Breaking Free: A Jaw-dropping Tale of Abuse and Triumph

Discover the hidden truths behind my harrowing experience with an abusive woman. Learn valuable lessons that can help you recognize, overcome, and heal from toxic relationships. This raw, honest account will empower you to break free from abuse.

Verbal Mistreatment: A Silent Form of Harm

Unkindness has no place in our lives, particularly in close relationships. While physical violence is often the first thing that comes to mind when we think of abuse, harsh words can be equally damaging. Verbal mistreatment is a genuine form of harm that can cause lasting emotional wounds.

The Overlooked Problem: Women Mistreating Men

Many partnerships are struggling due to verbal mistreatment from women towards men
This issue is frequently ignored or not taken seriously
It’s important to address the plight of men in relationships who face mistreatment.

Trust and Affection: The Core of Relationships

Healthy bonds are built on trust and affection. When either partner uses hurtful language or threats, it erodes this foundation. It’s crucial to remember that mistreatment, regardless of who’s responsible, is never acceptable.

Shared Responsibility in Partnerships
Both men and women must treat their partners respectfully
Women cannot use their gender to excuse harmful behaviour
Maintaining a relationship with a hurtful partner is difficult, regardless of their gender
The Me Too Movement: A One-Sided View?
The Me Too movement has done much good by highlighting sexual harassment and abuse. However, it appears to focus mainly on men mistreating women. This leaves out an important aspect of the conversation:
Why does the movement not address women mistreating men?
This oversight could be seen as a limitation of the movement
A more balanced approach could foster healthier relationships for all
The Effect on Children and Families
When mistreatment exists in a relationship, it affects more than just the couple. Children growing up in these environments may experience:
Lack of peace
This negative impact on children is a compelling reason to address all forms of mistreatment in relationships.
A Personal Account of Feeling Trapped
“I always dreamed of a perfect relationship and family. But now I am heartbroken as she doesn’t love me at all. She mistreats me.”
This quote reflects the pain of someone stuck in a harmful relationship. It’s a reminder that mistreatment can happen to anyone, regardless of gender.
The Difficulties of Seeking Help
Family members may not always be supportive
Society often doesn’t take mistreatment against men seriously
This lack of support can leave men feeling isolated and helpless
Emotional Manipulation and Threats
Harmful partners may use emotional manipulation or threats to maintain control. This can include threats of legal action, which can be particularly frightening. It’s important to remember that these tactics are not acceptable and violate human rights.
The Need for a Balanced Approach
To truly address the issue of mistreatment in relationships, we need:
Recognition that harm can come from any gender
Support systems that help all victims of mistreatment
A society that takes all forms of harm seriously
Moving Ahead
Creating healthy relationships requires effort from everyone. It’s about mutual respect, open communication, and treating each other with kindness. By addressing all forms of mistreatment, we can work towards creating happier, healthier families and a more balanced society.

Is Your Relationship a Circus? These 5 Tips Will Help You Stay Sane!

Is your relationship driving you crazy? You’re not alone! Explore these 5 remarkable tips to keep your love life balanced and joyful. Don’t let the chaos win!

Relationships can be tricky. They can bring immense joy but also lead to distress when they become overwhelming. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to stay grounded and take care of your mental health. Here are five practical ways you can stay sane in an insane relationship.

Speak Up for Yourself

One of the toughest but most crucial aspects of remaining sane in an overwhelming relationship is learning to speak up for yourself.

Express Your Needs: If something is bothering you, voice it out. Bottled-up feelings often lead to resentment.

Practice Assertiveness:State your thoughts clearly and respectfully. Remember, assertiveness is not aggression; it’s about respecting both your partner’s needs and your own.

Set Boundaries:Knowing and communicating your boundaries is vital. It’s perfectly okay to say ‘no’ when needed.

> “The art of self-care starts with the ability to voice your feelings without fear.”

Bury Not Your True Emotions

Hiding your true emotions to keep the peace can backfire spectacularly. Be transparent and share your genuine feelings.

Avoid Emotional Suppression: Suppressing emotions can lead to anxiety and depression.

Journal Your Thoughts:

Sometimes, writing down what you feel can help you understand and articulate your emotions better.

 Seek Honest Conversations:

 Engage in candid discussions with your partner. Honest communication fosters deeper connections and understanding.

> “Authentic relationships thrive when both partners are honest about their feelings.”

Kill Those Negative Narratives Which Demean Your Feelings

Negative narratives can eat away at your self-esteem and hurt your mental well-being. It’s essential to challenge and destroy these harmful thoughts.

Identify Negative Self-Talk: Be aware of when you start to blame yourself unnecessarily or think the worst about your situation.

Replace Negative Thoughts:

Counter every negative thought with a positive one. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” try “I’m doing my best, and that’s enough.”

Reframe Your Perspective:

 Look at the bigger picture. Sometimes, what seems catastrophic may just be a small bump in the road.

> “Changing the narrative in your head is a powerful step towards maintaining your sanity.”

Share Your Feelings at the Right Time

Timing is key when it comes to sharing your feelings. Making sure the setting is right can make a huge difference.

Pick a Calm Moment:

Avoid bringing up sensitive topics during heated moments. Choose a time when both of you are calm.

Be Mindful of Context:

Consider where you are and what’s going on around you. Ensure your partner is in a receptive state.

Use ‘I’ Statements:

 Instead of saying “You always…,” say “I feel…” This reduces defensiveness and opens the door for constructive conversation.

> “Choosing the right moment to share your feelings can make the conversation more effective and less confrontational.”

Find Someone Outside Your Relationship

Sometimes, having support outside the relationship can work wonders for your mental health.

Lean on Friends and Family:

 Don’t hesitate to share what you are going through with trusted friends or family members. Their outside perspective can provide comfort and guidance.

Seek Professional Help:

 If things get too overwhelming, talking to a therapist can provide you with strategies to cope better.

Join Support Groups:

being a part of a support group where others are going through similar experiences can make you feel less isolated.

> “Having a support system outside your relationship provides a healthy balance and a different perspective.”

Staying sane in an overwhelming relationship requires a blend of self-care, open communication, and external support. By taking these steps, you can reclaim your mental peace and foster a healthier relationship dynamic. 

Quick tips to improve your relationship NOW.See the impact within 15 minutes!

One cannot deny the impact of relationships in overall life satisfaction.

Self denial in place of selfishness. Relationships are not a reason for the need of the self.

Might is unnecessary in a good fact it’s the most unnecessary factor.

Good looks and smartness are good for the beginning but not in the long run. Beautiful faces won’t make your journey worth taking.

Having a highly self centeredness is rather a stumbling block for any relationship.

Degrees or education is good for the sustainability of the relationship but not the crucial factor of any successful relationship.

A critical attitude is the assured killer of any successful relationship.

Unforgiveness is the surest way to break any good relationship.beware of your stubbornness or lack of forgiving heart.

It is important to have a sympathetic approach towards the other.

© Titus vargis

Astonishing! Uncover the True Face of Loneliness in Today’s World!

Authentic love is not about me.

The loneliness by tv.

Did you know that “More women may be psychopaths than previously thought”, says an expert.

Dr Clive Boddy says assessment skews towards obvious male traits but female psychopathy is more subtle.

“When it comes to a typical psychopath, the suited and booted Patrick Bateman from the novel American Psycho might spring to mind, but, according to one expert, the number of women with the neuropsychiatric disorder could be far greater than previously thought.

Another way to kill by tv.

Psychopaths are generally considered to lack empathy and guilt, exhibit antisocial behavior, lie frequently and be ruthless, narcissistic and manipulative.” (Nicola Davis Science correspondent @NicolaKSDavis)

Relationships are not for children.Period.This is the most overlooked truth in life and relationships.

If only everyone accepted it, relationships would be literal heaven.

It’s easier said than done!

It’s for mature adults. Lots of people don’t understand that love is not only romance but much more.

Love includes sacrifice, commitment, transparency, mutual understanding, respect and forgiveness.

My struggle by tv.

If one is not giving authentic love that relationship is doomed to wade away no matter what.

Let’s understand that we are dealing here with life and not just part.

If one is thinking that eventually everything will be alright, sorry it won’t.

One needs to look inside himself and look for cracks. To be honest it’s not easy but I can tell you it’s worthwhile for your relationship.

At times, love serves as the foundation for companionship.

However, repeated infidelity by a partner can lead to feelings of solitude.

As adults, we understand the importance of not causing harm to others. Yet, actions that cause pain from one partner can inflict deep wounds, resulting in a sense of loneliness.

Men often view their wives as delicate, but unexpectedly, harsh words from the woman can make her spouse feel isolated without intending to.

Seeking assistance from relatives and acquaintances is crucial.

Nonetheless, society’s habit of blaming men for issues in the relationship can be extremely disheartening. Moreover, when a wife’s severity exacerbates the situation, it becomes even more painful.

The puzzle called love by tv.

When a woman uses verbal abuse towards her partner, it’s harmful to him emotionally.

The knowledge that such negative behavior often goes unpunished compounds the feeling of being alone.

Societal tendencies to overlook the struggles of men, favoring women instead, are common.

A woman may easily escape the repercussions of her actions, leaving men to apologize for their trespasses, which amplifies their sense of isolation.

Relationships are meant to foster support, aid, and mutual connections between individuals.

Truth bites by tv.

Neglecting the needs of one’s partner can unleash an emotional upheaval. Ignoring a partner’s unique contributions and abilities may lead to profound emotional pain.

Immaturity is a recipe for disaster in any relationship. Imposing excessive demands, particularly from one side, can disrupt the equilibrium of a partnership.

The financial situation of a man can significantly impact his relationship.

While financial stability can nurture love, financial difficulties often cause love to diminish, leading to emotional despair.

For a relationship to thrive, a mutual commitment during both prosperous and challenging times is necessary.

The want for consistent support during difficult periods is expected, so its absence can drain an individual’s strength.

What will you do?

Will you act out of love?

©Titus Vargis.

12 golden words that are more precious than Diamond in any relationship.

Golden words that are more precious than Diamond You know, as we think about our lives and relationships and what makes them or breaks them, we realise that it’s not bigger things that have a huge impact. Let me clarify, we often think that it’s our sweet talks, romance, expensive gifts that attract or maintain … Read more

The number one misunderstood question we ask others,”Do you REALLY love me?”

The impact of the answer we receive is undeniable. The question was, “Do you love me?!” The answer I was wanting to know from several observations. In the small details, small gestures, eyes contact, smiles, the way of talking etc. Sadly, I did get the answer. I wish I didn’t ask that. Of course, it … Read more

11 critical attitudes of women that irritate a man in a relationship.

There are many reasons, we get frustrated in life or relationships. Life is unpredictable. The reason we get into relationships is to find solace. But we get annoyed often due to lack of understanding. We find that relationships are not bed of roses. As a man, we don’t like certain aspects of our partner. What … Read more

Why is communication in a relationship important?

Why Is Communication In A Relationship Important? We are a social being. We need communication. Unless as a couple, we develop in the area of communication we will fail terribly. The most important thing in a relationship is to communicate with each other daily. We might be good in all other areas, but if we … Read more

6 tactics to survive the messy life and relationship

I am hopeful in spite of my frustrating situations and behavior of people around. It sucks. Blood. Yes, to say the least. Sometimes it kills literally. Relationship is a dirty business. You look at the surface but later you realize as if your calculations were erroneous. How do I manage myself, in the middle of … Read more

What does the perfect marriage look like? 4 essential qualities of the perfect marriage.

These are the signs of a perfect marriage, When both partners 1. Encourage healthy self-acceptance. One of the key signs of a good marriage is cultivating healthy self- acceptance The first step towards being a good husband or wife is to accept yourself. You need to have a good relationship with yourself, before you can … Read more

12 Reasons Why It’s Hard for Men to love a woman?

The dilemma of understanding a woman Introduction A. Understanding the complexities of love between men and womenB. Recognizing the unique difficulties and hurdles faced by men in relationships Emotional Understanding A. Navigating the emotional complexities of women 1. Decoding mixed signals and subtle cues 2. Dealing with shifting emotions and unpredictability 3. Understanding the importance … Read more

Transforming Marital Struggles: Bible Verses to Revive and Restore Your Marriage

transforming marital problems

Introduction Marriages are not immune to challenges, and at times, they can become strained and troubled.However, seeking guidance from the Bible can provide a powerful tool for overcoming these struggles.The wisdom, principles, and teachings found in the Scriptures can help rejuvenate and restore marital relationships in profound ways. Understanding Marriage in the Bible Marriage holds … Read more

The power of unconditional love and some examples of unconditional love quotes.

Giving up is easy but never give up
Unconditional love

Love has to be authentic.
Love needs to be unconditional.

To talk about it, it’s very easy. To find such love is really very rare.

It’s quite natural to have some misunderstandings between couples, but it will not break their affection no matter what happens.

To love or to be loved unconditionally is the most precious thing a person can give or can receive from someone.

Select some quotes from below that reflect your feelings and say I love you unconditionally and my love for you is unconditional.

“Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally.”

“If someone wants to be with you, nothing will stop them from doing so. Love doesn’t create excuses.”

“Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion. Emotions and feelings change, sometimes daily. But true unconditional love is everlasting.”

“Unconditional love is loving someone beyond their limits and yours.”

“It is hard to compete with unconditional love.”

“Unconditional love is when someone hurts you, but because you care about that person so much you choose not to hurt them in return.”

“When you start loving unconditionally, you stop judging people soon.”

Think about how your love is. First we need to give unconditional love then only we can expect it from others.

what to do when your relationship is at breaking point?

When life throws a lemon,don’t get bitter but act smart for your own sake.

Life cycle by Titus Vargis.

There are times in our life and relationship that wreck us to the core. What we do about it decides where we end up?

My own life experiences has wrecked me many times. I was almost broke to the point of giving up my life.

No one in my life took interest in my life but escalated my pain.

I had to take decision. I was determined not to give up any more.

Life became my teacher. I tried all my resources and friends to find out what must be done to get out of this narrow place.

Here are few crucial steps that we can take when our relationship is at the breaking point.

Let me start,

1. Take full responsibility if you’re at fault

One important thing is to not act like children. You must be authentic. You need to take full responsibility if you know you are at fault.

2. Extend compassion and care to the person you hurt

Be human. Be compassionate. Learn to extend compassion. You get what you give.

3. Give your partner the opportunity to win your trust back

4. Practice radical transparency

Be absolutely transparent. Don’t play games. Be serious enough. You can’t destroy what you built for many years.

5. Consult with a professional

6. Don’t let your world revolve around your partner

7. Learn to compromise

Life is not always mathematics. Life requires compromises. You can’t be a god on earth. You need to accommodate the other.

8. Spend time with friends outside of your relationship.

Don’t put all eggs in one basket.

9. Engage in affectionate physical contact

10. Use skilled communication

Be careful how you communicate. You might be hurting the other person by the way you talk.

11. Speak from your heart

Listen to your heart. Speak from your heart.

12. Actively listen

Practice listening. Relationships require active listening. Unless we listen,we do a one man show.

13. Healthy conflict resolution strategies

You must find conflict resolution strategies. For that you must learn from the experts. You must do it.

14. Get to the root cause

Find out the root causes of your chaos.

15. Follow your gut feelings

Your gut knows what is best for you.

Dear traveler on the journey called life, let me share something.

love and marriage coach

You are not your thoughts tell you.

love and marriage coach
Hey warrior by Titus Vargis.

Dear traveler,

I am glad to meet you and say something to you.

I believe we all have different names to comment on our struggles on this journey. But I think that we all have the same struggles.

We might be poor or rich. We might be less confident or more.

We might be from countries that are called developed or not so.

We might be thinking we are alone. We think we are here but no one knows us.

Yet,we can’t blame anyone. We are still warriors. We need someone like a mirror that says so. This is the thing we lack. We have many doomsayers. We have many who discourage us.

Yet we are conquerors. We are not aware. The main secret is this: we must not quit.

Sooner or later,we win. We get to the destination. We are really not alone. It’s our mind that tells us that we are alone. Like our mind being programmed .

Share with someone what you go through. Find someone. No one is perfect. We are still traveling.

It’s our ego that stops us from association. It’s our prejudices. It’s our culture. You know what? If we overcome these,we will win together.

Why not? Ask yourself. Ask the universe. Ask the roads. Here,we are not losers.

Stand up. Walk again. Move a bit if you can’t run.

Don’t stop. Let’s start again. Together. Give me your hand. Hold me and let’s run.

I believe in you. Our destiny calls us. Thank you.

Yours brother,
A traveler.

7 things I hate in my relationship and they frustrate me : what women should not do in a relationship?

Life gets more better as one puts more love.

Giving up is easy but never give up
Not giving up by any means

There are many reasons for my frustrations in life.

They really are numerous but some of them are more recurring.

Let me share a few of them.

I believe these things will help women to realize what frustrates a man in a relationship.

1. Feelings overtaking the sensibility.

2. Inability to understand what makes me angry.

3. Always expecting me to understand her but not taking efforts to understand me.

4. Lack of gratitude

5. Complaining always.

6. Criticizing my character when it should have been my wrong behavior.

7.Childish behavior.

Love and Relationship by Titus Vargis.

Why relationship end? The ultimate guide.

There are no stars to guide us except our own maturity.

No fault in our stars by Titus Vargis.

There are many reasons for relationship ending.

Life is painful often but it has to be dealt with wisely.

No relationship is perfect unless we decide that it’s our responsibility to make it happen.

We are what we choose to do. No one can do it all for us. Not even gods.

Why should we not be more mature enough to act like grown up s?

Some of the reasons for relationship failures are,

1. Lack of maturity

Let’s face it, relationship break because of our lack of maturity. We act like we are entitled to what we want at our time. This breaks our relationship.

2. Bad attitude

A bad attitude not only hinders our life but also our relationship.

3. Wrong upbringing

Very often our upbringing determines how we behave with our spouse. It takes hard work and dedication to unlearn wrong things from our behaviour.

4. Feeling of superiority

Very often we act as if we are superior to others. This kills our relationship.

5. Foul language

Saying right things in a wrong way is still wrong.

6. Constant interrogation

If we keep on interrogate our partner it will harm our relationship.

7. Lack of gratitude

This is all about keeping on demanding but not being thankful for good things done by our partner.

8. No place for respect

A relationship without proper respect is a graveyard.

9. Constant comparison

Regular comparison of your spouse with others is a true poison for any relationship.

10. Lack of empathy

Having no empathy is a sure way to kill the relationship.

11. Narcissistic behaviour

Narcissists never achieve anything in life. They are always killing others for their own selfish goals and objectives.

© Titus Vargis

How to love a man deeply? 16 ways to impact him for sure.

Never ignore the essential mechanism of your man.

Know deeply your man by Titus Vargis.

There are different love language of men. While women loves to hear ‘I love you’ it’s different for any man.

Let’s quickly find out 16 essential ways to love deeply your man,

1. Walk the talk

Men want to see you love him in your actions.

2. Never ignore him in front of people

3. The best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach

Ask him what he loves to eat and give him often.

4. Appreciate his efforts

Love your man by Titus Vargis

5. Look for things that he does so well.

6. Notice him when he excels.

7. Take his advice and guidance.

Before acting on any decisions,make sure to take his opinion.

8. Listen to him.

Listen with your eyes and ears.

9. Make him feel good about himself.M

Make him feel good by your loving words.

10. Show your love using his love language.

Use his love language rather than yours. This will make him feel loved.

11. Stand with him in disappointment.

12. Accept him for who he is.

Never try to compare him with anyone.

Let him be loved as he is. Let him know you love him as he is already.

The message of love by Titus Vargis.

13. Address your complaints respectfully.

Take time and relax. When you are calm and in a good mood discuss your concerns.

14. Ask him for major decision making.

Let him know you value his opinions.

15. Respect his boundaries.

16. Don’t question his silence and alone time.

Understand that it’s imperative for a man to take alone times in order to rethink and rewind himself.

Easier to love by knowledge by Titus Vargis

How to increase love in a relationship?

There are different ways to increase love in a relationship. some of them are as follows,

  1. Commitment

In any relationship,commitment is very important. one must be committed to the relationship.without commitment its impossible to move forward.

02. Transparency

this is also must be transparent enough. without it no lasting relationship can take place.
sincerity this gives strength to the relationship.

03. Maturity

This is very important. One must be willing to act as a mature adult. this means willing to act as a grown up.

04. Forgiving

This is important. Forgiveness is the glue of relationship. This is the divine element of a relationship.

05. Communication

This enhances love in a relationship. This makes the relationships alive. Without this relationship is dead.

What does it take to win your love for me?

What does it take to win your love for me? Asking the most crucial question of our relationship.

The main thing is this
The essential things in a relationship

Did you know what breaks relationships very often?

Let me tell you. It is not incompatibility. It’s not behavior. It’s not looks. Not perfection.

It’s simply this: asking your partner each day what does it take to win your love for me today?

Unfortunately,this crucial question is usually asked at the beginning of our relationship.

Later,unknowingly we overlook it. This is the biggest mistake we all make.We begin to undermine the person’s changing nature.

You see,we are evolving with time. Each of us are changing.The person I was ten days or ten years ago is not the same.Even after 10 days I will not remain the same.

We are constantly changing.
It’s said that you can’t step into a river twice.What does that imply?

It implies that our needs keep on changing as time passes by.Today we need something different from yesterday.

What we need today is not what we needed earlier.

Each day we need to ask our partners what their present needs or expectations are.

Once we know that we are better at providing the partner what he or she needs.

Unless we ask this on a regular basis we will be assuming the needs of our partners.Thereby we won’t receive the appreciation that we are looking for.

Moreover we won’t be satisfying our partners by providing that they don’t really need at this moment.

There are different ways to ask this question,like

what is it that you are expecting from me today?

Or what is it that you want me to do for you today?

What necessary things I need to do for you that will meet your needs today?

There is power in this approach.

Let me tell you briefly why asking this question matters,

First of all it gives your partner a sense of significance.

Second, it implies that you are genuinely interested in helping the partner.

Thirdly,it makes it easier for you to find out what can be done now that can improve the life of your partner without hurting him or her.

We are meant to satisfy the person we are interacting with. The more we make others happy the more our relationships get better.

But how can we make others happy unless we ask them what they need?

It’s also significant to note that here your attitude matters most. Words must correlate with genuine attitude.

Once we are getting used to asking this question we will find that we are better at providing what our partner is expecting from us.

It’s not through assumptions that we get success in life or relationships.

But through deliberate efforts and sincerity.
Best wishes,
©Titus Vargis

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