Have you been belittling yourself?

Find out is it useful to belittling yourself.

It’s normal to question ourselves sometimes.

It’s bad to constantly belittling yourself.

Instead make a resolution that you won’t repeat that action again.

Note down what went well and what went wrong.

You can’t succeed unless you encourage yourself. Find your purpose and be strong.

Being strong is very important. Get to know your weaknesses but never put down yourself.

Fight for your dreams.

The 7 Most Overlooked Blessings in Your Life – #2 Is a Game-Changer!

Uncover the 7 most overlooked blessings in your life and prepare to be amazed! Our expert guide reveals these hidden gems, with #2 guaranteed to be a game-changer. Don’t miss out on the joy and gratitude waiting to transform your perspective!

Your Health is a Gift from God to You. Did You Thank Today?
Our health is something we often take for granted until it’s compromised. Each day we wake up feeling good is a blessing. Remember the last time you had a cold or felt under the weather? It’s in those moments we truly appreciate being healthy.
Take a moment right now to feel your heartbeat, take a deep breath, and wiggle your toes. Isn’t it amazing how our bodies work? Whether you’re religious or not, good health is indeed a precious gift. Why not start each day with a simple “thank you” for your health?
Your Talents
We all have unique abilities that make us special. Maybe you’re great at cooking, have a knack for numbers, or can make people laugh effortlessly. These talents, big or small, add color to our lives and the lives of those around us.
I remember when I first realized I had a talent for writing. It wasn’t anything grand – just a compliment from my high school teacher. But it made me feel special and gave me confidence. What talents do you have that you might be overlooking?
Your Parents
Our parents, whether biological or adoptive, play a crucial role in shaping who we are. They’ve been there from the beginning, guiding us, supporting us, and loving us unconditionally.
Think about all the sacrifices your parents have made for you. The sleepless nights when you were a baby, the worrying when you were sick, the pride they felt at your achievements. Even if your relationship isn’t perfect (whose is?), there’s always something to be thankful for.
Your Siblings
Brothers and sisters can be our first friends, our biggest rivals, and our lifelong companions. They share our childhood memories and understand our family dynamics like no one else can.
I used to fight with my sister all the time when we were kids. Now, she’s one of my best friends and biggest supporters. If you have siblings, take a moment to appreciate the unique bond you share.
Your House
Having a place to call home is a blessing many of us might not think about often enough. Your house is more than just walls and a roof – it’s a sanctuary where you can relax, be yourself, and make memories.
Remember the excitement of moving into your first home or apartment? That feeling of independence and possibility? Even if your current living situation isn’t perfect, there’s likely something about it to be grateful for – maybe it’s the cozy corner where you read, or the kitchen where you cook your favorite meals.
Your Car
If you own a car, you have a level of freedom and convenience that many people around the world don’t have. Your car takes you to work, helps you run errands, and enables you to visit friends and family.
Think about all the road trips you’ve taken, the sing-alongs you’ve had while stuck in traffic, or even just the convenience of not having to walk in the rain. Your car might sometimes be a source of stress (like when it needs repairs), but overall, it’s a valuable asset to be thankful for.
Your Job
In today’s uncertain economic times, having a job is something to be truly grateful for. Your job not only provides financial stability but also gives you a sense of purpose and achievement.
Even if you’re not in your dream job right now, there are likely aspects of it to appreciate. Maybe it’s the friends you’ve made at work, the skills you’re learning, or simply the fact that it allows you to support yourself and your loved ones.
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous
Remember, being thankful isn’t about having everything perfect in your life. It’s about recognizing and appreciating the good things we do have, no matter how small they might seem. Why not take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for? You might be surprised at how it changes your outlook on life!

Why Are Fathers Left Out? Scandalous Truth Exposed!

Stunning Facts About the Vanishing Fathers of Our Times!
Explore the often overlooked yet crucial role fathers play in shaping dynamic and resilient family structures with profound impacts.”

A Society Founded on Equality

In a society that boasts of its commitment to equality and fairness, we often echo the sentiment: “We treat everyone equally.”

This phrase fits well with our ethical beliefs and seems universally correct.

Yet, a deep dive during a chat with a close friend—my own mind—helped me uncover a subtle disparity.

As someone deeply connected to language and its narratives, I found myself pondering over the somewhat diminished acknowledgment of fathers’ roles.

An Inquiry Initiated by Reflection

Thoughtfulness is a constant ally of a writer. In the pursuit of dissecting various narratives and realities, an important question surfaced:

When championing equality, do we truly consider all its dimensions?

Are the roles of mothers and fathers equally perceived?

This inquiry reaches beyond simple theoretical equality and touches upon numerous instances, whether recognized or not, where fathers are the quiet heroes.

Critical Perception of Fathers

The depiction of fathers in common discourse often skews more towards criticism than recognition.

Could their reserved nature, emotional strength, or traditional role as providers cause us to overlook their gentle gestures?

Subtle Contributions:

Fathers quietly contribute in ways that go unnoticed—be it mending a broken toy or managing finances to ensure their family’s welfare.

Challenging Moments:

Visualize a father standing tensely outside a delivery room while his partner is in labor.

His silent concern and subsequent relief are deeply impactful.

Fathers’ Acts of Affection

We often hear stories about fathers who buy ice cream to celebrate their child’s small achievements or who adjust their schedules to attend a school event.

Such acts are frequent yet rarely praised.

Fathers, much like mothers, commit immense emotional and physical energies to their families.

Acknowledging these efforts is vital for cultivating a supportive family atmosphere.

The Underappreciated Contributor

Why is the affection shown by fathers less frequently discussed?

Might it be because societal standards view them as robust, unwavering figures who are presumed not to need commendation?

More Than Financial Providers:

A father’s role extends beyond economic support; it includes hugs, bedtime stories, and morning school runs.

Emotional Support:

Fathers offer emotional nurturing as deeply as mothers do, soothing tears, alleviating fears, and providing wise counsel.

Mutual Dependence in Parental Roles

No single parent can single-handedly shape a child’s future. Parenting is a mutual journey where both mother and father bring their distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Unique Contributions:

Each parent uniquely aids in nurturing well-rounded individuals.

This process is collaborative, not competitive.

Combined Parenting Efforts:

The harmony between a mother’s and a father’s parenting approaches often results in a richer experience for the child, merging discipline with enjoyment and offering varied perspectives on life’s hurdles.

In Praise of the Unseen Navigator

Often the primary navigator of the familial vessel, the father guides his family towards serene waters with his enduring dedication and love.

This critical support, although not always prominent, is essential.

Guiding the Family Vessel:

As a ship needs a strong engine to traverse seas, a family depends on a father’s strength and direction to navigate life.

A Call for Equal Recognition

Overlooking the substantial role of fathers is similar to ignoring half of a profound story.

Openly valuing fathers not only brings them joy and respect but also reinforces family ties, promotes happier children, and fosters a more affectionate, united home environment.

Let us honor both parents equally, recognizing each parent’s indispensable contribution to the family.

Let’s engage in discussions about fathers more frequently, not just on Father’s Day, but every day.

3 Personal Secrets to Overcoming Fear

It can revolutionize your paradigm.

Life often throws us unannounced challenges, thrusting us into the whirls of fear and anxiety.

About a decade ago, I found myself grappling with these very monsters.

The journey I embarked on and the truths I unearthed during this phase helped me escape the shackles I had imagined around me.

Here’s how I responded to the loneliness and stress and eventually found my feet.

My experience my findings

My Answer to the Loneliness and Stress

I had always felt fear nibbling at my edges, subtly yet constantly. I tried several remedies—meditation, seeking therapy, and even medication. Despite these efforts, relief felt like a distant dream. Reading was my escape; the more I read, the more I searched for a key to rid myself of this paralyzing fear.

The Turning Point

It was during an unexpected journey into the wilderness that a profound realization dawned upon me. There, amidst the uncaged wild, surrounded by different species of powerful yet restrained animals, a striking thought hit me: Was I also caged?

This thought was pivotal. I looked at these majestic beings, confined and powerless solely because of their cages. The parallel to my own life was uncanny—I was restrained not by a physical cage, but by the invisible bars I had allowed fear to erect around me.

Three Insights from My Wild Encounter

Reflecting on this experience, I gleaned three main insights which have significantly helped me overcome my fears:

1. You Are What You Choose and That’s Who You Become

The idea that we fabricate our own psychological limitations became glaringly clear. By choosing to believe that I wasn’t confined, I began to reshape my identity. Freedom became a choice, not a condition.

2. Believe That You Are in Control and Behave as If It’s True

The power of belief is immense. By consciously choosing to believe that I was in command of my fears, and not the other way around, my actions began to align with this belief. This shift in mindset was transformative and catalyzed my personal growth.

3. Destiny Is Being Smart: Using Your Mind, Brain, and Heart

Realizing that destiny isn’t a predefined path but a creation of smart choices involving thoughtful decisions, emotional intelligence, and mental resilience, opened new roads to my reformation. It’s about harmonizing the mind’s logic with the heart’s wisdom to craft the life you desire.

Let Me Hear From You

This journey was mine, but the insights are universal. Have you experienced similar moments of epiphany? How have you tackled the fears holding you back? I’d love to hear your stories and strategies.

Love You All

Every step forward in overcoming our fears strengthens not only us but also inspires those around us. Let’s continue to support each other in our journeys towards personal liberation from fear.


Light and dark

Hey preacher,I see your darkness

Light & darkness

Where would
rather be ?

Tell me
are you
a light-killer?

you who
fellow brothers
under no

We have had
already enough!
killed daily
Israel or Gaza
Palestine or
stop this.

Why did
you killed

who preach
where is
Do you
© Titus vargis

Is Your Relationship a Circus? These 5 Tips Will Help You Stay Sane!

Is your relationship driving you crazy? You’re not alone! Explore these 5 remarkable tips to keep your love life balanced and joyful. Don’t let the chaos win!

Relationships can be tricky. They can bring immense joy but also lead to distress when they become overwhelming. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to stay grounded and take care of your mental health. Here are five practical ways you can stay sane in an insane relationship.

Speak Up for Yourself

One of the toughest but most crucial aspects of remaining sane in an overwhelming relationship is learning to speak up for yourself.

Express Your Needs: If something is bothering you, voice it out. Bottled-up feelings often lead to resentment.

Practice Assertiveness:State your thoughts clearly and respectfully. Remember, assertiveness is not aggression; it’s about respecting both your partner’s needs and your own.

Set Boundaries:Knowing and communicating your boundaries is vital. It’s perfectly okay to say ‘no’ when needed.

> “The art of self-care starts with the ability to voice your feelings without fear.”

Bury Not Your True Emotions

Hiding your true emotions to keep the peace can backfire spectacularly. Be transparent and share your genuine feelings.

Avoid Emotional Suppression: Suppressing emotions can lead to anxiety and depression.

Journal Your Thoughts:

Sometimes, writing down what you feel can help you understand and articulate your emotions better.

 Seek Honest Conversations:

 Engage in candid discussions with your partner. Honest communication fosters deeper connections and understanding.

> “Authentic relationships thrive when both partners are honest about their feelings.”

Kill Those Negative Narratives Which Demean Your Feelings

Negative narratives can eat away at your self-esteem and hurt your mental well-being. It’s essential to challenge and destroy these harmful thoughts.

Identify Negative Self-Talk: Be aware of when you start to blame yourself unnecessarily or think the worst about your situation.

Replace Negative Thoughts:

Counter every negative thought with a positive one. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” try “I’m doing my best, and that’s enough.”

Reframe Your Perspective:

 Look at the bigger picture. Sometimes, what seems catastrophic may just be a small bump in the road.

> “Changing the narrative in your head is a powerful step towards maintaining your sanity.”

Share Your Feelings at the Right Time

Timing is key when it comes to sharing your feelings. Making sure the setting is right can make a huge difference.

Pick a Calm Moment:

Avoid bringing up sensitive topics during heated moments. Choose a time when both of you are calm.

Be Mindful of Context:

Consider where you are and what’s going on around you. Ensure your partner is in a receptive state.

Use ‘I’ Statements:

 Instead of saying “You always…,” say “I feel…” This reduces defensiveness and opens the door for constructive conversation.

> “Choosing the right moment to share your feelings can make the conversation more effective and less confrontational.”

Find Someone Outside Your Relationship

Sometimes, having support outside the relationship can work wonders for your mental health.

Lean on Friends and Family:

 Don’t hesitate to share what you are going through with trusted friends or family members. Their outside perspective can provide comfort and guidance.

Seek Professional Help:

 If things get too overwhelming, talking to a therapist can provide you with strategies to cope better.

Join Support Groups:

being a part of a support group where others are going through similar experiences can make you feel less isolated.

> “Having a support system outside your relationship provides a healthy balance and a different perspective.”

Staying sane in an overwhelming relationship requires a blend of self-care, open communication, and external support. By taking these steps, you can reclaim your mental peace and foster a healthier relationship dynamic. 

Lessons of life about narcissism and ways to overcome it.

1. Life is good but not some people. We experience that not all that glitters is gold. We don’t get what we got earlier. Why? because not all are normal humans but with handicapped personalities.

2. Life is fair but not everyone. There are no rules for everyone. Might is bigger than humility or good moral lessons. It’s the biggest lie we keep on teaching. Don’t remain as if God would tear heavens and save you from these pits.

3. Don’t try to keep silent when you are mistreated. Unless you speak who will? Take this unwritten guide. Stand for your rights. Safeguard your freedom as if you are important.

4. Narcissism is a terrific poison. No one speaks and you just wait for mighty men to rescue you. Learn to respect but not at the cost of your respect. No one cares about you.

5. I think a narcissistic person is much more criminal than any murderer. It’s a living hell. It’s much more than cruel behavior but terrorism of emotional nature.Finding ways to protect yourself is not a selfish thing. It’s basic to safeguard your existence.

6.You have to find your own life goals and bring magic to your life. No one else will. There are no saviours but only your responsibility.

Discover the Jaw-Dropping Impact of Words with These 15 Lessons!

Feel the heartfelt power of words with these 15 jaw-dropping lessons. Explore the remarkable ways words shape our world and how you can harness this impact to succeed. Join us on a journey into compelling communication.

Your Words Are Very Powerful

Words have a unique ability to inspire, encourage, and uplift. When used wisely, words can create a positive ripple effect that impacts not only the speaker but everyone who hears them.

Consider This: There is Life and Death in Your Words

Words are not just sounds; they carry weight and power. Choosing your words carefully is akin to choosing your fate and the fate of those around you.

This is a Universal Principle

The power of words transcends cultures, religions, and geographies. Whether you’re conversing in English, Spanish, or Mandarin, the impact of your words remains significant.

Just a Small Spark Can Ignite a Whole Forest

Even the smallest compliment or word of encouragement can create a ripple effect, sparking positive changes that could be far-reaching. On the flip side, a hurtful comment can cause lasting damage.

When You Choose Life-Giving Words, You Will Produce a Harvest of Blessings

Words that promote love and positivity have the power to enrich your life immensely. Positive affirmations and words of kindness can bring abundance and joy into your life.

The Bible Tells Us the Power of Our Words: Life and Death Are in Our Tongues

From a biblical perspective, words have the divine ability to create and destroy. Proverbs 18:21 highlights this by stating that “the tongue has the power of life and death.” This ancient wisdom still rings true today.

Words That Are Life-Giving Bring Abundance in Your Life

Words of hope and encouragement aren’t just fluff; they create a sense of well-being and even contribute to your success. Positive words can uplift spirits, motivate action, and encourage perseverance.

Speak Hopeful Words Over Yourself

It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, but speaking words of hope and encouragement to yourself can create a significant positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Fill Your Mind with Life-Giving Words

Surround yourself with positive influences—books, podcasts, and people that uplift and inspire you. When your mind is filled with life-giving words, you’re more likely to speak and act positively.

Whatever Comes Out of Your Mouth is the Result of Whatever is in Your Heart

Your words are a mirror of your inner state. A heart filled with love, peace, and kindness will naturally produce words that reflect those qualities.

Guard Your Heart and Mind

To ensure that your words have a positive impact, it’s crucial to protect your heart and mind from negative influences. Be mindful of what you let in.

Be Vigilant About What You Allow in Your Mind

Just like you wouldn’t allow junk into your body, avoid letting negative or toxic thoughts into your mind. Protect your mental space from negativity.

Cultivate a Spirit of Gratitude

A grateful heart naturally produces positive words. By focusing on the good in your life, you’re more likely to speak blessings and encouragement into the lives of others.

Speak Blessings Over Your Children

Children absorb the words spoken to them like sponges. By speaking blessings over them, you instill confidence, self-worth, and a positive outlook on life.

Speak Blessings Over Yourself

Self-talk is incredibly powerful. By speaking blessings over yourself, you actually program your mind for success, happiness, and well-being.

Renew Your Mind Daily by Reading the Word of God. Let It Clean Unwanted Thoughts

For those who follow biblical teachings, immersing yourself in scripture can help rid your mind of negative thoughts. This daily practice can guide you toward making better choices in your speech and actions.

Words have power. They can create, they can destroy, but they always leave an impact.

When we understand this, we can begin to harness the power of words to build, uplift, and create positive change in the world around us.

Experts Finally Agree on the True Meaning of Life!

Prepare to be amazed! Experts have finally revealed the true meaning of life, and this profound revelation will leave you questioning everything.

What’s the meaning of life? Is it about having fun and living selfishly? Is it accidental?
Are we just animals acting on instinct? What is our sole purpose? Why were we created?
Have you thought about the purpose of life? What is the point of existence?

Should we amass wealth to isolate ourselves? Why are we here? Why endure suffering?

We were created for the highest purposes. Our existence is not random. We were made by a higher power, one greater than our parents.

We were made to live for each other, extending beyond our families. We were created in the image of God. What does that mean?

We were meant to embody God’s characteristics. God is love, but love is not God.

God is compassionate—are we? God helps and forgives—do we?

We were meant to emerge from our comfort zones.

What are our comfort zones?

* Culture
* Society
* Religion
* Family
* Selfishness
* Differences
* Educational qualifications

My dear friend, we were made to care for one another—not just our children, spouses, or families, nor just our culture or society. Consider Abraham Lincoln, who fought against slavery.

Think about Nelson Mandela, who fought against the oppressors of his own country. They were ordinary men like us but took time to reflect on the purpose of their lives.

They overcame their comfortable existences.

Arise. Awake. Make a commitment. Rise above narrow-mindedness. Think about those who are suffering nearby. What can you do for them?

Just do it!


© TV/May 24

Love love everywhere but where?

The epidemic of our civilization

We live in a culture of romance ,making relationships , quick fix type of.
Love is everywhere. In our shopping malls most of the Billboards show a quick fix kind of message. Buy this, eat that, wear this, not that,that’s outdated, this is the fashion etc.

It’s worthless to maintain fairness,charity, togetherness. It’s not just appreciated. Why?
Do we appreciate any entrepreneur,a college student,below the poverty line person who is fighting against his traditions?
Love is portrayed in every advertisement. Be it gift shops, Jewellery, diamonds clothing,shoes,other items.

Still when we interact do we get it? Is our society biased towards money and power?
Do we love genuinely? Or are we just selfish? Are we a good mother,father,son, daughter? Are we behaving as if we are civilized? Or are we really expressing pure love?

Do unto others, give unto others,forgive more.

Knowledge is different than wisdom. A religion that underscores love is not spiritual indeed.

If money is the ultimate thing then we would cease to become human but machines.

Love is fairness. Love is committed. Love is becoming unselfish. Non interested in physical wealth gathering.
It’s beyond words. Love is a mother. Love is a father.

© TV 24.

Why You’re Never Happy With What You Have – Psychology Unveiled!

Get professional insight into the horrific reality of greener grass. Understand the hidden drawbacks and challenges that come with the seemingly perfect lawns.

Hey my dear,

This is a reminder. I know you are fighting well.
You are a warrior.

Yes,you have reached this far.
Welcome,my dear.
You might have questions,this is the reason for my letter.
It’s about universal sickness called,’what if’.

If you didn’t know let me tell you.
It’s the sickness that has killed many great men and women.

This is about the grass on the other side. What if I had a different parent?
What if I had been more white?
What if my spouse were different?
What if I had a different career?
What if I was more eloquent?..
The grass on the other side looks GREENER. Yes,it happens with everyone.

Believe me. This is the universal sickness that has destroyed very many good families and excellent personalities.
What if is a supposition.
It is never ending. It’s that endless possibilities we think that could have happened to us.

My experience says it’s deception. In fact the supermom of endless drifting.
It’s like today I am here and tomorrow there.
What’s the outcome? You still are going round and round.
You still are not satisfied.

You find better pastures on the other side.
My beloved,to cut short, don’t do that. It’s a slippery place that leads to nowhere.
Many have changed their spouses only to find the other one is much more brilliant,much more beautiful.

Many have shifted their careers only to find that it still doesn’t suit them.
Be strong in your values.
Give up plan B or C or D.
Focus on this and period.
Everyone is struggling 

Every family has its own darkness. Every life has its own sorrows.
Why don’t you just plant your own garden. Why don’t you plant your own flowers?

Stop comparing. It’s an ultimate deception.
Trust me,you will find your magic on the way.
Keep on moving with strong convictions.

God bless.


Are Angels Real? My Mind-Boggling Experience!

Discover the truth about celestial beings in this gripping post that explores a personal witness of an angel. Are they real? Find out here!

We encounter miracles daily and meet people ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary. Occasionally, we come face to face with angels beings who appear just when we think there are no solutions at hand. Do they exist? Indeed, they do, and often they arrive precisely when we need assistance.

How did I realize I was in the presence of an angel? During a particularly challenging time when I had no expectations of receiving help, one individual halted the construction work on our building.

It was unexpected; we hadn’t anticipated any assistance, yet suddenly, there was someone capable of helping.

Recently returned to our city for a brief visit, this person had relocated due to starting a business elsewhere.

Although we were not close friends, we had shared a bond in the past. After discussing our predicament, he promptly contacted friends in the city who could assist us.

Within the same day, all obstacles regarding our new building were resolved, and construction resumed—a tremendous relief.

Reflecting on this experience, I realized that angels are among us, though often unrecognized until after their intervention.

It prompts me to wonder whether I have been an angel to others. This is a question I now pose to you: given the opportunity, would you become someone else’s angel?

Yours friend,tv2024©

What’s more powerful than nuclear power on this planet?

You Won’t Believe What’s More Powerful Than Nuclear Weapons! When you think of power, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Majestic nuclear explosions and their terrifying force?

Indeed, nuclear weapons symbolize immense power, capable of altering the shape of wars and geopolitics.

However, there’s something else that surpasses these man-made giants in terms of real, transformative power.

It’s not hidden in silos or showcased in military parades. It exists in every day interactions, within the words we speak and the respect we share.

Join me as we explore these subtle yet potent forces that trump even the mightiest of arsenals.

Golden Words: The Unsuspected Strength of Timing and Truth

Words can build nations or tear them down. They can start wars or usher in decades of peace. They are, without doubt, powerful.

However, the power of words isn’t simply in what is said; it lies in when and how they are spoken. A well-timed apology can salvage a relationship, just as an untimely truth can sever it.

Think of historical speeches that have stirred nations toward better futures—Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” or Winston Churchill’s rousing wartime speeches.

In our everyday lives, the timely and sincere compliment you give a colleague, or the honest but gentle critique to a friend, holds immeasurable power. It’s about hitting the right note at the perfect moment.

Understanding the Value of Every Human Being

Every person, irrespective of their economic status, education, or background, inherently possesses value. We’re more than figures or statistics. Each of us—a combination of thoughts, emotions, and potential—is unique.

A society that recognizes and respects this inherent worth can transform in ways that transcend material gains.

Recognizing everyone’s contributions, from the cleaning crew to the CEO, strengthens communal bonds and enhances mutual respect.

Imagine a world where everyone truly understands and believes in the value of their fellow human; isn’t that a cornerstone of the most powerful societal structures?

Respect: The Most Authentic Form of Love

Respect is not just politeness. It’s the very expression of love that accepts and appreciates people for who they are. It recognizes their right to exist and voice their opinions freely.

Real respect involves listening—even when you disagree—and addressing each other’s concerns and boundaries.
This mutual respect fosters an environment where individuals feel safe and valued, not because of what they bring to the table, but simply because they are human.

It’s a powerful component of successful relationships at all levels—from personal friendships to international diplomacy.

The Divine Power of Standing Up for a failed person

There’s something almost sacred about the ability to stand up after a fall—be it personal, economic, or social.

Each time someone chooses to try again after a failure, it’s a powerful reaffirmation of human resilience and hope.
Consider a small business owner who, despite numerous setbacks, chooses to open their doors each morning; or someone battling illness, who puts on a brave face each day.

These acts of persistence are powerful not only in their personal spheres but resonate through communities, inspiring collective strength and courage.
Encouraging and supporting each other to stand up, to try just once more, is perhaps one of the strongest things we can do.


Next time you think about power, think beyond the physical and the visible. Real power—the kind that shapes futures and molds societies—is often less tangible.

It’s found in the words we choose, the respect we give, and our resilience in face of odds.

These forces are truly more powerful than any weapon. Let’s choose to wield them well, with wisdom and compassion, to create a world that thrives on mutual understanding and respect. What step will you take today to harness this authentic power?

11 rules for starting the day like a king

You find cherry by going to the cherry.

Hey,my friend. Hope you are doing great.

Here I will be sharing a quick way to begin the new day like a king! These are followed by great men and women who have achieved greatness in different spheres of life.

What ways do great men have achieved their greatness? It’s their perspective on time and discipline. They didn’t complain about the lack of time. Rather they went headstrong with seizing the day!

1. Planning a day before for the day.

2. Doing things first what they love.

3. Leaving all other things for the later part of the day.

4. Having a plan for their life and thereby for each day.

5. They know the power of focus. They just never undertake tens of tasks at a time.

6. They save their energy by staying away from unnecessary tasks or people.

7. They start the day with a power breakfast.

8. They believe they are not ruled by luck or the universe.

9. They divide the whole tasks into little chunks so that they can plan better and achieve greatly.

10. They know what their vision is. They are moved by them.

11. They affirm themselves. They believe in self motivation.

These are but few of the rules great men have achieved greatness in their life. Life is hard and we can’t make excuses.

No one is stopping anyone from achieving great things in life. Why are you waiting?!

Yours well wisher.

What are you selling my darling!

The day you

were born

the day

you will die.

what is

the meaning

of life or


what do you

want from me?

I could count stars,

tell me

what does it

take to win

your love for me?

I don’t need

your life support.

I am what

I don’t need

your exposition,

elaborated details

of what you

see in me.

I need to hear

from you,

what ways can

you love me.?

Have seen

enough of saviours

have tried

all of them.

Tell me what

you want from me.

You said you

love me,what do

you see in me?

What are you looking for

in me?

Darling,what are you


© Titus vargis

Experts Reveal Uncommon Strategies for a Joyful Life!

Finding happiness by choice

Looking for a fresh perspective on happiness? This post explores inventive and unorthodox ways to achieve and sustain true joyfulness.

Happy are those who speak ‘No’ at the right time without hesitation.

Don’t follow a false religion.

Treat a hobby like a devotion.

Read books as much as possible.

Prioritize themselves.

Indulge in their favorite ice cream.

Engage with children.

Overcome shame and guilt.

Take unique paths.

Challenge the rules of a seemingly rational society that often favors the wealthy.

Rest whenever mundane activities become monotonous.

Avoid adhering to any man-made recipe for success.

Abandon all conventional life formulas.

Focus on self-approval rather than seeking validation from others.

Shower their children with unconditional love.

Embrace failure and explore new possibilities.

Cultivate self-love to be able to love others effectively afterwards.

Happy are those who,
Speak ‘No’ at the right time without thinking about it.
don’t follow a fake religion.
Treat a hobby like a prayer.
Read books as much as possible.
Think about themselves first.
Buy the favorite ice cream of their choice.
Play with the children.
Ditch shame and guilt.
Take uncommon pathways.
Break the rules of so called sane society which only help the rich and affluent.
Sleep a lot when others bore you.
don’t follow any man made success mantra.
Ditch all so called formulas for life.
Don’t impress anyone but themselves.
Give their unconditional love to their children.
Give up easily and try different things.
Love themselves so that they can love others later.

Hello my friend,we are together as a rainbow.

Think about this.

Hello my friend!

how are you?

Why should

I stay loud?

I am not


my DNA is


so yours.

The Sun is,and

the stars and


who said

I am quiet?

Stop being


It’s irritating.

can’t you be

more accommodating?


we are together

in the rainbow.

Listen, you are

loud.so loud.

I am not loud.

© Titus vargis

Experts Reveal Why Your Identity Is a Complete Illusion!

Dive deep into the mind-blowing reality that your identity might just be an illusion. Experts share powerful insights on why and how – a must-read journey to the truth.”

Sometimes, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of self-perception and societal expectation, pondering deeply, “Who am I? I really don’t know.”

It’s a question that echoes through the chambers of our minds, particularly during moments of solitude or frustration.

The journey to self-discovery is intricate, often marred by the external pressures to conform and the internal desire to be authentic.

This blog post delves into this complex interplay, exploring why we sometimes lose sight of who we are and how we can navigate back to our true selves.

Should I Believe in Myself or Others? I Am Confused

There comes a time in nearly everyone’s life when the reflection staring back from the mirror seems unfamiliar.

It’s not the physical appearance that feels foreign but the realization that the person you’ve become might be a collage of external expectations rather than your authentic self.

The paradox of belief—heavily influenced by others yet inherently personal—leaves us in a state of confusion.

The Frustration of Constant Agreement

It’s astonishing how subtly it begins. Agreeing with a partner on a trivial matter, or altering behavior slightly to avoid disappointing parents or friends.

Slowly, these concessions accumulate, eclipsing our true nature.

The frustration bubbles beneath the surface when we realize that our actions and decisions are no longer our own but a performance scripted by societal norms.

Conforming to Avoid Offense

Our world is painted in shades of politeness and diplomacy, where offending others is often seen as the cardinal sin.

This societal dictum shapes our behavior meticulously, compelling us to adjust our true selves for fear of rebuke. But at what cost? The price, it turns out, is the essence of who we are.

Society Dictates, But At What Expense?

The societal cookie-cutter approach to individuality is perplexing. From our earliest days, any deviation from the norm is discouraged, children being the prime victims of this conformity crusade.

But why do we prioritize fitting in over being genuine?

Suppressing Our True Selves

The suppression begins innocuously enough, with reprimands for not adhering to expected behaviors, and subtly transitions into a more profound loss of identity.

As we mature, the societal leash tightens, often disguised as well-meaning advice or the path to success.

However, this suppression of individuality bears long-term consequences, eroding the authenticity that makes each of us unique.

The Fault in Our Systems

Our education system, albeit a cornerstone of societal progress, sometimes perpetuates this culture of conformity. Creativity and originality often take a backseat to memorization and regurgitation of accepted norms.

This not only stifles personal growth but also molds individuals into personas that resonate with societal expectations rather than their true selves.

Embracing Authenticity for a Rich Tapestry of Individuality

Recently, an epiphany struck me. In my relentless pursuit of pleasing others, I had lost touch with who I really am. This realization was both liberating and daunting.

It’s time to peel off the layers of imposed identities and rediscover the core of our being.

Respect Diversity, Foster Individuality

Just as we cannot expect a singer to excel in accounting without a passion for numbers, or an athlete to dance without rhythm, we cannot force individuals into preconceived molds.

It is essential to acknowledge and respect the diversity of talents, passions, and personalities that make up the human tapestry.

Promoting a one-size-fits-all mentality does a disservice to the richness of human potential.

Conclusion: The Authentic Self is the Happiest Self

In this journey of self-discovery, let us embrace our quirks, our idiosyncrasies, and our unique perspectives.

Encourage others to shine in their authentic light, unburdened by the weight of conformity.

Remember, the freedom to be ourselves is not just a path to happiness but a celebration of the vibrant diversity that makes humanity so intriguing and wonderful.

Let’s not just ask, “Who am I?” but answer with confidence, “I am uniquely me.” And that’s not just okay; it’s beautiful.

Ready to Quit? This Message Will Give You the Strength to Carry On!

Ever felt like giving up? This message will light a fire within you, revealing exclusive insights on cultivating grit and resilience. Discover the secrets to a stronger, more determined you.

You have come so far. Don’t you think it is true?
You have overcome millions of seas. You outsmarted many.

Life gives you so many lessons,won’t you fight this time?
Millions have gone during the pandemic. You have SURVIVED.
Take time to look back. You are a survivor.

Many look to you as a role model. Would you give up and shatter their hope?
Think about millions of children who are sleeping without bread? Are you not better than them?

You never gave up, earlier. Now life has brought you in a state of suffering. You must fight.
I tell you, you are not defeated unless you give up.

Take a break. It’s a burnout.you need to show compassion to yourself. You need care.

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