Stop blaming everything in 2023 but make a brutal resolution about your life but how?

Life is an adventure but I don’t know how can I save my life?

love and marriage coach
Life is the real gold by Titus Vargis

Relevant information about getting the dream life you wish for:

1. Luck is non existent

2. Belief is the most crucial currency of a blessed life.

3. There are different perspectives about everything in life. Choose the best one.

4. Think about your biases. On which bias are you looking on?

5. We get angry when we are not at peace with our Past.

6. Asking forgiveness makes you divine.

7. It takes fear and love both to get moving in any relationship. Fear has it’s purpose.

8. No one can make you angry without your consent.

9. No one can make you happy without your permission.

©Titus Vargis,

How breakthrough comes in a life of mess? How I almost got killed but survived?

love and marriage coach
My story by Titus Vargis
Life as we face it by Titus vargis

Life is not mathematics. That means it’s not five plus five equal to ten here.

We can’t lay down our plans but it’s life that overrules here on this planet.

We can either fear or face it. There are no other way around.

As human beings,we are not superhuman. We are not Hollywood superstars either.

Life is difficult and more than difficult for the vast majority of us. What can we do about it?

How did the breakthrough happen? My own life is a great example.

I lost my dad at a very young age. I almost had nothing to hold on to. It was almost impossible to carry on.

I decided to give up. I attempted suicide several times. But I couldn’t succeed. God perhaps had other plans.

No human being could stop my depression. My life was a mess. I had no money. My mother had no job. Moreover my younger brother was in school.

Someone introduced a higher way. I was not ready to accept anything. As I had become hopeless I didn’t even want to try anything.

But after much consideration,I thought why not should I take this chance.

My life changed bit by bit. It was as if I was gaining a new perspective of life. I was vulnerable. I had no hope but now I was hopeful.

Misery became a miracle. I started praying. I started my relationship with Jesus. I had no purpose in life.

My suicidal thoughts began to disappear. I found relief. A big relief.My family began to change.My condition improved.

I don’t want to say that you need to try this too but I would say it gets really better when we try. No one can help a hopeless person. No amount of money can remove bad luck.

One needs a divine hand. It’s in fact the only way. I think had I not tried this path I would have definitely ended my life somehow.

Life gives you no relief. Friends can help to some point. No one walks with you forever.

My life got transformed. It was a miracle indeed.

Let’s face it: you can’t carry pain and despair forever. You can’t live in such desperation. You will not survive.

Now I am glad that I took this path. My life still has a lot of weaknesses but I am courageous now. I am glad that I found the answer.

Best wishes.

My own experience by Titus Vargis
My story by Titus Vargis.

what to do when your relationship is at breaking point?

When life throws a lemon,don’t get bitter but act smart for your own sake.

Life cycle by Titus Vargis.

There are times in our life and relationship that wreck us to the core. What we do about it decides where we end up?

My own life experiences has wrecked me many times. I was almost broke to the point of giving up my life.

No one in my life took interest in my life but escalated my pain.

I had to take decision. I was determined not to give up any more.

Life became my teacher. I tried all my resources and friends to find out what must be done to get out of this narrow place.

Here are few crucial steps that we can take when our relationship is at the breaking point.

Let me start,

1. Take full responsibility if you’re at fault

One important thing is to not act like children. You must be authentic. You need to take full responsibility if you know you are at fault.

2. Extend compassion and care to the person you hurt

Be human. Be compassionate. Learn to extend compassion. You get what you give.

3. Give your partner the opportunity to win your trust back

4. Practice radical transparency

Be absolutely transparent. Don’t play games. Be serious enough. You can’t destroy what you built for many years.

5. Consult with a professional

6. Don’t let your world revolve around your partner

7. Learn to compromise

Life is not always mathematics. Life requires compromises. You can’t be a god on earth. You need to accommodate the other.

8. Spend time with friends outside of your relationship.

Don’t put all eggs in one basket.

9. Engage in affectionate physical contact

10. Use skilled communication

Be careful how you communicate. You might be hurting the other person by the way you talk.

11. Speak from your heart

Listen to your heart. Speak from your heart.

12. Actively listen

Practice listening. Relationships require active listening. Unless we listen,we do a one man show.

13. Healthy conflict resolution strategies

You must find conflict resolution strategies. For that you must learn from the experts. You must do it.

14. Get to the root cause

Find out the root causes of your chaos.

15. Follow your gut feelings

Your gut knows what is best for you.

Dear traveler on the journey called life, let me share something.

love and marriage coach

You are not your thoughts tell you.

love and marriage coach
Hey warrior by Titus Vargis.

Dear traveler,

I am glad to meet you and say something to you.

I believe we all have different names to comment on our struggles on this journey. But I think that we all have the same struggles.

We might be poor or rich. We might be less confident or more.

We might be from countries that are called developed or not so.

We might be thinking we are alone. We think we are here but no one knows us.

Yet,we can’t blame anyone. We are still warriors. We need someone like a mirror that says so. This is the thing we lack. We have many doomsayers. We have many who discourage us.

Yet we are conquerors. We are not aware. The main secret is this: we must not quit.

Sooner or later,we win. We get to the destination. We are really not alone. It’s our mind that tells us that we are alone. Like our mind being programmed .

Share with someone what you go through. Find someone. No one is perfect. We are still traveling.

It’s our ego that stops us from association. It’s our prejudices. It’s our culture. You know what? If we overcome these,we will win together.

Why not? Ask yourself. Ask the universe. Ask the roads. Here,we are not losers.

Stand up. Walk again. Move a bit if you can’t run.

Don’t stop. Let’s start again. Together. Give me your hand. Hold me and let’s run.

I believe in you. Our destiny calls us. Thank you.

Yours brother,
A traveler.

What God really really wants?

Giving up is easy but never give up
The monumental question of our existence by Titus Vargis.

The monumental question mankind has been struggling with.

The most crucial question in the World is this: what God wants?

The strength of the question is not in the ‘what’ but in GOD.

Humankind has been asking this question from ages.

The man in his search for meaning and significance realised that no one can give him meaning and significance on this planet but GOD.

The question implies that there is a GOD. Our existence demands our significance.

We as a human being are looking for the reasons behind our existence.

The GOD factor helps us to face the uncertainties of this planet.

Gods and the question by Titus Vargis.

We don’t find our meaning and significance in our money or people. People are not the ones we are looking for our monumental question.

We look to GOD for our monumental question. We know that the one who brought us into this planet is GOD himself.

For centuries mankind has founded religions and practices that try to give his soul the answers.

What God wants? How can we answer this question?

We must go through the oceans of the Holy Books and the story tellers.

We have found that God wants our heart,body,money,soul and so on.

But does this confirm our answers?

Are we sure about this?

If God wants bla bla bla bla bla….then why God is still God sitting somewhere and doing nothing…?

The truth that we search for is this,





once you look onto this truth, you are changed forever. God is not looking for something. God cares nothing about what you give to Him.

It’s the so called religion and priests that demand everything in the name of God. So that they get everything in the name of God.

The Power behind the religion is putting up lots of requirements to the people. Unless you put impossible requirements people won’t come to you for help.

The monumental answer by Titus Vargis.Photo by Adnan Khan on Unsplash

This creates a cycle of exploitation. This way people can be effectively exploited. We see for centuries mankind has been duped.

Even the so called good religions are exploiting in the name of their gods.

Let’s examine these answers. Let’s find the exploitation and demand answers from the so called keepers of gods.

© Titus Vargis

Giving up is Okay and 10 other uncommon perspectives on living your life.

Life is an adventure.

Life is an adventure by Titus Vargis

1. People are everywhere.You need to learn to interact with them.

2. Problems are part of association. As long as we are here on this planet,we will get hurt some way or the other. Accept this.

3. Learn to deal with the weirdness of the masses.

4. Family is the only shelter available here on this Earth. Treat them with utmost importance.

5. No matter what, learn to ask forgiveness from your family. Accept that you made the mistake if you have made it.

6. Loneliness is the most cruel reality of our life on the planet. Learn to embrace it.

7. Develop some habits. It can be anything that you find joy. Immerse yourself into it. It heals your body and soul.

8. You are a soul with a body. Looking after your soul is more important than your body. Learn to feed your soul.

9. Associate with some humans. Find someone who can accompany you. Find your partner.

10.Giving up is okay. Find something new. Keep seeking. No one can tell you what you must do.

11. Life is an adventure. Learn more and more. Unlearn something that you have learnt in the past which serves nothing.

©Titus Vargis


Relationship are awesome


Hey my friend,giving up is easy. But I don’t want you to give up.
Well,here are few Bible verses about not giving up.

  • 2 Chronicles 15:7 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. I Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain

Never give up
I will not give up

  • “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:8-9 (NIV)
  • “Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.” – Psalm 37:24 (NIV)
  • “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
  • “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:29-31 (NIV)
  • “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Giving up is easy but never give up

Not giving up by any means

  • “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:8-9 (NIV)
  • The Lord Holds Us in His Hands

“Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.” – Psalm 37:24 (NIV)

  • There’s a Harvest for Those Who Don’t Give Up

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

  • “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:29-31 (NIV)
  • God Is With You

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

This verse reminds us that ultimately God’s plans for us are good, no matter what emotions they make us feel in the moment.

  • His Grace Is Sufficient

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV)

On 5 reasons why I like my relationship in spite of 100 reasons to quit!

There ain’t no heaven on earth frankly speaking.

On why I choose to not quit by Titus Vargis

Well the title itself says it all. We are all sum total of our imperfections and strengths. No one is from above.
We can do two things,either we can look at good things or imperfections in our lives and relationships.

Both views have an immense impact on the quality of our lives and relationships.

Either we will look to good things and focus only on it. Thereby lead a great life. The other option is looking for imperfections and getting doomed.

We actually have no real choice here on earth. We have to embrace the imperfections no matter what.

Well,the choice is up to you and me.
Let me share my five reasons on why I appreciate my relationship,

01. Life is short to keep on looking for perfect relationships. Really you and I can’t keep on moving from one relationship to another. Each of us have immense imperfections. It’s wise to stick to the one who shares your life values and loves you.

02. Loneliness is the most common sickness that leads to death. I don’t want to live alone and get lost in life. I choose to stay in my relationship.

03. We both have different strengths and we both meet the needs of each other. That’s why I stay in my relationship.

04. My relationship gives me a sense of significance. I stay in my relationship because it gives me a meaning in life.

05. I have seen many relationships getting broken around. I don’t want to lose my opportunities in life. I stay and know that life is an adventure filled with lots of happiness and surprises.

©Titus Vargis, PhD

51 Power words for raising smart kids.

It takes something more to raise a smart child,what are they?

Power words to use by Titus Vargis.

Kids are spontaneous and they find real happiness in the simple pleasures of life.

They get thrilled and enjoy little things like when they see a small bird, jump over dirty puddles, and even when they get to have their favorite ice creams.

They also like us go through the occasional blues,feel sad and be depressed too.

Power words can instill smart skills in kids to face life smartly.

These power words for kids are a great addition to a child’s vocabulary. These vocabulary words for kids really help them learn how to be encouraging, kind and nurturing.

It creates an encouraging and nurturing environment, which is helpful for their well-being and growth.

Here is a list of Power words for kids to help them build a strong and encouraging vocabulary.


Raising a smart child by Titus Vargis.

© Titus Vargis

Are you asking the Right question to others? Alert: This might forever change their destiny.

The power of a more sensible approach towards others even when you don’t want to help others.

The power to impact others by Titus Vargis

Read this story from Titus Vargis,PhD on Medium:

Hey, are you struggling with depression? Let me share how my Suicidal tendencies went Away?

Love and marriage

Life is hard sometimes and you can’t lose your precious life but how?

How my Suicidal tendencies went Away?

It’s not easy. It’s monumental.
It’s not a sickness that you take a pill and it goes away.

My struggle with the darkness by Titus Vargis

Let me come to the point,to say it in short.

First things first,

1. Suicidal thoughts are born out of long term sufferings of stress & harsh realities of life.

2. It’s not possible to get out of it by forcing one’s thoughts alone. No one can get out of it like that. It is ridiculous!

No,it does not work that way. You are Outrightly wrong. It’s not a physical sickness just like cough and cold.

3.Suicidal tendencies are out of one’s control. Understand this. No one wants to live like that.It’s a living hell. One can’t escape by himself.

4. Suicidal thoughts can develop over a period of time while being in total failure, death of a loved one, terrible loss in life or business,terminal sickness & sufferings.

5. The person who is affected by it already has done everything to come out of it but he’s helpless. This is the number one truth. He is really really helpless,and that’s the reason he’s thinking of ending his life.

No one likes to stay depressed by Titus Vargis
My struggle with depression by Titus Vargis.

Now,let me share my experience:

Suicidal thoughts were not in me until my father was alive. But once he had passed away I went into a stage of utter despondency.

I was the eldest son and I had a younger brother. We were still studying in schools. My mother had no job. Financially we were struggling.

During this period,I developed abnormal fears, including fear of people,fear of open spaces.

This created total imbalance in our family. This deeply affected my wellbeing.

As an eldest Son, I had the responsibility to look after my mother and brother.

Here I was in utter darkness & I felt I was not living upto my family’s expectations. I was unable to stay normal and earn a living.

I developed serious depression & went to consult the doctor. Doctor prescribed some medicines for me. I wanted to come out of this mess.

Medication really helped me. Previously I could not sleep at night but now I was sleeping well. My fears subsided to an extent and I attempted to start living my normal life once again.

Financially I had nothing to support my family so that I can feel proud about myself. Feelings of worthlessness increased my depression.I felt I was useless. I found no hope.

I developed a whole range of depressive thinking, different fears, and anger.

I attempted suicide many times. I did not see any point in living. I had tried all ways to get rid of depression. Medicines,Yoga, Positive talk, Exercises.

Nothing brought any lasting solution. Staying positive did not help.Nothing worked.Absolutely.

Medicines did not cure my suicidal tendencies. I was fed up with my life. I did not want to live as a burden to others.

Happiness is costly by Titus Vargis

Deep down my heart I wanted to live and earn lots of money. It didn’t happen. No one saved me.

My mother was a praying woman. She kept on praying for my recovery. She prayed to Jesus. Her prayers brought my answers. My life began to change.

My plans of suicide did not work. I must say I am alive because of Jesus Christ.

It was all because of my Heavenly Father. He just would not let me commit suicide. All my plans to end my life could not succeed.

I must say it took a while for me to become normal. It’s been more than 10 years now. Since then I have never thought about suicide.

My life is no longer the same. I now from my experience can say that no medicines can cure suicidal tendencies. No surface level efforts either.

I believe one must have a paradigm shift. One can’t just get over these dangerous tendencies just by thinking or behaving the right way.

Suicide is deeply related to our Soul. It’s a sickness of the Soul.

Unless and until this soul sickness is dealt with, one just can’t overcome it.

One surely can overcome suicidal tendencies with the help of God. Jesus Christ is the answer. God alone can heal this sickness of the Soul.

When the Soul is healed, a person begins to think about living boldly no matter what.

I believe this experience will help a lot of others who go through suicidal tendencies.

Thank you very much for reading.I am glad you read it.

Best wishes,

© Titus Vargis

Hey,cheer up! Let me show how I overcame the dark times when my father passed away.

Life is not a bed of Roses still lot of it depends on how we manage ourselves.

I really can not explain what the relationship I had with my daddy.
It was a relationship built in heaven.No one can come close to my dad.

My black days and years by Titus Vargis.

I lost him suddenly and it left me a world full of unknowns.
O my how would I move an inch without my earthly God? This was my constant thoughts.

I was afraid.I was willing to suicide even tried to jump into the river.But I think God did not allow it to happen.I was though absolute confident about suicide.
I hated life as a whole.

I came to the TRUE colors of my own.
The plasticity of our society.The wicked heart hiding beneath the sober men and women.

I had to learn to live again.It was hell.It was absolute unnecessary I thought.
So,how anyways I stood on my ground again?

1. My mother stood By me.If there was one solid ground that held me it was my mother.She carried me and came to rescue me.I didn’t see her going away when I needed her the most.

My mother was my Angel by Titus vargis.

2. My supreme help came from my heavenly Father. My God in whom I found refuge.To say the least,it was God who literally stood behind me.It was God who gave me boldness.When all else left me it was the presence of God that stood closer to me.This changed my life.

My Heavenly Father my Saviour by Titus Vargis.

3. My hobbies such as listening music and reading kept me away from serious depression. It was music that changed my mood altogether. Then books.
I survived because of reading the biographies of great men.I purposely read great men and their life stories.I knew if they can succeed I too can.

My hobbies were working by Titus Vargis.

4. My brother stood By me all through my dark times.He was there with me.He never left me.I didn’t feel I am lonely. I was supported By him.He financed me when I had no job.No money in my pocket.I truly thank God for him.

My brother my angel by Titus Vargis.

5. My mentors motivated me.I infact got my mentors through books.They were inspirational and a source of power to me.I felt I too can overcome any difficulties. This transformed my life.This gave me hope.This made me an overcomer.
I have survived all because of these.I could not live well when my dad passed away.
I felt it was impossible to live again.Yet I overcame those difficulties.

My mentors were great by Titus Vargis.

You too can overcome your mountains.

Keep trying. Never give up.Find some mentors.Find your own survival tactics.

Life is precious.Life is beautiful.

© Dr.Titus Vargis

10 things that kill your kid’s positivity and what can you do about it now?

Better parenting by Titus vargis.

Kids are no less than divine. You can kill their positivity unknowingly.

Kids are very fragile and we should know how to handle them.

What kids go through in their life affect their future very much.

Most of the times parents are not careful about how they deal with their kids.

What parents do with their kids have immense impact on their kids. 

Better parenting by Titus Vargis.

Let’s examine what are those things which kill kid’s positivity: 

     01. Constant criticism is the number one poison which kills positivity. Parents who constantly criticise over small things can destroy kid’s self esteem.

    02. Making kids a slave and making them do things forcefully. Kids are slaves when they are required to follow instructions over every things they need to do.This can seriously harm them in their long run.They lose all sense of self worth. 

    03. Abusing kids in behaviour or words.Kids are not stones.They are human beings too.What we as adult feel they feel too. When we abuse them they start abusing themselves. 

    04. Loving kids based on their performance. Kids are often praised or punished as their performance. Kids are not machines.what you think is not possible for them all the times.

    05. Cruel words by parents or family can seriously hamper their positive growth.parents who discipline using harsh and cruel words can discourage their kids.They even can give up and become suicidal. 

    Be an awesome parents by Titus Vargis.

    06. Stop Over pampering. Kids need to be learning uneasy things too.Giving them too much of pampering can make them less confident. 

    07. Violence in any form can literally kill the positivity of your kids.When kids face violence in their homes they can start rebelling. 

    08. Giving them what they ask quickly can hamper their perceptions about reality of life.Kids need to learn that not all things can be obtained as they want.This is life and parents need to teach them.

    09. Taking decisions on behalf of kids can have a negative impact. Let kids take the responsibility and make their own decisions. Ofcourse you can guide them.

    10. Not listening to kids can have a negative impact. They might feel worthless and think that their opinions and matters dont value much.

    Better parenting by Titus vargis.


    Now let’s see what parents can do to stop being negative to their kids: 

    A. Be careful how you deal with them.They need respect too just as much you do.

    B. Never use harsh words.

    C. Always praise for their small achievements.

    D. Love them more and criticise them less.

    E. Show your full support when they need it from you.Even when they are weak or failing.

    F. Let children know you are on their side.

    G. Stop correcting their behaviour all the time.

    They need freedom and space just as you do.

    Lets see that our kids remain strong as they grow with us.We need to  healthy and confident kids.That must be  the ultimate goal of any parents.

    ©Dr.Titus Verghese,


    What if tomorrow Russia might wipe out Ukraine?

    Sing your song
    What if Russia
    Wipe our Ukraine
    While we sing
    Our favorite list.
    Sing your song
    Save those kids
    Apart from yours
    They might kill
    for a piece of bread!
    Sing your song
    shoe is yours
    legs are mine
    It’s hurting.
    Sing your song
    While we watch
    our daily soap
    and favorite
    football team,
    Russia might
    destroy whole
    bunch of innocent
    Stop your songs
    look the devastation
    Arise for the kids
    apart from your’s
    Lest they take
    the guns and
    get license to
    ©Titus Vargis

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