There are few real signs to identify the authenticity of love and relationship.

Love is the most misunderstood word on the planet.I think the most most commonly used word in the world would be LOVE. I strongly believe another set of words that are mostly used would be I, We, Us and Me.
What is the conclusion I make from these?
Word ‘Love’ is commonly used when we are not literally meaning it.
We use it to mean that we like something, or someone based on our likes and biases.
Not necessarily that others are in our hearts or we are deeply moved by the other.
You see, we are the most selfish generation of the history of mankind.
Look at the news or any groups or any so called unselfish people groups who are selflessly doing to mankind much favors.
First of all, why is that these groups or people promote themselves when they are utterly selfless?! It’s a joke!
Who in the world is selfless and selfish at the same time?! It’s absurd!
Well, we live in a time such as this. For us LOVE is equal to SELF. Our motives are clear. We will use any opportunity to gain other’s attention and gains.
We can even use the words such as LOVE or SELFLESS acts of kindness. While the reality is totally different.
We fool others and we are deeply perfect in this.
Our schools or colleges teach us and train us to be utterly selfish and put others down at any cost in the name of the so called SUCCESS.
What is the conclusion regarding the love we see around. LOVE of ours is superficial and plastic. It fools others. It is used to gain something.
It is utterly selfish and lacks genuineness. Why is it that we kill each other in the name of religion? Why the educated masses are easily swayed away by fanaticism?!
Why we say we are civilized and at the same time we are totally corrupt and not willing to sacrifice for the sake of others?
Love is kind, selfless, sacrifice, forgiving, bearing one another in weaknesses ,and laying down our own Demonic pride.

Let me share few significant characteristics of such authentic Love and Relationship,
1.True love is coming out of self. It’s all about others and not us.
2.It’s concerned more about not my bread or my money but about other’s hunger and sufferings.
3.It’s about giving,giving and utterly giving.
4.It’s about making a mark in the lives of those who cannot repay us back by any means.
5.It’s about our forgiving when grace is not possible.
6.It’s about showing mercy to the offender the tenth or eleventh time.
7.It’s about not scoring but about getting unnoticed.
8.It’s not about marketing or getting famous but making the lives of the other much more better than before.Its simple and profound.

©Titus vargis,
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