An open letter to the United Nations and an appeal on behalf of Ukraine.
sorry is not enough by Titus vargis


The United Nations and all countries,

With due respect I want to share some- thing very urgent. As you might know what’s happening in Ukraine.

So you say you are awesome and a peacemaker.

But what you have done speaks louder than your claims.

Look,Ukraine is destroyed and it will soon happen to exist no more.

Look,how you kept on looking at the war and amused yourself.

You thought that it’s not a big deal. You are useless,to speak frankly.

Hey,you could have saved thousands of precious cities and people including children.

Of course you are safe.

You are invincible as you often say.

But I think that’s much exaggeration!!

Hey, you are a coward hiding behind your peace talks and all gimmicks.

When will you awake?

How can we as a hu- man being ignore the war and its impact?

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long now.

Mankind is under attack.

What could the United States and other nations do to stop this war?

At Least for the sake of those pre- cious children and future generations something must be done.

Hey,think like a good human being.

Think not how you can be safe.

Let the peace prevail.

Let the peace prevail. Russia is wicked and it is getting dirtier as time goes by.

Let’s hope for the best,

A citizen of the free

No sorry is enough by Titus Vargis

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