8 innovative ways for navigating your conflicts with your child and maintaining a healthier relationship.

Children are awesome and they deserve better treatment.

Responsible parenting by Titus Vargis


A story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium

Read this story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium: https://titusvargis.medium.com/hey-my-friend-are-you-looking-for-relationship-transformation-and-refreshing-104d3fcf8c1b

Our pleasure to help you by Titus Vargis.

You are not alone. We are here to help you as you go through rough times in your life and relationship.

Come and see what great things can happen when you believe.

We are here to make you succeed.

Yes,you can find joy again.

© Titus Vargis.

Understanding narcissistic females and 3 very easy ways to deal with them.

You don’t have to be a victim anymore,take control of your life now.

You are not the victim anymore by Titus Vargis.

The fault in our relationship by Titus Vargis

There is a huge rise in abusive females in our world.
It’s not reported by most men out of shame.

Our Society likes to think it’s the female who’s always the weak,so the equation goes like this:

Abusive relationships = men at fault.

The reason behind this equation is that men are stronger than women.

This is the most fallacious misconception. It’s not the truth.
In Fact this is the real culprit. The real cause of marital breakdown.

In any case of reporting to the police,there is bias at work in the system.The police just ignore men and never listen to what men want to say.

Most of the time it won’t be accepted by society that any woman can abuse a man.

This is gross inhuman practice that’s prevalent in many so called developed countries.

Let me put in following points in order to explore these personality:

1) Consider the ads and movies, where it’s common to see women belittling men, even many men are projected there as stupid, foolish.

2) Society, especially narcissistic ones, are training girls and women to abuse men in their lives be it indirectly. The so-called feminist movements add fuel to it.

3) Society as a whole is narrating a different mode of conduct with regards to men.
It’s brainwashing to the point of hating men no matter what.

4) Narcissistic women teach others to refuse to respect any boundaries set by society and men.

There must be a way by Titus Vargis

5) Narcissists play the victim card.
Of course they cry,scream and create drama. They know very well how to influence people a lot so that they will believe in their account.

6) Narcissistic women can’t take any form of constructive feedback.

7) Narcissists lack empathy.
They have no feelings for men! They love a little and hate you at the same time.

8) Narcissists withhold sex to punish men.

9) Narcissists are materialistic.
They will say things like,
you take me out, you give me what I want when I want it.

10.Narcissistic values men based on his financial capabilities.

The blackmail by Titus Vargis


1.Don’t take the bait.

They are irrational, far from reality. Whatever comes from them is not rational.
Completely ignore them. when they want you to react,just leave the room.

2. When they start to play with your feelings just tell them,

“You are right with your emotions just as I am.”

3.They struggle with their internal chaos and their life shows just the same.
Don’t allow them to dictate your life. Take control of your life.

© Titus Vargis

This is the real thing that wrecks our life and relationships,beware of this!

No one talk about this but this is the real culprit behind our Titanic stories.

Right now,I need this in my life and relationship,I know everyone needs this. Would we be caring enough to do this?
The task no one can say no to but it depends whether we truly understand it’s importance.

The underlying cause by Titus Vargis

The underlying cause by Titus Vargis.

The sad truth is this: we have social connections,enough money and beautiful people in our lives but this is really missing.
Well,in order to live we need three basic necessities: water,food and a home.

But to have an ideal relationship,we need more than these.
We are searching for significance.
Yes,you heard me right.
Deep down of our soul we don’t look for social connections or huge castles but significance.

What’s significance?
It’s a value we get as a human being. To not be treated as a zombie. To be getting respect as an individual,as a homosepians.
We yearn for meaning in life, not 5 star food or star status on the offering.

We look for importance,sense of worth, acceptance more than physical things.
In a relationship,quite often we give everything so easily and we think we have done our best.

Think about this, do you not look for significance? Sense of worth from your relationship?
If we are keen to provide this,other things would not create any issue.
This is the ‘Thing’ that wrecks you and me and everbody.

The Matrix by Titus Vargis

This the it that breaks beautiful relationship.
This is the reason others get hurt and you too when you are treated less than being worthwhile.
Best wishes,
© Titus vargis

Are you asking the Right question to others? Alert: This might forever change their destiny.

The power of a more sensible approach towards others even when you don’t want to help others.

The power to impact others by Titus Vargis

Read this story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium: https://titusvargis.medium.com/are-you-asking-the-right-questions-to-others-alert-doing-so-can-forever-change-their-destiny-b9a154ee1de7

Hey, are you struggling with depression? Let me share how my Suicidal tendencies went Away?

Love and marriage

Life is hard sometimes and you can’t lose your precious life but how?

How my Suicidal tendencies went Away?

It’s not easy. It’s monumental.
It’s not a sickness that you take a pill and it goes away.

My struggle with the darkness by Titus Vargis

Let me come to the point,to say it in short.

First things first,

1. Suicidal thoughts are born out of long term sufferings of stress & harsh realities of life.

2. It’s not possible to get out of it by forcing one’s thoughts alone. No one can get out of it like that. It is ridiculous!

No,it does not work that way. You are Outrightly wrong. It’s not a physical sickness just like cough and cold.

3.Suicidal tendencies are out of one’s control. Understand this. No one wants to live like that.It’s a living hell. One can’t escape by himself.

4. Suicidal thoughts can develop over a period of time while being in total failure, death of a loved one, terrible loss in life or business,terminal sickness & sufferings.

5. The person who is affected by it already has done everything to come out of it but he’s helpless. This is the number one truth. He is really really helpless,and that’s the reason he’s thinking of ending his life.

No one likes to stay depressed by Titus Vargis
My struggle with depression by Titus Vargis.

Now,let me share my experience:

Suicidal thoughts were not in me until my father was alive. But once he had passed away I went into a stage of utter despondency.

I was the eldest son and I had a younger brother. We were still studying in schools. My mother had no job. Financially we were struggling.

During this period,I developed abnormal fears, including fear of people,fear of open spaces.

This created total imbalance in our family. This deeply affected my wellbeing.

As an eldest Son, I had the responsibility to look after my mother and brother.

Here I was in utter darkness & I felt I was not living upto my family’s expectations. I was unable to stay normal and earn a living.

I developed serious depression & went to consult the doctor. Doctor prescribed some medicines for me. I wanted to come out of this mess.

Medication really helped me. Previously I could not sleep at night but now I was sleeping well. My fears subsided to an extent and I attempted to start living my normal life once again.

Financially I had nothing to support my family so that I can feel proud about myself. Feelings of worthlessness increased my depression.I felt I was useless. I found no hope.

I developed a whole range of depressive thinking, different fears, and anger.

I attempted suicide many times. I did not see any point in living. I had tried all ways to get rid of depression. Medicines,Yoga, Positive talk, Exercises.

Nothing brought any lasting solution. Staying positive did not help.Nothing worked.Absolutely.

Medicines did not cure my suicidal tendencies. I was fed up with my life. I did not want to live as a burden to others.

Happiness is costly by Titus Vargis

Deep down my heart I wanted to live and earn lots of money. It didn’t happen. No one saved me.

My mother was a praying woman. She kept on praying for my recovery. She prayed to Jesus. Her prayers brought my answers. My life began to change.

My plans of suicide did not work. I must say I am alive because of Jesus Christ.

It was all because of my Heavenly Father. He just would not let me commit suicide. All my plans to end my life could not succeed.

I must say it took a while for me to become normal. It’s been more than 10 years now. Since then I have never thought about suicide.

My life is no longer the same. I now from my experience can say that no medicines can cure suicidal tendencies. No surface level efforts either.

I believe one must have a paradigm shift. One can’t just get over these dangerous tendencies just by thinking or behaving the right way.

Suicide is deeply related to our Soul. It’s a sickness of the Soul.

Unless and until this soul sickness is dealt with, one just can’t overcome it.

One surely can overcome suicidal tendencies with the help of God. Jesus Christ is the answer. God alone can heal this sickness of the Soul.

When the Soul is healed, a person begins to think about living boldly no matter what.

I believe this experience will help a lot of others who go through suicidal tendencies.

Thank you very much for reading.I am glad you read it.

Best wishes,

© Titus Vargis

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