My confession and lessons

My father was an active member of the church. He was enthusiastic.
I watched him doing his best. He thought it was a duty to serve and he did out of compassion.
He was a full-time teacher. He used to teach in a college. There too he was excited to share about Jesus.
He did his job faithfully. He had a sense that God is interested in our whole being. There is no dichotomy. You are everywhere the same. Either in the job or in the church.
To cut everything short, he was a sincere father, husband, and a faithful disciple.
We never saw him enjoying life as he was constantly on the move.

If he is not in the job he will be doing service. He never spent a holiday at home or other entertainment.
He was sick in the later years of his life. He was getting very weak.
He couldn’t move or drive by himself. He had to take medicine. He had severe kidney disease.
We had no money to treat. We children were still in our schools.
It was getting harder for my father to go to work. He was on medicines. He showed little strength to do both job and service.
Later he resigned from the job. His condition deteriorated.
The main thing I want to share is this, when my father became sick no one including his brother bothered to help him.
We were expecting his family would come and help.
Even though all throughout his life he served the church yet the church didn’t look after our father.
You might say, well, what can the church do? I say everything!
We didn’t have anyone to support us. No one was there to guide us. He was lonely. He was exhausted. He too was surprised that no one from his own family had come.
Here lies my question. What is the responsibility of a church? Is it wrong to expect some help from the church?
Is it right to give up on someone who all throughout his life served for the church?
I was still in school. Later my father passed away due to the situation getting serious.
We were orphans by then . Still then the church didn’t come and had sympathy towards us.
My mother was devastated. She had great hopes that believers would stand with her.
We were wrong. Our hopes were wrong. Nothing happened. No one cared.
This affected me and my family so much.
Christ who had died on the Cross didn’t die for some but for all. Why does the church who speaks about love very often don’t show love to someone like us?
If you profess to be the ambassadors of Christ, the Saviour, then what about love?!
Unless you show love then what’s the point of your message of love?
I was deeply hurt after my father’s death. I became depressed. I started taking medicines.
My mother took a small job to bear our expenses.
To this day, I don’t understand how you can claim to be the disciples if you never show compassion?!

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