Relationships are awesome but need maintenance from your side too.
Hey Dear Women,

Let me straight forward come to my point. And please do listen to me. I am here for your care and benefits.
Would you please hear the number 1 complain of most Men?
Remember this and save your relationship forever :Your man is not a lifetime punching bag you bought from somewhere.
The number 1 Complaint Men have regarding women in Relationships is: abusive words spoken by women to express their true feelings while being upset.
Men must not raise their hands over a woman. Just like this, women should not Speak rudely against men no matter what.
God has made everyone equal. Men and Women. Both are equal. Yet both Should know what hurts others?
Women, unknowingly or knowingly hurt men by telling what shouldn’t be said at all.
Women need to know their words said in angry moments have equal potential to hurt their man.
Society does not care about what women do Or say. Well it hurts to the point of killing.
It seems that only Men can harm a
woman. Really?
Out of all the Relationships breakdown nearly 87% is due to this monumental error of women.
Women should know their words have a monumental impact.It’s not that words do not matter.
Perhaps, she should know that words
can literally kill like any poison.
Words literally kills. Majority of men who have suffered a Relationship break down very often complain that women have abused them emotionally.
Men say that they have been abused & blackmailed by their women.
Many many men have literally been killed by abusive women.
Emotional abuse by women is considered a lesser sin.
women think that it’s just raising their concerns to their men. But they forget that raising their concerns in an abusive way can harm others, including men.
They Should choose the words carefully.
If words are uttered without considering their partner it can sabotage their beautiful relationship.
Beauty is useless if the mouth is foul. Your man is not a heartless creature just to serve you.
He is not your dad or brother.
He is your equal life partner.
Who gave you authority to trample down your man?
Of course no one has that authority.
Do you think is this the way relationships work?
women, you need understand this: Just as raising hands by men is
violence not worthy of tolerance- in the same way uttering foul words is equal to violence.
Women should respect their men by words and deeds.
Most of the men complain that they have been abused verbally by their partners on a regular basis. No one even say that this is not just acceptable.
Creating an environment of fear by abusive words is a serious violence not tolerable.
Trust me, as a man, I can say that words hurt so much.Even kills.
Don’t excuse yourself by saying that I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Relationships are not meant to be taken for granted. Don’t act like a child.
You might say that I felt it that way & said that.
But No, you are not given permission to hurt others.
You must not utter words in the most fair way. What we say is important. How we say it is also very important.

So, here are a few insights into how a woman can express their feelings without hurting men.
1) Before uttering some word, spend time alone. It’s fine to not act on the impulse. Good things take time. Too much hurry spoils a thing. You are right but don’t rush.

2) Don’t speak in the heat of the moment. The number one mistake we make is speaking what we are feeling at the moment. Well, it’s not advisable. It can do more harm.

3)Take a blank sheet of paper and write down what feelings you are going through. Write everything you feel.

4) After writing, take a deep breath. Calm yourself completely. Try to be present at the moment. Relax. Do what makes you calm. Watch a movie,go for shopping, gardening etc.

5) Ask your man when he’s available to listen to you. Don’t be rude and demand that he urgently make arrangements to talk. Everything must be done in a fair way.

6) Preferably, while discussing these choose a place free from family or children.
7) Once he assigns some time, wait for that. Don’t Complain if he can’t listen right when you want him to.
8) Once you meet, carefully share your concerns and feelings.

9) Keep your tone absolutely normal. Don’t say as if to hurt him. Let there be respect. Show fairness. Be kind in your tone. Don’t be rude or insensitive. This might spoil all efforts.
10) Once you have shared, tell him ‘Thank you for giving time’. Give respect and receive back hundred folds. Relationships are about little things. Remember that.

11) Understand that he needs enough time to process what you have said. Don’t expect him to resolve issues at the same time. Be mature enough to understand this.
I strongly believe that these things are very crucial in any relationship.
Relationships are not made in heaven but nourished by two mature adults who know to refrain from unfair practices.
Best wishes,
© Titus Vargis.
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