If you really want a happy and successful children, psychology says start doing these 3 things every day

Discover what the specialists aren’t telling you about child development, through a deep dive into innovative, powerful insights that can transform your perspective about parenting.


Sometimes, despite longing for genuine relationships and connections, we find ourselves in seclusion, not out of dislike for others but perhaps due to the nuances of our own personalities.

Surprisingly, many of these traits take root in our early childhood but are rarely addressed in educational settings, which predominantly focus on academic and athletic achievements.

So, why don’t we teach children about personalities?

Let’s explore this often overlooked but crucial aspect of our education system.

Understanding Personalities from Childhood

Personal Struggles with Personality Awareness

Right from childhood, we often categorize our experiences as ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal,’ which heavily influences our self-esteem and social interactions.

Take, for instance, my own journey. At the tender age of seven, I found solace in writing—a passion that even led to my story being published in a newspaper.

However, despite this early success, I often felt isolated at school, misunderstood and alone even in crowded rooms.

The Quest for Answers in Books

As I grew, the struggle did not ease. My academic life was average, and socially, I was on the backfoot, having very few friends.

This isolation became a painful norm, and no amount of books or stories could teach me how to navigate the complexities of my temperament.

It became increasingly clear that despite a wealth of information, there was a distinct lack of guidance on understanding and accepting diverse personality types.

The Silence in Our Education System

Throughout my schooling, not once was the topic of personality differences formally introduced or discussed.

This silence in the curriculum on such a vital aspect of human interaction left me and many others considering ourselves as outliers, thus exacerbating feelings of loneliness and despair.

The Impact of Awareness about Personalities

Realization in Adulthood

It was not until adulthood that I realized being different in social preferences or interactions wasn’t an abnormality.

This epiphany was liberating yet tinged with regret—a regret stemming from the wish that I had understood these nuances much earlier in life.

Influence on Social Skills and Relationships

Had there been formal education about different types of personalities, perhaps the fear of social gatherings and the resulting anxiety could have been mitigated.

Understanding that the spectrum of normalcy is broad and inclusive could potentially have spared me and countless others from years of self-doubt and unwarranted self-criticism.

Why Teaching About Personalities in Schools is Crucial

Educational institutions are the best platforms to introduce concepts of personality differences, as they are places where children first learn to socialize and form their understanding of ‘self’ and ‘others.’

Schools have the unique opportunity to cultivate an environment of acceptance and understanding from an early age.

Benefits of Teaching Personalities

Fostering Empathy:

By understanding that each individual reacts and interacts differently, children can cultivate empathy, seeing their peers through a lens of understanding rather than judgment.

Reducing Bullying:

Awareness and acceptance of different personalities can help reduce instances of bullying, as students learn that being different is not only normal but valuable.

Enhanced Self-esteem:

When children recognize that their unique traits are normal and appreciated, it fostere a healthy self-image.

Implementation Strategies

Introducing modules on personality types, integrating interactive sessions where children can explore different personalities, and encouraging discussions around feelings and behaviors can greatly enhance this learning.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Just as we diversify education with various subjects to broaden knowledge, so too should we broaden our understanding of human personalities to enrich our interactions and personal growth.

It’s high time schools worldwide adopt personality education into their curricula to nurture more rounded, empathetic, and socially adept individuals.

Let’s not wait any longer to make this crucial change in our educational approach.

3 Personal Secrets to Overcoming Fear

It can revolutionize your paradigm.

Life often throws us unannounced challenges, thrusting us into the whirls of fear and anxiety.

About a decade ago, I found myself grappling with these very monsters.

The journey I embarked on and the truths I unearthed during this phase helped me escape the shackles I had imagined around me.

Here’s how I responded to the loneliness and stress and eventually found my feet.

My experience my findings

My Answer to the Loneliness and Stress

I had always felt fear nibbling at my edges, subtly yet constantly. I tried several remedies—meditation, seeking therapy, and even medication. Despite these efforts, relief felt like a distant dream. Reading was my escape; the more I read, the more I searched for a key to rid myself of this paralyzing fear.

The Turning Point

It was during an unexpected journey into the wilderness that a profound realization dawned upon me. There, amidst the uncaged wild, surrounded by different species of powerful yet restrained animals, a striking thought hit me: Was I also caged?

This thought was pivotal. I looked at these majestic beings, confined and powerless solely because of their cages. The parallel to my own life was uncanny—I was restrained not by a physical cage, but by the invisible bars I had allowed fear to erect around me.

Three Insights from My Wild Encounter

Reflecting on this experience, I gleaned three main insights which have significantly helped me overcome my fears:

1. You Are What You Choose and That’s Who You Become

The idea that we fabricate our own psychological limitations became glaringly clear. By choosing to believe that I wasn’t confined, I began to reshape my identity. Freedom became a choice, not a condition.

2. Believe That You Are in Control and Behave as If It’s True

The power of belief is immense. By consciously choosing to believe that I was in command of my fears, and not the other way around, my actions began to align with this belief. This shift in mindset was transformative and catalyzed my personal growth.

3. Destiny Is Being Smart: Using Your Mind, Brain, and Heart

Realizing that destiny isn’t a predefined path but a creation of smart choices involving thoughtful decisions, emotional intelligence, and mental resilience, opened new roads to my reformation. It’s about harmonizing the mind’s logic with the heart’s wisdom to craft the life you desire.

Let Me Hear From You

This journey was mine, but the insights are universal. Have you experienced similar moments of epiphany? How have you tackled the fears holding you back? I’d love to hear your stories and strategies.

Love You All

Every step forward in overcoming our fears strengthens not only us but also inspires those around us. Let’s continue to support each other in our journeys towards personal liberation from fear.


Why I Said Goodbye to Parties: What Really Happened!

Get an exclusive peek into what really happened behind my party-going scenes—why I decided it’s no longer for me. Understand the profound impact.


Have you ever returned from a bustling party feeling drained, questioning why you went in the first place? If so, you’re not alone. 

Over time, I’ve realized that skipping parties doesn’t make me a hermit; it just aligns with my temperament and personal growth. 

Here are six heartfelt reasons that reshaped my social habits and why this might be more normal than you think.

My Temperament Is Not Out of This World

We all have unique personalities, and mine just doesn’t sync with the party scene.

 I’ve always felt a bit out of place amid loud music and superficial small talk. 

After consulting numerous books on psychology, it dawned on me—my introverted nature isn’t bizarre; it’s just me.

Understanding Myself

Self-awareness has been key. Recognizing that my need for quiet and meaningful conversation over noisy gatherings is okay has been liberating. 

Many people share this temperament, and embracing it has led to a happier, more authentic life.

The Ever-Changing Demands of People

Parties often serve as a showcase for shifting social expectations. 

One day, it’s about who has the trendiest outfits; the next, it’s about who’s got the most interesting stories. Keeping up can be exhausting.

The Social Merry-Go-Round

I noticed that I was molding myself to fit in, which felt disingenuous. When I stopped attending parties,

 I stopped feeling the pressure to perpetually update my wardrobe or persona, which was incredibly freeing.

I Am an Okay Person and You

The realization that you’re “enough” is powerful. 

Despite opting out of parties, I stand firm in my belief that I’m just fine the way I am. 

There’s no need to seek validation in noisy, crowded environments.


Embracing my quirks and quiet nature has not only boosted my confidence but also deepened my relationships with others who appreciate the real me.

 This affirmation is something party environments rarely fostered.

It’s from Birth

The inclination to seek solitude isn’t a personal flaw but a trait—hardwired from birth.

 As studies suggest, our genetics heavily influence our personalities, including our social preferences.

The Biological Blueprint

Understanding the genetic component has helped me accept that my party-going friends and I are simply wired differently. 

This realization encourages respect for all temperaments, including my own.

Now I Value Peace, Truth, and Dependability

Frequent partying often contradicts my core values.

 I crave environments where peace reigns, truth prevails, and commitments are honored—qualities seldom found in typical party settings.

Aligning Values with Lifestyle

Choosing activities that reflect my values, like quiet gatherings or deep-dive book clubs, has proven far more fulfilling. 

This alignment supports my mental health and overall life satisfaction.

Vast Opportunities Elsewhere

Life offers numerous paths, and parties are just one option.

 I’ve discovered abundant opportunities that align better with my personality—opportunities to engage deeply, contribute meaningfully, and grow personally.

Exploring Alternative Social Settings

Volunteering, joining hobby-based clubs, and attending seminars are venues where I thrive.

 These settings allow for connections that are more in tune with my pace and style.

Confidence in My Normalcy

Extensive reading in science and psychology underscores that desiring alone time—or preferring small groups—is perfectly normal. 

It’s reassuring to know that my social preferences are just another aspect of human diversity.

Embracing My Social Needs

Acknowledging and acting upon my need for more intimate, less stimulating environments has been validating. 

I’m not alone, and neither are you.


If you often find yourself dreading the next social gathering, remember that it’s okay to step back and find environments that better suit your temperament.

 Parties are just one way to socialize, and they’re not for everyone. Embrace what truly resonates with your personality and values.

 Here’s to finding joy in what truly matters to us! ©tv2024

About myself

Introduction Hello! I’m Titus, and I’m thrilled to have you here. Let’s dive into a bit about me – my passions, my journey, and the essence of what makes me tick. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, and let’s get to know each other better. Early Love for Books Since a very young age, … Read more

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