Life is not a bed of Roses still lot of it depends on how we manage ourselves.
I really can not explain what the relationship I had with my daddy.
It was a relationship built in heaven.No one can come close to my dad.

I lost him suddenly and it left me a world full of unknowns.
O my how would I move an inch without my earthly God? This was my constant thoughts.
I was afraid.I was willing to suicide even tried to jump into the river.But I think God did not allow it to happen.I was though absolute confident about suicide.
I hated life as a whole.
I came to the TRUE colors of my own.
The plasticity of our society.The wicked heart hiding beneath the sober men and women.
I had to learn to live again.It was hell.It was absolute unnecessary I thought.
So,how anyways I stood on my ground again?
1. My mother stood By me.If there was one solid ground that held me it was my mother.She carried me and came to rescue me.I didn’t see her going away when I needed her the most.

2. My supreme help came from my heavenly Father. My God in whom I found refuge.To say the least,it was God who literally stood behind me.It was God who gave me boldness.When all else left me it was the presence of God that stood closer to me.This changed my life.

3. My hobbies such as listening music and reading kept me away from serious depression. It was music that changed my mood altogether. Then books.
I survived because of reading the biographies of great men.I purposely read great men and their life stories.I knew if they can succeed I too can.

4. My brother stood By me all through my dark times.He was there with me.He never left me.I didn’t feel I am lonely. I was supported By him.He financed me when I had no job.No money in my pocket.I truly thank God for him.

5. My mentors motivated me.I infact got my mentors through books.They were inspirational and a source of power to me.I felt I too can overcome any difficulties. This transformed my life.This gave me hope.This made me an overcomer.
I have survived all because of these.I could not live well when my dad passed away.
I felt it was impossible to live again.Yet I overcame those difficulties.

You too can overcome your mountains.
Keep trying. Never give up.Find some mentors.Find your own survival tactics.
Life is precious.Life is beautiful.
© Dr.Titus Vargis
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