Why You’re Never Happy With What You Have – Psychology Unveiled!

Get professional insight into the horrific reality of greener grass. Understand the hidden drawbacks and challenges that come with the seemingly perfect lawns.

Hey my dear,

This is a reminder. I know you are fighting well.
You are a warrior.

Yes,you have reached this far.
Welcome,my dear.
You might have questions,this is the reason for my letter.
It’s about universal sickness called,’what if’.

If you didn’t know let me tell you.
It’s the sickness that has killed many great men and women.

This is about the grass on the other side. What if I had a different parent?
What if I had been more white?
What if my spouse were different?
What if I had a different career?
What if I was more eloquent?..
The grass on the other side looks GREENER. Yes,it happens with everyone.

Believe me. This is the universal sickness that has destroyed very many good families and excellent personalities.
What if is a supposition.
It is never ending. It’s that endless possibilities we think that could have happened to us.

My experience says it’s deception. In fact the supermom of endless drifting.
It’s like today I am here and tomorrow there.
What’s the outcome? You still are going round and round.
You still are not satisfied.

You find better pastures on the other side.
My beloved,to cut short, don’t do that. It’s a slippery place that leads to nowhere.
Many have changed their spouses only to find the other one is much more brilliant,much more beautiful.

Many have shifted their careers only to find that it still doesn’t suit them.
Be strong in your values.
Give up plan B or C or D.
Focus on this and period.
Everyone is struggling 

Every family has its own darkness. Every life has its own sorrows.
Why don’t you just plant your own garden. Why don’t you plant your own flowers?

Stop comparing. It’s an ultimate deception.
Trust me,you will find your magic on the way.
Keep on moving with strong convictions.

God bless.


Are Angels Real? My Mind-Boggling Experience!

Discover the truth about celestial beings in this gripping post that explores a personal witness of an angel. Are they real? Find out here!

We encounter miracles daily and meet people ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary. Occasionally, we come face to face with angels beings who appear just when we think there are no solutions at hand. Do they exist? Indeed, they do, and often they arrive precisely when we need assistance.

How did I realize I was in the presence of an angel? During a particularly challenging time when I had no expectations of receiving help, one individual halted the construction work on our building.

It was unexpected; we hadn’t anticipated any assistance, yet suddenly, there was someone capable of helping.

Recently returned to our city for a brief visit, this person had relocated due to starting a business elsewhere.

Although we were not close friends, we had shared a bond in the past. After discussing our predicament, he promptly contacted friends in the city who could assist us.

Within the same day, all obstacles regarding our new building were resolved, and construction resumed—a tremendous relief.

Reflecting on this experience, I realized that angels are among us, though often unrecognized until after their intervention.

It prompts me to wonder whether I have been an angel to others. This is a question I now pose to you: given the opportunity, would you become someone else’s angel?

Yours friend,tv2024©

Quick tips to improve your relationship NOW.See the impact within 15 minutes!

One cannot deny the impact of relationships in overall life satisfaction.

Self denial in place of selfishness. Relationships are not a reason for the need of the self.

Might is unnecessary in a good relationship.in fact it’s the most unnecessary factor.

Good looks and smartness are good for the beginning but not in the long run. Beautiful faces won’t make your journey worth taking.

Having a highly self centeredness is rather a stumbling block for any relationship.

Degrees or education is good for the sustainability of the relationship but not the crucial factor of any successful relationship.

A critical attitude is the assured killer of any successful relationship.

Unforgiveness is the surest way to break any good relationship.beware of your stubbornness or lack of forgiving heart.

It is important to have a sympathetic approach towards the other.

© Titus vargis

This One Trick Helped Me Conquer My Anxiety!

Discover the single most powerful method that transformed my life by conquering anxiety. This easy trick can bring surprising freedom to your routine.

This One Trick Helped Me Conquer My Anxiety!

Anxiety always held me back. Whether it was speaking at a family gathering or selecting my meal in a bustling restaurant, the grip of fear seemed relentless and unyielding.

But that all changed when I discovered a simple yet profound technique, one that anyone can apply to gradually dismantle the fortress of fear.

I am no longer afraid. I have learned that nothing is powerful unless one gives.

The real breakthrough came when I embedded this empowering belief deep within myself. Growing up, the thought of stepping outside my comfort zone was paralyzing.

But understanding that fear grows only when you feed it with your attention was the first step toward reclaiming my life.

But let me share a bit about my past – I was the eldest son in my family, often anxious and afraid, unlike my younger brother.

My younger brother seemed to glide through social situations with ease, while I lingered on the sidelines, envying his natural confidence.

This disparity only deepened my anxiety—until I embraced the journey of self-discovery and change.

Family Dynamics:

As the older brother, the unspoken pressures to set an example were immense.

Social Anxieties:

Avoiding interactions was my safe zone.

Social interaction made me anxious, keeping me inside my house most of the time, aside from going to school.

My refuge was my room, where books and computers offered a sanctuary from the unpredictable world of human interaction.

High school and college were particularly challenging. Group projects and public speaking were nightmares that I lived over and over.

My parents did not realize the need for improvement in this situation.

It was a different time, with less emphasis and understanding of mental health and anxiety.

My parents believed I would ‘grow out of it,’ a sentiment that only heightened my sense of isolation and misunderstanding.

Thus, my school and college years were unconventional.

Avoiding activities:

Clubs and parties were no-go zones.

Minimal interactions:

I stuck to what and who I knew.
I tried my best to overcome this, but nothing seemed to change my behavior or temperament.

Books and articles promised quick fixes, but their effects were fleeting. The change, as I later learned, had to come from a deeper understanding and acceptance of myself.

I eventually understood that my temperament was the root of my behavior.

Being naturally introspective and sensitive, I realized these traits are not weaknesses but rather unexplored strengths.

This internal shift was crucial to the broader transformation.

How did I change my default behavior of fear and anxious thoughts?

First, I accepted my temperament.

I embraced my intrinsic nature instead of fighting it. This acceptance was liberating.

It helped me understand my interactions with the world around me better and adjust accordingly without self-judgment.

I then learned to accept myself just as I am, cultivating self-love and dispelling the notion of insanity.

Self-love exercises:

Treating myself as I would a dear friend.

Daily affirmations:

Reinforcing my worth and normalcy every day.

By observing those different from me, mimicking their body language and attitude, and repeatedly affirming my normalcy, I gradually overcame my anxiety.

I watched, I learned, and I applied. Slowly, the social cues and interactions that once baffled me began to make sense.

Fear and anxiety can be endured through courage, which entails acting despite fear’s presence.

Understanding courage:

It’s not the absence of fear but the decision to move forward despite it.

Practical application:

Choosing to engage in small but challenging interactions every day.

Believe me, we are all afraid. Courage does not mean being unafraid; it means acting despite fear.

Every person has fears; every person has anxiety about something. But those who choose to act, even in the face of those fears, are the ones who find true freedom.

Give it a try and witness a transformation within 15 days. Do not be disheartened by occasional setbacks; personal growth is a commitment.

Embracing this journey is not about immediate perfection but continual progression.

Each step, no matter how small, is a victory against anxiety. Each day is a new opportunity to live more freely than the last.

Keep moving forward, keep exploring yourself, and soon, you’ll find that the clutches of anxiety no longer hold the power they once did.

The Surprising Truth About Choosing the Road Less Traveled

Dive deep into why the road less traveled could lead to extraordinary opportunities and unexpected delights. Unlock your adventure spirit now!

Facing a world of preachers and warring nations like Israel and Russia is a tad bit chaotic.

Every time you flick on the news, there’s something brewing around the corner—be it in the dusty streets of the Middle East or the vast expanses of Eastern Europe.

Conflict seems like the order of the day, and yet here we are, trying to navigate through it all.

Explaining ‘proper living’ to young children can feel like tiptoeing through a field of landmines. It’s tricky, but not impossible.

In a way, we are the most selfish generations to have lived so far. We are highly educated and informed. We’ve got all the information in the world right at our fingertips. Googling has become a verb, and ignorance is less excusable.

Does that make us a bit self-centered? Maybe. We process loads of information daily, focusing more on our lives and less on the broader impacts.

We are aware of what’s happening in the corners of our world right now. But the question is, what are we doing? Are we just scrolling? Liking? Sharing? Often, it feels like our actions don’t extend beyond the digital realm.

Compared to earlier generations, we are smarter and highly practical. We’ve evolved to prioritize efficiency, creating solutions for virtually everything. Our lives revolve around convenience, crafted smartly to fit our fast-paced lifestyle.

Have we lost touch with the fabric that binds us—community and connection amidst the first-class cities and extraordinary facilities with nuclear families?

Each bomb, each bullet whispers a tale of loss—not just of lives but of potential peace.

Perhaps it’s easier to play the fool. Facing reality requires courage and work—traits that demand nurturing.

Despite recyclable cups and solar panels, are we truly making a positive impact on the climate and future generations?

It seems our tolerance and moral compass were misplaced in our quest for more—more money, more success, more everything.

Living sensibly requires a sense of morality and genuine love for others.

It’s not just climate change; it’s a change in the human climate—cold and indifferent.

Not just profits, but gains in kindness, understanding, and sustainability. Treasures that truly count.

Make the first move. Invite, share, understand.

Like an unspoken pact, to handle with care this world and its inhabitants.

Because at the end of the day, the circle completes with us—not beside us, not behind us, but together, hand in hand.

Together, let’s redefine what it means to live properly—not just for our sake, but for the sake of those who will inherit this earth. A commitment, a pact, a lifestyle. For the future is ours to shape.


11 rules for starting the day like a king

You find cherry by going to the cherry.

Hey,my friend. Hope you are doing great.

Here I will be sharing a quick way to begin the new day like a king! These are followed by great men and women who have achieved greatness in different spheres of life.

What ways do great men have achieved their greatness? It’s their perspective on time and discipline. They didn’t complain about the lack of time. Rather they went headstrong with seizing the day!

1. Planning a day before for the day.

2. Doing things first what they love.

3. Leaving all other things for the later part of the day.

4. Having a plan for their life and thereby for each day.

5. They know the power of focus. They just never undertake tens of tasks at a time.

6. They save their energy by staying away from unnecessary tasks or people.

7. They start the day with a power breakfast.

8. They believe they are not ruled by luck or the universe.

9. They divide the whole tasks into little chunks so that they can plan better and achieve greatly.

10. They know what their vision is. They are moved by them.

11. They affirm themselves. They believe in self motivation.

These are but few of the rules great men have achieved greatness in their life. Life is hard and we can’t make excuses.

No one is stopping anyone from achieving great things in life. Why are you waiting?!

Yours well wisher.

What are you selling my darling!

The day you

were born

the day

you will die.

what is

the meaning

of life or


what do you

want from me?

I could count stars,

tell me

what does it

take to win

your love for me?

I don’t need

your life support.

I am what

I don’t need

your exposition,

elaborated details

of what you

see in me.

I need to hear

from you,

what ways can

you love me.?

Have seen

enough of saviours

have tried

all of them.

Tell me what

you want from me.

You said you

love me,what do

you see in me?

What are you looking for

in me?

Darling,what are you


© Titus vargis

What really matters

What matters
Well,my child
You might
have decided

this media
you call
you are
might have
guessed it

No,no no
My child,
Let me say
kindness matters
our survival
is based
on the meek,
not on the

turning the
other cheek
quite often

this has
kept us all
alive and
this planet.

Hello my friend,we are together as a rainbow.

Think about this.

Hello my friend!

how are you?

Why should

I stay loud?

I am not


my DNA is


so yours.

The Sun is,and

the stars and


who said

I am quiet?

Stop being


It’s irritating.

can’t you be

more accommodating?


we are together

in the rainbow.

Listen, you are

loud.so loud.

I am not loud.

© Titus vargis

Experts Agree: Discover the Eleven Life Lessons That Can Boost Your Happiness!

Explore the wisdom shared by experts and embrace the surprising life lessons that are absolutely essential for growth, happiness, and success.

Life is a journey that constantly teaches us new lessons. Sometimes, these lessons come from experiences, good or bad, and sometimes we learn them by observing others or through personal reflection.

Today, I want to share with you 11 life lessons that have truly made a difference in how I view the world and myself. These aren’t just any lessons; they’re the kind of insights I wish someone had shared with me earlier.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in together into this pool of wisdom collected over the years.

Relationships Don’t Fulfill You

You might think finding the one person who makes your heart skip a beat will solve all your problems and fill that emptiness inside you.

But the truth is, no one can fill that void except you. Relationships are wonderful, enriching aspects of our lives, but they’re not the solution to personal fulfillment. Fulfillment comes from inside, from knowing yourself and loving yourself.

Only You Can Bring Significance to Your Life

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that our worth is tied to our achievements, job title, or social status.

However, the only person who can genuinely bring meaning to your life is you. Your passions, your kindness, your dreams, and how you touch the lives of others—these are what make your life significant.

Work Hard but Don’t Forget to Act Smart

There’s no denying the importance of hard work. Dedication and perseverance are key to achieving goals.

But it’s also crucial to work smart. Efficiency isn’t just about putting in the hours; it’s about finding better, more effective ways to accomplish tasks.

This could mean automating repetitive tasks, delegating, or simply knowing when to take a break to recharge your batteries.

Take Time for Yourself

In this fast-paced world, taking time for oneself is often seen as a luxury or even selfishness.

But it’s anything but. Taking time off to just be can greatly improve your mental health and productivity.

Whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk in nature, or simply doing nothing, time for yourself is essential for a balanced life.

Find a Purpose in Life Apart from Your Routine Job

Many of us fall into the routine of daily jobs and responsibilities, often losing sight of what makes us truly excited about life.

Finding a purpose outside of work can add a new layer of meaning to your life. This could be a hobby, volunteer work, or anything that makes you feel alive and contributes to the greater good.

The Purpose Gives You Significance

Having discussed finding a purpose, it’s worth noting that this purpose is what imbues your life with real significance.

It’s the thing that gets you up in the morning with excitement and keeps you going even when the going gets tough. A life with a purpose is a life of fulfillment.

Think Out of the Box

Creativity isn’t just for artists; it’s a necessary skill for overcoming the challenges life throws at us.

Thinking outside the box, trying new things, and looking at situations from different perspectives can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Encourage yourself to break the mold once in a while, and you might be surprised where it leads you.

Life Is an Adventure

Life isn’t just about the destination; it’s about the journey. Treating life as an adventure helps us see the beauty in the everyday and makes us more open to new experiences.

Embrace the unknown with open arms, and don’t be afraid to take risks – this is what makes life thrilling.

Ask Directions if You Feel You Got Lost

There’s no shame in asking for help or direction. We all get lost sometimes, whether it’s in our career paths, personal life, or even literally.

Seeking advice or guidance from others can provide valuable insights and prevent us from wandering aimlessly.

Try Supernatural

This point might raise a few eyebrows, but hear me out. The supernatural doesn’t necessarily mean magic spells or sorcery; it’s about believing in something beyond our understanding.

Whether it’s faith, karma, or cosmic energy, sometimes, embracing the idea that there’s more to life than what meets the eye can help us cope with life’s frustrations.

Never Give Up Your Confidence

Confidence is not about always being right or not having doubts; it’s about trusting your abilities and worth even when things don’t go your way.

Never let failures or setbacks diminish your self-belief. Remember, confidence is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Say ‘Yes’ Only When You Really Want To

We live in a culture that glorifies busyness and overcommitment.

But there’s incredible power in saying no and choosing what truly resonates with you.

Say yes to experiences, opportunities, and connections that align with your values and joy, and don’t feel pressured to agree to everything else.

In sum, these lessons, drawn from personal experiences and reflections, offer a blueprint for living a life that is rich, fulfilling, and true to oneself.

Remember, life is a beautiful, messy, and unpredictable journey, but it’s our journey to embrace, explore, and enjoy.

So, here’s to making the most of it, learning as we go, and remembering that in the end, it’s the lessons we learn that make us who we are.

Experts Reveal Why Your Identity Is a Complete Illusion!

Dive deep into the mind-blowing reality that your identity might just be an illusion. Experts share powerful insights on why and how – a must-read journey to the truth.”

Sometimes, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of self-perception and societal expectation, pondering deeply, “Who am I? I really don’t know.”

It’s a question that echoes through the chambers of our minds, particularly during moments of solitude or frustration.

The journey to self-discovery is intricate, often marred by the external pressures to conform and the internal desire to be authentic.

This blog post delves into this complex interplay, exploring why we sometimes lose sight of who we are and how we can navigate back to our true selves.

Should I Believe in Myself or Others? I Am Confused

There comes a time in nearly everyone’s life when the reflection staring back from the mirror seems unfamiliar.

It’s not the physical appearance that feels foreign but the realization that the person you’ve become might be a collage of external expectations rather than your authentic self.

The paradox of belief—heavily influenced by others yet inherently personal—leaves us in a state of confusion.

The Frustration of Constant Agreement

It’s astonishing how subtly it begins. Agreeing with a partner on a trivial matter, or altering behavior slightly to avoid disappointing parents or friends.

Slowly, these concessions accumulate, eclipsing our true nature.

The frustration bubbles beneath the surface when we realize that our actions and decisions are no longer our own but a performance scripted by societal norms.

Conforming to Avoid Offense

Our world is painted in shades of politeness and diplomacy, where offending others is often seen as the cardinal sin.

This societal dictum shapes our behavior meticulously, compelling us to adjust our true selves for fear of rebuke. But at what cost? The price, it turns out, is the essence of who we are.

Society Dictates, But At What Expense?

The societal cookie-cutter approach to individuality is perplexing. From our earliest days, any deviation from the norm is discouraged, children being the prime victims of this conformity crusade.

But why do we prioritize fitting in over being genuine?

Suppressing Our True Selves

The suppression begins innocuously enough, with reprimands for not adhering to expected behaviors, and subtly transitions into a more profound loss of identity.

As we mature, the societal leash tightens, often disguised as well-meaning advice or the path to success.

However, this suppression of individuality bears long-term consequences, eroding the authenticity that makes each of us unique.

The Fault in Our Systems

Our education system, albeit a cornerstone of societal progress, sometimes perpetuates this culture of conformity. Creativity and originality often take a backseat to memorization and regurgitation of accepted norms.

This not only stifles personal growth but also molds individuals into personas that resonate with societal expectations rather than their true selves.

Embracing Authenticity for a Rich Tapestry of Individuality

Recently, an epiphany struck me. In my relentless pursuit of pleasing others, I had lost touch with who I really am. This realization was both liberating and daunting.

It’s time to peel off the layers of imposed identities and rediscover the core of our being.

Respect Diversity, Foster Individuality

Just as we cannot expect a singer to excel in accounting without a passion for numbers, or an athlete to dance without rhythm, we cannot force individuals into preconceived molds.

It is essential to acknowledge and respect the diversity of talents, passions, and personalities that make up the human tapestry.

Promoting a one-size-fits-all mentality does a disservice to the richness of human potential.

Conclusion: The Authentic Self is the Happiest Self

In this journey of self-discovery, let us embrace our quirks, our idiosyncrasies, and our unique perspectives.

Encourage others to shine in their authentic light, unburdened by the weight of conformity.

Remember, the freedom to be ourselves is not just a path to happiness but a celebration of the vibrant diversity that makes humanity so intriguing and wonderful.

Let’s not just ask, “Who am I?” but answer with confidence, “I am uniquely me.” And that’s not just okay; it’s beautiful.

Ready to Quit? This Message Will Give You the Strength to Carry On!

Ever felt like giving up? This message will light a fire within you, revealing exclusive insights on cultivating grit and resilience. Discover the secrets to a stronger, more determined you.

You have come so far. Don’t you think it is true?
You have overcome millions of seas. You outsmarted many.

Life gives you so many lessons,won’t you fight this time?
Millions have gone during the pandemic. You have SURVIVED.
Take time to look back. You are a survivor.

Many look to you as a role model. Would you give up and shatter their hope?
Think about millions of children who are sleeping without bread? Are you not better than them?

You never gave up, earlier. Now life has brought you in a state of suffering. You must fight.
I tell you, you are not defeated unless you give up.

Take a break. It’s a burnout.you need to show compassion to yourself. You need care.

Hey,why are you so loud? It’s disgusting.

No one is the center of the universe

Hey,you are so so loud. This is killing me.

I am not your kind of. I am not like you.

Remember this,your loudness is disgusting.

Don’t think otherwise. I don’t hate you. I love you.

I know you are so genuine.
My experience tells me that you are naturally loud.

But I can’t just accommodate you in that.
Sometimes I just want to say it out loud. But I am not that kind of person.
I know you need to be silent sometimes,but I don’t say it. I might hurt you.

Why do you think you have to be loud?

Can’t you be calm sometimes?!

It’s not good. Not everyone is like you.
You need to respect others.

You need to understand that often your loudness makes me frustrated.

I am a silent person. I like to talk in a way that looks like the opposite of loudness.

This doesn’t mean that I am not social.
In Fact I like to be around people like you.
Don’t be rude.
I hate being told you are not talking. I hate being told that I am silent. No I like to talk.
I love to talk beyond the surface. I like to talk about everything but you don’t want to.you only care about yourself.
I like to share my real issues, not only how you are etc.
Please respect my friend. Don’t be so rude.
Your perspective is as important as mine.
My issues are as important too. If you care to listen,I will talk.
If you keep on talking,I won’t respond.
We are meant to be different. When we truly care,we respect others. We listen to others.
I hope you understand.

Your Inspiration is Dying! Find Out Why and How to Revive It?

“Feel like your inspiration is on its last breath? Uncover unusual yet effective tips to re-energise your spirit and get back on the creative path. Start your resurgence journey now.”

Inspiration is the fuel that powers the engine of creativity, driving us to explore, innovate, and achieve remarkable things.

However, even the brightest flame of inspiration can be snuffed out by seemingly innocent habits and choices.

Let’s delve into what can unknowingly kill your inspiration, offering insights and tips on how to keep that creative spark alive.

Keep on Talking About the Past

Reflecting on the past isn’t inherently bad; it’s our personal library of experiences and lessons.

But dwelling on it, especially on failures or missed opportunities, can be like walking with your eyes fixed behind you—you’re bound to stumble on what’s ahead.

Dwelling in the past can prevent you from seeing current opportunities and can drain your inspiration.

*Tip:Acknowledge your past but live in the present. Let the lessons learned inform your decisions without letting past failures define your future endeavours.

Keep on Discussing Your Dreams with Dream Killers

Sharing your dreams and aspirations is natural, seeking support and advice.

However, consistently discussing them with individuals who dismiss, belittle, or discourage you can quench your drive. These ‘dream killers’ may not always mean harm; sometimes, they project their own fears and limitations onto you.

*Tip:Surround yourself with supporters who believe in the beauty of your dreams and encourage you to pursue them, even when the path gets tough.

Speaking Bad About Yourself to Self or Others

The words we speak about ourselves, both internally and externally, have immense power.

Constantly downplaying your abilities, doubting your potential, or berating yourself for failures can erode your self-esteem and kill your inspiration.

*Tip: Practise self-compassion and positive self-talk. Celebrate your small victories and learn from mistakes without self-judgement.

Keeping Mind Closed

A closed mind is a blockade on the road to inspiration.

Rejecting new ideas, perspectives, or experiences out of hand stifles creativity and prevents the discovery of new inspirations.

*Tip: Cultivate curiosity. Stay open to new experiences and viewpoints. You never know what might spark your next big idea.

Thinking in a Box

Creativity thrives on freedom, yet many of us confine our thinking to the familiar comfort of ‘the box.’

This limitation can stifle innovation and kill inspiration by rendering us unable to see beyond our self-imposed boundaries.

*Tip: Challenge yourself to think differently. Approaching problems from unusual angles and questioning standard methods can unleash new and inspiring ideas.

Staying in a Bad Company of Friends Who Lack Vision or Dreams

The people you surround yourself with can significantly influence your mindset and aspirations.

Spending too much time with friends who lack their own vision or dreams can subtly discourage your pursuits, making it tough to maintain inspiration.

*Tip:Seek out and spend time with people who inspire you, those who have dreams of their own and encourage you to reach for yours.

Not Taking Time on Yourself

Neglecting self-care and personal development can deplete your energy and dull your creative spark.

Inspiration flourishes when you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally well-tended.

*Tip: Make time for yourself. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit and stimulate your mind.

Lack of Recreation

All work and no play isn’t just dull; it’s a recipe for burnout and a surefire inspiration killer.

Recreation and leisure activities are not just fun—they’re necessary for refreshing your perspective and recharging your creative energy.

*Tip: Incorporate leisure and hobbies into your routine. Doing things just for the joy of it can reignite your inspiration.

Not Attempting New Endeavours

Sticking to what you know and never venturing beyond can lead you into an inspirational rut. The challenge and excitement of new endeavours stimulate creativity and can be a powerful source of inspiration.

* Tip:Dare to try new things, whether it’s learning a skill, exploring a new hobby, or taking on a challenging project.

Not Reading Books

Books are windows to new worlds, ideas, and insights. Opting out of reading is like shutting those windows and denying yourself the breeze of inspiration they bring.

*Tip: Make reading a regular part of your life. Books in your area of interest can be incredibly inspiring, but don’t be afraid to explore outside your comfort zone too.


Inspiration is a delicate flame that needs nurturing.

By being mindful of the factors that can extinguish it and taking proactive steps to foster a supportive, open, and stimulating environment, we can keep our inspirational fires burning brightly.

Let’s commit to being architects of our own inspiration, building and reinforcing the conditions that allow it to thrive.

The Ultimate Guide to Loving Life, No Matter How Rough It Gets!

“Discover jaw-dropping reasons to adore life in each moment. This guide empowers you to energize your existence with love and excitement.”

It’s my family,my friends,my insecurity,my lack of confidence,my neighbor,my local government – everyone is damn dirty. Except me?

No. I know I am not qualified indeed to live,to face people who are weird,my challenges I meet each day.
So I don’t want to live! Yes you heard it right.

Why did I have to be born? I often ask myself. Of Course you don’t ask this to your parents.
Why didn’t I die on the day I was born?

What’s the point of all networks, education, marriage or children? What does it benefit? You are still vulnerable.you never get away with wickedness rampant.

I hate hypocrisy.I see it everywhere. In my family,my friends,my church.
Don’t we see people who act as saints but are real jokers inside. Wicked inside. What is the point of living among such a crowd?

What’s the point in earning hard with sweat and blood only to see later your money is of no use.

People use you and throw you away. As a lemon squeezed and thrown away.

Don’t we see it in our own lives?
This frustrates me. I hate seeing this again and again.

Even the so-called religion and the church people,are they any different!?
No. They deceive you.They frustrate you quite often.

Our lives are meaningless.
It’s not rational at all.
This was my view up to now.
I didn’t realize until recently a different truth.
One sentence from a good book. It was transforming. It liberated me.
I changed my perspective on living.
What was that?!

Life is not rational so don’t rationalize. Life is hard but good things do come out of hard things.
Planting a tree is hard.
Watering it for many many days is damn hard.

It consumes time. It consumes our patience.
It is doing again and again and again but with no results.
Yet we find life happens this way.
One day the tree comes up. Fruits come. You enjoy the fruits. You realize it was worth it.

Now you smile.
You receive the prize for all your hard work! At last.
Life is not magic. It takes our efforts. It takes time. You get results.
You sow the seeds,you water them again and again. You keep your patience.you look for the day when it will blossom and give you fruits.
You look at that day. You keep on trusting.

You even deny your own feelings of meaningless efforts.
This is the right way.
This is life’s way.
This is the way to gain anything in life.
The other way is futile.
I discussed that in the beginning.
Let’s have the adventure of life.
Let’s keep going.
Let’s keep on believing.
Let’s live, not die.

© Titus vargis

Breaking Free from Depression: The Ultimate Comeback Story!

Happiness awaits just around the corner. Learn how to escape the grip of depression and find the joy and fulfillment you deserve in your life.

Navigating the treacherous waters of life, we occasionally find ourselves in the midst of a storm, where the waves of betrayal, loneliness, and despair threaten to sink our ship of sanity.

It’s a place I found myself not too long ago – drowning in the chaos of depression, ensnared by the chains of isolation.

Yet, here I am today, sharing my journey from the brink of absolute insanity to a place of renewed hope and serenity.

It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of understanding, patience, and self-care.

How I Keep Myself Sane in Insanity

My path to reclaiming my sanity was far from straightforward. It was a journey marked by trials that tested every fiber of my being. Yet, these hardships presented an opportunity for profound personal growth.

When The World Turned Its Back

My descent into darkness began with personal betrayals—friends who vanished when shadows loomed, a spouse overwhelmed by the specter of my mental illness, and siblings whose trust seemed like a foreign concept.

The pain of these betrayals was magnified by a crippling financial instability. It felt as though I was trapped in a never-ending cycle of despair, with no one to turn to for support.

Finding Solace in Solitude

In the depths of my isolation, I discovered the healing power of solitude. It was in these moments of alone, untethered from the expectations and judgments of those around me, that I began to see glimmers of light piercing through the darkness.

Meditation became a sanctuary, a realm where I could seek peace amidst the turmoil. Though my initial attempts felt fruitless, persistence revealed the transformative potential of mindfulness and self-reflection.

Books: The Beacons of Hope

Turning to literature, I searched for wisdom in the experiences of others. While each page didn’t hold a miraculous cure, the collective insights offered a lantern to guide me through my darkest days.

It was a reminder that I wasn’t alone in my struggles, that others too had navigated the treacherous paths of mental illness and emerged stronger on the other side.

How Can Anyone Do It?

My story, though unique in its details, shares universal themes with the experiences of countless others.

Here, I offer suggestions drawn from my journey, hoping they might light the way for someone else enduring the storm.

Embrace The Journey

Recovery is not a destination but a journey. It requires patience, forgiveness (both of yourself and others), and an unwavering commitment to self-discovery. Understand that setbacks are not failures but stepping stones towards healing.

Cultivate Meaningful Connections

Though my path was often solitary, the moments I cherished the most were those shared with individuals who genuinely cared.

Opening your heart to trusted friends, family members, or professionals can provide the strength needed to persevere. Remember, vulnerability is not a weakness but a courageous step towards recovery.

Seek Professional Help

There’s a profound strength in acknowledging the need for help beyond our personal networks.

Mental health professionals offer invaluable guidance, helping us to navigate our emotions and challenges in a structured, supportive environment.

Rediscover Your Passions

In the throes of my depression, life’s colors had faded to grey.

Yet, as I reconnected with forgotten hobbies and interests, I found myself imbued with a renewed sense of purpose and joy. Allow yourself the freedom to explore new activities or rekindle old passions.


The road from the depths of despair to the peaks of emotional wellness is long, winding, and uniquely personal. Yet, it’s a journey worth embarking on.

My experiences, though fraught with pain and loneliness, ultimately led me to a place of greater understanding, empathy, and resilience.

To anyone walking this path, know that you are not alone, and that with time, support, and self-care, it is possible to reclaim your sanity and rediscover the beauty of life.

Let us be kind to ourselves and one another, for in kindness, we find our shared humanity and the strength to overcome even the most daunting of challenges.

Finally! An Open Letter That Offers a Real Solution to Loneliness!

No one to lean on by Titus vargis

Dear Reader,

I have something important to share with you – a personal struggle that many may relate to. This isn’t your average social media post; it’s raw and emotional. I want you to understand that despite appearances, my life isn’t perfect. I may write inspirational posts and showcase a seemingly ideal existence, but behind the scenes, I battle with my own demons. Loneliness is my constant companion, despite having a loving family and engaging in community service. The lack of empathy from those closest to me leaves me feeling isolated. I do my best to help others, but often feel used and discarded in return. This constant cycle of selfishness is disheartening.

## The Unseen Battle

My open life by Titus vargis

I am not the life of the party; I prefer solitude. My quiet demeanor shouldn’t be mistaken for misanthropy – I simply find solace in my own company. It’s disconcerting that society often favors extroverts over introverts like myself. I gravitate towards individuals who exhibit empathy and open-mindedness, as self-absorption is a trait that I struggle to tolerate. Finding balance in a world that values social prowess can be challenging, causing me to question my self-worth. My perfectionist tendencies only exacerbate my internal conflicts.

In my darker moments, when the world feels overwhelming, I retreat into my fortress of solitude. It’s there, in the silence, that I confront the heart of my loneliness. It’s not the absence of people that haunts me but the absence of meaningful connections. Despite being surrounded by a crowd, the void within grows, feeding on fleeting interactions and superficial exchanges.

My chaos by Titus vargis.

## Finding Respite

To combat my feelings of isolation, I engage in various therapeutic activities. Music has a profound effect on my well-being, providing a sense of solace when words fail me. Journaling serves as an outlet for my unfiltered thoughts, allowing me to untangle the complexities of my emotions. Immersing myself in nature, reading books, and practicing mindfulness techniques like meditation also offer respite from the chaos of everyday life.

These actions are my lifelines, pulling me back from the edge of despair. They allow me to breathe, to find peace in the storm. But they are not cure-alls. My journey towards healing is ongoing, marked by small victories and inevitable setbacks.

## A Shared Struggle

If my words resonate with you, know that you are not alone in your struggles. There are countless individuals grappling with similar challenges, searching for a path towards healing. By sharing my story, I hope to offer solace to those who feel lost in their own battles. Let me know how my open letter has touched you, as your feedback is invaluable in this journey of self-discovery and growth.

No more by Titus vargis.

Remember, strength lies in resilience. Do not allow yourself to remain stagnant in despair. Seek out genuine connections and surround yourself with like-minded souls who uplift and support you. Together, we can navigate the treacherous terrain of loneliness and emerge stronger on the other side.

With resilience and hope,
Titus Vargis

Surviving the Unthinkable: My Advice on Fighting Suicidal Thoughts

Surviving the storm by Titus vargis

Life, in its intricacy, presents us with a multitude of experiences—some bitter, some sweet, and many that linger somewhere in-between.

In moments of profound despair or overwhelming challenges, the idea of just letting go and succumbing to the darkness might fleetingly cross our minds.

My experience with suicidal thoughts

Yet, here I am, choosing to embrace the light, the pain, the fear, and every hue of life in between. Let’s delve into the whys and wherefores.

Embracing Life Over Fear and Pain

Life hasn’t always been kind. Like many, I’ve faced my share of moments when everything seemed insurmountable.

But choosing life over the temptation of giving up has been my silent rebellion against the odds.

Life Purpose

I believe we’re all here for a reason. For me, realizing that I have unfulfilled purposes acts as a beacon in my darkest hours.’s not just about big achievements but about small, everyday victories and the joy brought.

A Legacy for My Children

My children are my heart walking outside my body.

The thought of leaving them prematurely, of not being there to see them grow, learn, and face life’s myriad challenges and joys, weighs heavily on me.

They are a significant part of why I choose to weather life’s storms.

Beyond Self

It’s easy to become ensnared in our web of miseries, to dwell on what ails us. Yet, life isn’t just about me.

It extends to the people I love and care about—their needs, their hopes, and their well-being. Shifting the focus from myself to them often sheds light on the bigger picture.

The Privilege of Life

Choosing to live, especially in the thick of turmoil, is no small feat. It is a declaration that despite life’s lows, its highs are worth striving for.

Life Is a Fortune

Waking up each day is a privilege denied to many. This realization pushes me to see beyond my current suffering, to value life’s gift, and make the most out of it, no matter the obstacles.

Lessons from the Past

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize the strength I’ve garnered from overcoming past adversities.

Giving up now would disregard the resilience I’ve built up. It would mean letting a few challenging experiences overshadow numerous good ones.

The Courage to Face Challenges

Life demands courage and tenacity. It’s about standing up after every fall, ready to face the world anew.

My resolve to live is also a commitment to not succumb to fear, to not let challenges define my existence.

Family Ties

The family is an anchor during stormy times. Their unconditional love and support stand as pillars, compelling me to forge ahead.

Obligation to My Parents

Watching my parents age has reinforced my resolve to live fully. They’ve sacrificed much for my well-being; now, as they tread into their twilight years, my presence, love, and support are ways to repay their boundless love.

Creating Memories

Life is fleeting, and each moment is a memory in the making.

Choosing to live is choosing to create memories—joyous ones that define and enrich the tapestry of our shared existence.

Choosing life, in essence, is a testament to the undying hope that whispers softly, urging us to give life another chance, to see beyond the pain and the fears, and to treasure the myriad moments that make life worth embracing.

It is a conscious decision to acknowledge life’s shadows but to revel in its light, to seek purpose, to cherish loved ones, and to embrace the privilege of existence wholeheartedly.

Let’s choose to live, not just exist. Because every breath is a story waiting to be told, and I’ve got chapters yet unwritten.

© Titus vargis

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

“They Divorced Because of THIS?” The Unbelievable Truth Behind Separations!

Divorce is a complex and multifaceted issue that touches the lives of many.

While external factors often contribute to the dissolution of marriage, there’s a deeper, more introspective cause that goes largely unspoken.

This article delves into the internal battles we face — the wars within that shape our relationships far more than we might realize.

The Silent Battles We Fight

Every individual carries within them a series of internal conflicts stemming from past experiences, unresolved issues, and personal perceptions.

These silent battles can deeply influence how we interact with our partners, often in ways we don’t fully comprehend.

– Personal unresolved issues affect our reactions and behaviors towards our partners, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
– Our perceptions and attitudes, shaped by past experiences, can create a predisposition to doubt, hurt, and unfairly treat our significant others.

Our Responses to Internal Conflicts

Our manner of dealing with these internal battles plays a significant role in the health of our relationships. Unfortunately, more often than not, our reactions are not conducive to harmony and understanding.

Quick to Annoyance:

Minor irritations escalate into significant arguments as our tolerance levels are diminished by our inner turmoil.


Emotional baggage leads to disproportionate responses to relatively minor issues.

Increased Conflict:

The frequency and intensity of arguments are amplified by unresolved internal issues.

Unfair Blame:

A tendency to place responsibility on our partner for our feelings and reactions, ignoring the influence of our internal struggles.

The Impact on Relationships

The cumulative effect of these responses to our internal conflicts can be devastating on relationships, eroding trust, communication, and mutual respect — the very foundations upon which partnerships are built.


A failure to recognize and address our inner wars leads to repeated misinterpretations of each other’s actions and intentions.

Chronic Hurt:

The cycle of hurt-begetting-hurt, driven by unhealed wounds, poisons intimacy.


Past injustices we’ve suffered bleed into current interactions, fostering an environment of unfairness and imbalance.

The Path to Healing

Recognizing the pervasive impact of our inner conflicts on our relationships is the first step towards healing.

Addressing these issues requires a commitment to self-reflection, self-improvement, and, oftentimes, professional help.


Acknowledge the existence of these inner battles and their influence on your relationship dynamics.

Seek Professional Help:

A therapist or counselor can offer valuable insights and tools for navigating and resolving these internal conflicts.

Commit to Healing:

True relationship success is predicated on individual healing. Prioritize resolving your inner conflicts as part of your commitment to your relationship.

Until we heal the wounds within, we cannot fully trust, love, or engage authentically in our relationships. The journey towards healing is not just a personal triumph but a gift to our partnerships.”


Divorces often occur not because of one or two isolated incidents but as a result of a prolonged neglect of our internal struggles.

The wars we wage within can devastate our relationships if left unchecked. It’s crucial for each individual to embark on a journey of self-reflection and healing to foster healthier, more fulfilling partnerships.

Recognizing and addressing our inner conflicts is not an admission of weakness but a brave step towards stronger, more resilient relationships.

©Titus Vargis

The Smart Parenting Method That’s Changing Families Worldwide!

Parenting is an ever-evolving journey that requires a unique blend of love, discipline, and education.

No parent is born with all the answers, and the path to becoming a wise and effective parent involves continuous learning and adaptation.

With three kids of my own, each presenting their own set of beautiful challenges, I have navigated the complex world of parenting one step at a time.

My experience has taught me that mastering small, yet significant details can profoundly impact your parenting approach.

This guide aims to share those lessons, offering a comprehensive look into the strategies and mindsets that foster wholesome child development.

Parenting Advice

Here, we delve into essential parenting advice, covering emotional control, the pursuit of knowledge, fair treatment, shared responsibilities, and the celebration of each child’s unique abilities.

These pillars of smart parenting not only encourage a nurturing home environment but also support each child’s growth into a well-rounded adult.

Control Your Emotions

The ability to maintain emotional stability is a cornerstone of effective parenting. Children are highly perceptive and can easily pick up on their parents’ emotional states.

It’s crucial, therefore, to manage your reactions and display calm and composed behavior.

This doesn’t mean suppressing emotions; instead, it involves acknowledging them and finding constructive outlets.

For instance, when a situation becomes overwhelming, taking a moment to breathe deeply can provide the necessary pause before addressing the issue at hand.

Calm Your Mood

Similarly, managing your mood is vital. A negative or agitated mood can inadvertently influence your parenting style and interactions with your children.

Embracing strategies like mindfulness or engaging in activities that boost your mood can have a positive impact on the entire family dynamic.

Remember, a happy parent is more likely to raise happy children.

Seek Knowledge

Assuming you know everything about parenting can be a pitfall.

The willingness to learn from others, whether through books, parental courses, or discussions with fellow parents, can enlighten you to new perspectives and strategies.

Each child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Staying open to learning helps you adapt your parenting style to meet each child’s needs effectively.

Fair Treatment

Avoiding judgment and offering unbiased support is essential in parenting.

Each child has their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to embrace these differences without comparison.

Fair treatment builds a strong foundation of trust and respect, ensuring that each child feels valued for who they are.

Shared Responsibility

Parenting should not be a solo mission.

Discussing and dividing responsibilities with your partner or family members can alleviate stress and prevent burnout.

It’s beneficial for children to see their parents working together as a team, reinforcing notions of cooperation and mutual support.

Rotate Responsibilities

To further emphasize shared duties, rotating responsibilities among family members can be incredibly effective.

This approach not only diversifies the experiences and skills each member brings to parenting but also keeps routines fresh and engaging.

Celebrate Abilities

Every child possesses unique talents and abilities. Recognizing and celebrating these strengths fosters self-esteem and encourages further development.

Whether it’s academic achievements, artistic skills, or simple acts of kindness, acknowledging these accomplishments motivates children to continue exploring their potential.

Respect Each Child

Offering respect to your children is paramount for their emotional and moral development.

Demonstrating respectful behavior teaches them how to interact with others and builds their self-respect. This includes listening attentively, validating their feelings, and involving them in decision-making processes.

Share Stories

Sharing your childhood experiences, both the successes and failures, can be incredibly reassuring for children.

It helps normalize setbacks and emphasizes that growth often comes from overcoming challenges.

These stories can serve as powerful lessons and deepen the bond between you and your children.

Show Appreciation

Lastly, showing appreciation for both big and small achievements plays a crucial role in positive reinforcement.

Celebrating efforts, as well as outcomes, instills a sense of pride and encourages children to continue striving towards their goals.

Every child is a world of possibilities waiting to be nurtured. As parents, our role is to guide them with respect, understanding, and patience.

By embracing these principles of smart parenting, we can provide our children with a solid foundation for becoming responsible, compassionate, and confident adults.

“Parenting is not about being perfect. It’s about being present, learning, and growing together.”

In the journey of parenting, the lessons are continual, and the rewards, though sometimes delayed, are immeasurable.

By striving for emotional control, seeking knowledge, promoting fairness, and celebrating the unique traits of each child, we pave the way for their success and happiness.

Let us embrace smart parenting with an open heart and a willing mind, ever ready to learn and adapt for the well-being of our beloved children.

©Titus vargis

My Fears, My Fight: An Incredible Journey of Overcoming

Navigating through life, we often find ourselves trapped in a web of fears that seem to hold us back from truly growing and achieving our full potential.

These fears, deeply rooted in our past actions and the perceptions of others, can sometimes lead to a vicious cycle of regret, loneliness, and social struggle.

Despite these challenges, it’s the constant effort to move beyond them that truly defines our journey.

In this blog post, I aim to share a personal narrative of my fears and the relentless pursuit of overcoming them, hoping it resonates with those facing similar battles.

📌 I Am Self-Conscious About Other People’s Opinions of Me

Living in a world that often feels judgmental can be daunting.

The fear of being judged by others for my actions, decisions, and even my existence, is a heavyweight to carry.

It’s like walking on eggshells, constantly trying to tailor myself to fit into a mold that society deems acceptable.

The perpetual worry about what others think has, more times than I care to admit, prevented me from voicing my opinions and chasing after my dreams.

📌 I Feel Regretful About Past Mistakes, Particularly Hurting My Family and Friends

We are all, in one way or another, prisoners of our past mistakes.

My heart carries the burden of occasions where my words or actions have inadvertently hurt those I hold dear.

The pang of these memories often replays in my mind, leaving me feeling regretful and yearning for a way to turn back time and make amends for the pain caused.

📌 Despite Apologizing, My Family and Friends Still Avoid Me

Admitting to our mistakes and seeking forgiveness is a step towards healing, yet it doesn’t always result in the outcome we hope for.

Despite my efforts to apologize and mend the broken bridges, the chasm between me and those I’ve hurt remains, their avoidance is a constant reminder of the repercussions of my actions.

This estrangement feeds into my fears of perpetual loneliness and the struggle to rebuild lost relationships.

📌 I Struggle Socially and Feel Inadequate Despite My Efforts to Improve

Regardless of how much effort I put into enhancing my social skills, the feeling of inadequacy looms large.

Social interactions often feel like a battlefield, where I’m unarmed and vulnerable, constantly battling my awkward temperament and the fear of saying or doing something that might alienate others further.

📌 Loneliness Sometimes Creeps in Despite My Busy Schedule

In an attempt to drown out the inner turmoil and the loudness of my fears, I often immerse myself in a deluge of activities.

Yet, loneliness has a cunning way of creeping in, finding me in my busiest moments and reminding me of the void that lacks genuine human connections.

📌 My Awkward Temperament Adds to My Fears and Nervousness in Building Relationships

My naturally awkward temperament serves as both a shield and a prison.

It protects me from potential hurt but also confines me in a bubble of isolation.

The anxiety of not being able to foster meaningful relationships because of it adds another layer of fear to my life, making social interactions even more challenging.

📌 Interacting with Friends and Family Becomes Challenging as a Result

The culmination of my fears and personal struggles manifests most significantly in my interactions with friends and family.

What should be my sanctuary often feels like navigating a minefield, where every step must be calculated to avoid further distancing or disappointment.


Facing one’s fears is a journey filled with challenges and setbacks.

For me, the fears of judgment, regret, loneliness, and inadequacy form a daunting barrier that I tirelessly work to overcome.

Despite the setbacks and the cold shoulders from those I’ve tried to reconcile with, the struggle to improve, to be better, and to find peace within myself continues.

My story is one of many, a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and the relentless pursuit of growth amidst fear.

Remember, it’s not the absence of fear that defines us, but rather how we confront and move forward in spite of it.

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