Embark upon the robust vigor of fearless existences and the merriment of your true, genuine self. Drop the show and start to, like, live honestly.

Presently in our communities, we seemingly recognize people who tend to be way more aggressive as being you know, intelligent or popular.
We are mostly residing in, like, what you might call an extroverted social structure.
Generally, we tend to gravitate toward folks who are bold and expressive. Those who don’t express their desires quite so much? Not our jam.
The ramifications of choosing non-aggression over aggression, well, they’re deeply profound. Such folks often get passed over for the spotlight, sadly making them even less popular.

For your consideration, I shall discuss a few reasons why, see, I don’t give a hoot about popularity anymore,
1. Those who are deemed less popular based on, I don’t know, people’s subjective views are not unintelligent by any means.
In actuality, they quite possibly are the most intellectually adept artists within our neighborhoods.
2. Seeking validation or worth from others, well, that’s a sign of unhealthy vulnerability.
Unless you have a certain level of fortitude, you will solicit the opinions of others regarding your self-image.
3. Perfection? There’s no single soul in this world who embodies it. Indeed, we all come with our own unique set of strengths and shortcomings!
4. Attention seekers, as we like to tag them, often chase validation from others – a fundamentally flawed approach to forming a genuine identity.
5. I desisted from attempts to overly influence folks when I realized that people keep raising their bar of significance.
You ain’t gonna meet their whimsical success criteria. What needs to be done is set personal benchmarks for achievement.
6. Back in the days, unknown to the wisdom of pages, I used to give a lot of weight to people’s thoughts.
But, it soon dawned that impressing folks is a tall order. They are, like, you know, haughty.
They think that they are the only capable ones! This is not a right approach at all you know, to create impact or gain prominence!
7. I found through my tryst with psychology literature, that we are all born with unique temperaments.
None of us is complete in ourselves.. We all house a spark of brilliance within us, but its realms differ from one person to the other.
Each must identify their strength and play their life accordingly. It seems absurd, like trying to impress anyone!
8. Once you attain confidence in your special abilities; success in your area of expertise is given!
At this stage, you will naturally draw people to yourself–chasing people for acceptance? Now that’s so yesterday!”

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