Does God want me to love myself?

The question is this, is it okay to love myself? It’s an important question. But where can we get the right answers? Moreover, it looks like there is some debate on this,when all that is spoken of is Cross and self-death. According to Jesus, “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) means that we must … Read more

The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Embracing Mistakes and Rebuilding Relationships

The ultimate guide for quick fix relationship Introduction Understanding Our Shared Imperfections Mistakes are a natural part of being human, from small slip-ups to significant blunders that shape our lives. It’s crucial to realize that making errors doesn’t reflect incompetence; instead, it highlights our common imperfections. This article explores the profound impact of forgiveness, bridging … Read more

Do you know The Fundamental Purposes of Human Existence?

What is the main reason for our existence In the vast tapestry of existence, humans find themselves weaving a complex narrative of purpose and meaning. Beyond the daily hustle and bustle, there lies a profound quest to understand why we are here and what roles we play on this beautiful planet we call home. Embracing … Read more

The strong, the weak and being alive. How can we differentiate?

The wars inside no one cares. Life is not hard but impossible. We say we are developed but look around, how stupid nations are. How is the state of sanity? Think about Israel, Gaza or Ukraine. How cruel mankind is! We have sophisticated weapons, machines,excellent killing weapons but for what? To kill. Who can say, … Read more

10 Big turn offs for men

What is a Turn off? A turn-off is any habit you find unappealing, embarrassing, or disgusting. Seeing this habit regularly is enough to make you lose interest in someone, especially someone you are already developing feelings for. Turn-offs in a relationship are habits your partner displays that make you angry, jealous, or sad. Naturally, your … Read more

12 Reasons Why It’s Hard for Men to love a woman?

The dilemma of understanding a woman Introduction A. Understanding the complexities of love between men and womenB. Recognizing the unique difficulties and hurdles faced by men in relationships Emotional Understanding A. Navigating the emotional complexities of women 1. Decoding mixed signals and subtle cues 2. Dealing with shifting emotions and unpredictability 3. Understanding the importance … Read more

7 Secrets to Make Him Obsessed with You.

How to attract a man. I. IntroductionA. Understanding the Power of MagnetismMagnetism is a force that draws people towards each other, creating a strong and irresistible connection. It goes beyond physical attraction and encompasses emotional and psychological elements. When you possess magnetism, you become the center of someone’s thoughts and desires. B. Why Having Him … Read more

Unleashing the Power Self-Care: A Guide for Men.

How can men do effective self care? # Unleashing the Power Self-Care: A Guide for Men ## I. Introduction – Understanding importance of self-care– Breaking the stigma: Men deserve self-care ## II. What is Self-Care? Self-care is the practice of actively taking care of oneself in order to enhance overall well-being. It involves making deliberate … Read more

“Unveiling the Path to Enduring Joy: Learning to Over Depression and Embrace Every Moment”

happy relationships
The puzzle of life by Titus Vargis

I. Introduction
A. Understanding the significance of joy in life
B. The prevalence and impact of depression

II. Defining Joy and Depression
A. Exploring the concept of joy and its dimensions
B. Recognizing depression as a mental health condition

III. The Science of Joy and Depression
A. Uncovering the neurological processes behind joy
B. Investigating the neurochemistry of depression

IV. Cultivating Mindfulness and Gratitude
A. Embracing mindfulness for greater presence and appreciation
B. Practicing gratitude to reframe perspectives

V. Finding Meaning and Purpose
A. Discovering personal values and passions
B. Harnessing purpose as a driving force for joy

VI. Nurturing Positive Relationships
A. Building a support network for emotional well-being
B. Fostering healthy connections to combat feelings of isolation

VII. Harnessing the Power of Self-Compassion
A. Developing self-compassion as a countermeasure to depression
B. Embracing self-care practices for holistic well-being

VIII. Engaging in Physical Exercise and Well-being Activities
A. Exploring the role of physical activity in uplifting mood
B. Integrating well-being practices to enhance joy

IX. Embracing Mindset Shifts for Resilience
A. Challenging negative thought patterns
B. Fostering resilience to navigate through difficult times

X. Unleashing the Healing Power of Creativity
A. Exploring creative outlets as modes of self-expression
B. Utilizing creativity to reframe experiences and emotions

XI. Seeking Professional Help
A. Recognizing the importance of seeking professional support
B. Understanding therapy and other treatment options

XII. Reconnecting with Nature
A. Discovering the therapeutic benefits of nature
B. Engaging in ecotherapy for enhanced well-being

XIII. Balancing Work and Leisure
A. Establishing healthy work-life boundaries
B. Incorporating leisure activities to restore joy

XIV. The Role of Nutrition in Mental Well-being
A. Examining the link between diet and mood
B. Incorporating nourishing foods for mental health

XV. Overcoming Stigmas surrounding Depression
A. Challenging societal misconceptions and prejudices
B. Creating awareness and fostering empathy

XVI. Coping Strategies during Challenging Times
A. Developing effective coping mechanisms
B. Enhancing resilience through self-care routines

XVII. Maintaining Progress and Celebrating Milestones
A. Monitoring progress and acknowledging achievements
B. Sustaining joy by celebrating personal milestones

XVIII. Summary: Embracing Enduring Joy and Overcoming Depression
A. Recap of strategies to find joy in every moment
B. Importance of persistence in overcoming depression

A. How can I differentiate between sadness and depression?
B. Is joy attainable even in the most challenging circumstances?
C. What are some self-help techniques to alleviate depression symptoms?
D. When should I consider seeking professional help for depression?

Concluding Remarks:
Offering a beacon of hope, the journey towards embracing joy in every moment while overcoming depression is challenging but attainable. By integrating the outlined strategies, individuals can embark on a transformative path towards lasting contentment and well-being.

Unveiling the Secrets of Existence: Deepening our Understanding of Life’s Profound Significance.

The meaning of life by Titus Vargis


Have you ever wondered about the mysteries surrounding our existence?

Life’s profound significance has puzzled philosophers, scientists, and curious minds for centuries.

In this blog article, we will embark on a journey to unveil the secrets of existence and delve deeper into the fundamental questions that shape our understanding of life.

The Nature of Reality

Exploring the Illusion of Perception
Perception is a remarkable aspect of our existence.

Our senses allow us to experience the world around us, yet what we perceive may not always align with reality.

The human brain constructs our perception based on a combination of sensory inputs, preconceived notions, and past experiences.

As we unravel the secrets of existence, we must question the reliability of our perceptions and venture beyond our subjective interpretations.

The Enigma of Time

The enigma by Titus Vargis

Time, an intricate dimension of existence, poses numerous perplexities. Is time linear, or does it loop back upon itself?

Einstein’s theory of relativity unveiled the intertwining relationship between time and space, challenging our conventional understanding of its flow.

As we dig deeper, we must confront the enigma of time, exploring its mysterious nature and its role in shaping our existence.

Quantum Mechanics: A Glimpse into the Subatomic World

At the subatomic level, reality as we know it behaves in strange and perplexing ways. Quantum mechanics offers insights into the fundamental particles and their behavior, unraveling a realm of probabilities and uncertainties.

It challenges our conventional understanding of cause and effect, opening doors to alternate possibilities that baffle the human mind.

Decoding the Matrix of life by Titus Vargis

Understanding the mysteries of quantum mechanics provides us with a deeper appreciation for the complexity of existence.

The Search for Meaning
Human Consciousness: A Window to Understanding

Within the depths of human consciousness lies a profound gateway to understanding existence. Our self-awareness and introspective abilities allow us to question our purpose and seek meaning beyond the confines of our physical existence.

By exploring the intricate workings of our consciousness, we can obtain a broader perspective on the profound significance of life.

Connecting with the Universe: Spirituality and Beyond
Some individuals find solace in spirituality, embracing beliefs that reach beyond the tangible world.

Spirituality offers a different lens through which we can perceive existence, encompassing the interconnectedness of all living beings and the possibility of an eternal consciousness.

By delving into various spiritual practices, we expand our understanding and appreciation of the depth and interconnectedness of life.

Pursuing Knowledge and Wisdom
The pursuit of knowledge has been an inherent part of human existence, driving us to uncover the secrets of the universe.

Decoding the Matrix by Titus Vargis

Through scientific exploration, philosophical inquiries, and artistic expression, we continually expand our understanding of the world and our place within it.

By striving to cultivate wisdom and broaden our intellectual horizon, we deepen our comprehension of life’s profound significance.

Embracing the Wonder and Mystery

Living in Awe of the Unknown
Despite our efforts to unveil the secrets of existence, there will always be aspects that elude our understanding.

The unknown instills a sense of wonder, igniting the flame of curiosity within our souls.

Embracing the mystery surrounding our existence allows us to appreciate the vastness of the universe and invites us to embark on a lifelong journey of exploration and contemplation.

Finding Meaning in the Journey
In our quest to understand life’s profound significance, we must remember that the journey itself holds immense value.

Each discovery, every moment of introspection, contributes to our personal growth and deepens our appreciation for the intricacies of existence.

Rather than seeking definitive answers, we can find fulfillment in the process of unraveling the secrets of existence.


Unveiling the secrets of existence is a noble pursuit that broadens our horizons and deepens our understanding of life’s profound significance.

The meaning of life by Titus Vargis

By questioning our perceptions, exploring the enigma of time and delving into the mysteries of quantum mechanics, we cast light upon the nature of reality.

Through introspection, spirituality, and the pursuit of knowledge, we embark on a meaningful journey towards comprehending our place in the universe.

So let us embrace the wonder and embrace the mystery, for in this pursuit lies the essence of our existence.

How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle of life.

love and marriage coach
The most crucial question by Titus Vargis

How do you discover your life purpose? Some crucial points to find the answer to the puzzle.

Life is meaningful only when you have a purpose.

Let me ask you,do you know the life purpose?

If not then follow me through.

I would like to help you find out the purpose of your life.

Consider these important questions. Don’t just read but take a note book and write the answers sincerely.

By doing so you will find you are desperately looking for.

1. What are your passions?
2. What are your values?
3. What are your strengths?
4. What are your weaknesses?
5. What have been your most significant life experiences?
6. What would you do if you had unlimited resources?
7. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
8. What would make you feel like you’re not wasting your time?
9. What makes you feel most alive?
10. What would you do if you only had a year left to live?

Now What?!

Now what by Titus Vargis

Go through your answers and find what’s common in your answers.

Contemplating the following questions can give you some insights on your life purpose.

If you’d like to explore these questions further and gain personalized guidance on your journey of self-discovery, book a call with me today.

Let’s work together to unlock your true potential and create a life that aligns with your authentic purpose.

One of the keys to uncovering your life purpose is to identify what you’re passionate about.

What activities do you enjoy doing?
What gets you excited and energized?

Which are the topics that you enjoy learning about?
When do you feel like you are in your zone, your flow, what are you doing?

happy relationships
Your best life ahead by Titus Vargis

Your values are the principles and beliefs that guide your life. They’re the things that you hold most dear and that you’re willing to fight for.

Your values are extremely important if you want to live a joyful life aligned with who you really are.

The problem is that most often we take them for granted and we don’t even think about our values when making life choices.
Take some time to reflect on what’s most important to you.

What do you believe in?
What causes or issues matter to you?

Which are the most important values that you hold dear?
Here’s a list values to help you get started:


Your life purpose is likely to align with your values.

Our life choices need to be in line with our values. Otherwise, we would be making it impossible for ourselves to live a joyful life with a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Our life choices need to be in line wit

An open letter to the United Nations and an appeal on behalf of Ukraine.

sorry is not enough by Titus vargis


The United Nations and all countries,

With due respect I want to share some- thing very urgent. As you might know what’s happening in Ukraine.

So you say you are awesome and a peacemaker.

But what you have done speaks louder than your claims.

Look,Ukraine is destroyed and it will soon happen to exist no more.

Look,how you kept on looking at the war and amused yourself.

You thought that it’s not a big deal. You are useless,to speak frankly.

Hey,you could have saved thousands of precious cities and people including children.

Of course you are safe.

You are invincible as you often say.

But I think that’s much exaggeration!!

Hey, you are a coward hiding behind your peace talks and all gimmicks.

When will you awake?

How can we as a hu- man being ignore the war and its impact?

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long

Ukraine is facing the giant and it’s too long now.

Mankind is under attack.

What could the United States and other nations do to stop this war?

At Least for the sake of those pre- cious children and future generations something must be done.

Hey,think like a good human being.

Think not how you can be safe.

Let the peace prevail.

Let the peace prevail. Russia is wicked and it is getting dirtier as time goes by.

Let’s hope for the best,

A citizen of the free

No sorry is enough by Titus Vargis

My experiments with depression and my conclusions: People have stupid reaction towards depression.

What’s more disturb- ing than depression is people’s attitude towards it.

My experiments by Titus Vargis

Over the years I had been through many ups and downs.

One of the most horrific experience was my struggle with depression.

The thing that hurt me most was people’s utter stupid attitude towards me.

It was as if my life was in jeopardy.

My story has a strong message for those in our society.

Unless we treat this stupid- ity patients with mental illness and issues will not recover fast.

My own first hand experience has taught me what books could never teach me about depression.

Let me briefly share few of the utter stupid attitude of people towards me while I was in depression,

1. That I am abnormal.

2. That I am faking it.

3. I am Lazy.

4. That I am stupid.

5. That I am beyond hope.

6. That I am not worthy of respect.

7. That I am the only per- son on earth to behave like this.

8. That by willpower & efforts I can overcome it.

9. That this is not a big deal. I am the cause of this.

10. That this is not a sickness that needs treatment but a state of mind.

My story by Titus Vargis.

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