Have you been belittling yourself?

Find out is it useful to belittling yourself.

It’s normal to question ourselves sometimes.

It’s bad to constantly belittling yourself.

Instead make a resolution that you won’t repeat that action again.

Note down what went well and what went wrong.

You can’t succeed unless you encourage yourself. Find your purpose and be strong.

Being strong is very important. Get to know your weaknesses but never put down yourself.

Fight for your dreams.

5 Shocking Ways to Turn Your Pain into Power – Number 3 Will Leave You Speechless!

The Controversial Self-Help Technique That’s Taking the Internet by Storm

Discover the controversial self-help technique that’s revolutionizing personal growth. Learn why it’s causing a stir, how it works, and whether it’s right for you. Unlock your potential with this game-changing approach.

Silencing the Inner Critic

Let’s be honest, we’re often our own worst critics. I’ve found that no one is harder on me than myself. Do you feel the same way? When pain and fears creep in, that inner voice can become overwhelmingly negative. But here’s the thing – we don’t have to listen to it.

Breaking the Critical Thinking Loop

Stopping that cycle of negative thoughts isn’t easy, but it’s so important. Here are some ways I try to quiet my inner critic:

* Listen to music
* Read a good book
* Call a friend
* Do some laundry
* Tidy up my room

Sometimes, I even reach out to friends for guidance. It’s amazing how a different perspective can help shift our thinking.

Finding Strength in Faith

When things get really tough, I turn to prayer. There’s something powerful about connecting with God and asking for strength to face my challenging thoughts. Often, I find answers come quickly, but I always make sure to look for additional signs to confirm what I’m feeling.

Expressing Emotions

Depression can be a heavyweight, but I’ve found some ways to lighten the load:

* Journaling: Writing down my thoughts helps me process them
* Poetry: Sometimes my feelings come out best in verse
* Watching uplifting movies: A good story can be a great distraction

The key is to find ways to express those bare, open thoughts. It’s like cleaning out a cluttered drawer – once everything’s out in the open, it’s easier to sort through and make sense of it all.

Regaining Perspective

When we’re caught up in our fears and pain, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Here’s how I try to regain my perspective:

* Distract myself: Doing something else can work wonders
* Make a plan for tomorrow: Giving my mind a task helps redirect negative thoughts
* Shut out the ‘barking dogs’: I imagine my fears as noisy dogs and practice not opening the door to let them in

Moving Forward

Remember, it’s crucial to do something – anything – to stop those negative thoughts from taking over. By distracting yourself and refocusing your mind, you can make a real difference in your mood and performance.

> The most important step is the first one – choosing to act rather than letting your fears control you.

So next time you’re facing pain or fear, try some of these strategies. You might be surprised at how much power you have to change your outlook and face your challenges head-on.

Light and dark

Hey preacher,I see your darkness

Light & darkness

Where would
rather be ?

Tell me
are you
a light-killer?

you who
fellow brothers
under no

We have had
already enough!
killed daily
Israel or Gaza
Palestine or
stop this.

Why did
you killed

who preach
where is
Do you
© Titus vargis

Lessons of life about narcissism and ways to overcome it.

1. Life is good but not some people. We experience that not all that glitters is gold. We don’t get what we got earlier. Why? because not all are normal humans but with handicapped personalities.

2. Life is fair but not everyone. There are no rules for everyone. Might is bigger than humility or good moral lessons. It’s the biggest lie we keep on teaching. Don’t remain as if God would tear heavens and save you from these pits.

3. Don’t try to keep silent when you are mistreated. Unless you speak who will? Take this unwritten guide. Stand for your rights. Safeguard your freedom as if you are important.

4. Narcissism is a terrific poison. No one speaks and you just wait for mighty men to rescue you. Learn to respect but not at the cost of your respect. No one cares about you.

5. I think a narcissistic person is much more criminal than any murderer. It’s a living hell. It’s much more than cruel behavior but terrorism of emotional nature.Finding ways to protect yourself is not a selfish thing. It’s basic to safeguard your existence.

6.You have to find your own life goals and bring magic to your life. No one else will. There are no saviours but only your responsibility.

Discover the Jaw-Dropping Impact of Words with These 15 Lessons!

Feel the heartfelt power of words with these 15 jaw-dropping lessons. Explore the remarkable ways words shape our world and how you can harness this impact to succeed. Join us on a journey into compelling communication.

Your Words Are Very Powerful

Words have a unique ability to inspire, encourage, and uplift. When used wisely, words can create a positive ripple effect that impacts not only the speaker but everyone who hears them.

Consider This: There is Life and Death in Your Words

Words are not just sounds; they carry weight and power. Choosing your words carefully is akin to choosing your fate and the fate of those around you.

This is a Universal Principle

The power of words transcends cultures, religions, and geographies. Whether you’re conversing in English, Spanish, or Mandarin, the impact of your words remains significant.

Just a Small Spark Can Ignite a Whole Forest

Even the smallest compliment or word of encouragement can create a ripple effect, sparking positive changes that could be far-reaching. On the flip side, a hurtful comment can cause lasting damage.

When You Choose Life-Giving Words, You Will Produce a Harvest of Blessings

Words that promote love and positivity have the power to enrich your life immensely. Positive affirmations and words of kindness can bring abundance and joy into your life.

The Bible Tells Us the Power of Our Words: Life and Death Are in Our Tongues

From a biblical perspective, words have the divine ability to create and destroy. Proverbs 18:21 highlights this by stating that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” This ancient wisdom still rings true today.

Words That Are Life-Giving Bring Abundance in Your Life

Words of hope and encouragement aren’t just fluff; they create a sense of well-being and even contribute to your success. Positive words can uplift spirits, motivate action, and encourage perseverance.

Speak Hopeful Words Over Yourself

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, but speaking words of hope and encouragement to yourself can create a significant positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Fill Your Mind with Life-Giving Words

Surround yourself with positive influences—books, podcasts, and people that uplift and inspire you. When your mind is filled with life-giving words, you’re more likely to speak and act positively.

Whatever Comes Out of Your Mouth is the Result of Whatever is in Your Heart

Your words are a mirror of your inner state. A heart filled with love, peace, and kindness will naturally produce words that reflect those qualities.

Guard Your Heart and Mind

To ensure that your words have a positive impact, it’s crucial to protect your heart and mind from negative influences. Be mindful of what you let in.

Be Vigilant About What You Allow in Your Mind

Just like you wouldn’t allow junk into your body, avoid letting negative or toxic thoughts into your mind. Protect your mental space from negativity.

Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

A grateful heart naturally produces positive words. By focusing on the good in your life, you’re more likely to speak blessings and encouragement into the lives of others.

Speak Blessings Over Your Children

Children absorb the words spoken to them like sponges. By speaking blessings over them, you instill confidence, self-worth, and a positive outlook on life.

Speak Blessings Over Yourself

Self-talk is incredibly powerful. By speaking blessings over yourself, you actually program your mind for success, happiness, and well-being.

Renew Your Mind Daily by Reading the Word of God. Let It Clean Unwanted Thoughts

For those who follow biblical teachings, immersing yourself in scripture can help rid your mind of negative thoughts. This daily practice can guide you toward making better choices in your speech and actions.

Words have power. They can create, they can destroy, but they always leave an impact.

When we understand this, we can begin to harness the power of words to build, uplift, and create positive change in the world around us.

Experts Finally Agree on the True Meaning of Life!

Prepare to be amazed! Experts have finally revealed the true meaning of life, and this profound revelation will leave you questioning everything.

What’s the meaning of life? Is it about having fun and living selfishly? Is it accidental?
Are we just animals acting on instinct? What is our sole purpose? Why were we created?
Have you thought about the purpose of life? What is the point of existence?

Should we amass wealth to isolate ourselves? Why are we here? Why endure suffering?

We were created for the highest purposes. Our existence is not random. We were made by a higher power, one greater than our parents.

We were made to live for each other, extending beyond our families. We were created in the image of God. What does that mean?

We were meant to embody God’s characteristics. God is love, but love is not God.

God is compassionate—are we? God helps and forgives—do we?

We were meant to emerge from our comfort zones.

What are our comfort zones?

* Culture
* Society
* Religion
* Family
* Selfishness
* Differences
* Educational qualifications

My dear friend, we were made to care for one another—not just our children, spouses, or families, nor just our culture or society. Consider Abraham Lincoln, who fought against slavery.

Think about Nelson Mandela, who fought against the oppressors of his own country. They were ordinary men like us but took time to reflect on the purpose of their lives.

They overcame their comfortable existences.

Arise. Awake. Make a commitment. Rise above narrow-mindedness. Think about those who are suffering nearby. What can you do for them?

Just do it!


© TV/May 24

11 rules for starting the day like a king

You find cherry by going to the cherry.

Hey,my friend. Hope you are doing great.

Here I will be sharing a quick way to begin the new day like a king! These are followed by great men and women who have achieved greatness in different spheres of life.

What ways do great men have achieved their greatness? It’s their perspective on time and discipline. They didn’t complain about the lack of time. Rather they went headstrong with seizing the day!

1. Planning a day before for the day.

2. Doing things first what they love.

3. Leaving all other things for the later part of the day.

4. Having a plan for their life and thereby for each day.

5. They know the power of focus. They just never undertake tens of tasks at a time.

6. They save their energy by staying away from unnecessary tasks or people.

7. They start the day with a power breakfast.

8. They believe they are not ruled by luck or the universe.

9. They divide the whole tasks into little chunks so that they can plan better and achieve greatly.

10. They know what their vision is. They are moved by them.

11. They affirm themselves. They believe in self motivation.

These are but few of the rules great men have achieved greatness in their life. Life is hard and we can’t make excuses.

No one is stopping anyone from achieving great things in life. Why are you waiting?!

Yours well wisher.

Experts Reveal Uncommon Strategies for a Joyful Life!

Finding happiness by choice

Looking for a fresh perspective on happiness? This post explores inventive and unorthodox ways to achieve and sustain true joyfulness.

Happy are those who speak ‘No’ at the right time without hesitation.

Don’t follow a false religion.

Treat a hobby like a devotion.

Read books as much as possible.

Prioritize themselves.

Indulge in their favorite ice cream.

Engage with children.

Overcome shame and guilt.

Take unique paths.

Challenge the rules of a seemingly rational society that often favors the wealthy.

Rest whenever mundane activities become monotonous.

Avoid adhering to any man-made recipe for success.

Abandon all conventional life formulas.

Focus on self-approval rather than seeking validation from others.

Shower their children with unconditional love.

Embrace failure and explore new possibilities.

Cultivate self-love to be able to love others effectively afterwards.

Happy are those who,
Speak ‘No’ at the right time without thinking about it.
don’t follow a fake religion.
Treat a hobby like a prayer.
Read books as much as possible.
Think about themselves first.
Buy the favorite ice cream of their choice.
Play with the children.
Ditch shame and guilt.
Take uncommon pathways.
Break the rules of so called sane society which only help the rich and affluent.
Sleep a lot when others bore you.
don’t follow any man made success mantra.
Ditch all so called formulas for life.
Don’t impress anyone but themselves.
Give their unconditional love to their children.
Give up easily and try different things.
Love themselves so that they can love others later.

Ready to Quit? This Message Will Give You the Strength to Carry On!

Ever felt like giving up? This message will light a fire within you, revealing exclusive insights on cultivating grit and resilience. Discover the secrets to a stronger, more determined you.

You have come so far. Don’t you think it is true?
You have overcome millions of seas. You outsmarted many.

Life gives you so many lessons,won’t you fight this time?
Millions have gone during the pandemic. You have SURVIVED.
Take time to look back. You are a survivor.

Many look to you as a role model. Would you give up and shatter their hope?
Think about millions of children who are sleeping without bread? Are you not better than them?

You never gave up, earlier. Now life has brought you in a state of suffering. You must fight.
I tell you, you are not defeated unless you give up.

Take a break. It’s a burnout.you need to show compassion to yourself. You need care.

I Was Down and Out Until I Heard This Life-Changing Advice!

Don’t give up Now.

As a highly sensitive person, I get easily hurt. My spouse, on the other hand, expresses herself candidly without filters, leading to disappointment and frustration.

At times, her use of harsh words causes me pain. A recent blog post has significantly altered my outlook on life.

The key takeaway: don’t rely on others for encouragement; empower yourself.

This shift in perspective has transformed the way I think. Instead of waiting for my spouse to seek forgiveness, I now understand that self-encouragement is crucial.

It’s essential to take ownership of our emotions and actions, recognizing that everyone is facing their battles.

A transformative step is liberating oneself from the expectation of external salvation.

I implement positive affirmations through wall stickers, acknowledging the effort required for personal growth and well-being.

I urge readers not to give up prematurely and to consider revisiting old hobbies and incorporating activities like playing with pets, engaging with children in games, and participating in soul-enriching endeavors.

Reading, shopping, spending time with friends, and prayer are meaningful practices that should not be underestimated.

By persisting through stress and disappointment, one can progress in life and relationships.

The onus lies on oneself to seek encouragement, as it is intrinsic to personal development.

By embracing this responsibility, individuals can move forward and achieve remarkable feats.

Remember, happiness is within reach. Embrace your journey with determination and positivity.

Trust in your capacity and resilience, and remarkable accomplishments await you.

Warm regards,

Titus Vargis

Love and Marriage Coach

You Won’t Believe How My Life Changed When I Stopped Trying to Impress Everyone!

Embark upon the robust vigor of fearless existences and the merriment of your true, genuine self. Drop the show and start to, like, live honestly.

The freedom by tv.

Presently in our communities, we seemingly recognize people who tend to be way more aggressive as being you know, intelligent or popular.

We are mostly residing in, like, what you might call an extroverted social structure.

Generally, we tend to gravitate toward folks who are bold and expressive. Those who don’t express their desires quite so much? Not our jam.

The ramifications of choosing non-aggression over aggression, well, they’re deeply profound. Such folks often get passed over for the spotlight, sadly making them even less popular.

The way to significance by tv.

For your consideration, I shall discuss a few reasons why, see, I don’t give a hoot about popularity anymore,

1. Those who are deemed less popular based on, I don’t know, people’s subjective views are not unintelligent by any means.

In actuality, they quite possibly are the most intellectually adept artists within our neighborhoods.

2. Seeking validation or worth from others, well, that’s a sign of unhealthy vulnerability.

Unless you have a certain level of fortitude, you will solicit the opinions of others regarding your self-image.

3. Perfection? There’s no single soul in this world who embodies it. Indeed, we all come with our own unique set of strengths and shortcomings!

4. Attention seekers, as we like to tag them, often chase validation from others – a fundamentally flawed approach to forming a genuine identity.

5. I desisted from attempts to overly influence folks when I realized that people keep raising their bar of significance.

You ain’t gonna meet their whimsical success criteria. What needs to be done is set personal benchmarks for achievement.

6. Back in the days, unknown to the wisdom of pages, I used to give a lot of weight to people’s thoughts.

But, it soon dawned that impressing folks is a tall order. They are, like, you know, haughty.

They think that they are the only capable ones! This is not a right approach at all you know, to create impact or gain prominence!

7. I found through my tryst with psychology literature, that we are all born with unique temperaments.

None of us is complete in ourselves.. We all house a spark of brilliance within us, but its realms differ from one person to the other.

Each must identify their strength and play their life accordingly. It seems absurd, like trying to impress anyone!

8. Once you attain confidence in your special abilities; success in your area of expertise is given!

At this stage, you will naturally draw people to yourself–chasing people for acceptance? Now that’s so yesterday!”

Finding significance by tv.


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