5 Shocking Ways to Turn Your Pain into Power – Number 3 Will Leave You Speechless!

The Controversial Self-Help Technique That’s Taking the Internet by Storm

Discover the controversial self-help technique that’s revolutionizing personal growth. Learn why it’s causing a stir, how it works, and whether it’s right for you. Unlock your potential with this game-changing approach.

Silencing the Inner Critic

Let’s be honest, we’re often our own worst critics. I’ve found that no one is harder on me than myself. Do you feel the same way? When pain and fears creep in, that inner voice can become overwhelmingly negative. But here’s the thing – we don’t have to listen to it.

Breaking the Critical Thinking Loop

Stopping that cycle of negative thoughts isn’t easy, but it’s so important. Here are some ways I try to quiet my inner critic:

* Listen to music
* Read a good book
* Call a friend
* Do some laundry
* Tidy up my room

Sometimes, I even reach out to friends for guidance. It’s amazing how a different perspective can help shift our thinking.

Finding Strength in Faith

When things get really tough, I turn to prayer. There’s something powerful about connecting with God and asking for strength to face my challenging thoughts. Often, I find answers come quickly, but I always make sure to look for additional signs to confirm what I’m feeling.

Expressing Emotions

Depression can be a heavyweight, but I’ve found some ways to lighten the load:

* Journaling: Writing down my thoughts helps me process them
* Poetry: Sometimes my feelings come out best in verse
* Watching uplifting movies: A good story can be a great distraction

The key is to find ways to express those bare, open thoughts. It’s like cleaning out a cluttered drawer – once everything’s out in the open, it’s easier to sort through and make sense of it all.

Regaining Perspective

When we’re caught up in our fears and pain, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Here’s how I try to regain my perspective:

* Distract myself: Doing something else can work wonders
* Make a plan for tomorrow: Giving my mind a task helps redirect negative thoughts
* Shut out the ‘barking dogs’: I imagine my fears as noisy dogs and practice not opening the door to let them in

Moving Forward

Remember, it’s crucial to do something – anything – to stop those negative thoughts from taking over. By distracting yourself and refocusing your mind, you can make a real difference in your mood and performance.

> The most important step is the first one – choosing to act rather than letting your fears control you.

So next time you’re facing pain or fear, try some of these strategies. You might be surprised at how much power you have to change your outlook and face your challenges head-on.

3 Personal Secrets to Overcoming Fear

It can revolutionize your paradigm.

Life often throws us unannounced challenges, thrusting us into the whirls of fear and anxiety.

About a decade ago, I found myself grappling with these very monsters.

The journey I embarked on and the truths I unearthed during this phase helped me escape the shackles I had imagined around me.

Here’s how I responded to the loneliness and stress and eventually found my feet.

My experience my findings

My Answer to the Loneliness and Stress

I had always felt fear nibbling at my edges, subtly yet constantly. I tried several remedies—meditation, seeking therapy, and even medication. Despite these efforts, relief felt like a distant dream. Reading was my escape; the more I read, the more I searched for a key to rid myself of this paralyzing fear.

The Turning Point

It was during an unexpected journey into the wilderness that a profound realization dawned upon me. There, amidst the uncaged wild, surrounded by different species of powerful yet restrained animals, a striking thought hit me: Was I also caged?

This thought was pivotal. I looked at these majestic beings, confined and powerless solely because of their cages. The parallel to my own life was uncanny—I was restrained not by a physical cage, but by the invisible bars I had allowed fear to erect around me.

Three Insights from My Wild Encounter

Reflecting on this experience, I gleaned three main insights which have significantly helped me overcome my fears:

1. You Are What You Choose and That’s Who You Become

The idea that we fabricate our own psychological limitations became glaringly clear. By choosing to believe that I wasn’t confined, I began to reshape my identity. Freedom became a choice, not a condition.

2. Believe That You Are in Control and Behave as If It’s True

The power of belief is immense. By consciously choosing to believe that I was in command of my fears, and not the other way around, my actions began to align with this belief. This shift in mindset was transformative and catalyzed my personal growth.

3. Destiny Is Being Smart: Using Your Mind, Brain, and Heart

Realizing that destiny isn’t a predefined path but a creation of smart choices involving thoughtful decisions, emotional intelligence, and mental resilience, opened new roads to my reformation. It’s about harmonizing the mind’s logic with the heart’s wisdom to craft the life you desire.

Let Me Hear From You

This journey was mine, but the insights are universal. Have you experienced similar moments of epiphany? How have you tackled the fears holding you back? I’d love to hear your stories and strategies.

Love You All

Every step forward in overcoming our fears strengthens not only us but also inspires those around us. Let’s continue to support each other in our journeys towards personal liberation from fear.


Killing mountains but how

Biting mountain
myself my

How tough.
I am
working on
Hope you

My spects
are more than
a million.
My upbringing
my neighbors

They each
have given
their favorite
I had to
keep them.
my air is
am not
my identity
to me.

11 rules for starting the day like a king

You find cherry by going to the cherry.

Hey,my friend. Hope you are doing great.

Here I will be sharing a quick way to begin the new day like a king! These are followed by great men and women who have achieved greatness in different spheres of life.

What ways do great men have achieved their greatness? It’s their perspective on time and discipline. They didn’t complain about the lack of time. Rather they went headstrong with seizing the day!

1. Planning a day before for the day.

2. Doing things first what they love.

3. Leaving all other things for the later part of the day.

4. Having a plan for their life and thereby for each day.

5. They know the power of focus. They just never undertake tens of tasks at a time.

6. They save their energy by staying away from unnecessary tasks or people.

7. They start the day with a power breakfast.

8. They believe they are not ruled by luck or the universe.

9. They divide the whole tasks into little chunks so that they can plan better and achieve greatly.

10. They know what their vision is. They are moved by them.

11. They affirm themselves. They believe in self motivation.

These are but few of the rules great men have achieved greatness in their life. Life is hard and we can’t make excuses.

No one is stopping anyone from achieving great things in life. Why are you waiting?!

Yours well wisher.

Stop carrying this burden my dear soul

Unwind yourself now

Stop  this

hey, it’s  okay

to  cry.

You  are  a
man, so  what!?
stop  being
find  someone
some  solace.

You  are
You  are  a
warrior  and
a  human.
Share  your
pour  out
your  heart
you  need

We  all
are  little  less
stop  carrying
all  by
So  what?
You  are
a  man,
and  a  human
It’s  okay
to  not  be

© Titus vargis

Experts Reveal Uncommon Strategies for a Joyful Life!

Finding happiness by choice

Looking for a fresh perspective on happiness? This post explores inventive and unorthodox ways to achieve and sustain true joyfulness.

Happy are those who speak ‘No’ at the right time without hesitation.

Don’t follow a false religion.

Treat a hobby like a devotion.

Read books as much as possible.

Prioritize themselves.

Indulge in their favorite ice cream.

Engage with children.

Overcome shame and guilt.

Take unique paths.

Challenge the rules of a seemingly rational society that often favors the wealthy.

Rest whenever mundane activities become monotonous.

Avoid adhering to any man-made recipe for success.

Abandon all conventional life formulas.

Focus on self-approval rather than seeking validation from others.

Shower their children with unconditional love.

Embrace failure and explore new possibilities.

Cultivate self-love to be able to love others effectively afterwards.

Happy are those who,
Speak ‘No’ at the right time without thinking about it.
don’t follow a fake religion.
Treat a hobby like a prayer.
Read books as much as possible.
Think about themselves first.
Buy the favorite ice cream of their choice.
Play with the children.
Ditch shame and guilt.
Take uncommon pathways.
Break the rules of so called sane society which only help the rich and affluent.
Sleep a lot when others bore you.
don’t follow any man made success mantra.
Ditch all so called formulas for life.
Don’t impress anyone but themselves.
Give their unconditional love to their children.
Give up easily and try different things.
Love themselves so that they can love others later.

Finally! An Open Letter That Offers a Real Solution to Loneliness!

No one to lean on by Titus vargis

Dear Reader,

I have something important to share with you – a personal struggle that many may relate to. This isn’t your average social media post; it’s raw and emotional. I want you to understand that despite appearances, my life isn’t perfect. I may write inspirational posts and showcase a seemingly ideal existence, but behind the scenes, I battle with my own demons. Loneliness is my constant companion, despite having a loving family and engaging in community service. The lack of empathy from those closest to me leaves me feeling isolated. I do my best to help others, but often feel used and discarded in return. This constant cycle of selfishness is disheartening.

## The Unseen Battle

My open life by Titus vargis

I am not the life of the party; I prefer solitude. My quiet demeanor shouldn’t be mistaken for misanthropy – I simply find solace in my own company. It’s disconcerting that society often favors extroverts over introverts like myself. I gravitate towards individuals who exhibit empathy and open-mindedness, as self-absorption is a trait that I struggle to tolerate. Finding balance in a world that values social prowess can be challenging, causing me to question my self-worth. My perfectionist tendencies only exacerbate my internal conflicts.

In my darker moments, when the world feels overwhelming, I retreat into my fortress of solitude. It’s there, in the silence, that I confront the heart of my loneliness. It’s not the absence of people that haunts me but the absence of meaningful connections. Despite being surrounded by a crowd, the void within grows, feeding on fleeting interactions and superficial exchanges.

My chaos by Titus vargis.

## Finding Respite

To combat my feelings of isolation, I engage in various therapeutic activities. Music has a profound effect on my well-being, providing a sense of solace when words fail me. Journaling serves as an outlet for my unfiltered thoughts, allowing me to untangle the complexities of my emotions. Immersing myself in nature, reading books, and practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation also offer respite from the chaos of everyday life.

These actions are my lifelines, pulling me back from the edge of despair. They allow me to breathe, to find peace in the storm. But they are not cure-alls. My journey towards healing is ongoing, marked by small victories and inevitable setbacks.

## A Shared Struggle

If my words resonate with you, know that you are not alone in your struggles. There are countless individuals grappling with similar challenges, searching for a path towards healing. By sharing my story, I hope to offer solace to those who feel lost in their own battles. Let me know how my open letter has touched you, as your feedback is invaluable in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

No more by Titus vargis.

Remember, strength lies in resilience. Do not allow yourself to remain stagnant in despair. Seek out genuine connections and surround yourself with like-minded souls who uplift and support you. Together, we can navigate the treacherous terrain of loneliness and emerge stronger on the other side.

With resilience and hope,
Titus Vargis

Surviving the Unthinkable: My Advice on Fighting Suicidal Thoughts

Surviving the storm by Titus vargis

Life, in its intricacy, presents us with a multitude of experiences—some bitter, some sweet, and many that linger somewhere in-between.

In moments of profound despair or overwhelming challenges, the idea of just letting go and succumbing to the darkness might fleetingly cross our minds.

My experience with suicidal thoughts

Yet, here I am, choosing to embrace the light, the pain, the fear, and every hue of life in between. Let’s delve into the whys and wherefores.

Embracing Life Over Fear and Pain

Life hasn’t always been kind. Like many, I’ve faced my share of moments when everything seemed insurmountable.

But choosing life over the temptation of giving up has been my silent rebellion against the odds.

Life Purpose

I believe we’re all here for a reason. For me, realizing that I have unfulfilled purposes acts as a beacon in my darkest hours.’s not just about big achievements but about small, everyday victories and the joy brought.

A Legacy for My Children

My children are my heart walking outside my body.

The thought of leaving them prematurely, of not being there to see them grow, learn, and face life’s myriad challenges and joys, weighs heavily on me.

They are a significant part of why I choose to weather life’s storms.

Beyond Self

It’s easy to become ensnared in our web of miseries, to dwell on what ails us. Yet, life isn’t just about me.

It extends to the people I love and care about—their needs, their hopes, and their well-being. Shifting the focus from myself to them often sheds light on the bigger picture.

The Privilege of Life

Choosing to live, especially in the thick of turmoil, is no small feat. It is a declaration that despite life’s lows, its highs are worth striving for.

Life Is a Fortune

Waking up each day is a privilege denied to many. This realization pushes me to see beyond my current suffering, to value life’s gift, and make the most out of it, no matter the obstacles.

Lessons from the Past

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize the strength I’ve garnered from overcoming past adversities.

Giving up now would disregard the resilience I’ve built up. It would mean letting a few challenging experiences overshadow numerous good ones.

The Courage to Face Challenges

Life demands courage and tenacity. It’s about standing up after every fall, ready to face the world anew.

My resolve to live is also a commitment to not succumb to fear, to not let challenges define my existence.

Family Ties

The family is an anchor during stormy times. Their unconditional love and support stand as pillars, compelling me to forge ahead.

Obligation to My Parents

Watching my parents age has reinforced my resolve to live fully. They’ve sacrificed much for my well-being; now, as they tread into their twilight years, my presence, love, and support are ways to repay their boundless love.

Creating Memories

Life is fleeting, and each moment is a memory in the making.

Choosing to live is choosing to create memories—joyous ones that define and enrich the tapestry of our shared existence.

Choosing life, in essence, is a testament to the undying hope that whispers softly, urging us to give life another chance, to see beyond the pain and the fears, and to treasure the myriad moments that make life worth embracing.

It is a conscious decision to acknowledge life’s shadows but to revel in its light, to seek purpose, to cherish loved ones, and to embrace the privilege of existence wholeheartedly.

Let’s choose to live, not just exist. Because every breath is a story waiting to be told, and I’ve got chapters yet unwritten.

© Titus vargis

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

Divorce is a complex and multifaceted issue that touches the lives of many.

While external factors often contribute to the dissolution of marriage, there’s a deeper, more introspective cause that goes largely unspoken.

This article delves into the internal battles we face — the wars within that shape our relationships far more than we might realize.

The Silent Battles We Fight

Every individual carries within them a series of internal conflicts stemming from past experiences, unresolved issues, and personal perceptions.

These silent battles can deeply influence how we interact with our partners, often in ways we don’t fully comprehend.

– Personal unresolved issues affect our reactions and behaviors towards our partners, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
– Our perceptions and attitudes, shaped by past experiences, can create a predisposition to doubt, hurt, and unfairly treat our significant others.

Our Responses to Internal Conflicts

Our manner of dealing with these internal battles plays a significant role in the health of our relationships. Unfortunately, more often than not, our reactions are not conducive to harmony and understanding.

Quick to Annoyance:

Minor irritations escalate into significant arguments as our tolerance levels are diminished by our inner turmoil.


Emotional baggage leads to disproportionate responses to relatively minor issues.

Increased Conflict:

The frequency and intensity of arguments are amplified by unresolved internal issues.

Unfair Blame:

A tendency to place responsibility on our partner for our feelings and reactions, ignoring the influence of our internal struggles.

The Impact on Relationships

The cumulative effect of these responses to our internal conflicts can be devastating on relationships, eroding trust, communication, and mutual respect — the very foundations upon which partnerships are built.


A failure to recognize and address our inner wars leads to repeated misinterpretations of each other’s actions and intentions.

Chronic Hurt:

The cycle of hurt-begetting-hurt, driven by unhealed wounds, poisons intimacy.


Past injustices we’ve suffered bleed into current interactions, fostering an environment of unfairness and imbalance.

The Path to Healing

Recognizing the pervasive impact of our inner conflicts on our relationships is the first step towards healing.

Addressing these issues requires a commitment to self-reflection, self-improvement, and, oftentimes, professional help.


Acknowledge the existence of these inner battles and their influence on your relationship dynamics.

Seek Professional Help:

A therapist or counselor can offer valuable insights and tools for navigating and resolving these internal conflicts.

Commit to Healing:

True relationship success is predicated on individual healing. Prioritize resolving your inner conflicts as part of your commitment to your relationship.

Until we heal the wounds within, we cannot fully trust, love, or engage authentically in our relationships. The journey towards healing is not just a personal triumph but a gift to our partnerships.”


Divorces often occur not because of one or two isolated incidents but as a result of a prolonged neglect of our internal struggles.

The wars we wage within can devastate our relationships if left unchecked. It’s crucial for each individual to embark on a journey of self-reflection and healing to foster healthier, more fulfilling partnerships.

Recognizing and addressing our inner conflicts is not an admission of weakness but a brave step towards stronger, more resilient relationships.

©Titus Vargis

I Was Down and Out Until I Heard This Life-Changing Advice!

Don’t give up Now.

As a highly sensitive person, I get easily hurt. My spouse, on the other hand, expresses herself candidly without filters, leading to disappointment and frustration.

At times, her use of harsh words causes me pain. A recent blog post has significantly altered my outlook on life.

The key takeaway: don’t rely on others for encouragement; empower yourself.

This shift in perspective has transformed the way I think. Instead of waiting for my spouse to seek forgiveness, I now understand that self-encouragement is crucial.

It’s essential to take ownership of our emotions and actions, recognizing that everyone is facing their battles.

A transformative step is liberating oneself from the expectation of external salvation.

I implement positive affirmations through wall stickers, acknowledging the effort required for personal growth and well-being.

I urge readers not to give up prematurely and to consider revisiting old hobbies and incorporating activities like playing with pets, engaging with children in games, and participating in soul-enriching endeavors.

Reading, shopping, spending time with friends, and prayer are meaningful practices that should not be underestimated.

By persisting through stress and disappointment, one can progress in life and relationships.

The onus lies on oneself to seek encouragement, as it is intrinsic to personal development.

By embracing this responsibility, individuals can move forward and achieve remarkable feats.

Remember, happiness is within reach. Embrace your journey with determination and positivity.

Trust in your capacity and resilience, and remarkable accomplishments await you.

Warm regards,

Titus Vargis

Love and Marriage Coach

Revealed: The 9 Most Powerful Way to Elevate Someone’s Self-Worth!

How do you deal with Loneliness?

Loneliness is the most cruel enemy by Titus Vargis.

I was sick last night. Everyone was asleep. I was shivering. I couldn’t manage with a little medicine.

I realized I needed to take someone’s help. I couldn’t handle the shivering. Still then I changed my mind. I didn’t wake up others. As they all were in deep sleep.

I am like that. I manage most of the time.
This time it was going out of control. I know it’s getting harder.

We all need someone by Titus Vargis.

That day I learnt the important lessons of life and relationships.
Quickly, I found a notebook and wrote this. Later the next day.

The main thing is this: What do we really really need, deep down? Especially in times of struggling and sickness.

What does it take to help someone else who is also traveling on this great journey of life?

Put in place of someone who is lonely, sick, tired, poor, fighting for survival, relationship battles, intense pain.

What will bring solace? Peace? Connection? Significance? Meaning?

One step at a time by Titus Vargis.

Let me share a few things,

1. Being there with the person.

2. Smiling and letting them know he is not alone.

3. Looking at him. Looking into his eyes closely.

4. Showing him that at this time he is the most important person on this planet earth.

5. Less words but more affection and sympathy.

6. Putting your legs in his shoes. Empathy.

7. Reading between the lines.

8. Holding his hands and making him feel special. Touching signifies value.

Touch him by Titus Vargis.

9. Spend at least 40 minutes with him. Just be there. Your presence is healing to him.

Is it too much?! No. You will be remembered forever. Try it.

Once you are in pain, struggling you will need someone else.

Meanwhile, why can’t you be a light to the ones who are in darkness.

Loneliness can be dealt with by Titus Vargis.

Who knows, you might be the only one who lights up his darkness. Is this silly?!
No!! 10000 times, no.

©Titus vargis.

7 Shocking Confessions from Men in Therapy: Number 4 Will Astonish You!

Authentic love requires total understanding

Loving totally by tv.

Do you know what man feels when a woman does inappropriate things in a relationship?

Let me share a few of the things that I hate in my relationship?

1. Using hurtful words to express intense emotions is hurtful. I can’t stand hearing words that feel like a knife, especially when they come from my spouse. It’s frustrating to hear such mean language from someone I love.

2. Expressing feelings at the wrong times is also a challenge. While I appreciate my spouse’s openness, there are times when it’s important to choose the right moment for sharing those emotions. It’s hard when she just blurts them out without consideration.

3. Bringing up past issues that have been resolved is another source of pain for me. I dislike it when my partner revisits old problems that we have already addressed and moved on from. It’s unsettling to have them constantly rehashed when I thought we had put them to rest.

4. A lack of respect in behavior is particularly hurtful. When my partner uses words that show a lack of regard for me, it’s hard to feel appreciated. I’m bothered when she treats me disrespectfully and fails to acknowledge my feelings.

5. Disregarding my efforts and failing to appreciate my contributions is also difficult to handle. It’s disheartening when she seems to downplay the things I do for her, making me question the value of my actions. I wish she would show more gratitude and recognition for my efforts.

6. Constant criticism is draining and demoralizing. Having someone constantly point out my flaws and shortcomings takes a toll on my morale. It’s hard to stay positive when faced with a never-ending stream of criticism from my partner.

7. Relying heavily on emotions creates uncertainty. Dealing with someone whose moods fluctuate wildly can be unsettling. It’s challenging to predict how she’ll react in different situations when her feelings and behavior seem to change so rapidly. It leaves me feeling uneasy and unsure.

Inside the man’s heart by tv.


7 Things you should be proud of, in order to reach your full potential.

Lets find reasons to be proud of. Have you ever taken time to think how far you have come? Let me tell you some reasons to be proud of, 1. You have been through tough times, things got derailed yet you managed to come this far. 2. You are a winner. You have not kept … Read more

11 critical attitudes of women that irritate a man in a relationship.

There are many reasons, we get frustrated in life or relationships. Life is unpredictable. The reason we get into relationships is to find solace. But we get annoyed often due to lack of understanding. We find that relationships are not bed of roses. As a man, we don’t like certain aspects of our partner. What … Read more

8 super awesome keys to happiness NOW

Don’t search for life. Don’t search for companions. Look for but don’t search. Consider these unwritten rules of abundant life, 1. You are here for no one else. 2. You are not responsible for others’happiness. You are sufficient. 3. Develop your strength but don’t cry for the weaknesses. 4. You are enough just as you … Read more

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