Shocking Reasons You Need to Dump Your Emotional Trash Now!

Learn why ditching emotional baggage isn’t just good—it’s urgent! Experience a renewed sense of energy and purpose. Start today.


We’ve all been there—fe suddenly snappy or unusually irritable over the smallest things. It’s as if our emotional resilience has reached its limits, and even the tiniest annoyances make us erupt like a shaken soda can. This reaction can surprise us, leaving us to wonder, “Why am I acting this way?” The answer often lies in the metaphorical clutter filling our emotional waste bin.

Emotional Build-up: Recognizing the Signs

It’s normal to feel forgiving, yet there are indeed times when irritation comes more easily than others. For many, this sudden shift in mood could be surprising:

Quick to Irritate:

Sometimes, without any apparent reason, we find ourselves snapping at people who don’t deserve it.

Surprise at Our Own Meanness:

It’s unsettling when we find ourselves being mean, especially when it’s out of character.

This emotional response is typically a sign of accumulated stress, unresolved issues, or unexpressed feelings. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards managing them effectively.

When Close Relationships Trigger Us

More often than not, those closest to us—friends and family—have the uncanny ability to push our buttons.

This isn’t because they necessarily intend to upset us, but because:

High Expectations:

We often have higher expectations of those close to us.

Familiarity Breeds Contempt:

Familiarity can sometimes lead to less patience with those we love.

Understanding that these reactions are more about our own emotional state than the intentions of our loved ones can help in managing our responses better.

Learning to Say “No”

In a world where saying “yes” is often seen as a virtue, learning to say “no” can feel counterintuitive.

But why is this simple word so powerful in maintaining emotional hygiene?

Boundaries are Healthy:

Saying no helps in setting clear boundaries, essential for emotional health.

Prevents Resentment: Continuously agreeing to things against our will can build resentment.

Adopting this practice doesn’t come easy and it might feel unnatural at first, but it’s crucial for our emotional well-being.

Implementing the Change: Saying No

Implementing the habit of saying no can be challenging. It requires constant practice and mindfulness:

Practice Makes Perfect:

Start with small refusals and gradually build your way up.

Seek Support:

Discussing your feelings with a trusted friend or a counselor can make the transition smoother.

It’s normal to feel guilty or uncomfortable initially, but these feelings will lessen as you grow accustomed to setting boundaries for a healthier emotional state.

The Ripple Effect: From Parents to Children

Parents, first get healed yourself or you will ruin your own children.

This powerful advice I came across emphasizes the profound impact our emotional health has on our children.

A parent who is emotionally balanced provides a stable environment for their children, fostering healthy emotional development.

Model Healthy Emotional Practices:

Children learn by example. Showing them how to manage emotions and stress effectively teaches them to do the same.

Create a Loving Environment:

When children feel secure, they thrive. Ensuring that our emotional responses are healthy helps maintain this environment.


Cleaning out your emotional waste bin isn’t just about improving your day-to-day interactions.

It’s about ensuring long-term emotional health and fostering better relationships.

By acknowledging the buildup, learning to say no, and healing ourselves first, we pave the way for healthier interactions and a more positive living environment.

Remember, it’s okay to prioritize your emotional health—everyone around you benefits when you do.

If you really want a happy and successful children, psychology says start doing these 3 things every day

Discover what the specialists aren’t telling you about child development, through a deep dive into innovative, powerful insights that can transform your perspective about parenting.


Sometimes, despite longing for genuine relationships and connections, we find ourselves in seclusion, not out of dislike for others but perhaps due to the nuances of our own personalities.

Surprisingly, many of these traits take root in our early childhood but are rarely addressed in educational settings, which predominantly focus on academic and athletic achievements.

So, why don’t we teach children about personalities?

Let’s explore this often overlooked but crucial aspect of our education system.

Understanding Personalities from Childhood

Personal Struggles with Personality Awareness

Right from childhood, we often categorize our experiences as ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal,’ which heavily influences our self-esteem and social interactions.

Take, for instance, my own journey. At the tender age of seven, I found solace in writing—a passion that even led to my story being published in a newspaper.

However, despite this early success, I often felt isolated at school, misunderstood and alone even in crowded rooms.

The Quest for Answers in Books

As I grew, the struggle did not ease. My academic life was average, and socially, I was on the backfoot, having very few friends.

This isolation became a painful norm, and no amount of books or stories could teach me how to navigate the complexities of my temperament.

It became increasingly clear that despite a wealth of information, there was a distinct lack of guidance on understanding and accepting diverse personality types.

The Silence in Our Education System

Throughout my schooling, not once was the topic of personality differences formally introduced or discussed.

This silence in the curriculum on such a vital aspect of human interaction left me and many others considering ourselves as outliers, thus exacerbating feelings of loneliness and despair.

The Impact of Awareness about Personalities

Realization in Adulthood

It was not until adulthood that I realized being different in social preferences or interactions wasn’t an abnormality.

This epiphany was liberating yet tinged with regret—a regret stemming from the wish that I had understood these nuances much earlier in life.

Influence on Social Skills and Relationships

Had there been formal education about different types of personalities, perhaps the fear of social gatherings and the resulting anxiety could have been mitigated.

Understanding that the spectrum of normalcy is broad and inclusive could potentially have spared me and countless others from years of self-doubt and unwarranted self-criticism.

Why Teaching About Personalities in Schools is Crucial

Educational institutions are the best platforms to introduce concepts of personality differences, as they are places where children first learn to socialize and form their understanding of ‘self’ and ‘others.’

Schools have the unique opportunity to cultivate an environment of acceptance and understanding from an early age.

Benefits of Teaching Personalities

Fostering Empathy:

By understanding that each individual reacts and interacts differently, children can cultivate empathy, seeing their peers through a lens of understanding rather than judgment.

Reducing Bullying:

Awareness and acceptance of different personalities can help reduce instances of bullying, as students learn that being different is not only normal but valuable.

Enhanced Self-esteem:

When children recognize that their unique traits are normal and appreciated, it fostere a healthy self-image.

Implementation Strategies

Introducing modules on personality types, integrating interactive sessions where children can explore different personalities, and encouraging discussions around feelings and behaviors can greatly enhance this learning.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Just as we diversify education with various subjects to broaden knowledge, so too should we broaden our understanding of human personalities to enrich our interactions and personal growth.

It’s high time schools worldwide adopt personality education into their curricula to nurture more rounded, empathetic, and socially adept individuals.

Let’s not wait any longer to make this crucial change in our educational approach.

Stop carrying this burden my dear soul

Unwind yourself now

Stop  this

hey, it’s  okay

to  cry.

You  are  a
man, so  what!?
stop  being
find  someone
some  solace.

You  are
You  are  a
warrior  and
a  human.
Share  your
pour  out
your  heart
you  need

We  all
are  little  less
stop  carrying
all  by
So  what?
You  are
a  man,
and  a  human
It’s  okay
to  not  be

© Titus vargis

Experts Reveal Uncommon Strategies for a Joyful Life!

Finding happiness by choice

Looking for a fresh perspective on happiness? This post explores inventive and unorthodox ways to achieve and sustain true joyfulness.

Happy are those who speak ‘No’ at the right time without hesitation.

Don’t follow a false religion.

Treat a hobby like a devotion.

Read books as much as possible.

Prioritize themselves.

Indulge in their favorite ice cream.

Engage with children.

Overcome shame and guilt.

Take unique paths.

Challenge the rules of a seemingly rational society that often favors the wealthy.

Rest whenever mundane activities become monotonous.

Avoid adhering to any man-made recipe for success.

Abandon all conventional life formulas.

Focus on self-approval rather than seeking validation from others.

Shower their children with unconditional love.

Embrace failure and explore new possibilities.

Cultivate self-love to be able to love others effectively afterwards.

Happy are those who,
Speak ‘No’ at the right time without thinking about it.
don’t follow a fake religion.
Treat a hobby like a prayer.
Read books as much as possible.
Think about themselves first.
Buy the favorite ice cream of their choice.
Play with the children.
Ditch shame and guilt.
Take uncommon pathways.
Break the rules of so called sane society which only help the rich and affluent.
Sleep a lot when others bore you.
don’t follow any man made success mantra.
Ditch all so called formulas for life.
Don’t impress anyone but themselves.
Give their unconditional love to their children.
Give up easily and try different things.
Love themselves so that they can love others later.

Hey,why are you so loud? It’s disgusting.

No one is the center of the universe

Hey,you are so so loud. This is killing me.

I am not your kind of. I am not like you.

Remember this,your loudness is disgusting.

Don’t think otherwise. I don’t hate you. I love you.

I know you are so genuine.
My experience tells me that you are naturally loud.

But I can’t just accommodate you in that.
Sometimes I just want to say it out loud. But I am not that kind of person.
I know you need to be silent sometimes,but I don’t say it. I might hurt you.

Why do you think you have to be loud?

Can’t you be calm sometimes?!

It’s not good. Not everyone is like you.
You need to respect others.

You need to understand that often your loudness makes me frustrated.

I am a silent person. I like to talk in a way that looks like the opposite of loudness.

This doesn’t mean that I am not social.
In Fact I like to be around people like you.
Don’t be rude.
I hate being told you are not talking. I hate being told that I am silent. No I like to talk.
I love to talk beyond the surface. I like to talk about everything but you don’t want only care about yourself.
I like to share my real issues, not only how you are etc.
Please respect my friend. Don’t be so rude.
Your perspective is as important as mine.
My issues are as important too. If you care to listen,I will talk.
If you keep on talking,I won’t respond.
We are meant to be different. When we truly care,we respect others. We listen to others.
I hope you understand.

Your Inspiration is Dying! Find Out Why and How to Revive It?

“Feel like your inspiration is on its last breath? Uncover unusual yet effective tips to re-energise your spirit and get back on the creative path. Start your resurgence journey now.”

Inspiration is the fuel that powers the engine of creativity, driving us to explore, innovate, and achieve remarkable things.

However, even the brightest flame of inspiration can be snuffed out by seemingly innocent habits and choices.

Let’s delve into what can unknowingly kill your inspiration, offering insights and tips on how to keep that creative spark alive.

Keep on Talking About the Past

Reflecting on the past isn’t inherently bad; it’s our personal library of experiences and lessons.

But dwelling on it, especially on failures or missed opportunities, can be like walking with your eyes fixed behind you—you’re bound to stumble on what’s ahead.

Dwelling in the past can prevent you from seeing current opportunities and can drain your inspiration.

*Tip:Acknowledge your past but live in the present. Let the lessons learned inform your decisions without letting past failures define your future endeavours.

Keep on Discussing Your Dreams with Dream Killers

Sharing your dreams and aspirations is natural, seeking support and advice.

However, consistently discussing them with individuals who dismiss, belittle, or discourage you can quench your drive. These ‘dream killers’ may not always mean harm; sometimes, they project their own fears and limitations onto you.

*Tip:Surround yourself with supporters who believe in the beauty of your dreams and encourage you to pursue them, even when the path gets tough.

Speaking Bad About Yourself to Self or Others

The words we speak about ourselves, both internally and externally, have immense power.

Constantly downplaying your abilities, doubting your potential, or berating yourself for failures can erode your self-esteem and kill your inspiration.

*Tip: Practise self-compassion and positive self-talk. Celebrate your small victories and learn from mistakes without self-judgement.

Keeping Mind Closed

A closed mind is a blockade on the road to inspiration.

Rejecting new ideas, perspectives, or experiences out of hand stifles creativity and prevents the discovery of new inspirations.

*Tip: Cultivate curiosity. Stay open to new experiences and viewpoints. You never know what might spark your next big idea.

Thinking in a Box

Creativity thrives on freedom, yet many of us confine our thinking to the familiar comfort of ‘the box.’

This limitation can stifle innovation and kill inspiration by rendering us unable to see beyond our self-imposed boundaries.

*Tip: Challenge yourself to think differently. Approaching problems from unusual angles and questioning standard methods can unleash new and inspiring ideas.

Staying in a Bad Company of Friends Who Lack Vision or Dreams

The people you surround yourself with can significantly influence your mindset and aspirations.

Spending too much time with friends who lack their own vision or dreams can subtly discourage your pursuits, making it tough to maintain inspiration.

*Tip:Seek out and spend time with people who inspire you, those who have dreams of their own and encourage you to reach for yours.

Not Taking Time on Yourself

Neglecting self-care and personal development can deplete your energy and dull your creative spark.

Inspiration flourishes when you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally well-tended.

*Tip: Make time for yourself. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit and stimulate your mind.

Lack of Recreation

All work and no play isn’t just dull; it’s a recipe for burnout and a surefire inspiration killer.

Recreation and leisure activities are not just fun—they’re necessary for refreshing your perspective and recharging your creative energy.

*Tip: Incorporate leisure and hobbies into your routine. Doing things just for the joy of it can reignite your inspiration.

Not Attempting New Endeavours

Sticking to what you know and never venturing beyond can lead you into an inspirational rut. The challenge and excitement of new endeavours stimulate creativity and can be a powerful source of inspiration.

* Tip:Dare to try new things, whether it’s learning a skill, exploring a new hobby, or taking on a challenging project.

Not Reading Books

Books are windows to new worlds, ideas, and insights. Opting out of reading is like shutting those windows and denying yourself the breeze of inspiration they bring.

*Tip: Make reading a regular part of your life. Books in your area of interest can be incredibly inspiring, but don’t be afraid to explore outside your comfort zone too.


Inspiration is a delicate flame that needs nurturing.

By being mindful of the factors that can extinguish it and taking proactive steps to foster a supportive, open, and stimulating environment, we can keep our inspirational fires burning brightly.

Let’s commit to being architects of our own inspiration, building and reinforcing the conditions that allow it to thrive.

The Ultimate No-No’s: 10 Ways Women Accidentally Kill the Romance

Ever wonder why the flame fades? Uncover the top 10 mistakes women unwittingly make that can extinguish romance. Transform your love life with these powerful insights.

Has the spark in your relationship fizzled out, leaving you wondering where things went wrong?
At the heart of a dwindling romance, understanding the ‘why’ can be more complex than it appears.
While both partners hold the paintbrush that colors the canvas of their relationship, certain patterns of behavior, specifically from women, have been known to push men away.

Before you jump to conclusions, it’s essential to remember that a relationship is a dance of two.

However, understanding these dynamics can offer fresh perspectives and avenues for growth.

Let’s unfold the seven mistakes every woman makes in a relationship that can push their man away.

1. Expecting Your Man to Be More Like Another Woman Just Like You

Remember, expecting your partner to mirror your emotions or ways of expression can set you both up for disappointment.
Men and women often differ in their communication styles and emotional processing.
Respecting and appreciating these differences instead of expecting mirroring can turn those differences into strengths within your relationship.

2.Keeping Social Friends Especially Men and Hiding Them From Him

Friendships outside the relationship are healthy and recommended.
However, being secretive or dishonest about them, especially friends of the opposite gender, can lead to trust issues.
Open communication and transparency about these friendships can foster trust and respect between you and your partner.

3.Keeping a Record of All the Wrongs and Playing Them Each Day

Holding onto past mistakes and bringing them up frequently can poison the present.
It’s vital to address issues and hurt as they happen and work together towards resolution.
Letting go and choosing forgiveness can set the stage for a healthier, happier relationship.

4.Playing Games as a Narcissist

Taking advantage of your partner’s feelings or manipulating situations for personal gain are signs of narcissistic tendencies.
These actions erode trust and respect, which are the foundations of a strong relationship.
Strive for a partnership where both feel valued and understood.

5.Keeping Relationships on a Threat

Threatening to leave or end the relationship during every argument creates an environment of insecurity and fear.
Effective communication and working through problems together build a more stable and secure relationship where both partners feel safe.

6.Not Giving Respect as a Human Being

Respect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship.
It involves acknowledging your partner’s feelings, thoughts, and needs.
Little acts of kindness and understanding can go a long way in nurturing love and respect.

7.Not Showing Gratefulness

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going wrong and overlook the good in our partner.
Showing appreciation for the little things they do can make a world of difference.
Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

8.Ignoring Democratic Values and Absence of Responsibility

A relationship thrives on equal partnership and shared responsibilities.
Ignoring these values can make your partner feel undervalued and overburdened.
Sharing duties and decisions fosters a sense of teamwork and unity.

9. Letting Sickness Be an Excuse for Lack of Care

When your partner is sick, it’s an opportunity to show up and care for them.
Neglect during these times can feel like abandonment.
Providing care and understanding during illness strengthens bonds and deepens love.

10.Making Undue Fun of Him in Public

Public embarrassment can be deeply hurtful.
Jokes at your partner’s expense, especially in public, can damage their self-esteem and your relationship.

Celebrating your partner’s qualities in public, instead, builds them up.


In navigating the complexities of relationships, understanding and empathy go a long way.

Recognizing our own actions and their impacts can pave the way for stronger, more loving connections.

Remember, it’s not about playing the blame game but about finding a middle ground where love and respect flourish.

So, let’s strive to be better partners, appreciating the uniqueness each brings to the table, and nurturing the love that binds us together.
Yours friend,
© Titus vargis

Surviving the Unthinkable: My Advice on Fighting Suicidal Thoughts

Surviving the storm by Titus vargis

Life, in its intricacy, presents us with a multitude of experiences—some bitter, some sweet, and many that linger somewhere in-between.

In moments of profound despair or overwhelming challenges, the idea of just letting go and succumbing to the darkness might fleetingly cross our minds.

My experience with suicidal thoughts

Yet, here I am, choosing to embrace the light, the pain, the fear, and every hue of life in between. Let’s delve into the whys and wherefores.

Embracing Life Over Fear and Pain

Life hasn’t always been kind. Like many, I’ve faced my share of moments when everything seemed insurmountable.

But choosing life over the temptation of giving up has been my silent rebellion against the odds.

Life Purpose

I believe we’re all here for a reason. For me, realizing that I have unfulfilled purposes acts as a beacon in my darkest hours.’s not just about big achievements but about small, everyday victories and the joy brought.

A Legacy for My Children

My children are my heart walking outside my body.

The thought of leaving them prematurely, of not being there to see them grow, learn, and face life’s myriad challenges and joys, weighs heavily on me.

They are a significant part of why I choose to weather life’s storms.

Beyond Self

It’s easy to become ensnared in our web of miseries, to dwell on what ails us. Yet, life isn’t just about me.

It extends to the people I love and care about—their needs, their hopes, and their well-being. Shifting the focus from myself to them often sheds light on the bigger picture.

The Privilege of Life

Choosing to live, especially in the thick of turmoil, is no small feat. It is a declaration that despite life’s lows, its highs are worth striving for.

Life Is a Fortune

Waking up each day is a privilege denied to many. This realization pushes me to see beyond my current suffering, to value life’s gift, and make the most out of it, no matter the obstacles.

Lessons from the Past

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize the strength I’ve garnered from overcoming past adversities.

Giving up now would disregard the resilience I’ve built up. It would mean letting a few challenging experiences overshadow numerous good ones.

The Courage to Face Challenges

Life demands courage and tenacity. It’s about standing up after every fall, ready to face the world anew.

My resolve to live is also a commitment to not succumb to fear, to not let challenges define my existence.

Family Ties

The family is an anchor during stormy times. Their unconditional love and support stand as pillars, compelling me to forge ahead.

Obligation to My Parents

Watching my parents age has reinforced my resolve to live fully. They’ve sacrificed much for my well-being; now, as they tread into their twilight years, my presence, love, and support are ways to repay their boundless love.

Creating Memories

Life is fleeting, and each moment is a memory in the making.

Choosing to live is choosing to create memories—joyous ones that define and enrich the tapestry of our shared existence.

Choosing life, in essence, is a testament to the undying hope that whispers softly, urging us to give life another chance, to see beyond the pain and the fears, and to treasure the myriad moments that make life worth embracing.

It is a conscious decision to acknowledge life’s shadows but to revel in its light, to seek purpose, to cherish loved ones, and to embrace the privilege of existence wholeheartedly.

Let’s choose to live, not just exist. Because every breath is a story waiting to be told, and I’ve got chapters yet unwritten.

© Titus vargis

The Smart Parenting Method That’s Changing Families Worldwide!

Parenting is an ever-evolving journey that requires a unique blend of love, discipline, and education.

No parent is born with all the answers, and the path to becoming a wise and effective parent involves continuous learning and adaptation.

With three kids of my own, each presenting their own set of beautiful challenges, I have navigated the complex world of parenting one step at a time.

My experience has taught me that mastering small, yet significant details can profoundly impact your parenting approach.

This guide aims to share those lessons, offering a comprehensive look into the strategies and mindsets that foster wholesome child development.

Parenting Advice

Here, we delve into essential parenting advice, covering emotional control, the pursuit of knowledge, fair treatment, shared responsibilities, and the celebration of each child’s unique abilities.

These pillars of smart parenting not only encourage a nurturing home environment but also support each child’s growth into a well-rounded adult.

Control Your Emotions

The ability to maintain emotional stability is a cornerstone of effective parenting. Children are highly perceptive and can easily pick up on their parents’ emotional states.

It’s crucial, therefore, to manage your reactions and display calm and composed behavior.

This doesn’t mean suppressing emotions; instead, it involves acknowledging them and finding constructive outlets.

For instance, when a situation becomes overwhelming, taking a moment to breathe deeply can provide the necessary pause before addressing the issue at hand.

Calm Your Mood

Similarly, managing your mood is vital. A negative or agitated mood can inadvertently influence your parenting style and interactions with your children.

Embracing strategies like mindfulness or engaging in activities that boost your mood can have a positive impact on the entire family dynamic.

Remember, a happy parent is more likely to raise happy children.

Seek Knowledge

Assuming you know everything about parenting can be a pitfall.

The willingness to learn from others, whether through books, parental courses, or discussions with fellow parents, can enlighten you to new perspectives and strategies.

Each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Staying open to learning helps you adapt your parenting style to meet each child’s needs effectively.

Fair Treatment

Avoiding judgment and offering unbiased support is essential in parenting.

Each child has their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to embrace these differences without comparison.

Fair treatment builds a strong foundation of trust and respect, ensuring that each child feels valued for who they are.

Shared Responsibility

Parenting should not be a solo mission.

Discussing and dividing responsibilities with your partner or family members can alleviate stress and prevent burnout.

It’s beneficial for children to see their parents working together as a team, reinforcing notions of cooperation and mutual support.

Rotate Responsibilities

To further emphasize shared duties, rotating responsibilities among family members can be incredibly effective.

This approach not only diversifies the experiences and skills each member brings to parenting but also keeps routines fresh and engaging.

Celebrate Abilities

Every child possesses unique talents and abilities. Recognizing and celebrating these strengths fosters self-esteem and encourages further development.

Whether it’s academic achievements, artistic skills, or simple acts of kindness, acknowledging these accomplishments motivates children to continue exploring their potential.

Respect Each Child

Offering respect to your children is paramount for their emotional and moral development.

Demonstrating respectful behavior teaches them how to interact with others and builds their self-respect. This includes listening attentively, validating their feelings, and involving them in decision-making processes.

Share Stories

Sharing your childhood experiences, both the successes and failures, can be incredibly reassuring for children.

It helps normalize setbacks and emphasizes that growth often comes from overcoming challenges.

These stories can serve as powerful lessons and deepen the bond between you and your children.

Show Appreciation

Lastly, showing appreciation for both big and small achievements plays a crucial role in positive reinforcement.

Celebrating efforts, as well as outcomes, instills a sense of pride and encourages children to continue striving towards their goals.

Every child is a world of possibilities waiting to be nurtured. As parents, our role is to guide them with respect, understanding, and patience.

By embracing these principles of smart parenting, we can provide our children with a solid foundation for becoming responsible, compassionate, and confident adults.

“Parenting is not about being perfect. It’s about being present, learning, and growing together.”

In the journey of parenting, the lessons are continual, and the rewards, though sometimes delayed, are immeasurable.

By striving for emotional control, seeking knowledge, promoting fairness, and celebrating the unique traits of each child, we pave the way for their success and happiness.

Let us embrace smart parenting with an open heart and a willing mind, ever ready to learn and adapt for the well-being of our beloved children.

©Titus vargis

Hey Warriors, arise you once more

Hey my

dear friend,

my broken hearted

how long

will you cry

destiny beckons


Hey Warriors

stop this


this death trail

won’t you

try again once


arise arise

look, the blood

they have spilled

the broken dreams

of your fellow


Won’t you rise

you are inches


Look around

you are almost there

hey warriors,

History awaits

for you

Destiny makers


Stop being

so silent.

Come let’s do it.

©Titus Vargis

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