“Discover jaw-dropping reasons to adore life in each moment. This guide empowers you to energize your existence with love and excitement.”

It’s my family,my friends,my insecurity,my lack of confidence,my neighbor,my local government – everyone is damn dirty. Except me?
No. I know I am not qualified indeed to live,to face people who are weird,my challenges I meet each day.
So I don’t want to live! Yes you heard it right.
Why did I have to be born? I often ask myself. Of Course you don’t ask this to your parents.
Why didn’t I die on the day I was born?
What’s the point of all networks, education, marriage or children? What does it benefit? You are still vulnerable.you never get away with wickedness rampant.
I hate hypocrisy.I see it everywhere. In my family,my friends,my church.
Don’t we see people who act as saints but are real jokers inside. Wicked inside. What is the point of living among such a crowd?

What’s the point in earning hard with sweat and blood only to see later your money is of no use.
People use you and throw you away. As a lemon squeezed and thrown away.
Don’t we see it in our own lives?
This frustrates me. I hate seeing this again and again.
Even the so-called religion and the church people,are they any different!?
No. They deceive you.They frustrate you quite often.

Our lives are meaningless.
It’s not rational at all.
This was my view up to now.
I didn’t realize until recently a different truth.
One sentence from a good book. It was transforming. It liberated me.
I changed my perspective on living.
What was that?!

Life is not rational so don’t rationalize. Life is hard but good things do come out of hard things.
Planting a tree is hard.
Watering it for many many days is damn hard.
It consumes time. It consumes our patience.
It is doing again and again and again but with no results.
Yet we find life happens this way.
One day the tree comes up. Fruits come. You enjoy the fruits. You realize it was worth it.

Now you smile.
You receive the prize for all your hard work! At last.
Life is not magic. It takes our efforts. It takes time. You get results.
You sow the seeds,you water them again and again. You keep your patience.you look for the day when it will blossom and give you fruits.
You look at that day. You keep on trusting.
You even deny your own feelings of meaningless efforts.
This is the right way.
This is life’s way.
This is the way to gain anything in life.
The other way is futile.
I discussed that in the beginning.
Let’s have the adventure of life.
Let’s keep going.
Let’s keep on believing.
Let’s live, not die.

© Titus vargis
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