You don’t have to be a victim anymore,take control of your life now.

You are not the victim anymore by Titus Vargis.

The fault in our relationship by Titus Vargis
There is a huge rise in abusive females in our world.
It’s not reported by most men out of shame.
Our Society likes to think it’s the female who’s always the weak,so the equation goes like this:
Abusive relationships = men at fault.
The reason behind this equation is that men are stronger than women.
This is the most fallacious misconception. It’s not the truth.
In Fact this is the real culprit. The real cause of marital breakdown.
In any case of reporting to the police,there is bias at work in the system.The police just ignore men and never listen to what men want to say.
Most of the time it won’t be accepted by society that any woman can abuse a man.
This is gross inhuman practice that’s prevalent in many so called developed countries.
Let me put in following points in order to explore these personality:
1) Consider the ads and movies, where it’s common to see women belittling men, even many men are projected there as stupid, foolish.
2) Society, especially narcissistic ones, are training girls and women to abuse men in their lives be it indirectly. The so-called feminist movements add fuel to it.
3) Society as a whole is narrating a different mode of conduct with regards to men.
It’s brainwashing to the point of hating men no matter what.
4) Narcissistic women teach others to refuse to respect any boundaries set by society and men.

There must be a way by Titus Vargis
5) Narcissists play the victim card.
Of course they cry,scream and create drama. They know very well how to influence people a lot so that they will believe in their account.
6) Narcissistic women can’t take any form of constructive feedback.
7) Narcissists lack empathy.
They have no feelings for men! They love a little and hate you at the same time.
8) Narcissists withhold sex to punish men.
9) Narcissists are materialistic.
They will say things like,
you take me out, you give me what I want when I want it.
10.Narcissistic values men based on his financial capabilities.

The blackmail by Titus Vargis
1.Don’t take the bait.
They are irrational, far from reality. Whatever comes from them is not rational.
Completely ignore them. when they want you to react,just leave the room.
2. When they start to play with your feelings just tell them,
“You are right with your emotions just as I am.”
3.They struggle with their internal chaos and their life shows just the same.
Don’t allow them to dictate your life. Take control of your life.
© Titus Vargis
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