn many things.

As with everything else, in order for a relationship to work better I had to relearn and unlearn many many essential things.

Unfortunately,my relationship breakdown brought me to the walls.

I had to change myself and my way of dealing. Some of the important lessons that I learnt are as follows,

01.No one can fulfill you apart from yourself. Fulfilled life happens when you make efforts on yourself. No one can do it for you.

02.You are responsible for your own wellbeing. Others cannot be responsible for your well-being. They can only support you to some extent.

Relationship by choice by Titus Vargis

03.Your partner can’t be your savior by any chance. It’s suicidal to exalt anyone to meet all your needs.
Don’t expect even gods to solve your personal chaos. You must get up and keep yourself straight.

04.Others are not obliged to clean up your mess. You need to act mature and take up the responsibility.

05.It’s not a relationship that brings blessings but your own attitude. Everything depends upon your perspective.

06.What you give will ultimately return to you. This law seems to apply to all things on this planet.

There are no shortcuts by Titus Vargis

07.There is no overnight birth of a beautiful life and relationship. Don’t expect to eat apples overnight when you have not waited for a good amount of time. Nothing happens overnight.

© Titus Vargis

Understanding narcissistic females and 3 very easy ways to deal with them.

You don’t have to be a victim anymore,take control of your life now.

You are not the victim anymore by Titus Vargis.

The fault in our relationship by Titus Vargis

There is a huge rise in abusive females in our world.
It’s not reported by most men out of shame.

Our Society likes to think it’s the female who’s always the weak,so the equation goes like this:

Abusive relationships = men at fault.

The reason behind this equation is that men are stronger than women.

This is the most fallacious misconception. It’s not the truth.
In Fact this is the real culprit. The real cause of marital breakdown.

In any case of reporting to the police,there is bias at work in the system.The police just ignore men and never listen to what men want to say.

Most of the time it won’t be accepted by society that any woman can abuse a man.

This is gross inhuman practice that’s prevalent in many so called developed countries.

Let me put in following points in order to explore these personality:

1) Consider the ads and movies, where it’s common to see women belittling men, even many men are projected there as stupid, foolish.

2) Society, especially narcissistic ones, are training girls and women to abuse men in their lives be it indirectly. The so-called feminist movements add fuel to it.

3) Society as a whole is narrating a different mode of conduct with regards to men.
It’s brainwashing to the point of hating men no matter what.

4) Narcissistic women teach others to refuse to respect any boundaries set by society and men.

There must be a way by Titus Vargis

5) Narcissists play the victim card.
Of course they cry,scream and create drama. They know very well how to influence people a lot so that they will believe in their account.

6) Narcissistic women can’t take any form of constructive feedback.

7) Narcissists lack empathy.
They have no feelings for men! They love a little and hate you at the same time.

8) Narcissists withhold sex to punish men.

9) Narcissists are materialistic.
They will say things like,
you take me out, you give me what I want when I want it.

10.Narcissistic values men based on his financial capabilities.

The blackmail by Titus Vargis


1.Don’t take the bait.

They are irrational, far from reality. Whatever comes from them is not rational.
Completely ignore them. when they want you to react,just leave the room.

2. When they start to play with your feelings just tell them,

“You are right with your emotions just as I am.”

3.They struggle with their internal chaos and their life shows just the same.
Don’t allow them to dictate your life. Take control of your life.

© Titus Vargis

This is the real thing that wrecks our life and relationships,beware of this!

No one talk about this but this is the real culprit behind our Titanic stories.

Right now,I need this in my life and relationship,I know everyone needs this. Would we be caring enough to do this?
The task no one can say no to but it depends whether we truly understand it’s importance.

The underlying cause by Titus Vargis

The underlying cause by Titus Vargis.

The sad truth is this: we have social connections,enough money and beautiful people in our lives but this is really missing.
Well,in order to live we need three basic necessities: water,food and a home.

But to have an ideal relationship,we need more than these.
We are searching for significance.
Yes,you heard me right.
Deep down of our soul we don’t look for social connections or huge castles but significance.

What’s significance?
It’s a value we get as a human being. To not be treated as a zombie. To be getting respect as an individual,as a homosepians.
We yearn for meaning in life, not 5 star food or star status on the offering.

We look for importance,sense of worth, acceptance more than physical things.
In a relationship,quite often we give everything so easily and we think we have done our best.

Think about this, do you not look for significance? Sense of worth from your relationship?
If we are keen to provide this,other things would not create any issue.
This is the ‘Thing’ that wrecks you and me and everbody.

The Matrix by Titus Vargis

This the it that breaks beautiful relationship.
This is the reason others get hurt and you too when you are treated less than being worthwhile.
Best wishes,
© Titus vargis

Are you asking the Right question to others? Alert: This might forever change their destiny.

The power of a more sensible approach towards others even when you don’t want to help others.

The power to impact others by Titus Vargis

Read this story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium:

Hey, are you struggling with depression? Let me share how my Suicidal tendencies went Away?

Love and marriage

Life is hard sometimes and you can’t lose your precious life but how?

How my Suicidal tendencies went Away?

It’s not easy. It’s monumental.
It’s not a sickness that you take a pill and it goes away.

My struggle with the darkness by Titus Vargis

Let me come to the point,to say it in short.

First things first,

1. Suicidal thoughts are born out of long term sufferings of stress & harsh realities of life.

2. It’s not possible to get out of it by forcing one’s thoughts alone. No one can get out of it like that. It is ridiculous!

No,it does not work that way. You are Outrightly wrong. It’s not a physical sickness just like cough and cold.

3.Suicidal tendencies are out of one’s control. Understand this. No one wants to live like that.It’s a living hell. One can’t escape by himself.

4. Suicidal thoughts can develop over a period of time while being in total failure, death of a loved one, terrible loss in life or business,terminal sickness & sufferings.

5. The person who is affected by it already has done everything to come out of it but he’s helpless. This is the number one truth. He is really really helpless,and that’s the reason he’s thinking of ending his life.

No one likes to stay depressed by Titus Vargis
My struggle with depression by Titus Vargis.

Now,let me share my experience:

Suicidal thoughts were not in me until my father was alive. But once he had passed away I went into a stage of utter despondency.

I was the eldest son and I had a younger brother. We were still studying in schools. My mother had no job. Financially we were struggling.

During this period,I developed abnormal fears, including fear of people,fear of open spaces.

This created total imbalance in our family. This deeply affected my wellbeing.

As an eldest Son, I had the responsibility to look after my mother and brother.

Here I was in utter darkness & I felt I was not living upto my family’s expectations. I was unable to stay normal and earn a living.

I developed serious depression & went to consult the doctor. Doctor prescribed some medicines for me. I wanted to come out of this mess.

Medication really helped me. Previously I could not sleep at night but now I was sleeping well. My fears subsided to an extent and I attempted to start living my normal life once again.

Financially I had nothing to support my family so that I can feel proud about myself. Feelings of worthlessness increased my depression.I felt I was useless. I found no hope.

I developed a whole range of depressive thinking, different fears, and anger.

I attempted suicide many times. I did not see any point in living. I had tried all ways to get rid of depression. Medicines,Yoga, Positive talk, Exercises.

Nothing brought any lasting solution. Staying positive did not help.Nothing worked.Absolutely.

Medicines did not cure my suicidal tendencies. I was fed up with my life. I did not want to live as a burden to others.

Happiness is costly by Titus Vargis

Deep down my heart I wanted to live and earn lots of money. It didn’t happen. No one saved me.

My mother was a praying woman. She kept on praying for my recovery. She prayed to Jesus. Her prayers brought my answers. My life began to change.

My plans of suicide did not work. I must say I am alive because of Jesus Christ.

It was all because of my Heavenly Father. He just would not let me commit suicide. All my plans to end my life could not succeed.

I must say it took a while for me to become normal. It’s been more than 10 years now. Since then I have never thought about suicide.

My life is no longer the same. I now from my experience can say that no medicines can cure suicidal tendencies. No surface level efforts either.

I believe one must have a paradigm shift. One can’t just get over these dangerous tendencies just by thinking or behaving the right way.

Suicide is deeply related to our Soul. It’s a sickness of the Soul.

Unless and until this soul sickness is dealt with, one just can’t overcome it.

One surely can overcome suicidal tendencies with the help of God. Jesus Christ is the answer. God alone can heal this sickness of the Soul.

When the Soul is healed, a person begins to think about living boldly no matter what.

I believe this experience will help a lot of others who go through suicidal tendencies.

Thank you very much for reading.I am glad you read it.

Best wishes,

© Titus Vargis

Hey ladies,this is the top complaint of men & listen you can incorporate these 11 things to resolve this.

Relationships are awesome but need maintenance from your side too.

Hey Dear Women,

Let me straight forward come to my point. And please do listen to me. I am here for your care and benefits.
Would you please hear the number 1 complain of most Men?

Remember this and save your relationship forever :Your man is not a lifetime punching bag you bought from somewhere.

The number 1 Complaint Men have regarding women in Relationships is: abusive words spoken by women to express their true feelings while being upset.

Men must not raise their hands over a woman. Just like this, women should not Speak rudely against men no matter what.

God has made everyone equal. Men and Women. Both are equal. Yet both Should know what hurts others?

Women, unknowingly or knowingly hurt men by telling what shouldn’t be said at all.

Women need to know their words said in angry moments have equal potential to hurt their man.

Society does not care about what women do Or say. Well it hurts to the point of killing.

It seems that only Men can harm a
woman. Really?

Out of all the Relationships breakdown nearly 87% is due to this monumental error of women.

Women should know their words have a monumental impact.It’s not that words do not matter.

Perhaps, she should know that words
can literally kill like any poison.

Words literally kills. Majority of men who have suffered a Relationship break down very often complain that women have abused them emotionally.

Men say that they have been abused & blackmailed by their women.

Many many men have literally been killed by abusive women.

Emotional abuse by women is considered a lesser sin.

women think that it’s just raising their concerns to their men. But they forget that raising their concerns in an abusive way can harm others, including men.

They Should choose the words carefully.

If words are uttered without considering their partner it can sabotage their beautiful relationship.

Beauty is useless if the mouth is foul. Your man is not a heartless creature just to serve you.

He is not your dad or brother.
He is your equal life partner.

Who gave you authority to trample down your man?

Of course no one has that authority.

Do you think is this the way relationships work?

women, you need understand this: Just as raising hands by men is
violence not worthy of tolerance- in the same way uttering foul words is equal to violence.

Women should respect their men by words and deeds.

Most of the men complain that they have been abused verbally by their partners on a regular basis. No one even say that this is not just acceptable.

Creating an environment of fear by abusive words is a serious violence not tolerable.

Trust me, as a man, I can say that words hurt so much.Even kills.
Don’t excuse yourself by saying that I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Relationships are not meant to be taken for granted. Don’t act like a child.

You might say that I felt it that way & said that.

But No, you are not given permission to hurt others.

You must not utter words in the most fair way. What we say is important. How we say it is also very important.


Quick solutions by Titus Vargis

So, here are a few insights into how a woman can express their feelings without hurting men.

1) Before uttering some word, spend time alone. It’s fine to not act on the impulse. Good things take time. Too much hurry spoils a thing. You are right but don’t rush.

Don’t rush by Titus vargis.

2) Don’t speak in the heat of the moment. The number one mistake we make is speaking what we are feeling at the moment. Well, it’s not advisable. It can do more harm.

Silence is powerful often by Titus Vargis.

3)Take a blank sheet of paper and write down what feelings you are going through. Write everything you feel.

Write it down by Titus Vargis.

4) After writing, take a deep breath. Calm yourself completely. Try to be present at the moment. Relax. Do what makes you calm. Watch a movie,go for shopping, gardening etc.

Art of calm by Titus vargis.

5) Ask your man when he’s available to listen to you. Don’t be rude and demand that he urgently make arrangements to talk. Everything must be done in a fair way.

The man and the science behind by Titus Vargis.

6) Preferably, while discussing these choose a place free from family or children.

7) Once he assigns some time, wait for that. Don’t Complain if he can’t listen right when you want him to.

8) Once you meet, carefully share your concerns and feelings.

Take care by Titus vargis.

9) Keep your tone absolutely normal. Don’t say as if to hurt him. Let there be respect. Show fairness. Be kind in your tone. Don’t be rude or insensitive. This might spoil all efforts.

10) Once you have shared, tell him ‘Thank you for giving time’. Give respect and receive back hundred folds. Relationships are about little things. Remember that.

Understand the basic problem by Titus Vargis.

11) Understand that he needs enough time to process what you have said. Don’t expect him to resolve issues at the same time. Be mature enough to understand this.

I strongly believe that these things are very crucial in any relationship.

Relationships are not made in heaven but nourished by two mature adults who know to refrain from unfair practices.

Best wishes,

© Titus Vargis.

Hey,cheer up! Let me show how I overcame the dark times when my father passed away.

Life is not a bed of Roses still lot of it depends on how we manage ourselves.

I really can not explain what the relationship I had with my daddy.
It was a relationship built in heaven.No one can come close to my dad.

My black days and years by Titus Vargis.

I lost him suddenly and it left me a world full of unknowns.
O my how would I move an inch without my earthly God? This was my constant thoughts.

I was afraid.I was willing to suicide even tried to jump into the river.But I think God did not allow it to happen.I was though absolute confident about suicide.
I hated life as a whole.

I came to the TRUE colors of my own.
The plasticity of our society.The wicked heart hiding beneath the sober men and women.

I had to learn to live again.It was hell.It was absolute unnecessary I thought.
So,how anyways I stood on my ground again?

1. My mother stood By me.If there was one solid ground that held me it was my mother.She carried me and came to rescue me.I didn’t see her going away when I needed her the most.

My mother was my Angel by Titus vargis.

2. My supreme help came from my heavenly Father. My God in whom I found refuge.To say the least,it was God who literally stood behind me.It was God who gave me boldness.When all else left me it was the presence of God that stood closer to me.This changed my life.

My Heavenly Father my Saviour by Titus Vargis.

3. My hobbies such as listening music and reading kept me away from serious depression. It was music that changed my mood altogether. Then books.
I survived because of reading the biographies of great men.I purposely read great men and their life stories.I knew if they can succeed I too can.

My hobbies were working by Titus Vargis.

4. My brother stood By me all through my dark times.He was there with me.He never left me.I didn’t feel I am lonely. I was supported By him.He financed me when I had no job.No money in my pocket.I truly thank God for him.

My brother my angel by Titus Vargis.

5. My mentors motivated me.I infact got my mentors through books.They were inspirational and a source of power to me.I felt I too can overcome any difficulties. This transformed my life.This gave me hope.This made me an overcomer.
I have survived all because of these.I could not live well when my dad passed away.
I felt it was impossible to live again.Yet I overcame those difficulties.

My mentors were great by Titus Vargis.

You too can overcome your mountains.

Keep trying. Never give up.Find some mentors.Find your own survival tactics.

Life is precious.Life is beautiful.

© Dr.Titus Vargis

10 things that kill your kid’s positivity and what can you do about it now?

Better parenting by Titus vargis.

Kids are no less than divine. You can kill their positivity unknowingly.

Kids are very fragile and we should know how to handle them.

What kids go through in their life affect their future very much.

Most of the times parents are not careful about how they deal with their kids.

What parents do with their kids have immense impact on their kids. 

Better parenting by Titus Vargis.

Let’s examine what are those things which kill kid’s positivity: 

     01. Constant criticism is the number one poison which kills positivity. Parents who constantly criticise over small things can destroy kid’s self esteem.

    02. Making kids a slave and making them do things forcefully. Kids are slaves when they are required to follow instructions over every things they need to do.This can seriously harm them in their long run.They lose all sense of self worth. 

    03. Abusing kids in behaviour or words.Kids are not stones.They are human beings too.What we as adult feel they feel too. When we abuse them they start abusing themselves. 

    04. Loving kids based on their performance. Kids are often praised or punished as their performance. Kids are not machines.what you think is not possible for them all the times.

    05. Cruel words by parents or family can seriously hamper their positive growth.parents who discipline using harsh and cruel words can discourage their kids.They even can give up and become suicidal. 

    Be an awesome parents by Titus Vargis.

    06. Stop Over pampering. Kids need to be learning uneasy things too.Giving them too much of pampering can make them less confident. 

    07. Violence in any form can literally kill the positivity of your kids.When kids face violence in their homes they can start rebelling. 

    08. Giving them what they ask quickly can hamper their perceptions about reality of life.Kids need to learn that not all things can be obtained as they want.This is life and parents need to teach them.

    09. Taking decisions on behalf of kids can have a negative impact. Let kids take the responsibility and make their own decisions. Ofcourse you can guide them.

    10. Not listening to kids can have a negative impact. They might feel worthless and think that their opinions and matters dont value much.

    Better parenting by Titus vargis.


    Now let’s see what parents can do to stop being negative to their kids: 

    A. Be careful how you deal with them.They need respect too just as much you do.

    B. Never use harsh words.

    C. Always praise for their small achievements.

    D. Love them more and criticise them less.

    E. Show your full support when they need it from you.Even when they are weak or failing.

    F. Let children know you are on their side.

    G. Stop correcting their behaviour all the time.

    They need freedom and space just as you do.

    Lets see that our kids remain strong as they grow with us.We need to  healthy and confident kids.That must be  the ultimate goal of any parents.

    ©Dr.Titus Verghese,


    What if tomorrow Russia might wipe out Ukraine?

    Sing your song
    What if Russia
    Wipe our Ukraine
    While we sing
    Our favorite list.
    Sing your song
    Save those kids
    Apart from yours
    They might kill
    for a piece of bread!
    Sing your song
    shoe is yours
    legs are mine
    It’s hurting.
    Sing your song
    While we watch
    our daily soap
    and favorite
    football team,
    Russia might
    destroy whole
    bunch of innocent
    Stop your songs
    look the devastation
    Arise for the kids
    apart from your’s
    Lest they take
    the guns and
    get license to
    ©Titus Vargis

    Hey! We might me so good but still we can unknowingly stand with the criminals!

    The day we are silent is the day we are wrong in most cases.

    The underlying problem of US by Titus Vargis.

    “When We Keep Quiet” what really can go wrong?

    “When we choose to remain silent on the violence and injustice that is done to the vulnerable, we are indirectly supporting that crime.”

    How often we blame government, presidents,religion or society for the violence and cruelties.

    We blame everyone and we know what we are doing.
    We are 100% sure of our views.
    We seem like little gods on earth.We claim to know all the answers.

    But do we realise that part of the existing problems around us is us?
    Yes,you heard it right.

    We may not be violent,cruel,corrupt,greedy or a thief yet we can be committing serious crimes or promoting them.

    How? By remaining silent.Silent when women are mistreated, children are abused,corruption happening right in front of our eyes,human rights getting violated,cruelty happening all around us.
    Well,when we choose to remain silent we take sides with the person who is committing the crime.

    Lets be loud! Lets speak up! Lets stand up for the ones who cannot for themselves.

    I believe when we do our part,world will surely be a better place to live in.
    If you liked my post,please take time to let me know.
    Thank you for giving me your valuable time.

    ©Titus Vargis.

    Authentic Love and Relationship: How does it look like?

    There are few real signs to identify the authenticity of love and relationship.

    The signs of true Love by Titus Vargis.

    Love is the most misunderstood word on the planet.I think the most most commonly used word in the world would be LOVE. I strongly believe another set of words that are mostly used would be I, We, Us and Me.

    What is the conclusion I make from these?
    Word ‘Love’ is commonly used when we are not literally meaning it.

    We use it to mean that we like something, or someone based on our likes and biases.

    Not necessarily that others are in our hearts or we are deeply moved by the other.

    You see, we are the most selfish generation of the history of mankind.
    Look at the news or any groups or any so called unselfish people groups who are selflessly doing to mankind much favors.

    First of all, why is that these groups or people promote themselves when they are utterly selfless?! It’s a joke!

    Who in the world is selfless and selfish at the same time?! It’s absurd!

    Well, we live in a time such as this. For us LOVE is equal to SELF. Our motives are clear. We will use any opportunity to gain other’s attention and gains.

    We can even use the words such as LOVE or SELFLESS acts of kindness. While the reality is totally different.
    We fool others and we are deeply perfect in this.

    Our schools or colleges teach us and train us to be utterly selfish and put others down at any cost in the name of the so called SUCCESS.

    What is the conclusion regarding the love we see around. LOVE of ours is superficial and plastic. It fools others. It is used to gain something.

    It is utterly selfish and lacks genuineness. Why is it that we kill each other in the name of religion? Why the educated masses are easily swayed away by fanaticism?!

    Why we say we are civilized and at the same time we are totally corrupt and not willing to sacrifice for the sake of others?

    Love is kind, selfless, sacrifice, forgiving, bearing one another in weaknesses ,and laying down our own Demonic pride.

    Love and the ways to identify the authenticity of love by Titus Vargis.

    Let me share few significant characteristics of such authentic Love and Relationship,

    1.True love is coming out of self. It’s all about others and not us.

    2.It’s concerned more about not my bread or my money but about other’s hunger and sufferings.

    3.It’s about giving,giving and utterly giving.

    4.It’s about making a mark in the lives of those who cannot repay us back by any means.

    5.It’s about our forgiving when grace is not possible.

    6.It’s about showing mercy to the offender the tenth or eleventh time.

    7.It’s about not scoring but about getting unnoticed.

    8.It’s not about marketing or getting famous but making the lives of the other much more better than before.Its simple and profound.

    Let’s decode the thing called Love by Titus Vargis.

    ©Titus vargis,

    10 examples of how your partner may be gaslighting you in a relationship.

    The truth of the problem and the ways to deal with it.

    The underlying causes

    Look,what we have done! and where we are heading to

    We are the Superpowers….

    Dreamland by Titus Vargis.

    How we used to,

    while we were dreaming,

    a dawn of,

    Dreamland,fairy tales

    sort of,how we used

    to brag about,

    we will have,

    the perfect relationships,

    the perfect

    AI powered kitchen,

    cars,Nuclear weapons,

    So on,where

    are you now?

    What happened to our children,

    where did they go?

    they have assignments

    to do,they are fighting wars,

    for the sake of

    Supremacy fights,

    ego clashes,

    Look,how far have come!

    We can have famines,

    wars anytime we want,

    Bio weapons to

    hide our weaknesses,

    look we are heading to,

    mass suicides,

    fooling ourselves,

    we are nothing more,than animals…

    ©Titus Vargis,PhD


    Hey don’t be giving up when things are going against you.

    Tough times are not for ever.

    Here are some wisdom and inspiration for you as you might be facing rough times in your life or relationship.

    1. If you accept tough times are part of the seasons of life, it will keep you from sinking into depression.

    2. Maintain a healthy perspective. Going through tough times doesn’t mean you are not blessed, you are actually being prepared for something great. Preparation is often not easy but it is the foundation of better things to come.

    3. Tough times will reveal to you your true friends and expose the fake ones.

    4. Tough times will introduce to you real friends who are attracted to your purpose.

    5. The best ideas tend to be conceptualized in tough times.

    6. Sometimes God allows you to go through tough times to wake you up and get your attention especially when you have become too familiar with Him.

    7. Sometimes you have to reach a dead end where no one but God can help you, so that no one but God can receive the glory.

    8. Great people have learnt the art of converting tough times into a path to being a master of something.

    9. There are some lessons that tough times will teach you that good times can’t.

    10. Tough times will open your eyes to see opportunities and doors that complacent you did not.

    11. Some of us lack the courage to move past our current level and lack the initiative to take the next step on our own, tough times will catapult you to the next stage of your life that you are afraid to take.

    12. Tough times will make you naked so that you see yourself for who you truly are. Tough times will force you to be real with yourself, what are you really made of? Because when you are going through tough times, there is no one to impress, you have to be you.

    13. Most couples enter their best season after they reach rock bottom. That is when their true love is tested and they emerge stronger together.

    May you find strength and wisdom to face your rough times,and may you rise up stronger than ever.

    Best wishes.

    5 things I hate in my partner and everyone should avoid these in a Relationship.

    There can be no sorry for some issues in any relationship.

    There is no excuse my dear by Titus Vargis

    5 things I hate in my marriage, and these can happen in any relationship.

    Well,they must be avoided at any cost to save your relationship.

    01. When I don’t receive back what I give. I always try my best to give love,care, and forgiveness to my partner. Even respect when I feel I have been mistreated.

    02. When I don’t feel that my partner keeps the secrets about me. This frustrates me.

    03. When I find that in matters of money I cannot ask my partner about my needs.when I get answers like it’s my money,why didn’t you keep your money? This turns me off. I strongly believe that as a partner one should help each other in all ways possible.

    04. When I am not consulted regarding some major issues. It can be buying any stuffs or taking a big decision. As a partner one should always first ask one’s partner about their suggestions.

    05. When I am ridiculed in front of others and my partner too joins them. This hurts me the most.

    ©Titus Vargis,PhD

    7 relationship secrets that one must know to have a lasting Relationship.

    Well,most of the Relationship coach wont tell you this.

    The love that stands on the Rock by Titus Vargis.

    How can a Relationship coach help when one is in crisis and the partner is indifferent? 

    Relationships are not easy as it appears. It’s not like 2 plus 2 equals 4.

    It’s really complicated. Sometimes one partner is serious and the other one is just passing time.

    What can we do in such a situation? 

    There are very good people around who can help you. 

    But in order to get lasting solutions one must not forget these relationship principles,

    1. Relationship is a marathon. Its not a short race.One must understand this.
    2. Both the partners must be mature enough to make changes in themselves. No one is perfect here. 
    3. If one partner thinks that he or she is perfect then that relationship won’t last long. It’s so simple. 
    4. Relationships are not one night stands. It’s neither romance nor a joy ride. It’s much larger than that.
    5. We begin with love but we go forward with commitment and lots of sacrifice.
    6. Relationships are not for kids or immature people. It’s not for sex or time pass. 
    7. Relationships are not measured by looks or money but by transparency and sincerity. Looks can backfire.

    What keeps you defeated?

    Sometimes we don’t look around and find what keeps us from being an overcomer.
    We might be looking at bigger things that is keeping us from achieving.
    But it need not be bigger things but smaller things or insignificant things.
    Life has taught me that some of the things that keeps me defeated are:
    1. My thoughts of past hurts and people who have hurt me.
    2. My habit of not forgiving. Many times in order to achieve greater things We must leave aside our past.
    3. My opinion about myself based on my past experiences.
    4. My unrealistic expectations about future.We expect overnight success. But it doesn’t happen like that.
    5. My constant comparison with others. Many times we constantly compare ourselves with others. This keeps us defeated.
    6. Negative self talks. We self talk negatively and keep ourselves in the pit of darkness.
    These things keep us stuck forever in our defeated states.
    We must be kinder to ourselves and treat more lovingly.

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