How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle of life.

love and marriage coach
The most crucial question by Titus Vargis

How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle.

Life is meaningful only when you have a purpose.

Let me ask you,do you know the life purpose?

If not then follow me through.

I would like to help you find out the purpose of your life.

Consider these important questions. Don’t just read but take a note book and write the answers sincerely.

By doing so you will find you are desperately looking for.

1. What are your passions?
2. What are your values?
3. What are your strengths?
4. What are your weaknesses?
5. What have been your most significant life experiences?
6. What would you do if you had unlimited resources?
7. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
8. What would make you feel like you’re not wasting your time?
9. What makes you feel most alive?
10. What would you do if you only had a year left to live?

Now What?!

Now what by Titus Vargis

Go through your answers and find what’s common in your answers.

Contemplating the following questions can give you some insights on your life purpose.

If you’d like to explore these questions further and gain personalized guidance on your journey of self-discovery, book a call with me today.

Let’s work together to unlock your true potential and create a life that aligns with your authentic purpose.

One of the keys to uncovering your life purpose is to identify what you’re passionate about.

What activities do you enjoy doing?
What gets you excited and energized?

Which are the topics that you enjoy learning about?
When do you feel like you are in your zone, your flow, what are you doing?

happy relationships
Your best life ahead by Titus Vargis

Your values are the principles and beliefs that guide your life. They’re the things that you hold most dear and that you’re willing to fight for.

Your values are extremely important if you want to live a joyful life aligned with who you really are.

The problem is that most often we take them for granted and we don’t even think about our values when making life choices.
Take some time to reflect on what’s most important to you.

What do you believe in?
What causes or issues matter to you?

Which are the most important values that you hold dear?
Here’s a list values to help you get started:


Your life purpose is likely to align with your values.

Our life choices need to be in line with our values. Otherwise, we would be making it impossible for ourselves to live a joyful life with a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Our life choices need to be in line wit

The power of unconditional love and some examples of unconditional love quotes.

Giving up is easy but never give up
Unconditional love

Love has to be authentic.
Love needs to be unconditional.

To talk about it, it’s very easy. To find such love is really very rare.

It’s quite natural to have some misunderstandings between couples, but it will not break their affection no matter what happens.

To love or to be loved unconditionally is the most precious thing a person can give or can receive from someone.

Select some quotes from below that reflect your feelings and say I love you unconditionally and my love for you is unconditional.

“Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally.”

“If someone wants to be with you, nothing will stop them from doing so. Love doesn’t create excuses.”

“Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion. Emotions and feelings change, sometimes daily. But true unconditional love is everlasting.”

“Unconditional love is loving someone beyond their limits and yours.”

“It is hard to compete with unconditional love.”

“Unconditional love is when someone hurts you, but because you care about that person so much you choose not to hurt them in return.”

“When you start loving unconditionally, you stop judging people soon.”

Think about how your love is. First we need to give unconditional love then only we can expect it from others.

An open letter to the United Nations and an appeal on behalf of Ukraine.

sorry is not enough by Titus vargis


The United Nations and all countries,

With due respect I want to share some- thing very urgent. As you might know what’s happening in Ukraine.

So you say you are awesome and a peacemaker.

But what you have done speaks louder than your claims.

Look,Ukraine is destroyed and it will soon happen to exist no more.

Look,how you kept on looking at the war and amused yourself.

You thought that it’s not a big deal. You are useless,to speak frankly.

Hey,you could have saved thousands of precious cities and people including children.

Of course you are safe.

You are invincible as you often say.

But I think that’s much exaggeration!!

Hey, you are a coward hiding behind your peace talks and all gimmicks.

When will you awake?

How can we as a hu- man being ignore the war and its impact?

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long now.

Mankind is under attack.

What could the United States and other nations do to stop this war?

At Least for the sake of those pre- cious children and future generations something must be done.

Hey,think like a good human being.

Think not how you can be safe.

Let the peace prevail.

Let the peace prevail. Russia is wicked and it is getting dirtier as time goes by.

Let’s hope for the best,

A citizen of the free

No sorry is enough by Titus Vargis

How do you come out of that wrecked life of darkness?
Let me tell you the secret: just once is enough to begin with.

Coming out is really hard by Titus Vargis

Many times I felt as if I just can’t break the mess I am in.

I was vulnerable. I went through depression for so long.

That was real darkness. Even that word ‘darkness’ is still not enough.

What can one do if he or she is bound? May be by depression, fear or any relationship issues that are there for so long.

I used to read many books on how to get rid of my depression.

There were several factors that brought me out of that cage.

One of them is doctors and another is insights from people who went through depression.

One thing I learnt was in order to break free one needs to take the risk.

One needs to take that first step that seems so impossible.

Just take that step. Focus not on the complete journey of recovery. When we focus on just one thing it gets easy.

Focus on that first step you need to take in order to come out of your darkness.

Often we calculate about the whole journey and it looks so huge that we never take any action.

How did I come out of my depression? It took me one step at a time. The whole journey was thousands of those small steps.

When you take one step towards your recovery journey you feel you can take that next step and then the next step.

Many times we don’t take the journey of recovery because the journey itself feels overwhelming.

You can do it.
You can make it.
No matter how long you were in your darkness.
Still you can break that evil pattern.

It takes one step at a time.

Stop feeling vulnerable.

Unless you move towards that recovery road you will keep crying.

Do it.
Just do it.
I believe you.
You are awesome!

© Titus Vargis

A letter to the broken soul.

Why are you cast down?

Why are you cast down? Titus Vargis

How are you?
This is just a quick reminder. Life is beautiful my dear Soul.
You are an overcomer!!
I know you will overcome this problem too.
Never doubt yourself. You have done it in the past several times.
Do you know, you are my role model? Yes.
It’s true you get discouraged sometimes,tell me who does not?
We are winners.
Tell me more about your victories,I know you have many of them.
Beneath the surface,you are a superhero.
Trust me,I love you.
You are extraordinary. You are awesome.
This too shall pass.
Hey,rise up. You have a long way to go. I am looking forward to hear from you.
Stay strong.
Yours always,
A fellow traveler.

Stop blaming everything in 2023 but make a brutal resolution about your life but how?

Life is an adventure but I don’t know how can I save my life?

love and marriage coach
Life is the real gold by Titus Vargis

Relevant information about getting the dream life you wish for:

1. Luck is non existent

2. Belief is the most crucial currency of a blessed life.

3. There are different perspectives about everything in life. Choose the best one.

4. Think about your biases. On which bias are you looking on?

5. We get angry when we are not at peace with our Past.

6. Asking forgiveness makes you divine.

7. It takes fear and love both to get moving in any relationship. Fear has it’s purpose.

8. No one can make you angry without your consent.

9. No one can make you happy without your permission.

©Titus Vargis,

How breakthrough comes in a life of mess? How I almost got killed but survived?

love and marriage coach
My story by Titus Vargis
Life as we face it by Titus vargis

Life is not mathematics. That means it’s not five plus five equal to ten here.

We can’t lay down our plans but it’s life that overrules here on this planet.

We can either fear or face it. There are no other way around.

As human beings,we are not superhuman. We are not Hollywood superstars either.

Life is difficult and more than difficult for the vast majority of us. What can we do about it?

How did the breakthrough happen? My own life is a great example.

I lost my dad at a very young age. I almost had nothing to hold on to. It was almost impossible to carry on.

I decided to give up. I attempted suicide several times. But I couldn’t succeed. God perhaps had other plans.

No human being could stop my depression. My life was a mess. I had no money. My mother had no job. Moreover my younger brother was in school.

Someone introduced a higher way. I was not ready to accept anything. As I had become hopeless I didn’t even want to try anything.

But after much consideration,I thought why not should I take this chance.

My life changed bit by bit. It was as if I was gaining a new perspective of life. I was vulnerable. I had no hope but now I was hopeful.

Misery became a miracle. I started praying. I started my relationship with Jesus. I had no purpose in life.

My suicidal thoughts began to disappear. I found relief. A big relief.My family began to change.My condition improved.

I don’t want to say that you need to try this too but I would say it gets really better when we try. No one can help a hopeless person. No amount of money can remove bad luck.

One needs a divine hand. It’s in fact the only way. I think had I not tried this path I would have definitely ended my life somehow.

Life gives you no relief. Friends can help to some point. No one walks with you forever.

My life got transformed. It was a miracle indeed.

Let’s face it: you can’t carry pain and despair forever. You can’t live in such desperation. You will not survive.

Now I am glad that I took this path. My life still has a lot of weaknesses but I am courageous now. I am glad that I found the answer.

Best wishes.

My own experience by Titus Vargis
My story by Titus Vargis.

what to do when your relationship is at breaking point?

When life throws a lemon,don’t get bitter but act smart for your own sake.

Life cycle by Titus Vargis.

There are times in our life and relationship that wreck us to the core. What we do about it decides where we end up?

My own life experiences has wrecked me many times. I was almost broke to the point of giving up my life.

No one in my life took interest in my life but escalated my pain.

I had to take decision. I was determined not to give up any more.

Life became my teacher. I tried all my resources and friends to find out what must be done to get out of this narrow place.

Here are few crucial steps that we can take when our relationship is at the breaking point.

Let me start,

1. Take full responsibility if you’re at fault

One important thing is to not act like children. You must be authentic. You need to take full responsibility if you know you are at fault.

2. Extend compassion and care to the person you hurt

Be human. Be compassionate. Learn to extend compassion. You get what you give.

3. Give your partner the opportunity to win your trust back

4. Practice radical transparency

Be absolutely transparent. Don’t play games. Be serious enough. You can’t destroy what you built for many years.

5. Consult with a professional

6. Don’t let your world revolve around your partner

7. Learn to compromise

Life is not always mathematics. Life requires compromises. You can’t be a god on earth. You need to accommodate the other.

8. Spend time with friends outside of your relationship.

Don’t put all eggs in one basket.

9. Engage in affectionate physical contact

10. Use skilled communication

Be careful how you communicate. You might be hurting the other person by the way you talk.

11. Speak from your heart

Listen to your heart. Speak from your heart.

12. Actively listen

Practice listening. Relationships require active listening. Unless we listen,we do a one man show.

13. Healthy conflict resolution strategies

You must find conflict resolution strategies. For that you must learn from the experts. You must do it.

14. Get to the root cause

Find out the root causes of your chaos.

15. Follow your gut feelings

Your gut knows what is best for you.

Dear traveler on the journey called life, let me share something.

love and marriage coach

You are not your thoughts tell you.

love and marriage coach
Hey warrior by Titus Vargis.

Dear traveler,

I am glad to meet you and say something to you.

I believe we all have different names to comment on our struggles on this journey. But I think that we all have the same struggles.

We might be poor or rich. We might be less confident or more.

We might be from countries that are called developed or not so.

We might be thinking we are alone. We think we are here but no one knows us.

Yet,we can’t blame anyone. We are still warriors. We need someone like a mirror that says so. This is the thing we lack. We have many doomsayers. We have many who discourage us.

Yet we are conquerors. We are not aware. The main secret is this: we must not quit.

Sooner or later,we win. We get to the destination. We are really not alone. It’s our mind that tells us that we are alone. Like our mind being programmed .

Share with someone what you go through. Find someone. No one is perfect. We are still traveling.

It’s our ego that stops us from association. It’s our prejudices. It’s our culture. You know what? If we overcome these,we will win together.

Why not? Ask yourself. Ask the universe. Ask the roads. Here,we are not losers.

Stand up. Walk again. Move a bit if you can’t run.

Don’t stop. Let’s start again. Together. Give me your hand. Hold me and let’s run.

I believe in you. Our destiny calls us. Thank you.

Yours brother,
A traveler.

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