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“Unveiling the Path to Enduring Joy: Learning to Over Depression and Embrace Every Moment”
Israel needs prayers
The main thing for a Novelist
Tell me what can you do for me?
How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle of life.
An open letter to the United Nations and an appeal on behalf of Ukraine.
My experiments with depression and my conclusions: People have stupid reaction towards depression.
What’s more disturb- ing than depression is people’s attitude towards it.
Life and patience
Your dreams
Life is a mess but are you here for what? I need love
The truth moment
A letter to the broken soul.
Have a great weekend ….
Stop blaming everything in 2023 but make a brutal resolution about your life but how?
How breakthrough comes in a life of mess? How I almost got killed but survived?
Dear traveler on the journey called life, let me share something.
A lot things to be thankful for
Ask me more ( the secret question we ask from others but never say)
Never go back if
The meaning of our existence
What God really really wants?
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