My experiments with depression and my conclusions: People have stupid reaction towards depression.

What’s more disturb- ing than depression is people’s attitude towards it.

My experiments by Titus Vargis

Over the years I had been through many ups and downs.

One of the most horrific experience was my struggle with depression.

The thing that hurt me most was people’s utter stupid attitude towards me.

It was as if my life was in jeopardy.

My story has a strong message for those in our society.

Unless we treat this stupid- ity patients with mental illness and issues will not recover fast.

My own first hand experience has taught me what books could never teach me about depression.

Let me briefly share few of the utter stupid attitude of people towards me while I was in depression,

1. That I am abnormal.

2. That I am faking it.

3. I am Lazy.

4. That I am stupid.

5. That I am beyond hope.

6. That I am not worthy of respect.

7. That I am the only per- son on earth to behave like this.

8. That by willpower & efforts I can overcome it.

9. That this is not a big deal. I am the cause of this.

10. That this is not a sickness that needs treatment but a state of mind.

My story by Titus Vargis.

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