- Continue reading →: 12 top secrets to a Happy married life
Twelve Keys to a Happy Marriage Introduction Marriage is a journey filled with ups and downs, much like navigating the open sea. What ensures our relationship does not just survive but thrives, reaching the shores of enduring happiness? It comes down to our daily deliberate efforts to strengthen and deepen…
An open letter to God about my war inside
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Continue reading →: An open letter to God about my war insideDear God, my mind says as well as my heart. What should I do? God, you created our minds and hearts. You have created everything we can see or cannot. But the most frustrating thing is my mind and my heart saying two different things about the same thing. This…
- Continue reading →: 7 Things you should be proud of, in order to reach your full potential.
Let’s find some reasons to become proud of, 1. You have been through tough times, things got derailed yet you managed to come this far. 2. You are a winner. You have not kept quiet and sat silently. You tried your best. 3. Your circumstances were not favorable. You had…
- Continue reading →: 7 Things you should be proud of, in order to reach your full potential.
Lets find reasons to be proud of. Have you ever taken time to think how far you have come? Let me tell you some reasons to be proud of, 1. You have been through tough times, things got derailed yet you managed to come this far. 2. You are a…
- Continue reading →: Understanding how male and female communicate?
Unpacking How Guys and Gals Talk Differently Getting to the Core of Gender-specific Chatting A. Understanding the Idea Interactions between people are held together by communication, deeply woven into who we are, including the gender we identify with. Gender communication looks at the unique ways guys and gals express themselves,…
- Continue reading →: A Complete Manual for an Exceptional New Year Experience
Crafting Enduring Moments: A Complete Manual for an Exceptional New Year Experience Introduction Anticipation, joy, hope, and introspection often characterize New Year festivities. This powerful blend offers an opportunity to create remarkable experiences and lasting memories. As we leave one year behind and approach the next, we hope for a…
You still can move the mountains! Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela had humble beginnings. No one even dreamt that one day they will leave a timeless impact on the people. This year 2024,the world needs more such men. Men with iron dedication. Men with hearts like gods.…
- Continue reading →: 11 Commandments of Lasting relationships.
Let me quickly share some crucial elements of lasting relationships. Listen to this, whether we are smart or not, beautiful or not, lucky or not we are capable of achieving a lasting relationship. No one is responsible. No one must be judged. You are the hero of your life or…
- Continue reading →: Everything crucial things about narcissism in women
Unveiling the Narcissistic: Understanding the Inner Work Introduction Narcissism is a complex personality trait that can manifest differently in men and women. By going deeper into the inner space of narcissistic women, we can gain insights into manipulative behaviors, grandiose self-image, of empathy, fragile self, and the impact on relationships.…
- Continue reading →: An open letter to those who are thinking of giving up
Life is grey my friend. Hey my friend, I know you are strong but now you are weak. Do you know this: Life is not white or black, but grey. Life is both this and that. Why are you down, my friend? You have endured before and you shall overcome…
- Continue reading →: Those who kill inspiration in others are worse than murderers.
What killed my inspiration and zeal? You know, life is a series of ups and downs. It’s not surprising that life is not a bed of roses. But it’s sad to see, when someone steals your zeal and inspiration again and again. It’s disgusting!! No one must not do that.…
- Continue reading →: 12 golden words that are more precious than Diamond in any relationship.
Golden words that are more precious than Diamond You know, as we think about our lives and relationships and what makes them or breaks them, we realise that it’s not bigger things that have a huge impact. Let me clarify, we often think that it’s our sweet talks, romance, expensive…
- Continue reading →: The number one misunderstood question we ask others, “Do you REALLY love me?”
The impact of the answer we get from others no one can undermine. The question was, “Do you love me?!” The answer I was wanting to know from several observations. In the small details, small gestures, eyes contact, smiles, the way of talking etc. Sadly, I did get the answer.…
- Continue reading →: The number one misunderstood question we ask others,”Do you REALLY love me?”
The impact of the answer we receive is undeniable. The question was, “Do you love me?!” The answer I was wanting to know from several observations. In the small details, small gestures, eyes contact, smiles, the way of talking etc. Sadly, I did get the answer. I wish I didn’t…
- Continue reading →: 11 critical attitudes of women that irritate a man in a relationship.
There are many reasons, we get frustrated in life or relationships. Life is unpredictable. The reason we get into relationships is to find solace. But we get annoyed often due to lack of understanding. We find that relationships are not bed of roses. As a man, we don’t like certain…
- Continue reading →: 8 super awesome keys to happiness NOW
Don’t search for life. Don’t search for companions. Look for but don’t search. Consider these unwritten rules of abundant life, 1. You are here for no one else. 2. You are not responsible for others’happiness. You are sufficient. 3. Develop your strength but don’t cry for the weaknesses. 4. You…
- Continue reading →: The plot and the twist
Those who carryshining swords, to those, whose armorfull of sophisticatedweapons. what if nothing goes wrong? To those whomouthful ofwicked liespoison fullcrafty well documentedarguments. sometimes, it looks likewho is whoreally? The strong, the weak. Don’t get fooleddear child, you fearfulnothing to lose. your might none With handfuls ofempty promises. Take couragemy…
- Continue reading →: Why is communication in a relationship important?
Why Is Communication In A Relationship Important? We are a social being. We need communication. Unless as a couple, we develop in the area of communication we will fail terribly. The most important thing in a relationship is to communicate with each other daily. We might be good in all…
- Continue reading →: A journey of ten thousand miles that we never take
- Continue reading →: Life is good
Life is good Inspite of heartbreakingFriends leavingSorrows unending. Life is meaningfulOf course it’s Meaningless sometimesAlien to the senses. Life gets better As the days passesUnending roadsRewards awaitingWon’t you just go for it? As you will look backWill realize it was for goodIt was worth taking journeyFor sure, Life is good…
- Continue reading →: Hey Warrior, arise once more.
Hey the warriorWhy this? You were not meant for this. Who told youYou are not worth it. Arise for one More time. Look, the destinyCalling you. Shake this dustof ancient times, Your story is stillUnwritten. Rise up. The luck is yoursYou are the OneYours is destiny. Hey my dear, Lose…