What’s more powerful than nuclear power on this planet?

You Won’t Believe What’s More Powerful Than Nuclear Weapons! When you think of power, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Majestic nuclear explosions and their terrifying force?

Indeed, nuclear weapons symbolize immense power, capable of altering the shape of wars and geopolitics.

However, there’s something else that surpasses these man-made giants in terms of real, transformative power.

It’s not hidden in silos or showcased in military parades. It exists in every day interactions, within the words we speak and the respect we share.

Join me as we explore these subtle yet potent forces that trump even the mightiest of arsenals.

Golden Words: The Unsuspected Strength of Timing and Truth

Words can build nations or tear them down. They can start wars or usher in decades of peace. They are, without doubt, powerful.

However, the power of words isn’t simply in what is said; it lies in when and how they are spoken. A well-timed apology can salvage a relationship, just as an untimely truth can sever it.

Think of historical speeches that have stirred nations toward better futures—Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” or Winston Churchill’s rousing wartime speeches.

In our everyday lives, the timely and sincere compliment you give a colleague, or the honest but gentle critique to a friend, holds immeasurable power. It’s about hitting the right note at the perfect moment.

Understanding the Value of Every Human Being

Every person, irrespective of their economic status, education, or background, inherently possesses value. We’re more than figures or statistics. Each of us—a combination of thoughts, emotions, and potential—is unique.

A society that recognizes and respects this inherent worth can transform in ways that transcend material gains.

Recognizing everyone’s contributions, from the cleaning crew to the CEO, strengthens communal bonds and enhances mutual respect.

Imagine a world where everyone truly understands and believes in the value of their fellow human; isn’t that a cornerstone of the most powerful societal structures?

Respect: The Most Authentic Form of Love

Respect is not just politeness. It’s the very expression of love that accepts and appreciates people for who they are. It recognizes their right to exist and voice their opinions freely.

Real respect involves listening—even when you disagree—and addressing each other’s concerns and boundaries.
This mutual respect fosters an environment where individuals feel safe and valued, not because of what they bring to the table, but simply because they are human.

It’s a powerful component of successful relationships at all levels—from personal friendships to international diplomacy.

The Divine Power of Standing Up for a failed person

There’s something almost sacred about the ability to stand up after a fall—be it personal, economic, or social.

Each time someone chooses to try again after a failure, it’s a powerful reaffirmation of human resilience and hope.
Consider a small business owner who, despite numerous setbacks, chooses to open their doors each morning; or someone battling illness, who puts on a brave face each day.

These acts of persistence are powerful not only in their personal spheres but resonate through communities, inspiring collective strength and courage.
Encouraging and supporting each other to stand up, to try just once more, is perhaps one of the strongest things we can do.


Next time you think about power, think beyond the physical and the visible. Real power—the kind that shapes futures and molds societies—is often less tangible.

It’s found in the words we choose, the respect we give, and our resilience in face of odds.

These forces are truly more powerful than any weapon. Let’s choose to wield them well, with wisdom and compassion, to create a world that thrives on mutual understanding and respect. What step will you take today to harness this authentic power?

Revealed: The 9 Most Powerful Way to Elevate Someone’s Self-Worth!

How do you deal with Loneliness?

Loneliness is the most cruel enemy by Titus Vargis.

I was sick last night. Everyone was asleep. I was shivering. I couldn’t manage with a little medicine.

I realized I needed to take someone’s help. I couldn’t handle the shivering. Still then I changed my mind. I didn’t wake up others. As they all were in deep sleep.

I am like that. I manage most of the time.
This time it was going out of control. I know it’s getting harder.

We all need someone by Titus Vargis.

That day I learnt the important lessons of life and relationships.
Quickly, I found a notebook and wrote this. Later the next day.

The main thing is this: What do we really really need, deep down? Especially in times of struggling and sickness.

What does it take to help someone else who is also traveling on this great journey of life?

Put in place of someone who is lonely, sick, tired, poor, fighting for survival, relationship battles, intense pain.

What will bring solace? Peace? Connection? Significance? Meaning?

One step at a time by Titus Vargis.

Let me share a few things,

1. Being there with the person.

2. Smiling and letting them know he is not alone.

3. Looking at him. Looking into his eyes closely.

4. Showing him that at this time he is the most important person on this planet earth.

5. Less words but more affection and sympathy.

6. Putting your legs in his shoes. Empathy.

7. Reading between the lines.

8. Holding his hands and making him feel special. Touching signifies value.

Touch him by Titus Vargis.

9. Spend at least 40 minutes with him. Just be there. Your presence is healing to him.

Is it too much?! No. You will be remembered forever. Try it.

Once you are in pain, struggling you will need someone else.

Meanwhile, why can’t you be a light to the ones who are in darkness.

Loneliness can be dealt with by Titus Vargis.

Who knows, you might be the only one who lights up his darkness. Is this silly?!
No!! 10000 times, no.

©Titus vargis.

Why is communication in a relationship important?

Why Is Communication In A Relationship Important? We are a social being. We need communication. Unless as a couple, we develop in the area of communication we will fail terribly. The most important thing in a relationship is to communicate with each other daily. We might be good in all other areas, but if we … Read more

The power of unconditional love and some examples of unconditional love quotes.

Giving up is easy but never give up
Unconditional love

Love has to be authentic.
Love needs to be unconditional.

To talk about it, it’s very easy. To find such love is really very rare.

It’s quite natural to have some misunderstandings between couples, but it will not break their affection no matter what happens.

To love or to be loved unconditionally is the most precious thing a person can give or can receive from someone.

Select some quotes from below that reflect your feelings and say I love you unconditionally and my love for you is unconditional.

“Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally.”

“If someone wants to be with you, nothing will stop them from doing so. Love doesn’t create excuses.”

“Love is not a temporary feeling or emotion. Emotions and feelings change, sometimes daily. But true unconditional love is everlasting.”

“Unconditional love is loving someone beyond their limits and yours.”

“It is hard to compete with unconditional love.”

“Unconditional love is when someone hurts you, but because you care about that person so much you choose not to hurt them in return.”

“When you start loving unconditionally, you stop judging people soon.”

Think about how your love is. First we need to give unconditional love then only we can expect it from others.

An open letter to the United Nations and an appeal on behalf of Ukraine.

sorry is not enough by Titus vargis


The United Nations and all countries,

With due respect I want to share some- thing very urgent. As you might know what’s happening in Ukraine.

So you say you are awesome and a peacemaker.

But what you have done speaks louder than your claims.

Look,Ukraine is destroyed and it will soon happen to exist no more.

Look,how you kept on looking at the war and amused yourself.

You thought that it’s not a big deal. You are useless,to speak frankly.

Hey,you could have saved thousands of precious cities and people including children.

Of course you are safe.

You are invincible as you often say.

But I think that’s much exaggeration!!

Hey, you are a coward hiding behind your peace talks and all gimmicks.

When will you awake?

How can we as a hu- man being ignore the war and its impact?

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long now.

Mankind is under attack.

What could the United States and other nations do to stop this war?

At Least for the sake of those pre- cious children and future generations something must be done.

Hey,think like a good human being.

Think not how you can be safe.

Let the peace prevail.

Let the peace prevail. Russia is wicked and it is getting dirtier as time goes by.

Let’s hope for the best,

A citizen of the free

No sorry is enough by Titus Vargis

How do you come out of that wrecked life of darkness?
Let me tell you the secret: just once is enough to begin with.

Coming out is really hard by Titus Vargis

Many times I felt as if I just can’t break the mess I am in.

I was vulnerable. I went through depression for so long.

That was real darkness. Even that word ‘darkness’ is still not enough.

What can one do if he or she is bound? May be by depression, fear or any relationship issues that are there for so long.

I used to read many books on how to get rid of my depression.

There were several factors that brought me out of that cage.

One of them is doctors and another is insights from people who went through depression.

One thing I learnt was in order to break free one needs to take the risk.

One needs to take that first step that seems so impossible.

Just take that step. Focus not on the complete journey of recovery. When we focus on just one thing it gets easy.

Focus on that first step you need to take in order to come out of your darkness.

Often we calculate about the whole journey and it looks so huge that we never take any action.

How did I come out of my depression? It took me one step at a time. The whole journey was thousands of those small steps.

When you take one step towards your recovery journey you feel you can take that next step and then the next step.

Many times we don’t take the journey of recovery because the journey itself feels overwhelming.

You can do it.
You can make it.
No matter how long you were in your darkness.
Still you can break that evil pattern.

It takes one step at a time.

Stop feeling vulnerable.

Unless you move towards that recovery road you will keep crying.

Do it.
Just do it.
I believe you.
You are awesome!

© Titus Vargis

Stop blaming everything in 2023 but make a brutal resolution about your life but how?

Life is an adventure but I don’t know how can I save my life?

love and marriage coach
Life is the real gold by Titus Vargis

Relevant information about getting the dream life you wish for:

1. Luck is non existent

2. Belief is the most crucial currency of a blessed life.

3. There are different perspectives about everything in life. Choose the best one.

4. Think about your biases. On which bias are you looking on?

5. We get angry when we are not at peace with our Past.

6. Asking forgiveness makes you divine.

7. It takes fear and love both to get moving in any relationship. Fear has it’s purpose.

8. No one can make you angry without your consent.

9. No one can make you happy without your permission.

©Titus Vargis,


How to love a man deeply? 16 ways to impact him for sure.

Never ignore the essential mechanism of your man.

Know deeply your man by Titus Vargis.

There are different love language of men. While women loves to hear ‘I love you’ it’s different for any man.

Let’s quickly find out 16 essential ways to love deeply your man,

1. Walk the talk

Men want to see you love him in your actions.

2. Never ignore him in front of people

3. The best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach

Ask him what he loves to eat and give him often.

4. Appreciate his efforts

Love your man by Titus Vargis

5. Look for things that he does so well.

6. Notice him when he excels.

7. Take his advice and guidance.

Before acting on any decisions,make sure to take his opinion.

8. Listen to him.

Listen with your eyes and ears.

9. Make him feel good about himself.M

Make him feel good by your loving words.

10. Show your love using his love language.

Use his love language rather than yours. This will make him feel loved.

11. Stand with him in disappointment.

12. Accept him for who he is.

Never try to compare him with anyone.

Let him be loved as he is. Let him know you love him as he is already.

The message of love by Titus Vargis.

13. Address your complaints respectfully.

Take time and relax. When you are calm and in a good mood discuss your concerns.

14. Ask him for major decision making.

Let him know you value his opinions.

15. Respect his boundaries.

16. Don’t question his silence and alone time.

Understand that it’s imperative for a man to take alone times in order to rethink and rewind himself.

Easier to love by knowledge by Titus Vargis

How to increase love in a relationship?

There are different ways to increase love in a relationship. some of them are as follows,

  1. Commitment

In any relationship,commitment is very important. one must be committed to the relationship.without commitment its impossible to move forward.

02. Transparency

this is also crucial.one must be transparent enough. without it no lasting relationship can take place.
sincerity this gives strength to the relationship.

03. Maturity

This is very important. One must be willing to act as a mature adult. this means willing to act as a grown up.

04. Forgiving

This is important. Forgiveness is the glue of relationship. This is the divine element of a relationship.

05. Communication

This enhances love in a relationship. This makes the relationships alive. Without this relationship is dead.

On 5 reasons why I like my relationship in spite of 100 reasons to quit!

There ain’t no heaven on earth frankly speaking.

On why I choose to not quit by Titus Vargis

Well the title itself says it all. We are all sum total of our imperfections and strengths. No one is from above.
We can do two things,either we can look at good things or imperfections in our lives and relationships.

Both views have an immense impact on the quality of our lives and relationships.

Either we will look to good things and focus only on it. Thereby lead a great life. The other option is looking for imperfections and getting doomed.

We actually have no real choice here on earth. We have to embrace the imperfections no matter what.

Well,the choice is up to you and me.
Let me share my five reasons on why I appreciate my relationship,

01. Life is short to keep on looking for perfect relationships. Really you and I can’t keep on moving from one relationship to another. Each of us have immense imperfections. It’s wise to stick to the one who shares your life values and loves you.

02. Loneliness is the most common sickness that leads to death. I don’t want to live alone and get lost in life. I choose to stay in my relationship.

03. We both have different strengths and we both meet the needs of each other. That’s why I stay in my relationship.

04. My relationship gives me a sense of significance. I stay in my relationship because it gives me a meaning in life.

05. I have seen many relationships getting broken around. I don’t want to lose my opportunities in life. I stay and know that life is an adventure filled with lots of happiness and surprises.

©Titus Vargis, PhD

7 things my relationship breakdown taught me that no coach can teach.

What Life teaches you no one can teach on this planet.

Life as an ultimate relationship coach by Titus Vargis

Over the course of my relationship I had to learn many things.

As with everything else, in order for a relationship to work better I had to relearn and unlearn many many essential things.

Unfortunately,my relationship breakdown brought me to the walls.

I had to change myself and my way of dealing. Some of the important lessons that I learnt are as follows,

01.No one can fulfill you apart from yourself. Fulfilled life happens when you make efforts on yourself. No one can do it for you.

02.You are responsible for your own wellbeing. Others cannot be responsible for your well-being. They can only support you to some extent.

Relationship by choice by Titus Vargis

03.Your partner can’t be your savior by any chance. It’s suicidal to exalt anyone to meet all your needs.
Don’t expect even gods to solve your personal chaos. You must get up and keep yourself straight.

04.Others are not obliged to clean up your mess. You need to act mature and take up the responsibility.

05.It’s not a relationship that brings blessings but your own attitude. Everything depends upon your perspective.

06.What you give will ultimately return to you. This law seems to apply to all things on this planet.

There are no shortcuts by Titus Vargis

07.There is no overnight birth of a beautiful life and relationship. Don’t expect to eat apples overnight when you have not waited for a good amount of time. Nothing happens overnight.

© Titus Vargis

Are you asking the Right question to others? Alert: This might forever change their destiny.

The power of a more sensible approach towards others even when you don’t want to help others.

The power to impact others by Titus Vargis

Read this story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium: https://titusvargis.medium.com/are-you-asking-the-right-questions-to-others-alert-doing-so-can-forever-change-their-destiny-b9a154ee1de7

10 things that kill your kid’s positivity and what can you do about it now?

Better parenting by Titus vargis.

Kids are no less than divine. You can kill their positivity unknowingly.

Kids are very fragile and we should know how to handle them.

What kids go through in their life affect their future very much.

Most of the times parents are not careful about how they deal with their kids.

What parents do with their kids have immense impact on their kids. 

Better parenting by Titus Vargis.

Let’s examine what are those things which kill kid’s positivity: 

     01. Constant criticism is the number one poison which kills positivity. Parents who constantly criticise over small things can destroy kid’s self esteem.

    02. Making kids a slave and making them do things forcefully. Kids are slaves when they are required to follow instructions over every things they need to do.This can seriously harm them in their long run.They lose all sense of self worth. 

    03. Abusing kids in behaviour or words.Kids are not stones.They are human beings too.What we as adult feel they feel too. When we abuse them they start abusing themselves. 

    04. Loving kids based on their performance. Kids are often praised or punished as their performance. Kids are not machines.what you think is not possible for them all the times.

    05. Cruel words by parents or family can seriously hamper their positive growth.parents who discipline using harsh and cruel words can discourage their kids.They even can give up and become suicidal. 

    Be an awesome parents by Titus Vargis.

    06. Stop Over pampering. Kids need to be learning uneasy things too.Giving them too much of pampering can make them less confident. 

    07. Violence in any form can literally kill the positivity of your kids.When kids face violence in their homes they can start rebelling. 

    08. Giving them what they ask quickly can hamper their perceptions about reality of life.Kids need to learn that not all things can be obtained as they want.This is life and parents need to teach them.

    09. Taking decisions on behalf of kids can have a negative impact. Let kids take the responsibility and make their own decisions. Ofcourse you can guide them.

    10. Not listening to kids can have a negative impact. They might feel worthless and think that their opinions and matters dont value much.

    Better parenting by Titus vargis.


    Now let’s see what parents can do to stop being negative to their kids: 

    A. Be careful how you deal with them.They need respect too just as much you do.

    B. Never use harsh words.

    C. Always praise for their small achievements.

    D. Love them more and criticise them less.

    E. Show your full support when they need it from you.Even when they are weak or failing.

    F. Let children know you are on their side.

    G. Stop correcting their behaviour all the time.

    They need freedom and space just as you do.

    Lets see that our kids remain strong as they grow with us.We need to  healthy and confident kids.That must be  the ultimate goal of any parents.

    ©Dr.Titus Verghese,


    Hey! We might me so good but still we can unknowingly stand with the criminals!

    The day we are silent is the day we are wrong in most cases.

    The underlying problem of US by Titus Vargis.

    “When We Keep Quiet” what really can go wrong?

    “When we choose to remain silent on the violence and injustice that is done to the vulnerable, we are indirectly supporting that crime.”

    How often we blame government, presidents,religion or society for the violence and cruelties.

    We blame everyone and we know what we are doing.
    We are 100% sure of our views.
    We seem like little gods on earth.We claim to know all the answers.

    But do we realise that part of the existing problems around us is us?
    Yes,you heard it right.

    We may not be violent,cruel,corrupt,greedy or a thief yet we can be committing serious crimes or promoting them.

    How? By remaining silent.Silent when women are mistreated, children are abused,corruption happening right in front of our eyes,human rights getting violated,cruelty happening all around us.
    Well,when we choose to remain silent we take sides with the person who is committing the crime.

    Lets be loud! Lets speak up! Lets stand up for the ones who cannot for themselves.

    I believe when we do our part,world will surely be a better place to live in.
    If you liked my post,please take time to let me know.
    Thank you for giving me your valuable time.

    ©Titus Vargis.

    Authentic Love and Relationship: How does it look like?

    There are few real signs to identify the authenticity of love and relationship.

    The signs of true Love by Titus Vargis.

    Love is the most misunderstood word on the planet.I think the most most commonly used word in the world would be LOVE. I strongly believe another set of words that are mostly used would be I, We, Us and Me.

    What is the conclusion I make from these?
    Word ‘Love’ is commonly used when we are not literally meaning it.

    We use it to mean that we like something, or someone based on our likes and biases.

    Not necessarily that others are in our hearts or we are deeply moved by the other.

    You see, we are the most selfish generation of the history of mankind.
    Look at the news or any groups or any so called unselfish people groups who are selflessly doing to mankind much favors.

    First of all, why is that these groups or people promote themselves when they are utterly selfless?! It’s a joke!

    Who in the world is selfless and selfish at the same time?! It’s absurd!

    Well, we live in a time such as this. For us LOVE is equal to SELF. Our motives are clear. We will use any opportunity to gain other’s attention and gains.

    We can even use the words such as LOVE or SELFLESS acts of kindness. While the reality is totally different.
    We fool others and we are deeply perfect in this.

    Our schools or colleges teach us and train us to be utterly selfish and put others down at any cost in the name of the so called SUCCESS.

    What is the conclusion regarding the love we see around. LOVE of ours is superficial and plastic. It fools others. It is used to gain something.

    It is utterly selfish and lacks genuineness. Why is it that we kill each other in the name of religion? Why the educated masses are easily swayed away by fanaticism?!

    Why we say we are civilized and at the same time we are totally corrupt and not willing to sacrifice for the sake of others?

    Love is kind, selfless, sacrifice, forgiving, bearing one another in weaknesses ,and laying down our own Demonic pride.

    Love and the ways to identify the authenticity of love by Titus Vargis.

    Let me share few significant characteristics of such authentic Love and Relationship,

    1.True love is coming out of self. It’s all about others and not us.

    2.It’s concerned more about not my bread or my money but about other’s hunger and sufferings.

    3.It’s about giving,giving and utterly giving.

    4.It’s about making a mark in the lives of those who cannot repay us back by any means.

    5.It’s about our forgiving when grace is not possible.

    6.It’s about showing mercy to the offender the tenth or eleventh time.

    7.It’s about not scoring but about getting unnoticed.

    8.It’s not about marketing or getting famous but making the lives of the other much more better than before.Its simple and profound.

    Let’s decode the thing called Love by Titus Vargis.

    ©Titus vargis,


    Everything has meaning and everyone is connected,no matter what

    The underlying causes of our disruptions which we often overlook

    The Matrix by Titus Vargis.

    everything has

    meaning. and a purpose

    we all are awesome!!

    connected and made to

    live connected.

    No matter what.

    a spouse,a child,

    father or mother

    even little ones.

    we were

    hardwired to live


    what happens to one

    spreads to another.

    might be pain or


    or disappointments

    ecstasy, enlightenment

    we are spreading


    that comes to us

    in the form of waves,

    you like it or not.

    we are not perfect

    but we are spreading

    everything that comes

    to us wether love,hatred, jealousy,guilt,


    and happiness.

    we do it always.

    As part of an ocean,

    each waves spreads

    to everyone we live with.

    The pain we feel

    is felt by everyone around,

    all other vice or virtue.

    we hurt and get hurt.

    we smile we are

    smiled upon.

    why don’t we realise sooner?

    loving my neighbour

    is loving myself.

    loving my partner

    is loving myself.

    loving my child

    is loving myself…..

    © Titus vargis.

    5 things I hate in my partner and everyone should avoid these in a Relationship.

    There can be no sorry for some issues in any relationship.

    There is no excuse my dear by Titus Vargis

    5 things I hate in my marriage, and these can happen in any relationship.

    Well,they must be avoided at any cost to save your relationship.

    01. When I don’t receive back what I give. I always try my best to give love,care, and forgiveness to my partner. Even respect when I feel I have been mistreated.

    02. When I don’t feel that my partner keeps the secrets about me. This frustrates me.

    03. When I find that in matters of money I cannot ask my partner about my needs.when I get answers like it’s my money,why didn’t you keep your money? This turns me off. I strongly believe that as a partner one should help each other in all ways possible.

    04. When I am not consulted regarding some major issues. It can be buying any stuffs or taking a big decision. As a partner one should always first ask one’s partner about their suggestions.

    05. When I am ridiculed in front of others and my partner too joins them. This hurts me the most.

    ©Titus Vargis,PhD

    7 relationship secrets that one must know to have a lasting Relationship.

    Well,most of the Relationship coach wont tell you this.

    The love that stands on the Rock by Titus Vargis.

    How can a Relationship coach help when one is in crisis and the partner is indifferent? 

    Relationships are not easy as it appears. It’s not like 2 plus 2 equals 4.

    It’s really complicated. Sometimes one partner is serious and the other one is just passing time.

    What can we do in such a situation? 

    There are very good people around who can help you. 

    But in order to get lasting solutions one must not forget these relationship principles,

    1. Relationship is a marathon. Its not a short race.One must understand this.
    2. Both the partners must be mature enough to make changes in themselves. No one is perfect here. 
    3. If one partner thinks that he or she is perfect then that relationship won’t last long. It’s so simple. 
    4. Relationships are not one night stands. It’s neither romance nor a joy ride. It’s much larger than that.
    5. We begin with love but we go forward with commitment and lots of sacrifice.
    6. Relationships are not for kids or immature people. It’s not for sex or time pass. 
    7. Relationships are not measured by looks or money but by transparency and sincerity. Looks can backfire.
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