The question is this, is it okay to love myself? It’s an important question.
But where can we get the right answers?
Moreover, it looks like there is some debate on this,when all that is spoken of is Cross and self-death.
According to Jesus, “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) means that we must also love ourselves.
What is our self-love method? Our bodily needs—relaxation, food, and cleanliness—are met. Upon being ill, we visit the doctor. Sweets like my favorite dark chocolate with chile pepper are among the delicacies we enjoy.
Giving our soul and spirit what they require to flourish is how we take care of them. As we would like to be treated, we also expect others to be treated with care.
A revelation of God’s unconditional love for us through Christ not only frees us from the constraints we place on loving others; it also frees us from the constraints we place on loving ourselves.
Because God created us in his image, he never intended for us to compare ourselves to others. His power made us magnificent and lovely. Everything he makes is brilliant.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14; emphasis added).
What if, instead of just nodding or dismissing verses like this, we gazed at the wonder of God’s craftsmanship and thrilled in it, just as David did? What if we loved ourselves without looking at others?
Celebrate your accomplishments!
But that joyful and unconditional love can only come from God, who is love.
When we do not live a life of deep contact with God, we have a lower opinion of ourselves. If closeness with God isn’t our primary priority, loving oneself will continue to seem forced or strange.
There’s a reason Jesus started with the first commandment:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:28).
If we live separated from our Creator, we will continue to live out the labels we select or those assigned to us by others.
Other people’s voices, not God’s, shape who we are. Because Christ’s love has not yet refreshed and transformed us, our ability to love others remains handicapped.
But when Jesus is at the heart of our lives, we hear his voice affirming us and calling us to live up to all that he has given us the ability to be.
We may learn to love ourselves because we know how much we are loved, and we can forgive ourselves.
The self-love that God allows is holy and pure; it is an act of worship to God, not to ourselves. We have another marvel to applaud him for.
We’re also free to marvel at the wonders of people around us, with no strings attached. It is no longer sufficient to be “good enough” or “better than.” We have discovered our worth in who we genuinely are – who we are in the eyes of our Father because of Jesus.
We don’t have to show our worth to anyone, least of all ourselves.
Go forth and adore yourself!
When we come to God, He offers us a completely new identity as his children.
There are a few practical things you can do.
1. Spend time in worship every day.
Begin with the Bible and read books that will reawaken your passion for God. You could start with John’s Gospel, paying close attention to what Jesus says about Himself. What does the fact that He is the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Way, the Truth, and the Life mean to you?
2. Spend time with people who encourage you to trust God rather than yourself.
You need people who will not advise you to “trust your heart” but will instead encourage you to seek God’s wisdom and guidance.
3. Stop comparing yourself to other people.
4. Don’t listen to the critics.
5. Pay attention to God’s voice.
6. Allow yourself some time to indulge. Its okay.
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