Why Are Fathers Left Out? Scandalous Truth Exposed!

Stunning Facts About the Vanishing Fathers of Our Times!
Explore the often overlooked yet crucial role fathers play in shaping dynamic and resilient family structures with profound impacts.”

A Society Founded on Equality

In a society that boasts of its commitment to equality and fairness, we often echo the sentiment: “We treat everyone equally.”

This phrase fits well with our ethical beliefs and seems universally correct.

Yet, a deep dive during a chat with a close friend—my own mind—helped me uncover a subtle disparity.

As someone deeply connected to language and its narratives, I found myself pondering over the somewhat diminished acknowledgment of fathers’ roles.

An Inquiry Initiated by Reflection

Thoughtfulness is a constant ally of a writer. In the pursuit of dissecting various narratives and realities, an important question surfaced:

When championing equality, do we truly consider all its dimensions?

Are the roles of mothers and fathers equally perceived?

This inquiry reaches beyond simple theoretical equality and touches upon numerous instances, whether recognized or not, where fathers are the quiet heroes.

Critical Perception of Fathers

The depiction of fathers in common discourse often skews more towards criticism than recognition.

Could their reserved nature, emotional strength, or traditional role as providers cause us to overlook their gentle gestures?

Subtle Contributions:

Fathers quietly contribute in ways that go unnoticed—be it mending a broken toy or managing finances to ensure their family’s welfare.

Challenging Moments:

Visualize a father standing tensely outside a delivery room while his partner is in labor.

His silent concern and subsequent relief are deeply impactful.

Fathers’ Acts of Affection

We often hear stories about fathers who buy ice cream to celebrate their child’s small achievements or who adjust their schedules to attend a school event.

Such acts are frequent yet rarely praised.

Fathers, much like mothers, commit immense emotional and physical energies to their families.

Acknowledging these efforts is vital for cultivating a supportive family atmosphere.

The Underappreciated Contributor

Why is the affection shown by fathers less frequently discussed?

Might it be because societal standards view them as robust, unwavering figures who are presumed not to need commendation?

More Than Financial Providers:

A father’s role extends beyond economic support; it includes hugs, bedtime stories, and morning school runs.

Emotional Support:

Fathers offer emotional nurturing as deeply as mothers do, soothing tears, alleviating fears, and providing wise counsel.

Mutual Dependence in Parental Roles

No single parent can single-handedly shape a child’s future. Parenting is a mutual journey where both mother and father bring their distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Unique Contributions:

Each parent uniquely aids in nurturing well-rounded individuals.

This process is collaborative, not competitive.

Combined Parenting Efforts:

The harmony between a mother’s and a father’s parenting approaches often results in a richer experience for the child, merging discipline with enjoyment and offering varied perspectives on life’s hurdles.

In Praise of the Unseen Navigator

Often the primary navigator of the familial vessel, the father guides his family towards serene waters with his enduring dedication and love.

This critical support, although not always prominent, is essential.

Guiding the Family Vessel:

As a ship needs a strong engine to traverse seas, a family depends on a father’s strength and direction to navigate life.

A Call for Equal Recognition

Overlooking the substantial role of fathers is similar to ignoring half of a profound story.

Openly valuing fathers not only brings them joy and respect but also reinforces family ties, promotes happier children, and fosters a more affectionate, united home environment.

Let us honor both parents equally, recognizing each parent’s indispensable contribution to the family.

Let’s engage in discussions about fathers more frequently, not just on Father’s Day, but every day.

Discover the Jaw-Dropping Impact of Words with These 15 Lessons!

Feel the heartfelt power of words with these 15 jaw-dropping lessons. Explore the remarkable ways words shape our world and how you can harness this impact to succeed. Join us on a journey into compelling communication.

Your Words Are Very Powerful

Words have a unique ability to inspire, encourage, and uplift. When used wisely, words can create a positive ripple effect that impacts not only the speaker but everyone who hears them.

Consider This: There is Life and Death in Your Words

Words are not just sounds; they carry weight and power. Choosing your words carefully is akin to choosing your fate and the fate of those around you.

This is a Universal Principle

The power of words transcends cultures, religions, and geographies. Whether you’re conversing in English, Spanish, or Mandarin, the impact of your words remains significant.

Just a Small Spark Can Ignite a Whole Forest

Even the smallest compliment or word of encouragement can create a ripple effect, sparking positive changes that could be far-reaching. On the flip side, a hurtful comment can cause lasting damage.

When You Choose Life-Giving Words, You Will Produce a Harvest of Blessings

Words that promote love and positivity have the power to enrich your life immensely. Positive affirmations and words of kindness can bring abundance and joy into your life.

The Bible Tells Us the Power of Our Words: Life and Death Are in Our Tongues

From a biblical perspective, words have the divine ability to create and destroy. Proverbs 18:21 highlights this by stating that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” This ancient wisdom still rings true today.

Words That Are Life-Giving Bring Abundance in Your Life

Words of hope and encouragement aren’t just fluff; they create a sense of well-being and even contribute to your success. Positive words can uplift spirits, motivate action, and encourage perseverance.

Speak Hopeful Words Over Yourself

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, but speaking words of hope and encouragement to yourself can create a significant positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Fill Your Mind with Life-Giving Words

Surround yourself with positive influences—books, podcasts, and people that uplift and inspire you. When your mind is filled with life-giving words, you’re more likely to speak and act positively.

Whatever Comes Out of Your Mouth is the Result of Whatever is in Your Heart

Your words are a mirror of your inner state. A heart filled with love, peace, and kindness will naturally produce words that reflect those qualities.

Guard Your Heart and Mind

To ensure that your words have a positive impact, it’s crucial to protect your heart and mind from negative influences. Be mindful of what you let in.

Be Vigilant About What You Allow in Your Mind

Just like you wouldn’t allow junk into your body, avoid letting negative or toxic thoughts into your mind. Protect your mental space from negativity.

Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

A grateful heart naturally produces positive words. By focusing on the good in your life, you’re more likely to speak blessings and encouragement into the lives of others.

Speak Blessings Over Your Children

Children absorb the words spoken to them like sponges. By speaking blessings over them, you instill confidence, self-worth, and a positive outlook on life.

Speak Blessings Over Yourself

Self-talk is incredibly powerful. By speaking blessings over yourself, you actually program your mind for success, happiness, and well-being.

Renew Your Mind Daily by Reading the Word of God. Let It Clean Unwanted Thoughts

For those who follow biblical teachings, immersing yourself in scripture can help rid your mind of negative thoughts. This daily practice can guide you toward making better choices in your speech and actions.

Words have power. They can create, they can destroy, but they always leave an impact.

When we understand this, we can begin to harness the power of words to build, uplift, and create positive change in the world around us.

11 rules for starting the day like a king

You find cherry by going to the cherry.

Hey,my friend. Hope you are doing great.

Here I will be sharing a quick way to begin the new day like a king! These are followed by great men and women who have achieved greatness in different spheres of life.

What ways do great men have achieved their greatness? It’s their perspective on time and discipline. They didn’t complain about the lack of time. Rather they went headstrong with seizing the day!

1. Planning a day before for the day.

2. Doing things first what they love.

3. Leaving all other things for the later part of the day.

4. Having a plan for their life and thereby for each day.

5. They know the power of focus. They just never undertake tens of tasks at a time.

6. They save their energy by staying away from unnecessary tasks or people.

7. They start the day with a power breakfast.

8. They believe they are not ruled by luck or the universe.

9. They divide the whole tasks into little chunks so that they can plan better and achieve greatly.

10. They know what their vision is. They are moved by them.

11. They affirm themselves. They believe in self motivation.

These are but few of the rules great men have achieved greatness in their life. Life is hard and we can’t make excuses.

No one is stopping anyone from achieving great things in life. Why are you waiting?!

Yours well wisher.

Hey,why are you so loud? It’s disgusting.

No one is the center of the universe

Hey,you are so so loud. This is killing me.

I am not your kind of. I am not like you.

Remember this,your loudness is disgusting.

Don’t think otherwise. I don’t hate you. I love you.

I know you are so genuine.
My experience tells me that you are naturally loud.

But I can’t just accommodate you in that.
Sometimes I just want to say it out loud. But I am not that kind of person.
I know you need to be silent sometimes,but I don’t say it. I might hurt you.

Why do you think you have to be loud?

Can’t you be calm sometimes?!

It’s not good. Not everyone is like you.
You need to respect others.

You need to understand that often your loudness makes me frustrated.

I am a silent person. I like to talk in a way that looks like the opposite of loudness.

This doesn’t mean that I am not social.
In Fact I like to be around people like you.
Don’t be rude.
I hate being told you are not talking. I hate being told that I am silent. No I like to talk.
I love to talk beyond the surface. I like to talk about everything but you don’t want to.you only care about yourself.
I like to share my real issues, not only how you are etc.
Please respect my friend. Don’t be so rude.
Your perspective is as important as mine.
My issues are as important too. If you care to listen,I will talk.
If you keep on talking,I won’t respond.
We are meant to be different. When we truly care,we respect others. We listen to others.
I hope you understand.

“Why are you downcast, my soul? Hope in the Lord.”

My dear soul, Why are you worried? This is not the time to be cast down. I see you as an overcome. Why consider their point of view? It’s significant. Instead, hold fast to your faith. Why ignore all your achievements? You have come so far! Why not make a list of them? Keep focusing … Read more

The Ultimate No-No’s: 10 Ways Women Accidentally Kill the Romance

Ever wonder why the flame fades? Uncover the top 10 mistakes women unwittingly make that can extinguish romance. Transform your love life with these powerful insights.

Has the spark in your relationship fizzled out, leaving you wondering where things went wrong?
At the heart of a dwindling romance, understanding the ‘why’ can be more complex than it appears.
While both partners hold the paintbrush that colors the canvas of their relationship, certain patterns of behavior, specifically from women, have been known to push men away.

Before you jump to conclusions, it’s essential to remember that a relationship is a dance of two.

However, understanding these dynamics can offer fresh perspectives and avenues for growth.

Let’s unfold the seven mistakes every woman makes in a relationship that can push their man away.

1. Expecting Your Man to Be More Like Another Woman Just Like You

Remember, expecting your partner to mirror your emotions or ways of expression can set you both up for disappointment.
Men and women often differ in their communication styles and emotional processing.
Respecting and appreciating these differences instead of expecting mirroring can turn those differences into strengths within your relationship.

2.Keeping Social Friends Especially Men and Hiding Them From Him

Friendships outside the relationship are healthy and recommended.
However, being secretive or dishonest about them, especially friends of the opposite gender, can lead to trust issues.
Open communication and transparency about these friendships can foster trust and respect between you and your partner.

3.Keeping a Record of All the Wrongs and Playing Them Each Day

Holding onto past mistakes and bringing them up frequently can poison the present.
It’s vital to address issues and hurt as they happen and work together towards resolution.
Letting go and choosing forgiveness can set the stage for a healthier, happier relationship.

4.Playing Games as a Narcissist

Taking advantage of your partner’s feelings or manipulating situations for personal gain are signs of narcissistic tendencies.
These actions erode trust and respect, which are the foundations of a strong relationship.
Strive for a partnership where both feel valued and understood.

5.Keeping Relationships on a Threat

Threatening to leave or end the relationship during every argument creates an environment of insecurity and fear.
Effective communication and working through problems together build a more stable and secure relationship where both partners feel safe.

6.Not Giving Respect as a Human Being

Respect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship.
It involves acknowledging your partner’s feelings, thoughts, and needs.
Little acts of kindness and understanding can go a long way in nurturing love and respect.

7.Not Showing Gratefulness

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s going wrong and overlook the good in our partner.
Showing appreciation for the little things they do can make a world of difference.
Gratitude turns what we have into enough.

8.Ignoring Democratic Values and Absence of Responsibility

A relationship thrives on equal partnership and shared responsibilities.
Ignoring these values can make your partner feel undervalued and overburdened.
Sharing duties and decisions fosters a sense of teamwork and unity.

9. Letting Sickness Be an Excuse for Lack of Care

When your partner is sick, it’s an opportunity to show up and care for them.
Neglect during these times can feel like abandonment.
Providing care and understanding during illness strengthens bonds and deepens love.

10.Making Undue Fun of Him in Public

Public embarrassment can be deeply hurtful.
Jokes at your partner’s expense, especially in public, can damage their self-esteem and your relationship.

Celebrating your partner’s qualities in public, instead, builds them up.


In navigating the complexities of relationships, understanding and empathy go a long way.

Recognizing our own actions and their impacts can pave the way for stronger, more loving connections.

Remember, it’s not about playing the blame game but about finding a middle ground where love and respect flourish.

So, let’s strive to be better partners, appreciating the uniqueness each brings to the table, and nurturing the love that binds us together.
Yours friend,
© Titus vargis

Finally! An Open Letter That Offers a Real Solution to Loneliness!

No one to lean on by Titus vargis

Dear Reader,

I have something important to share with you – a personal struggle that many may relate to. This isn’t your average social media post; it’s raw and emotional. I want you to understand that despite appearances, my life isn’t perfect. I may write inspirational posts and showcase a seemingly ideal existence, but behind the scenes, I battle with my own demons. Loneliness is my constant companion, despite having a loving family and engaging in community service. The lack of empathy from those closest to me leaves me feeling isolated. I do my best to help others, but often feel used and discarded in return. This constant cycle of selfishness is disheartening.

## The Unseen Battle

My open life by Titus vargis

I am not the life of the party; I prefer solitude. My quiet demeanor shouldn’t be mistaken for misanthropy – I simply find solace in my own company. It’s disconcerting that society often favors extroverts over introverts like myself. I gravitate towards individuals who exhibit empathy and open-mindedness, as self-absorption is a trait that I struggle to tolerate. Finding balance in a world that values social prowess can be challenging, causing me to question my self-worth. My perfectionist tendencies only exacerbate my internal conflicts.

In my darker moments, when the world feels overwhelming, I retreat into my fortress of solitude. It’s there, in the silence, that I confront the heart of my loneliness. It’s not the absence of people that haunts me but the absence of meaningful connections. Despite being surrounded by a crowd, the void within grows, feeding on fleeting interactions and superficial exchanges.

My chaos by Titus vargis.

## Finding Respite

To combat my feelings of isolation, I engage in various therapeutic activities. Music has a profound effect on my well-being, providing a sense of solace when words fail me. Journaling serves as an outlet for my unfiltered thoughts, allowing me to untangle the complexities of my emotions. Immersing myself in nature, reading books, and practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation also offer respite from the chaos of everyday life.

These actions are my lifelines, pulling me back from the edge of despair. They allow me to breathe, to find peace in the storm. But they are not cure-alls. My journey towards healing is ongoing, marked by small victories and inevitable setbacks.

## A Shared Struggle

If my words resonate with you, know that you are not alone in your struggles. There are countless individuals grappling with similar challenges, searching for a path towards healing. By sharing my story, I hope to offer solace to those who feel lost in their own battles. Let me know how my open letter has touched you, as your feedback is invaluable in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

No more by Titus vargis.

Remember, strength lies in resilience. Do not allow yourself to remain stagnant in despair. Seek out genuine connections and surround yourself with like-minded souls who uplift and support you. Together, we can navigate the treacherous terrain of loneliness and emerge stronger on the other side.

With resilience and hope,
Titus Vargis

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

Divorce is a complex and multifaceted issue that touches the lives of many.

While external factors often contribute to the dissolution of marriage, there’s a deeper, more introspective cause that goes largely unspoken.

This article delves into the internal battles we face — the wars within that shape our relationships far more than we might realize.

The Silent Battles We Fight

Every individual carries within them a series of internal conflicts stemming from past experiences, unresolved issues, and personal perceptions.

These silent battles can deeply influence how we interact with our partners, often in ways we don’t fully comprehend.

– Personal unresolved issues affect our reactions and behaviors towards our partners, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
– Our perceptions and attitudes, shaped by past experiences, can create a predisposition to doubt, hurt, and unfairly treat our significant others.

Our Responses to Internal Conflicts

Our manner of dealing with these internal battles plays a significant role in the health of our relationships. Unfortunately, more often than not, our reactions are not conducive to harmony and understanding.

Quick to Annoyance:

Minor irritations escalate into significant arguments as our tolerance levels are diminished by our inner turmoil.


Emotional baggage leads to disproportionate responses to relatively minor issues.

Increased Conflict:

The frequency and intensity of arguments are amplified by unresolved internal issues.

Unfair Blame:

A tendency to place responsibility on our partner for our feelings and reactions, ignoring the influence of our internal struggles.

The Impact on Relationships

The cumulative effect of these responses to our internal conflicts can be devastating on relationships, eroding trust, communication, and mutual respect — the very foundations upon which partnerships are built.


A failure to recognize and address our inner wars leads to repeated misinterpretations of each other’s actions and intentions.

Chronic Hurt:

The cycle of hurt-begetting-hurt, driven by unhealed wounds, poisons intimacy.


Past injustices we’ve suffered bleed into current interactions, fostering an environment of unfairness and imbalance.

The Path to Healing

Recognizing the pervasive impact of our inner conflicts on our relationships is the first step towards healing.

Addressing these issues requires a commitment to self-reflection, self-improvement, and, oftentimes, professional help.


Acknowledge the existence of these inner battles and their influence on your relationship dynamics.

Seek Professional Help:

A therapist or counselor can offer valuable insights and tools for navigating and resolving these internal conflicts.

Commit to Healing:

True relationship success is predicated on individual healing. Prioritize resolving your inner conflicts as part of your commitment to your relationship.

Until we heal the wounds within, we cannot fully trust, love, or engage authentically in our relationships. The journey towards healing is not just a personal triumph but a gift to our partnerships.”


Divorces often occur not because of one or two isolated incidents but as a result of a prolonged neglect of our internal struggles.

The wars we wage within can devastate our relationships if left unchecked. It’s crucial for each individual to embark on a journey of self-reflection and healing to foster healthier, more fulfilling partnerships.

Recognizing and addressing our inner conflicts is not an admission of weakness but a brave step towards stronger, more resilient relationships.

©Titus Vargis

7 Shocking Confessions from Men in Therapy: Number 4 Will Astonish You!

Authentic love requires total understanding

Loving totally by tv.

Do you know what man feels when a woman does inappropriate things in a relationship?

Let me share a few of the things that I hate in my relationship?

1. Using hurtful words to express intense emotions is hurtful. I can’t stand hearing words that feel like a knife, especially when they come from my spouse. It’s frustrating to hear such mean language from someone I love.

2. Expressing feelings at the wrong times is also a challenge. While I appreciate my spouse’s openness, there are times when it’s important to choose the right moment for sharing those emotions. It’s hard when she just blurts them out without consideration.

3. Bringing up past issues that have been resolved is another source of pain for me. I dislike it when my partner revisits old problems that we have already addressed and moved on from. It’s unsettling to have them constantly rehashed when I thought we had put them to rest.

4. A lack of respect in behavior is particularly hurtful. When my partner uses words that show a lack of regard for me, it’s hard to feel appreciated. I’m bothered when she treats me disrespectfully and fails to acknowledge my feelings.

5. Disregarding my efforts and failing to appreciate my contributions is also difficult to handle. It’s disheartening when she seems to downplay the things I do for her, making me question the value of my actions. I wish she would show more gratitude and recognition for my efforts.

6. Constant criticism is draining and demoralizing. Having someone constantly point out my flaws and shortcomings takes a toll on my morale. It’s hard to stay positive when faced with a never-ending stream of criticism from my partner.

7. Relying heavily on emotions creates uncertainty. Dealing with someone whose moods fluctuate wildly can be unsettling. It’s challenging to predict how she’ll react in different situations when her feelings and behavior seem to change so rapidly. It leaves me feeling uneasy and unsure.

Inside the man’s heart by tv.


Understanding how male and female communicate?

Unpacking How Guys and Gals Talk Differently Getting to the Core of Gender-specific Chatting A. Understanding the Idea Interactions between people are held together by communication, deeply woven into who we are, including the gender we identify with. Gender communication looks at the unique ways guys and gals express themselves, decode messages, and interact within … Read more

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