The lunatic the angel

The black and the white inside

The devil

the crimes you
the labels we
neat and clean.

I wish you
we’re right.
Well, to put
it another way,
there is no
white or black
in this cursed

we are.

there are angels
crooked snake
can you mark
this or that?

inside me
lives a moron
inside us
lives both
saint and
poisonous reptile.

Today you are
this, next
moment that.

Who knows what!?

©Titus Vargis.

See How These People are Single-Handedly Keeping Humanity Alive!

Why shouldn’t you give up?! Let’s look into it.

Recently I happened to visit an ice cream shop. It was a small vehicle shop. I happened to talk to the man who owns the shop.

Normally I don’t eat ice cream at the shop but at home.
As I was having my ice cream, I decided to talk to the man.

He was saying recently in his village for a small piece of land, a man killed his own brother.

Life lessons by tv.

He was saying, human beings have drastically changed. Even a small piece of land is more important than one’s own brother!

Another incident he told that once a customer had forgotten his Apple iPhone at his shop. Later, he returned the phone to the owner. He could have owned it but he didn’t.

What have these two incidents taught me? So much.
One incident reveals the absolute cruelty of our times.

We value a smaller piece of land than our own brother!
This speaks louder about the state of human beings of our times.

We are morally bankrupt. We value more things than relationships.
No matter where you go or live, you can find such incidents.

How cruel we have become!? We have lost our humanity!!

Think about our own personal stories. Are we the same? Do we value relationships more than anything else!? Let’s change this.

But wait for a minute, let me say something else. This is the surprising truth I would like to share with you.
Consider the second incident.

Humanity and truth still exists. Period. Consider this also. On one side we see, as a humanity we have lost our direction. We have missed the moral compass. Yet, humanity still exists. Yes, this is the good news.

There are still people who have not missed their moral compass.
Never say that everyone is lost. No. Not everyone.
Still humanity exists. Might be less compared to the others but it still exists!

These are the ones who are the gems of our communities or the Society.

Not everything is lost. Not everyone is going wrong. Not everyone is a liar or getting wicked.
Humanity still exists. The world is still a beautiful place to live in.

Love still exists. Truth still exists.
Next time, before making any statement negatively, think again.

We still have good people surrounding us. This is the good news.
Best wishes,
Love you.
©Titus Vargis.

An open letter to God about my war inside

The war inside by tv.

Dear God, my mind says as well as my heart. What should I do?

God, you created our minds and hearts. You have created everything we can see or cannot. But the most frustrating thing is my mind and my heart saying two different things about the same thing.

This is real hell. This is the cause of so many divorces. Breaking up. Killings. Violence. Murders. Insanity. Etc.

God, if you knew beforehand that a human being will face such a huge crisis then why did you do it?

My battles by tv.

My mind hates some but my heart says don’t hate. My mind calculates everything logically and I think it’s right.

But then my heart screams inside. It says my logic is not right. I should not. I must not.

This lands me into confusion. I keep processing. Both sides. But I am not successful in deciding which one is the best guide?

Sometimes, my heart says go for it. Forgive one more time. Love one more time. Give help once more.

But my mind says different. It says don’t believe that person again. Don’t forgive. Act wisely.

God, you made the heavens and the Earth. The stars and the galaxies. Sea and all the creatures.

This is so vast and wonderful. Sometimes, I hate this confusion. The war inside of me.

I am torn between. No one seems to understand this. Rather no one can rescue.

I know I won’t get rid of this. I must learn to dance in spite of this.

This is very hard. Real hell. Would you help me?

No one escapes by tv.

Understanding how male and female communicate?

Unpacking How Guys and Gals Talk Differently Getting to the Core of Gender-specific Chatting A. Understanding the Idea Interactions between people are held together by communication, deeply woven into who we are, including the gender we identify with. Gender communication looks at the unique ways guys and gals express themselves, decode messages, and interact within … Read more

An open letter to those who are thinking of giving up

Life is grey my friend. Hey my friend, I know you are strong but now you are weak. Do you know this: Life is not white or black, but grey. Life is both this and that. Why are you down, my friend? You have endured before and you shall overcome this too. You know, as … Read more

Those who kill inspiration in others are worse than murderers.

What killed my inspiration and zeal? You know, life is a series of ups and downs. It’s not surprising that life is not a bed of roses. But it’s sad to see, when someone steals your zeal and inspiration again and again. It’s disgusting!! No one must not do that. It’s a worse crime than … Read more

The number one reason we keep failing in our life and relationship no one talks about.

Why I say that conquering this one thing is most crucial in life and relationships. Here I would like to share one thing that shapes a happy life and relationship. What hinders us even after so much carefully sought life or relationship. Is it beauty? Education, class, or anything? I have been trying very hard … Read more

The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Embracing Mistakes and Rebuilding Relationships

The ultimate guide for quick fix relationship Introduction Understanding Our Shared Imperfections Mistakes are a natural part of being human, from small slip-ups to significant blunders that shape our lives. It’s crucial to realize that making errors doesn’t reflect incompetence; instead, it highlights our common imperfections. This article explores the profound impact of forgiveness, bridging … Read more

What do men like in a woman?

Exploring Male Attraction: What Do Men Find Attractive in Women? I. INTRODUCTIONThis topic might seem more straightforward than solving Rubik’s cube blindfolded. But trust me, it’s as complicated as getting your grandma to understand Snapchat. (No offense, Grandma!) Today, we’re going to dive deep into the tumultuous sea to understand what men find attractive in … Read more

Are you joking? Do you think men can be abused?!

The other side of the narrative. Well,this is the most common reply when you say that your relationship is doomed,and the reason is your better half is abusing you,and that is a woman. Seriously,it never seems alright that any strong,macho man can ever be abused.Physically a man is much stronger than a woman. So,how in … Read more

Exploring Christianity’s Perspective on Marriage

Introduction – Marriage holds significant importance in Christian beliefs, serving as a sacred bond.– The sanctity of marriage is deeply rooted in Christian teachings, emphasizing its divine nature. The Biblical Foundation of Marriage Creation: God’s design for marriage in Genesis– In the book of Genesis, God created marriage as a fundamental part of human existence.– … Read more

Unleashing the Power Self-Care: A Guide for Men.

How can men do effective self care? # Unleashing the Power Self-Care: A Guide for Men ## I. Introduction – Understanding importance of self-care– Breaking the stigma: Men deserve self-care ## II. What is Self-Care? Self-care is the practice of actively taking care of oneself in order to enhance overall well-being. It involves making deliberate … Read more

“Unveiling the Path to Enduring Joy: Learning to Over Depression and Embrace Every Moment”

happy relationships
The puzzle of life by Titus Vargis

I. Introduction
A. Understanding the significance of joy in life
B. The prevalence and impact of depression

II. Defining Joy and Depression
A. Exploring the concept of joy and its dimensions
B. Recognizing depression as a mental health condition

III. The Science of Joy and Depression
A. Uncovering the neurological processes behind joy
B. Investigating the neurochemistry of depression

IV. Cultivating Mindfulness and Gratitude
A. Embracing mindfulness for greater presence and appreciation
B. Practicing gratitude to reframe perspectives

V. Finding Meaning and Purpose
A. Discovering personal values and passions
B. Harnessing purpose as a driving force for joy

VI. Nurturing Positive Relationships
A. Building a support network for emotional well-being
B. Fostering healthy connections to combat feelings of isolation

VII. Harnessing the Power of Self-Compassion
A. Developing self-compassion as a countermeasure to depression
B. Embracing self-care practices for holistic well-being

VIII. Engaging in Physical Exercise and Well-being Activities
A. Exploring the role of physical activity in uplifting mood
B. Integrating well-being practices to enhance joy

IX. Embracing Mindset Shifts for Resilience
A. Challenging negative thought patterns
B. Fostering resilience to navigate through difficult times

X. Unleashing the Healing Power of Creativity
A. Exploring creative outlets as modes of self-expression
B. Utilizing creativity to reframe experiences and emotions

XI. Seeking Professional Help
A. Recognizing the importance of seeking professional support
B. Understanding therapy and other treatment options

XII. Reconnecting with Nature
A. Discovering the therapeutic benefits of nature
B. Engaging in ecotherapy for enhanced well-being

XIII. Balancing Work and Leisure
A. Establishing healthy work-life boundaries
B. Incorporating leisure activities to restore joy

XIV. The Role of Nutrition in Mental Well-being
A. Examining the link between diet and mood
B. Incorporating nourishing foods for mental health

XV. Overcoming Stigmas surrounding Depression
A. Challenging societal misconceptions and prejudices
B. Creating awareness and fostering empathy

XVI. Coping Strategies during Challenging Times
A. Developing effective coping mechanisms
B. Enhancing resilience through self-care routines

XVII. Maintaining Progress and Celebrating Milestones
A. Monitoring progress and acknowledging achievements
B. Sustaining joy by celebrating personal milestones

XVIII. Summary: Embracing Enduring Joy and Overcoming Depression
A. Recap of strategies to find joy in every moment
B. Importance of persistence in overcoming depression

A. How can I differentiate between sadness and depression?
B. Is joy attainable even in the most challenging circumstances?
C. What are some self-help techniques to alleviate depression symptoms?
D. When should I consider seeking professional help for depression?

Concluding Remarks:
Offering a beacon of hope, the journey towards embracing joy in every moment while overcoming depression is challenging but attainable. By integrating the outlined strategies, individuals can embark on a transformative path towards lasting contentment and well-being.

Unveiling the Secrets of Existence: Deepening our Understanding of Life’s Profound Significance.

The meaning of life by Titus Vargis


Have you ever wondered about the mysteries surrounding our existence?

Life’s profound significance has puzzled philosophers, scientists, and curious minds for centuries.

In this blog article, we will embark on a journey to unveil the secrets of existence and delve deeper into the fundamental questions that shape our understanding of life.

The Nature of Reality

Exploring the Illusion of Perception
Perception is a remarkable aspect of our existence.

Our senses allow us to experience the world around us, yet what we perceive may not always align with reality.

The human brain constructs our perception based on a combination of sensory inputs, preconceived notions, and past experiences.

As we unravel the secrets of existence, we must question the reliability of our perceptions and venture beyond our subjective interpretations.

The Enigma of Time

The enigma by Titus Vargis

Time, an intricate dimension of existence, poses numerous perplexities. Is time linear, or does it loop back upon itself?

Einstein’s theory of relativity unveiled the intertwining relationship between time and space, challenging our conventional understanding of its flow.

As we dig deeper, we must confront the enigma of time, exploring its mysterious nature and its role in shaping our existence.

Quantum Mechanics: A Glimpse into the Subatomic World

At the subatomic level, reality as we know it behaves in strange and perplexing ways. Quantum mechanics offers insights into the fundamental particles and their behavior, unraveling a realm of probabilities and uncertainties.

It challenges our conventional understanding of cause and effect, opening doors to alternate possibilities that baffle the human mind.

Decoding the Matrix of life by Titus Vargis

Understanding the mysteries of quantum mechanics provides us with a deeper appreciation for the complexity of existence.

The Search for Meaning
Human Consciousness: A Window to Understanding

Within the depths of human consciousness lies a profound gateway to understanding existence. Our self-awareness and introspective abilities allow us to question our purpose and seek meaning beyond the confines of our physical existence.

By exploring the intricate workings of our consciousness, we can obtain a broader perspective on the profound significance of life.

Connecting with the Universe: Spirituality and Beyond
Some individuals find solace in spirituality, embracing beliefs that reach beyond the tangible world.

Spirituality offers a different lens through which we can perceive existence, encompassing the interconnectedness of all living beings and the possibility of an eternal consciousness.

By delving into various spiritual practices, we expand our understanding and appreciation of the depth and interconnectedness of life.

Pursuing Knowledge and Wisdom
The pursuit of knowledge has been an inherent part of human existence, driving us to uncover the secrets of the universe.

Decoding the Matrix by Titus Vargis

Through scientific exploration, philosophical inquiries, and artistic expression, we continually expand our understanding of the world and our place within it.

By striving to cultivate wisdom and broaden our intellectual horizon, we deepen our comprehension of life’s profound significance.

Embracing the Wonder and Mystery

Living in Awe of the Unknown
Despite our efforts to unveil the secrets of existence, there will always be aspects that elude our understanding.

The unknown instills a sense of wonder, igniting the flame of curiosity within our souls.

Embracing the mystery surrounding our existence allows us to appreciate the vastness of the universe and invites us to embark on a lifelong journey of exploration and contemplation.

Finding Meaning in the Journey
In our quest to understand life’s profound significance, we must remember that the journey itself holds immense value.

Each discovery, every moment of introspection, contributes to our personal growth and deepens our appreciation for the intricacies of existence.

Rather than seeking definitive answers, we can find fulfillment in the process of unraveling the secrets of existence.


Unveiling the secrets of existence is a noble pursuit that broadens our horizons and deepens our understanding of life’s profound significance.

The meaning of life by Titus Vargis

By questioning our perceptions, exploring the enigma of time and delving into the mysteries of quantum mechanics, we cast light upon the nature of reality.

Through introspection, spirituality, and the pursuit of knowledge, we embark on a meaningful journey towards comprehending our place in the universe.

So let us embrace the wonder and embrace the mystery, for in this pursuit lies the essence of our existence.

Transforming Marital Struggles: Bible Verses to Revive and Restore Your Marriage

transforming marital problems

Introduction Marriages are not immune to challenges, and at times, they can become strained and troubled.However, seeking guidance from the Bible can provide a powerful tool for overcoming these struggles.The wisdom, principles, and teachings found in the Scriptures can help rejuvenate and restore marital relationships in profound ways. Understanding Marriage in the Bible Marriage holds … Read more

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