Get professional insight into the horrific reality of greener grass. Understand the hidden drawbacks and challenges that come with the seemingly perfect lawns.
Hey my dear,
This is a reminder. I know you are fighting well.
You are a warrior.
Yes,you have reached this far.
Welcome,my dear.
You might have questions,this is the reason for my letter.
It’s about universal sickness called,’what if’.
If you didn’t know let me tell you.
It’s the sickness that has killed many great men and women.
This is about the grass on the other side. What if I had a different parent?
What if I had been more white?
What if my spouse were different?
What if I had a different career?
What if I was more eloquent?..
The grass on the other side looks GREENER. Yes,it happens with everyone.
Believe me. This is the universal sickness that has destroyed very many good families and excellent personalities.
What if is a supposition.
It is never ending. It’s that endless possibilities we think that could have happened to us.
My experience says it’s deception. In fact the supermom of endless drifting.
It’s like today I am here and tomorrow there.
What’s the outcome? You still are going round and round.
You still are not satisfied.
You find better pastures on the other side.
My beloved,to cut short, don’t do that. It’s a slippery place that leads to nowhere.
Many have changed their spouses only to find the other one is much more brilliant,much more beautiful.
Many have shifted their careers only to find that it still doesn’t suit them.
Be strong in your values.
Give up plan B or C or D.
Focus on this and period.
Everyone is struggling

Every family has its own darkness. Every life has its own sorrows.
Why don’t you just plant your own garden. Why don’t you plant your own flowers?

Stop comparing. It’s an ultimate deception.
Trust me,you will find your magic on the way.
Keep on moving with strong convictions.
God bless.
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