Love love everywhere but where?

The epidemic of our civilization

We live in a culture of romance ,making relationships , quick fix type of.
Love is everywhere. In our shopping malls most of the Billboards show a quick fix kind of message. Buy this, eat that, wear this, not that,that’s outdated, this is the fashion etc.

It’s worthless to maintain fairness,charity, togetherness. It’s not just appreciated. Why?
Do we appreciate any entrepreneur,a college student,below the poverty line person who is fighting against his traditions?
Love is portrayed in every advertisement. Be it gift shops, Jewellery, diamonds clothing,shoes,other items.

Still when we interact do we get it? Is our society biased towards money and power?
Do we love genuinely? Or are we just selfish? Are we a good mother,father,son, daughter? Are we behaving as if we are civilized? Or are we really expressing pure love?

Do unto others, give unto others,forgive more.

Knowledge is different than wisdom. A religion that underscores love is not spiritual indeed.

If money is the ultimate thing then we would cease to become human but machines.

Love is fairness. Love is committed. Love is becoming unselfish. Non interested in physical wealth gathering.
It’s beyond words. Love is a mother. Love is a father.

© TV 24.

The Smart Parenting Method That’s Changing Families Worldwide!

Parenting is an ever-evolving journey that requires a unique blend of love, discipline, and education.

No parent is born with all the answers, and the path to becoming a wise and effective parent involves continuous learning and adaptation.

With three kids of my own, each presenting their own set of beautiful challenges, I have navigated the complex world of parenting one step at a time.

My experience has taught me that mastering small, yet significant details can profoundly impact your parenting approach.

This guide aims to share those lessons, offering a comprehensive look into the strategies and mindsets that foster wholesome child development.

Parenting Advice

Here, we delve into essential parenting advice, covering emotional control, the pursuit of knowledge, fair treatment, shared responsibilities, and the celebration of each child’s unique abilities.

These pillars of smart parenting not only encourage a nurturing home environment but also support each child’s growth into a well-rounded adult.

Control Your Emotions

The ability to maintain emotional stability is a cornerstone of effective parenting. Children are highly perceptive and can easily pick up on their parents’ emotional states.

It’s crucial, therefore, to manage your reactions and display calm and composed behavior.

This doesn’t mean suppressing emotions; instead, it involves acknowledging them and finding constructive outlets.

For instance, when a situation becomes overwhelming, taking a moment to breathe deeply can provide the necessary pause before addressing the issue at hand.

Calm Your Mood

Similarly, managing your mood is vital. A negative or agitated mood can inadvertently influence your parenting style and interactions with your children.

Embracing strategies like mindfulness or engaging in activities that boost your mood can have a positive impact on the entire family dynamic.

Remember, a happy parent is more likely to raise happy children.

Seek Knowledge

Assuming you know everything about parenting can be a pitfall.

The willingness to learn from others, whether through books, parental courses, or discussions with fellow parents, can enlighten you to new perspectives and strategies.

Each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Staying open to learning helps you adapt your parenting style to meet each child’s needs effectively.

Fair Treatment

Avoiding judgment and offering unbiased support is essential in parenting.

Each child has their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to embrace these differences without comparison.

Fair treatment builds a strong foundation of trust and respect, ensuring that each child feels valued for who they are.

Shared Responsibility

Parenting should not be a solo mission.

Discussing and dividing responsibilities with your partner or family members can alleviate stress and prevent burnout.

It’s beneficial for children to see their parents working together as a team, reinforcing notions of cooperation and mutual support.

Rotate Responsibilities

To further emphasize shared duties, rotating responsibilities among family members can be incredibly effective.

This approach not only diversifies the experiences and skills each member brings to parenting but also keeps routines fresh and engaging.

Celebrate Abilities

Every child possesses unique talents and abilities. Recognizing and celebrating these strengths fosters self-esteem and encourages further development.

Whether it’s academic achievements, artistic skills, or simple acts of kindness, acknowledging these accomplishments motivates children to continue exploring their potential.

Respect Each Child

Offering respect to your children is paramount for their emotional and moral development.

Demonstrating respectful behavior teaches them how to interact with others and builds their self-respect. This includes listening attentively, validating their feelings, and involving them in decision-making processes.

Share Stories

Sharing your childhood experiences, both the successes and failures, can be incredibly reassuring for children.

It helps normalize setbacks and emphasizes that growth often comes from overcoming challenges.

These stories can serve as powerful lessons and deepen the bond between you and your children.

Show Appreciation

Lastly, showing appreciation for both big and small achievements plays a crucial role in positive reinforcement.

Celebrating efforts, as well as outcomes, instills a sense of pride and encourages children to continue striving towards their goals.

Every child is a world of possibilities waiting to be nurtured. As parents, our role is to guide them with respect, understanding, and patience.

By embracing these principles of smart parenting, we can provide our children with a solid foundation for becoming responsible, compassionate, and confident adults.

“Parenting is not about being perfect. It’s about being present, learning, and growing together.”

In the journey of parenting, the lessons are continual, and the rewards, though sometimes delayed, are immeasurable.

By striving for emotional control, seeking knowledge, promoting fairness, and celebrating the unique traits of each child, we pave the way for their success and happiness.

Let us embrace smart parenting with an open heart and a willing mind, ever ready to learn and adapt for the well-being of our beloved children.

©Titus vargis

7 Things you should be proud of, in order to reach your full potential.

Nothing to worry by Titus Vargis

Let’s find some reasons to become proud of,

1. You have been through tough times, things got derailed yet you managed to come this far.

2. You are a winner.

You have not kept quiet and sat silently. You tried your best.

3. Your circumstances were not favorable.

You had thought that you wouldn’t make it. Still you managed to fight all odds. You did it. Congrats!

4. You have silenced your inner critic.

You are a hero by tv.

Not many people are like you. It’s your accomplishment.

5. You dreamt while many didn’t even in spite of hard circumstances. You are a true hero.

6. You are working on improving yourself.

You try very hard to outperform yourself. This is a sign of successful people.

7. You have endured the pain and negative opinions of your friends and family members. It was not easy yet you did it.

Congrats! you are on your way to attain your dreams. You should be proud of yourself!

See how far we have come by Titus Vargis.

51 Power words for raising smart kids.

It takes something more to raise a smart child,what are they?

Power words to use by Titus Vargis.

Kids are spontaneous and they find real happiness in the simple pleasures of life.

They get thrilled and enjoy little things like when they see a small bird, jump over dirty puddles, and even when they get to have their favorite ice creams.

They also like us go through the occasional blues,feel sad and be depressed too.

Power words can instill smart skills in kids to face life smartly.

These power words for kids are a great addition to a child’s vocabulary. These vocabulary words for kids really help them learn how to be encouraging, kind and nurturing.

It creates an encouraging and nurturing environment, which is helpful for their well-being and growth.

Here is a list of Power words for kids to help them build a strong and encouraging vocabulary.


Raising a smart child by Titus Vargis.

© Titus Vargis

8 innovative ways for navigating your conflicts with your child and maintaining a healthier relationship.

Children are awesome and they deserve better treatment.

Responsible parenting by Titus Vargis

10 things that kill your kid’s positivity and what can you do about it now?

Better parenting by Titus vargis.

Kids are no less than divine. You can kill their positivity unknowingly.

Kids are very fragile and we should know how to handle them.

What kids go through in their life affect their future very much.

Most of the times parents are not careful about how they deal with their kids.

What parents do with their kids have immense impact on their kids. 

Better parenting by Titus Vargis.

Let’s examine what are those things which kill kid’s positivity: 

     01. Constant criticism is the number one poison which kills positivity. Parents who constantly criticise over small things can destroy kid’s self esteem.

    02. Making kids a slave and making them do things forcefully. Kids are slaves when they are required to follow instructions over every things they need to do.This can seriously harm them in their long run.They lose all sense of self worth. 

    03. Abusing kids in behaviour or words.Kids are not stones.They are human beings too.What we as adult feel they feel too. When we abuse them they start abusing themselves. 

    04. Loving kids based on their performance. Kids are often praised or punished as their performance. Kids are not machines.what you think is not possible for them all the times.

    05. Cruel words by parents or family can seriously hamper their positive growth.parents who discipline using harsh and cruel words can discourage their kids.They even can give up and become suicidal. 

    Be an awesome parents by Titus Vargis.

    06. Stop Over pampering. Kids need to be learning uneasy things too.Giving them too much of pampering can make them less confident. 

    07. Violence in any form can literally kill the positivity of your kids.When kids face violence in their homes they can start rebelling. 

    08. Giving them what they ask quickly can hamper their perceptions about reality of life.Kids need to learn that not all things can be obtained as they want.This is life and parents need to teach them.

    09. Taking decisions on behalf of kids can have a negative impact. Let kids take the responsibility and make their own decisions. Ofcourse you can guide them.

    10. Not listening to kids can have a negative impact. They might feel worthless and think that their opinions and matters dont value much.

    Better parenting by Titus vargis.


    Now let’s see what parents can do to stop being negative to their kids: 

    A. Be careful how you deal with them.They need respect too just as much you do.

    B. Never use harsh words.

    C. Always praise for their small achievements.

    D. Love them more and criticise them less.

    E. Show your full support when they need it from you.Even when they are weak or failing.

    F. Let children know you are on their side.

    G. Stop correcting their behaviour all the time.

    They need freedom and space just as you do.

    Lets see that our kids remain strong as they grow with us.We need to  healthy and confident kids.That must be  the ultimate goal of any parents.

    ©Dr.Titus Verghese,


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