- Continue reading →: How do you come out of that wrecked life of darkness?
Many times I felt as if I just can’t break the mess I am in. I was vulnerable. I went through depression for so long. That was real darkness. Even that word ‘darkness’ is still not enough. What can one do if he or she is bound? May be by…
Let me tell you the secret: just once is enough to begin with. - Continue reading →: Daily Scripture Series – Sept. 26th
“Come to Jesus, the living Stone-rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him.” (1 Peter 2:4) Have you ever looked through low-priced items at a yard sale and dreamed that you might find something of incredible value? It happened in Connecticut when a floral Chinese antique bowl…
- Continue reading →: A letter to the broken soul.
Why are you cast down? Hey,How are you?This is just a quick reminder. Life is beautiful my dear Soul.You are an overcomer!!I know you will overcome this problem too.Never doubt yourself. You have done it in the past several times.Do you know, you are my role model? Yes. It’s true…
- Continue reading →: Stop blaming everything in 2023 but make a brutal resolution about your life but how?
Stop blaming but start turning the tables in 2023
- Continue reading →: How breakthrough comes in a life of mess? How I almost got killed but survived?
Life is not mathematics. That means it’s not five plus five equal to ten here. We can’t lay down our plans but it’s life that overrules here on this planet. We can either fear or face it. There are no other way around. As human beings,we are not superhuman. We…
- Continue reading →: what to do when your relationship is at breaking point?
You are the destiny maker, please don’t keep yourself down
- Continue reading →: Dear traveler on the journey called life, let me share something.
You are not your thoughts tell you. Dear traveler, I am glad to meet you and say something to you. I believe we all have different names to comment on our struggles on this journey. But I think that we all have the same struggles. We might be poor or…
- Continue reading →: Love is what you DO.
The authenticity of love https://divines4.wordpress.com/?p=825
- Continue reading →: Are you a parasite in relationship?
The most crucial question of any lasting relationship https://medium.com/@milkywaysidea/are-you-a-parasite-b494904ef2a1
- Continue reading →: Uninvited
Love is like an uninvited guest.Love will come when it wants to.Love will leave when you ask more of it. ❤ Tweeting:@thebrokenspecss Uninvited