Hey don’t be giving up when things are going against you.

Tough times are not for ever.

Here are some wisdom and inspiration for you as you might be facing rough times in your life or relationship.

1. If you accept tough times are part of the seasons of life, it will keep you from sinking into depression.

2. Maintain a healthy perspective. Going through tough times doesn’t mean you are not blessed, you are actually being prepared for something great. Preparation is often not easy but it is the foundation of better things to come.

3. Tough times will reveal to you your true friends and expose the fake ones.

4. Tough times will introduce to you real friends who are attracted to your purpose.

5. The best ideas tend to be conceptualized in tough times.

6. Sometimes God allows you to go through tough times to wake you up and get your attention especially when you have become too familiar with Him.

7. Sometimes you have to reach a dead end where no one but God can help you, so that no one but God can receive the glory.

8. Great people have learnt the art of converting tough times into a path to being a master of something.

9. There are some lessons that tough times will teach you that good times can’t.

10. Tough times will open your eyes to see opportunities and doors that complacent you did not.

11. Some of us lack the courage to move past our current level and lack the initiative to take the next step on our own, tough times will catapult you to the next stage of your life that you are afraid to take.

12. Tough times will make you naked so that you see yourself for who you truly are. Tough times will force you to be real with yourself, what are you really made of? Because when you are going through tough times, there is no one to impress, you have to be you.

13. Most couples enter their best season after they reach rock bottom. That is when their true love is tested and they emerge stronger together.

May you find strength and wisdom to face your rough times,and may you rise up stronger than ever.

Best wishes.

Everything has meaning and everyone is connected,no matter what

The underlying causes of our disruptions which we often overlook

The Matrix by Titus Vargis.

everything has

meaning. and a purpose

we all are awesome!!

connected and made to

live connected.

No matter what.

a spouse,a child,

father or mother

even little ones.

we were

hardwired to live


what happens to one

spreads to another.

might be pain or


or disappointments

ecstasy, enlightenment

we are spreading


that comes to us

in the form of waves,

you like it or not.

we are not perfect

but we are spreading

everything that comes

to us wether love,hatred, jealousy,guilt,


and happiness.

we do it always.

As part of an ocean,

each waves spreads

to everyone we live with.

The pain we feel

is felt by everyone around,

all other vice or virtue.

we hurt and get hurt.

we smile we are

smiled upon.

why don’t we realise sooner?

loving my neighbour

is loving myself.

loving my partner

is loving myself.

loving my child

is loving myself…..

© Titus vargis.

5 things I hate in my partner and everyone should avoid these in a Relationship.

There can be no sorry for some issues in any relationship.

There is no excuse my dear by Titus Vargis

5 things I hate in my marriage, and these can happen in any relationship.

Well,they must be avoided at any cost to save your relationship.

01. When I don’t receive back what I give. I always try my best to give love,care, and forgiveness to my partner. Even respect when I feel I have been mistreated.

02. When I don’t feel that my partner keeps the secrets about me. This frustrates me.

03. When I find that in matters of money I cannot ask my partner about my needs.when I get answers like it’s my money,why didn’t you keep your money? This turns me off. I strongly believe that as a partner one should help each other in all ways possible.

04. When I am not consulted regarding some major issues. It can be buying any stuffs or taking a big decision. As a partner one should always first ask one’s partner about their suggestions.

05. When I am ridiculed in front of others and my partner too joins them. This hurts me the most.

©Titus Vargis,PhD

7 relationship secrets that one must know to have a lasting Relationship.

Well,most of the Relationship coach wont tell you this.

The love that stands on the Rock by Titus Vargis.

How can a Relationship coach help when one is in crisis and the partner is indifferent? 

Relationships are not easy as it appears. It’s not like 2 plus 2 equals 4.

It’s really complicated. Sometimes one partner is serious and the other one is just passing time.

What can we do in such a situation? 

There are very good people around who can help you. 

But in order to get lasting solutions one must not forget these relationship principles,

  1. Relationship is a marathon. Its not a short race.One must understand this.
  2. Both the partners must be mature enough to make changes in themselves. No one is perfect here. 
  3. If one partner thinks that he or she is perfect then that relationship won’t last long. It’s so simple. 
  4. Relationships are not one night stands. It’s neither romance nor a joy ride. It’s much larger than that.
  5. We begin with love but we go forward with commitment and lots of sacrifice.
  6. Relationships are not for kids or immature people. It’s not for sex or time pass. 
  7. Relationships are not measured by looks or money but by transparency and sincerity. Looks can backfire.

What keeps you defeated?

Sometimes we don’t look around and find what keeps us from being an overcomer.
We might be looking at bigger things that is keeping us from achieving.
But it need not be bigger things but smaller things or insignificant things.
Life has taught me that some of the things that keeps me defeated are:
1. My thoughts of past hurts and people who have hurt me.
2. My habit of not forgiving. Many times in order to achieve greater things We must leave aside our past.
3. My opinion about myself based on my past experiences.
4. My unrealistic expectations about future.We expect overnight success. But it doesn’t happen like that.
5. My constant comparison with others. Many times we constantly compare ourselves with others. This keeps us defeated.
6. Negative self talks. We self talk negatively and keep ourselves in the pit of darkness.
These things keep us stuck forever in our defeated states.
We must be kinder to ourselves and treat more lovingly.

Hey,You are not the Saviour!

The real thing that wrecks you and me. Hey man, You are not the Savior Just a man! You put the blame take advantage of all sorts. you have the might and cocktail of Power, influence deadly desire. you think you are right absolutely right. Did you see your own child crying when alone? Or … Read more

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