Dear God, my mind says as well as my heart. What should I do?
God, you created our minds and hearts. You have created everything we can see or cannot. But the most frustrating thing is my mind and my heart saying two different things about the same thing.
This is real hell. This is the cause of so many divorces. Breaking up. Killings. Violence. Murders. Insanity. Etc.
God, if you knew beforehand that a human being will face such a huge crisis then why did you do it?

My mind hates some but my heart says don’t hate. My mind calculates everything logically and I think it’s right.
But then my heart screams inside. It says my logic is not right. I should not. I must not.
This lands me into confusion. I keep processing. Both sides. But I am not successful in deciding which one is the best guide?
Sometimes, my heart says go for it. Forgive one more time. Love one more time. Give help once more.
But my mind says different. It says don’t believe that person again. Don’t forgive. Act wisely.
God, you made the heavens and the Earth. The stars and the galaxies. Sea and all the creatures.
This is so vast and wonderful. Sometimes, I hate this confusion. The war inside of me.
I am torn between. No one seems to understand this. Rather no one can rescue.
I know I won’t get rid of this. I must learn to dance in spite of this.
This is very hard. Real hell. Would you help me?

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