Understanding the chemistry of your relationship is crucial.

Often, we select our partners based on our emotions or their physical attractiveness.
This is fine, but for a union that lasts a lifetime, deeper consideration is necessary.
You cannot expect a relationship to last only a few days or a month.
Committing to someone is a serious decision. Making this choice cannot solely be based on how you feel at the moment.
1. Your feelings about who could be your future spouse are not always reliable.
2. Movies and their portrayal of romance aren’t realistic. They are merely fictional tales, not the truth about love.
3. Sweet words can be deceiving. It’s common for people to pretend just to win you over.
4. Making a decision about your life partner shouldn’t be based solely on romantic gestures. It’s important to learn more about them first.
5. Don’t rush into a lifelong commitment because you feel time is running out, no matter your age.
6. Being oblivious to a potential partner’s views on being in a relationship is unwise.
7. Relying on gut feelings alone to enter a relationship is not enough. Engage in conversations and ask questions to truly understand them.
8. In a lifelong partnership, it’s crucial that the other person is someone you find it easy to coexist with. Without asking them specific questions, you can’t be sure.
9. A person’s educational background shouldn’t be the sole criterion for choosing them as your future spouse. Education often doesn’t reflect their true nature and compatibility as a life partner.
10. Romantic speeches and letters might not be genuine. Many discover too late that such expressions were insincere.
11. Choose to marry someone who shows genuine humility. Appearance and intelligence mean little if they are coupled with selfishness or egotism, making them difficult partners.
©Titus Vargis
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